I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 319 Heading to the Deep Sea

The agreement was reached, and the reward was very generous, much more than Harold's most optimistic estimate. The High Priest of the Sea God wrestled Seldon to go to the seaside, and asked Harold to set off for the deep sea after a while.

After the High Priest of Sea God walked away, Sunflower stood up from behind the chair like a frightened rabbit, and said with lingering fear: What a scary little one, I feel like I was almost eaten just now! That thing must be from ancient times Legacy, I don't know what her body is!

King Selton will be fine, right? He didn't even dare to resist. That high priest is really unusual, Harold, don't make him angry!

Cleon worries about his father-in-law and Harold, who is about to leave.

You said that a big man like her came here in person to ensure that a deal can be reached even if necessary? She should be able to handle us all by herself, right?

Remove 'should', the queen is hard to say, Sauron's strength is definitely not as good as her! Sunflower corrected Harold's guess.

Harold also broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't pretend to be aggressive and didn't use any red face, white face skills. Come here as soon as you come. Why pretend to be harmless to humans and animals on purpose?

Xiangyanghua, you go with me, I will give you an artifact, Kryon, you stay here just in case!

Harold made this decision after much deliberation. The Sea God Temple had clearly offered a reward that was impossible to refuse, so why did they still have to dispatch the highest combat power to prepare for the threat of force?

That is, they think that they may still choose not to help in the face of extremely generous rewards, so there is only one reason why Harold makes this choice: it is extremely dangerous to rescue Seagod!

Speaking of which, Harold realized one thing. The orc aggression had nothing to do with the Sea Clan, but what about the demons? The enemies from the abyss want to destroy the whole world. Even if they didn't come to attack the ocean, it's impossible for the Sea Clan to stand by and watch, right?

With such a strong strength and such a high cohesion, it is not difficult to form a Sea Clan army that is large enough to face the orcs and demons head-on, and has a high probability of winning. Halving, shouldn't be so conservative!

There is only one possibility for the reason why the Hai Clan did not move, and that is that there is a more serious threat!

I'm afraid the problem lies with Sea God. Sunflower is quite valuable as a bodyguard and human lie detector, but Kryon must stay and can't take risks with him!

Sunflower hesitated for a moment and agreed, artifacts are precious and priceless to anyone, and top forces like dwarves and elves only have single-digit collections, so it is worth taking a certain risk, even if it is not this money fan, it is replaced by other legendary powerhouses. Those who are also eighty percent will agree.

Kryon was agitated and dissatisfied with Harold's decision to let him stay, but he compromised after analyzing the interests of Harold. The most important thing is:

Even if you follow along, it won't be of much help. Have you seen the strength of the Sea Clan? They can't solve the troubles. Your biggest contribution is to stay and look after the camp!

To be honest, this sentence is quite heartbreaking, but in order to prevent Kryon from taking risks, Harold can only say it more seriously. With the remnants of the Lucanir Kingdom still alive and dead, these human civilians led by Harold are likely to be the entire The last humans on the continent.

Harold didn't have the heroic idea of ​​creating a single race. No matter what, he couldn't let this camp have an accident. Rand was good at managing it, and it was okay to lead troops, but his personal strength was too low, and he couldn't do anything in case of an accident.

After saying goodbye to Bias, Harold settled down to work in the territory for a while, then took the sun scepter and went to the beach. He said he was settling for work, but in fact he told Alan some of his thoughts.

When will the camp be recognized by the system? The system's virtual building is not insignificant, even surpassing the property panel and equipment bar that are getting weaker and weaker.

Harold suggested that Alan record each village territory as soon as possible, and prepare to formally establish the kingdom and divide the territory as soon as he returns, so that there is a high probability that the territory will be recognized by the system as a jurisdiction.

Listen well, I will absolutely never fight with the people of the Sea Clan. If they have any excessive demands, you can just agree to them. I can only help as much as possible with other threats. Don't expect me to be of great use!

Sunny Flower was greedy for her baby and pitied her life. Harold gave her a contemptuous look, Don't worry, I know who you are, even if you make me believe in you, I can't do it!

Xiang Yanghua was quite annoyed when she heard this, but at this moment, she saw that the High Priest of the Sea God was already waiting in front of her, so she suppressed her dissatisfaction and said in a low voice, Sometimes you beg me!

Are you riding Abu with Selton, or are you going to ride the god's favorite of the temple with me after reaching the far sea?

Harold quickly replied that he wanted to be with King Selton. The High Priest of the Sea God was too powerful and full of mystery. Of course, Selton, who was about to become an ally, was reliable.

I will give you the protection of the sea god, so you don't have to worry about the water pressure in the deep sea. Selton, you should be able to entertain distinguished guests well, right?

The High Priest of the Sea God had a gentle tone towards Harold and Sunflower in the first half of the sentence, but the tone in the second half was full of roughness, and Selton nodded wildly like a child.

After the grouping was decided, everyone started to set off. Both Harold and Sunflower knew a little about whales, so they weren't too surprised, but they didn't see the beloved creature that the High Priest of the Sea God was talking about.

Kangle explained to them: The thing I keep is bigger, it can't be too close to the land!

After riding the big whale Abu for more than ten nautical miles, Goya's pet appeared in sight. Both Harold and Sunflower were eye-opening. It turns out that creatures can grow to such a large size!

A giant tortoise that can be called a moving island is several kilometers long, and its huge tortoise shell is like a hill. The huge size of the whale Abu is not even comparable to the head of the giant tortoise.

Harold muttered to himself: How much does such a big guy have to eat?

High Priest Kangor’s ears were not so sensitive, and he took the initiative to answer: “If his daily rations are converted to your human standards, it will probably be enough for your entire territory for several months! But he will hunt by himself, and there are many people on the bottom of the sea. Fewer ferocious creatures need to be hunted, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone!

No matter how ferocious it can compete with this giant tortoise? The most decisive advantage of creatures in the natural world in terms of combat effectiveness is their weight. How many tons does this thing have?

Can I, can I go to that palace together? Xiang Yanghua asked anxiously. The deep sea must be dark, cold and dead. You can enter the castle-like palace on the back of the giant turtle, sit on a chair, Lying in bed or even enjoying food, even if you want to be with the high priest, it's nothing!

The high priest ignored Sunflower, just looked at Harold with a smile, while Selton looked around silently, as if there was some beautiful scenery in this place.

Harold is still hesitating, which is more important, physical comfort or psychological comfort? Xiang Yanghua made a move. She didn't dare to act like a baby to the high priest, but she was quite shameless when facing Harold.

Let's go, it's rare to enter such a novel place, and you don't want to accumulate fatigue before doing important tasks, do you? It's rare that the High Priest of the Sea God is kind, let's go!

Xiangyanghua winked, pushed and pulled, and finally Harold accepted the high priest's invitation. Brother Selton, I'm sorry!

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