I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 1 The worst time travel, the worst original owner

Wang Wu crossed over.

Wang Wu is an ordinary college student who inexplicably time-traveled while playing games at home one day.

Wang Wu just yawned, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he came to another world from his bedroom.

Wang Wu stood blankly, and came to a strange place from his own bedroom in an instant, which made him a little at a loss.

Surrounded by a group of ragged men holding dilapidated weapons, there is a tall and solid wall in the distance, and the wall is full of spectators. Yelling and screaming.

All these scenes are too surreal for Wang Wu to understand.

Wang Wu blinked, and was about to scratch his head habitually, but noticed that he was also holding a tattered shield and a half-broken one-handed sword in his hand. When he looked more carefully, he found that his body was not in good condition at this time. It was that familiar body again.

Wang Wu couldn't react in his head, and muttered to himself.

Hey, what's going on here?

Before Wang Wu could think about what happened, and before he could figure out the surrounding environment, he heard the deafening roar of a drum suddenly coming from beside him.

This sound is extremely shocking and horrifying, several times more terrifying than the roar of fierce beasts such as tigers and lions.

Wang Wu felt his heart stop beating for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, before he turned his head, he felt a huge force coming.


Wang Wu's eyes went dark, and he felt a sharp pain behind him, and he took off into the air with his ears humming constantly.

Oh ah ah ah ah ah!

Enduring the most painful blow since birth, Wang Wu screamed in pain, feeling his body fly a long way in the air before falling to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Wang Wu rolled several times before stopping. His face became distorted due to the pain, and blood oozes from his mouth, ears, nose, and eyes.

What's wrong, what happened?

Did I get hit by a car?

I can't open my eyes, why is my body not listening!

Wang Wu fell to the ground and struggled in a panic to get up but couldn't move.

Wang Wu, who fell on the spot and couldn't move, finally opened his eyes, but unfortunately his vision was too blurry to see anything clearly.

Call an ambulance, I was in a car accident!

Where is this place? Am I not playing games at home?

I'll be fine, I'll be fine!

Wang Wu couldn't move his body, and couldn't see clearly, so he could only distract his attention and relieve the pain by thinking wildly.

As time went by, the signs of life disappeared bit by bit from Wang Wu's body.

At first, Wang Wu could still feel the severe pain coming from his body, and he could hear the shouts around him. Gradually, Wang Wu felt no more pain in his body, no, he should have completely lost consciousness.

The voice coming from my ears became smaller and smaller, and my consciousness gradually became blurred, and various scenes of my life began to flash before my eyes like a revolving lantern.

I don't want to die!

do not die!

Are you kidding me, how could I just die like this!

Came to a strange place inexplicably, died inexplicably, Wang Wu roared in his heart unacceptably.

I haven't got a girlfriend yet

Are you kidding me?

I haven't been filial to my parents

I don't want to die!.

Wang Wu kept shouting in his heart, he is not reconciled!

The inner cry had no effect, the revolving lantern came to an end, the field of vision finally became pitch black, and no sound could be heard.

Nothing can be done but thinking, nothing exists but thinking, and even thinking is gradually slowing down.

Is this death? It's so quiet. Is there really reincarnation? Does heaven and hell exist?

In the absolute silence, Wang Wu finally understood that he was going to die soon, no, he should have died, but his consciousness could exist for a while longer!

It's fine even if you go to hell, even if you're reincarnated as an ant, don't let your soul dissipate completely! I don't want to disappear!

Wang Wu believed in atheism, and had no religious beliefs at all, but at this moment, he still hoped that the six realms of reincarnation, heaven and hell really existed in this world.

Completely disappearing from this world turned out to be such a terrifying thing, Wang Wu became more and more aware of the fear of death.

Gradually, Wang Wu felt that thinking became more and more strenuous, just when Wang Wu's thinking was about to stop completely.


A cry was heard dimly.



Then came a few more sounds.

I don't understand, what are you talking about?

He didn't know where the voice came from, and he didn't know who was yelling something he couldn't understand, but he could feel the strong unwillingness in this person's words.

Who is he, why is he shouting so heart-piercingly? Forget it, it doesn't matter!

At this time, Wang Wu felt that even thinking was extremely difficult, and he had accepted his fate of death, and began to pray for the possibility of reincarnation.


Incomprehensible cries kept echoing in his mind, making Wang Wu's mind unable to calm down.


Unfamiliar voices kept shouting.


I've said it all, but I don't understand. Can't you be quiet when everyone else is dying? It's so noisy!

Finally, Wang Wu couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to quiet the voice.

Ding, the system is activated!

In an instant, Wang Wu's thinking became active again, his brain began to function again, and at the same time, Wang Wu's vision brightened again.


The northern defense line of the Chiat Kingdom was breached by orcs, and a large number of territories were occupied. The displaced refugees could only leave their homes and start fleeing.

