I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 328 Grootgang

The unfinished hell is full of cannon fodder, and there is no way to stop them. It seems that we have to use that! Aphelios calculated the time, and felt that it should be less than three minutes. Less than 10 minutes.

The earth shapes your body, the wind turns into your breath, and the magic power surges in your body. Break through all difficulties and defeat the enemies in front of you. Wake up! Groot!

Accompanied by a curse that was too shameful for Aphelios' age of nearly a thousand years, a clay puppet hovered from the ground.

Although the spell of Aphelios sounds secondary, it is quite exquisite. It not only completes the spell of shaping the puppet, but also grants magic reinforcement. It is not just talking about breaking all difficulties and enemies. Groot just really are endowed with legendary combat power.

This is not a rotten earth elemental puppet or a clay figurine with a rough appearance. The core is constructed from the soul of Aphelios. It is not a problem to be regarded as his clone to some extent. He can act in the state of a transformed soul, and only when he encounters a strong enemy will he form a physical body.

Grootgang, be fearless! As the puppet called out said this line in a robot-like tone, the two high-level demons had already broken through the cannon fodder's defense line and blocked Aphelios. A fierce battle started with Groot in front of the Archmage.

In terms of pure strength, Groot can match the berserk high-level demons. Although he does not have too advanced skills in combat, he can continuously absorb clods from the ground and absorb magic power from the air, whether it is cutting off arms or blowing up The head can be easily regenerated, and it is a veritable nagging jelly candy that cannot be broken or torn off.

At this time, a wave of evil spirits and undead came out again from the picture scroll of hell, and they were surrounded before they came out and were not cleaned up. In addition, Groot just stood in front and Aphelios kept releasing low-level spells to harass them. The two high-level demons couldn't escape at all.

The archmage was still casting spells, the surrounding air was distorted slightly, and the ground began to tremble, time was running out!

The goal of this magic circle is the canyon. Don't let him succeed! Don't play with this puppet endlessly, hurry up and stop that stinky elf behind!

The high-level demon A recognized the magic that the archmage was releasing. If an earthquake was triggered, the altar would be destroyed, not to mention the canyon collapse. Whether it was the orcs who were used as consumables for the war or the slaves who were construction workers, countless deaths and injuries would occur.

Breath of withering! The high-level demon B was not polite, took a sharp breath, and then opened his mouth to protrude a black breath of extinction, even the dead undead and painless ghosts were stained with black. The breath is completely corroded.

It's not good! The roar of the fire dragon! Aphelios is not good at killing magic, and compared to the archmage, it is easy to pinch high-level magic with legendary spells, and its power is at least twice that of Alan!

However, even the fire dragon with a high temperature of thousands of degrees was infected and swallowed by the black extinction breath, which was completely beyond Aphelios' expectations!

Give it to Groot! The puppet summoned by Aphelios has a high level of intelligence, and can even cast simple elemental magic that fits its current form. It's outrageous.

Grootgang, defend!

A thick stone wall suddenly rose from the ground, firmly blocking the front to protect the Archmage and Aphelios.

Grootgang, need help!

A large number of mud swamps appeared on the surrounding ground, and one after another clay figurines emerged from the mud and rushed towards the black aura like moths flying towards a flame.

The strength of these clay figurines without any special abilities is also very ordinary, but they just use their bodies to consume and absorb the black breath, coupled with the barrier of the stone wall, this powerful and strange attack was actually resolved.

Thanks to Groot, the attack of the high-level demon B was blocked, but before Aphelios could heave a sigh of relief, the high-level demon A launched an attack. The target was not Aphelios, but the archmage!

High-level demons are not fools. Of course, they know that the most important thing is not to kill the enemy but to destroy the legendary magic that is being released. This high-level demon is actually a troublesome character who can teleport. He has already crossed the stone wall and teleported to the inside. The short hammer struck Iltiran on the head.

