I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 70: Shrinking the Earth into an Inch and Killing Hundreds of People Instantly

Chapter 70: Shrinking the Earth into an Inch - Instantly Killing Hundreds of People

The Four-Tails Form is the last stage before the Five-Tails Complete Form.

In this form, through the previous confrontation, although Naraku still has a certain advantage, he also feels a lot of pressure.

If he continues to use the strength he has shown now, even if he can defeat the opponent, it will inevitably take a lot of time and energy.

Especially the Four-Tails Form is not the opponent's limit. Once he enters the final Five-Tails Complete Form, his strength will inevitably be further improved.


Naraku glanced at the Rock Ninja Army in the distance.

What he has to deal with now is not just the Five-Tails Jinchuriki, but also the army of two or three thousand Rock Ninjas.

"Then show some real skills!"

Retracting his gaze, Naraku looked at Han again, his eyes revealing a dim light.

Boom! ! !

The huge chakra claws of the beast swept towards Naraku like a bulldozer.

Even if he was kicked in the neck, Naraku's whip kick did not cause much damage to Han after the Four-Tails Formation.

The moment he stabilized his body, Han immediately launched a counterattack against Naraku.


When the Chakra Beast Claw came close, Naraku's expression remained unchanged and he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

In an instant.

Before Han could react, a figure appeared above him.

"Thunder Release: Thunder!"

Not only did he perform "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", he also injected a certain proportion of true energy into the condensed thunder bomb.

Naraku, who teleported above Han, punched the thunder bomb on the opponent's head with a cold look.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Even if only a certain proportion of true energy was injected, the power of the thunder release was significantly improved.

The thunder bomb was pushed by Naraku's fist, pressing Han's head to the ground, and then an amazing bomb exploded, engulfing him.

The earth shook violently like an earthquake.

The rolling air waves swept countless dirt and gravel in all directions.

The amazing bombing created another huge deep pit on the ground, with a depth of tens of meters.

In the deep pit, although the thunder bombs had disappeared, Naraku's fist was still pressing on Han's head.

Looking at Han's situation, even with the chakra of the tailed beast wrapped around him, his skin and flesh were torn apart by the bombing.

Especially the head, which was even more sunken.

However, the vitality of the Jinchūriki was indeed extraordinary with the support of the tailed beast.

For a normal person, with Han's injuries at this time, not to mention death, he would definitely be seriously injured and unable to fight again.

However, with the strong vitality, Han's injuries were healing rapidly with the continuous emergence of the tailed beast's chakra.

"Earth Style·Turbo Spear!"

Spiked rocks suddenly appeared from under Naraku's feet and around him, but the moment the spiked rocks appeared, Naraku had disappeared from the attack range.

"Earth Style·Rock Arm!"

After the spiked rocks, another huge rock palm stretched out from the ground and grabbed Han, whose injuries had not yet recovered.

However, the rock palm was not meant to attack Han, but to protect him.

"Go, kill him!"



Naraku, who teleported to a nearby place with "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch", looked up at the edge of the deep pit.

In his sight were Huang Tu, who was performing earth escape with hand seals, and many rock ninjas who were shooting shurikens and kunai at him.

Han was not a perfect Jinchūriki, and exploding four tails was already his limit. If he had more, he would lose his mind.

Huang Tu knew this.

So when Han, who had exploded four tails, was still no match for Naraku, he decisively launched support and launched a general attack on Naraku.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~~!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Many of the kunai that the rock ninjas threw at Naraku carried detonating tags, which caused continuous explosions in the deep pit, causing the earth to shake again.


The explosion had not stopped yet, and screams suddenly rang out from the Rock Ninja army that gathered at the edge of the deep pit.

When the other Rock Ninjas around heard the sound and looked over, they immediately discovered that Naraku, who was supposed to be attacked by them in the deep pit, had come to their inside without knowing when.

Zhang! ! !

The circular thunder slash swept across a distance of dozens of meters.

In an instant, all the Rock Ninjas in the range were cut in half, and fell to the ground screaming as blood sprayed.

Using "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to teleport from the deep pit to the crowd, Naraku immediately condensed the thunder sword in his hands and set off the killing.

While the thunder slash killed the surrounding Rock Ninjas, Naraku, who caused all this, did not wait, but continued to perform "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" and flashed beside the Rock Ninjas at a farther distance.

The silver-like thunder sword was waving, and the figure kept flashing.

At this moment, all the Rock Ninjas could catch was a silver flash.

Whenever the silver flash appeared, it was accompanied by the death of their companions.

In just a short moment, hundreds of Rock Ninjas died again.

"Where is it? Where is the other party!!!"

"Damn it, the other party is too fast, I can't see clearly."


Amid the endless screams, broken limbs flew everywhere.

The difficulty in catching Naraku's figure made the Rock Ninjas both angry and terrified, and they could only shout hysterically.

"Damn, this is not pure speed at all, but some kind of time and space ninjutsu!"

When Naraku started killing, Huang Tu wanted to stop him immediately.

But when he looked for Naraku, he was shocked to see his elusive movement.

As the son of Tsuchikage, Huang Tu was not only powerful, but also knowledgeable.

Naraku's movement made him realize that it was probably some kind of space-time ninjutsu.

Especially when he thought of Naraku coming from Konoha, Huang Tu immediately thought of the "Flying Thunder God Technique", a space-time ninjutsu that had once made a great name for itself in the hands of the Second Hokage.

"No, even the "Flying Thunder God Technique" should require a specific medium as the coordinates of movement!"

Huang Tu's first thought was the "Flying Thunder God Technique", but when he captured Naraku's movement again, he was shocked again.

Compared with the information on the "Flying Thunder God Technique" collected in the village, Naraku's movement was completely untraceable.

This made Huang Tu even more shocked and angry.

He didn't know whether Naraku had improved the "Flying Thunder God Technique" or mastered another unknown space-time ninjutsu, but under the untraceable teleportation, it undoubtedly meant that it was more difficult for him to stop Naraku's killing.

The frightened Huang Tu gritted his teeth and tried to stop him unwillingly.

But every time Naraku flashed to a certain place, Huang Tu was about to approach or perform earth escape to delay, Naraku had already killed the people around him and flashed to another location again.

"Disperse, everyone disperse!!"

Huang Tu, who could not stop Naraku's killing, roared.

The Rock Ninjas heard Huang Tu's roar and hurriedly dispersed to various places, but this did not slow down the killing.

As long as the distance did not exceed 500 steps, then within this range, it would be Naraku's killing circle.

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