I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 324: Criteria for Accepting Apprentices

It's not over, there's... this!... this!... this! How is it, are you comfortable? Xiang Yanghua beat Harold several times in a row, Harold didn't have the strength to resist even if he didn't want to turn into a giant Form, he can only be hanged and beaten unilaterally!

It looks so painful. Are you alright? Harold lay down on the ground after being beaten, and the little girl couldn't help but ask with concern.

It's okay, it's comfortable! I just like this feeling! You see, we often fight like this, so don't be surprised! Harold thought to himself that he would at least cover it up anyway, and settle accounts with Sunflower later. The shit elves took the opportunity to retaliate!

The extremely shocking and distorted concept shocked the little girl, but since this guy is not an enemy, but a friend of Sister Xiangyanghua, there is nothing to be hostile about.

Retire, don't hinder me from playing with my friends! My name is Tia Hydera, brother, what's your name? You are also from land? What race are you?

Tia began to ask questions like a curious baby, and Harold gave himself a healing spell before answering each other's questions sentence by sentence.

My name is Harold, and I am a human being, a great race protected by the Sun God!

Harold was a little concerned about the other party's name. If he heard correctly, the little girl's last name was Hydera? He looked at Sunflower with questioning eyes, could it be the legendary sea monster [Hydra] that was comparable to a giant dragon?

Sunflower was very aware of Harold's doubts, nodded affirmatively, and added a message from the heart: This surname does not come from their family taming or hunting Hydra, all members of their family are from the Hydra family. of!

Harold wiped the sweat off his forehead calmly. He was another monster not to be trifled with. Hydra is a legendary creature no less than a dragon.

Especially the ultimate Hydra with nine heads, which is a doomsday-like disaster in the legend, but how terrifying it is is not recorded in the book. This is the information he collected from the dwarves.

In the history of mankind, to be precise, there is no information about this kind of creature recorded in the history starting from the Chiat Empire. After all, hydra generally appear in the sea, and there are almost no traces of them in the lakes and rivers in the interior.

I know the Sun God. He is greater than the Sea God. He is located in a sky wider than the sea. He controls the fate of all living beings!

Tia is like a kindergarten student trying to compete for the little red flower. She is very active in explaining what she knows. Harold is proud of it. Have you seen that the god I believe in is higher than the sea god!

But I've never heard of the human race. Big brother, you don't look very strong. Why does the sun god favor such a weak race like you?

Harold was so choked that he couldn't speak. He was indeed abused face-to-face by Sunflower. Humans are not a powerful race, but such a little girl has no malice, and the lethality of purely curious questions is astonishing!

Because Sunflower, you continue to play with her! Make sure you have a good relationship! Harold was a little depressed, and when he saw Sunflower, he became very angry, so he held his breath and walked away without saying a word.

Remember to return the thing that lied to her, be careful that monster priest kills you, I won't intercede for you!

Harold warned viciously, and then sat down and chatted with the two maids who were covered in cold sweat. Harold kept asking about the little girl Tia's information.

King Selton is really unreliable, it's better to have a backer with Duoba!

Tia is the chief saint of the Sea God Temple, her status is second only to the high priest and the four chief priests, and she is also the princess of one of the largest kingdoms of the Sea Clan—the Kingdom of Hydera. Not surprisingly, the next generation of high priestess of the Sea God is her. Already!

This background is really not small. No wonder the Sea God Temple can command the entire Sea Clan. I am afraid that the largest kingdoms have power in the Sea God Temple. Judging from Kanger's speculated race, there must be an incredible kingdom behind her!

Harold also inadvertently tried a few maids and asked questions about the high priest, but they were all avoided by the other party vigilantly, and they didn't even ask how long the high priest had lived.

Master, my sister will be my master from now on! Harold couldn't help turning his head to look at Tia's cheering voice.

Okay, master is very poor, you remember to always respect master, and master is very fragile, you have to love master more, take care of master, I promise to teach you all my moves!

Sunflower was instilled with all kinds of weird ideas like brainwashing, and Harold was dumbfounded. Are you looking for an apprentice or a husband?

No problem, no problem, Master, please teach me how to conjure flowers from my hands! Tia is also from the local tyrants, who is not short of money at all, and doesn't care about Xiangyanghua's sugar daddy's behavior at all.

Harold couldn't help but think of Bias. Could it be that Bias was caught in the same way? It turns out that this forced apprenticeship is not to see who has talent, but to see who can be an old mother and take care of her!

Suddenly, a strong sense of oppression approached, Harold suddenly stood up and turned around, Kanger was walking over carrying a big bag, the huge package felt like it would crush Kanger's thin body Same.

Tia, it happens that you are here too, come on, let's taste the treasures I have collected for many years! Kangel is in a good mood, he can not only solve the predicament of Poseidon, but also deal with his own troubles, it's all thanks to him Lucky Lot!

The two maids wagged their tails winkingly to help unpack the package. Harold also checked curiously, what kind of precious food could it be?

The eyeballs of the legendary giant squid, the heart of the Inverse Tooth Shark, the complete golden fish, and the most important, extinct animal, the flesh and blood essence of Leviathan!

They are all extremely precious ingredients. Careful processing will destroy their nutrition. Come on, simply grill them and eat them!

As if he had negotiated with a big client, the boss excitedly led his staff to dinner, Kanger urged Harold and Tia to take a seat quickly, Sunflower was of course frightened by her stare, she couldn't be happier As for the generosity, even the sunflowers are welcome.

Master, sit down too. It's rare for the High Priest to share food with other people. She is the most famous gourmet in the entire underwater world!

Sunflower, who had a soft meal, touched Tia's head in relief, and sat down proudly under the somewhat repulsive eyes of Harold and Kangel. Fortunately, she didn't panic enough to attack the flesh and blood of the beast.

Not only her, Tia also wisely avoided the flesh and blood essence of the beast that only had a few mouthfuls. Although she was a spoiled princess, she unexpectedly knew how to handle it properly.

Although the ingredients of other legendary creatures are equally valuable, they are nothing to the huge Sea God Temple. Only this piece of flesh and blood essence is the real highlight, and it should be regarded as an extra reward for Harold's cooperation.

'The power is surging, and the attributes are growing! Even though it has dissipated for thousands of years, there is still such a strong vitality stored, the realm of the beast is really unimaginable! '

Harold felt dry and hot all over. This feeling surpassed that of drinking the sacred wine rewarded by the system before. It is definitely a treasure to be able to improve attributes so easily. It is a pity that Kangle only gave him two yuan, and he could eat them all. Maybe it is possible for the physical body to break through the legendary realm, even if the possibility is less than one percent.

'Wait, with such a generous gift, how much resources has this guy embezzled and misappropriated from the Sea God Temple? How much reward can I have left after filling this hole? '

Take the basic resources as you like, and take at most half of the rare resources is the original saying, shouldn't it, can it be said? This bastard emptied half of the inventory of the Sea God Temple!

In this way, Harold ended the most valuable meal in satisfaction and worry.

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