Chapter 65 "Thunder Flash"

The front suddenly became empty.

Before the Iwa Ninjas could catch Naraku's figure, Naraku had already penetrated the entire Iwa Ninja troops in his continued rampage and appeared at the rear of the Iwa Ninja troops.

Turn around and look.

He glanced at the casualties he had caused along the way.

Naraku did not pause, but continued to turn into lightning and quickly swept towards the nearest Iwa Ninja.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Light Blade!"

The silver thunder sword condensed in his right hand, and he flashed across it in a flash. The passing Iwa Ninja tilted his body and split from his chest until it was completely divided into two halves.

Broken limbs and broken arms were flying around.

From the moment he took action, Naraku had no intention of communicating with the people of Iwagakure Village, and he only wanted to kill.

Without him, the murderous aura radiated towards him when these people arrived was enough to prove their intention.

Naraku, who turned into electric light, was like a silver lightning, constantly moving through the crowd.

With the sharp sword light flashing, at least one rock ninja will be taken away every time.

In just a few breaths, dozens more mutilated corpses appeared in the woods.

"Disperse quickly!!"

A loud roar sounded.

It's Gangyan.

As an elite jounin, Gogan is not a perceptive ninja, but he can still barely catch a trace of Naraku.

At the same time, he is also the fastest to respond.

When he discovered that his men were being slaughtered continuously and that the enemy was obviously a speed-type strongman, he immediately wanted everyone to disperse in order to slow down the casualties and gain a chance to counterattack.

The Iwa ninjas heard Gogan's voice, so naturally they would not disobey and hurriedly wanted to disperse.

But just when the Iwa Ninjas were about to take action, Naraku suddenly stopped after killing another Iwa Ninja.

His cold eyes glanced around the Iwa nin who wanted to disperse.

He dispersed the thunder sword in his right hand, then gathered thunder and lightning in both palms, and clasped his hands together in front of him.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Yin Flash!"

The moment he put his palms together, the thunder and lightning that collided reacted strangely, releasing a thunderous sound far beyond normal.

thunderbolt! !

Just like the terrifying thunder coming from the sky, the sound of thunder turned into a terrifying sound wave visible to the naked eye, which instantly radiated to all the rock ninjas present.


Amidst the shrill screams, one Naiwa ninja covered his ears in pain, and some even fell to the ground helplessly.

Blood spilled from the fingers.

Many people's eardrums were shattered by the sound waves.

Even as the thunder continued, some people soon died from internal rupture due to the impact and concussion of the terrifying sound waves.

In terms of killing speed, "Thunder Flash" was far superior to Naraku's killing just now.

In just a short while, not to mention injuries such as ruptured eardrums, the number of dead people quickly reached 200.

These dead people were all at the bottom of their strength.

There is no other reason, it all comes from chakra.

After discovering that his hands could not stop the sonic attack, as a ninja, he would naturally use chakra to resist.

As a snake oil, chakra does have the effect of resisting sound waves.

It's just that the casualties are still increasing.

Although chakra has the effect of resisting sound waves, it only weakens it.

The chakra of an ordinary chuunin cannot withstand it for long. Only the chakra of the jounin level can last longer.

"Earth Release·Rock Fist Technique!"

A burly figure rushed towards Naraku at an extremely fast speed, and immediately hit Naraku's head hard with his rock-covered right fist.

This burly figure is none other than Gang Yan.

As an elite jounin, Gogan not only relied on his abundant chakra to condense his ears to the maximum extent to resist the attack of sound waves, but also launched a counterattack immediately.

Naraku, who clasped his palms together and released sound waves, looked sideways at the rock fist.

It seems like time is out of whack.

Naraku actually grasped the fist faster and blocked Gangyan's attack with one punch.

boom! ! !

Fist clash.

The strong force suddenly stirred up air waves visible to the naked eye, and even caused the land below to dent.

"Iwaken Jutsu" is a relatively signature ninjutsu among the earth escapes inherited in Iwagakure Village.

In the original plot, Loess, who is like the son of the third Tsuchikage, can even easily fly away the golden horns transformed into tailed beasts with this move.

Although Gogan is inferior to Loess, as an elite Jonin, he has undoubtedly fully unleashed the power of the "Iwaken Technique".

But the results presented at this time were astonishing.

With the surge of air, Naraku, who seemed to have made a hasty attack, not only was not knocked away by Gangyan, but instead used stronger force to shatter the rock covered by Gangyan's fist arm.

Click! !

The astonishing strange force shattered the rock and twisted Gangyan's arm. Then Naraku's fist drove straight in. In Gangyan's horrified eyes, he punched him in the face.

It's like a watermelon exploding.

Naraku smashed Gangyan's head with one punch.


After getting rid of Gangyan, Naraku did not cast "Thunder Flash" again, but turned into lightning again, and continued to kill the remaining Gannin with the condensed thunder sword.

Although "Thunder Flash" has ended, the sonic damage caused will not disappear just like that.

Except for a very small number of jounin-level people who are slightly better off, the rest of them will be dizzy and weak for a long time, even if the sound wave has stopped.

In this state, facing Naraku's killing, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Hurry up!"

"It's right in front of us. The previous noise came from here."

"Why is it so quiet all of a sudden? Has Lord Naraku already dealt with the enemy?"


A star ninja was running fast in the woods, some were eager to fight, while others were looking ahead anxiously.

Among them, Nono was running at the front.

She stared at the front with a serious expression.

Although there was no movement in the distance now, it was obvious that a very fierce battle had taken place based on the previous movement.

Especially the amazing thunder roar, which was obviously from Naraku's "Thunder Roar Flash".

"With Naraku's ability, even if there are many enemies, it should be no problem for him to get away." Nono muttered silently in his heart.

Worry makes you confused.

Nono naturally has confidence in Naraku's strength, but he still can't help but worry.

But fortunately.

After running for a while, as they arrived at their destination, the scene that appeared immediately made Nono feel relieved.

"It's Lord Naraku!"

"Lord Naraku killed all these enemies"

"It's the forehead protector of the Hidden Rock Village. These people are all from the Hidden Rock Village!"


The green forest was almost dyed blood red by the spurting blood.

Corpses were everywhere, and many of them were even incomplete.

In the center, there was a tall figure who was not stained by dust, holding a thunder sword in his right hand.

Such a scene, not to mention the Star Ninjas, even Nono was shocked.

Even with a rough glance, there were more than a hundred intact corpses.

If the incomplete ones were added, the number would probably be several times higher.

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