At this moment, if the archmage dodges, he will be forced to interrupt the spell, and will be seriously injured by the backlash of magic power. If he does not dodge, he will be headshot. He is not a meat shield race like dwarves orcs. If he is unprepared, he will die with a hammer.

What to do, the archmage hesitated for a very short moment. If he didn't dodge the attack, Aphelios would die if he failed to rescue him in time. If he dodged the attack, this extra action would be a complete failure .

And even if you dodge the injury, the risk is not low if you face the pursuit of two high-level demons and even the siege of orcs. He is the one who proposes additional actions. Taking risks in vain, he can't accept it!

At this moment, the archmage chose to believe in Aphelios, his choice was not wrong, and Aphelios also successfully protected the archmage.

The ring on Aphelios' right hand was shattered, and a white ray of light hit the high-level demon A. It was the Powerful Demon Hold Technique that had been cast before.

In actual combat, this magic has proved its practical effect, even high-level demons can be controlled, and then Aphelios sent another magical whirlwind to tear the high-level demon A into the distance.

This magic is somewhat similar to the magic released by the hyena monster that Harold met back then, but its power is several times higher.

The overwhelming wind blades accurately avoided the archmage and flew towards the high-level demon A. Even with a high level of magic resistance and excellent armor and physical defense, the high-level demon A still splashed blood and was blown away.

However, the high-level demon B smashed into the stone wall during this time, stabbed a claw into the chest of Groot, who hadn't detected the enemy's movement in time, and crushed a crystal core.

Groot, dormant! The clay puppet slowly disintegrated and returned to the soil. Although the soul avatar as the core was not damaged, without the crystal that controlled the magic power, the soul alone could not gather the soil.

Aphelios didn't have time to recite the incantation, and the powerful demon hold technique shot with the ring on his left hand was too obvious and was easily dodged.

Then Aphelios was slapped flying by a paw, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping. Blood spurted out from the wound. With just one blow, half of Aphelios' body was almost torn apart, but Aphelios Si Fei's counterattack spiritual shock before flying out also caused the high-level demon B to bleed from his seven orifices and almost fainted.

Don't underestimate us, elves! The high-level demon B still resisted the mental shock, and stood firm with shaking his head. The slight swelling and deformation is far from affecting the battle.

And Aphelios has consumed more than half of his magic power, and the rings that had stored two powerful demon hold spells in advance have also been consumed. The hole card Groot has just been found to be weak, and it can be said that he has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

Groot was originally able to move the magic crystal around and was extremely difficult to destroy, but he had to fix the position of the magic crystal when casting spells. This high-level demon was too keen, and he captured this good moment so accurately!

But at this time, Aphelios, instead of being flustered and uneasy, smiled confidently, Look at what's under your feet, idiot!

The high-level demon B lowered his head reflexively, and suddenly found that his feet had been swallowed by the black hole that appeared on the ground at some time. The strange thing was that he had lost the feeling of his feet, but now he realized that he had just jumped over and stood on the ground. You should have noticed it in an instant!

My title is the hidden sage, but I am not an expert in eliminating my own sense of existence, but disrupting the enemy's thinking and senses, thereby hiding things that I don't want to be discovered!

Aphelios said to himself, the high-level demon B wanted to struggle, but found that he was firmly sucked in place, like falling into a swamp, the more he struggled, the more he sank.

It's almost ten minutes, the next wave of the enemy's offensive has not yet arrived, the task is completed! Next, let's enjoy the wreck of legendary magic while healing the wounds. Il Tilan's spells are only aesthetically pleasing when they cause large-scale destruction. !

However, Aphelios, with a relaxed tone, was completely dumbfounded as soon as he focused his attention on the archmage. He still focused on injecting magic power, chanting non-stop, and felt the gathering of magic power and the trembling of the earth veins. Obviously not even half done!

Bastard, I just said that 10 minutes of legendary magic is enough, even drawing the magic circle in advance is too short, so you are cheating me!

Aphelios ignored his anger, simply dealt with the wound, and quickly started to prepare for the second wave of enemy attacks!

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