On the way from the Kingdom of Chiat to the border of the Kingdom of Lucanir.

A strong middle-aged man was walking in the wilderness with a thin child on his back, followed by a boy who was probably less than ten years old.

The clothes on the three of them were torn, and there was still a lot of blood on the strong man.

The child lying on top of the strong man had his eyes closed, his breathing was rapid, and his cheeks were flushed, as if he was sick.

The older child seemed to be too tired and fell down on the flat ground.

Dad, I'm so tired, woo woo, I... I really can't walk anymore!

The boy lay on the ground, crying and complaining, he was too tired to bear it.

The strong man turned around with a sad expression on his face. He was exhausted, let alone a child, but the youngest son's condition could not be delayed, and they could not stop to rest.

The strong man knelt down and comforted him softly: Harlot, hold on a little longer, we will soon reach the Kingdom of Lucanir, and we don't have to go any further when we get there, hold on!

The strong man supported the younger son behind him with one hand, and stroked the elder son's head with the other.

Harold wiped away his tears, and asked in a crying voice, Father, will we not have to go hungry when we arrive in the Kingdom of Lucanir?

Is mom waiting for us there?

The strong man froze for a moment, with tears streaming down his eyes, he tried his best to put on a smile and replied to his son, Well, your mother has already prepared dinner and is waiting for us.

When we get there, everything will be fine. You don't need to be hungry or cold. Everything will be fine, for sure! So work harder and don't stop here.

I see.

After listening to his father's words, the boy stood up vigorously and followed behind his father again.

He didn't notice his father's tears, his mother was gone forever, and the boy might have to be a little older to understand.

Although the strong man and the boy tried their best to hurry, they still couldn't outrun Death.

Two hours before reaching the remotest village of the Kingdom of Lucanir, the child on his back breathed his last.

The father could only bury his youngest son in a small mound with tears in his eyes, and moved on with another son, Harold, who was crying.

There is no point in burying the youngest son, but a hasty burial in the mound cannot avoid the smell of wild animals. It will not be long before the child's body will be dug up and eaten by scavengers.

The father brought Harold to a village with great difficulty. Although the villagers sympathized with the father and son, and the village chief was willing to help them, the lord of the village did not want to see refugees from other countries.

Seeing their dirty attire, the lord frowned disgustedly, and waved his hand to drive them away.

The strong man knelt down and kowtowed to beg the lord to accept them, but the lord was unmoved, instead he impatiently called the guards and beat the man and drove them away.

Then his father took Harold to wander around the Kingdom of Lucanir for several years.

Finally, I saw the right time to join a newly developed territory that lacked manpower.

After finally finding a stable residence, my father and Harold worked very hard to reclaim the land, build a village, and finally succeeded in obtaining a large piece of land use rights from the lord.

After all the grain was planted, the harvest was quite good, and the leftover after handing in was enough for the father and son to live on.

During the slack season, my father took Harold to hunt. Selling the prey can bring you a lot of money, and over the past few years, I have slowly accumulated some savings.

Life is finally getting better.

In a few years' time I'll be able to save enough money for Harold to have a beautiful and capable wife!

The father imagined the future happily. After experiencing all kinds of pain, he finally had the idea of ​​looking forward to happiness.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the village was destroyed shortly after Harold just came of age.

The lord of the newly opened territory is a newborn minor nobleman, with insufficient armed forces, and the surrounding area is not safe. A warcraft invasion destroyed the entire territory, and even the lord's castle was breached.

His father was directly killed by the monster, and Harold escaped with the lord and guards by chance.

The lord was not a good person, so he sold Harold to a slave trader halfway through.

Harold was illiterate, unable to do housework, stupid in mind, and dull in person, but very strong in build, and could do some heavy physical work without skill better than his father.

Harold is just over two meters tall and weighs two to three hundred catties. He has built up his muscles by doing heavy hard work all year round, making him feel more like an amazing warrior than an ordinary farmer.

No matter how strong a farmer is, how much can he sell for? And a fighter with astonishing strength is at least dozens of times that of the former!

After much deliberation, the slave trader felt that it was too wasteful to sell Harold as a coolie, so he decided to sell Harold to the arena.

Anyway, people die every day in the arena. Even if Harold dies in the arena, he will probably think that the opponent who killed Harold is too strong, and he, the slave trader, will not be blamed.

However, a little packaging is needed, and Harold's external strength can't be seen too easily in the arena.

As for how to pack it, Harold cut various small and small wounds on Harold's body, the wounds were very shallow, and after applying special medicine, they healed quickly and formed many scary-looking scars.

Don't tell me, this package is paired with Harold's good-looking figure. The arena really thought that Harold was a hunk, and he paid 50 gold coins to buy it and thought it was a big profit.

And then Harold became a newcomer gladiator in the arena, but for some reason, he died inexplicably just after entering the arena for the first time, and then was pierced by Wang Wuhun.

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