I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 91 Did you work hard?

Chapter 91 90. Have you worked hard?

In short, Lloyd has great ambitions, but there is still a long way to go before it can be put into practice, and there are still many problems to be solved.

Fortunately, he has a good attitude, is not in a hurry, and takes things step by step.

Lloyd packed up the test bench and prepared to go home.

As soon as he returned to the hall, the manager came up again.

"I wonder how your experience is?"

Lloyd nodded, indicating that it was not bad.

"If you have time, you can go to our second floor to have a look. There is our trading hall, which has many channels and business opportunities that you can't imagine."

The manager continued.

Lloyd looked at the time and found that it was still early, so he followed the manager to the second floor to take a look.

This place is arranged like an early form of a stock exchange, surrounded by rows of seats and notice boards with various information posted on them.

Many people were whispering and talking among themselves, and it seemed quite noisy, which was much more lively than the first floor.

Among them, you can also see several black-robed priests from the Holy Inquisition and scholars from the Holy Favor Court.

Lloyd was also exposed to this kind of folk mystery and supernatural field for the first time. He didn't expect that the market was so big?

"The cult is great, but it also cannot do without the help and nourishment of the folk market. We are the largest folk market in the entire southern district of the city, and the market with the most profound foundation in the entire Brilliant City."

The manager introduced Lloyd proudly and began to sell whenever he could:

"We have many channels and information, which contain endless business opportunities and energy. If you join us, you will receive the fastest, most accurate and most sensitive selected information every day to help you seize every opportunity in the future..."

This guy... Although his attributes are not as good as his sister, he is really good at talking and bragging.

Lloyd said in his heart, and replied:

"Next time, I will definitely let me go shopping by myself."

"Okay, please tell me if you need anything."

After the manager left, Lloyd walked around and looked at the information on the notice board.

Buying, selling, exchanging, renting, hiring, all kinds of messy news, even marriage proposals, Lloyd was dazzled.

Most of the legal materials can be found on it. Lloyd looked at the three items Andrew provided to him and compared the prices.

There were many quotations and offers, and the quality was uneven. Lloyd could only make a rough estimate.

Andrew must have made his own money, but he didn't cheat himself. He was still quite sincere. Considering his supply speed and supply quality, this money should be made by others. Lloyd can accept it and will look for him more in the future.

Lloyd, who was left in the trading hall, had no interest for the time being, so he left the club, and then found a toy store on the street, packaged the processed music box as a gift, and tied a circle of purple ribbon on it.

This is the little surprise promised to Weiya.

He also bought a few exquisite small ornaments for his sister to put on the table, ready to be used as a gift after her magazine is released.


The next morning, Lloyd walked out of the subway tunnel on time, and found Weiya as expected.

She looked so beautiful every day, standing tall and straight, and the morning sun shone on the black stockings on her thighs, contrasting with the attractive luster of chocolate.

But today Weiya seemed to have something on her mind, she kept her head down, looking at a box in her hand, but her eyes were a little erratic, I don’t know what she was thinking about, and she didn’t notice Lloyd approaching.

By the way, when I met Wei Ya several times before, she didn't come very early. I could hear her coughing and panting when she just got off the 'subway'. I don't know when she started to come very early every day, and I never heard her cough again...

Lloyd also had some random thoughts in his mind, approached and said hello:

"Good morning~ Wei Ya."


Wei Ya actually made a very abnormal cute cry, and the whole person jumped, and then quickly put her hands behind her back, not wanting Lloyd to see what she had in her hands, and said a little panic:

"Good morning~ Lloyd, the thing you asked me yesterday..."

She still lowered her head, her beautiful eyes wandering around, although she was talking to Lloyd, she didn't dare to look him in the eye.

But Lloyd didn't wait for her to finish, and raised a finger to make a "hush" gesture, and then suddenly took out a wrapped gift box from behind and handed it to Wei Ya.

"Hehe~ This is the little surprise I told you about yesterday."

"Eh? This..."

Weiya looked at the gift in front of her, not happy or smiling, and did not take it, but showed a look of hesitation and embarrassment.

Lloyd's heart suddenly skipped a beat...

Was he rejected?

"Ahaha, sorry... I don't really mean anything else, just... that... simple..."

Lloyd explained awkwardly, scratching his itchy and hot scalp with his free hand, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

But Weiya's reaction was even greater than Lloyd's. She quickly grabbed the gift box in his hand, then took out the hand behind her back and put something on Lloyd's hand that she didn't want him to see before.

It turned out to be a wrapped gift box with a big bow tied with a pink ribbon.

"Thank you...thank you for your gift, I like it very much."

Wei Ya spoke softly again, a blush quickly emerged on her face, making her whole pretty face look even more delicate.

But she obviously didn't open it to see what was inside...

Lloyd was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses and said:

"Ah...thank you for the gift, too..."

Then he smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say next.

Although he boasted that he had rich experience in love and had many wives, they were all stored in his mobile phone and could not be brought over.

In the end, Wei Ya adjusted faster. The cute blush on her face gradually faded, and she changed to a more businesslike tone again, explaining:

"You asked me about the remote communication device yesterday. I happen to have one at home, but I don't need it very much, so I'll give it to you first... let me lend you one...

With this, you can establish remote contact with me. You can contact me easily if there is an emergency. You can also discuss swordsmanship together in your free time without worrying about being eavesdropped or disturbed. "

Although she explained it carefully, she didn't make it clear why she packaged the device like a gift.

Lloyd also quickly followed the conversation and said:

"Hmm... Inside my box is my latest research result, a piece of material that can replace the sounding bell. It is suitable for building that [Concentration]. If you have time, try it. If you have any questions, Remember to give me feedback.”

"Okay, thank you for your kindness, Lloyd."

"Thank you for your kindness, Wei Ya."

The two of them seemed to have returned to their usual atmosphere of getting along, and started chatting about work matters again. No one thought or asked too much.

Only the little kitten in Lloyd's pocket kept shaking its round head, looking helpless.

After entering Tower No. 9, Lloyd handed the little milk cat to Wei Ya first and ran to the notice board to grab the key.

Today there are one less one on the -3rd floor than yesterday, with only four hanging, but there is an extra handful of the rare -4th floor, and the other -2nd floor ones have not been taken out, leaving two handfuls.

"Ha~ This is my first time meeting someone from the -4th floor."

Lloyd laughed and took the keys to the -3 and -4 floors without hesitation, and then looked at the other ordinary executors next to him who had not yet taken the keys.

"Do you want the -2nd floor?"

"Uh...Senior Lloyd, please do as you please."

Lloyd was not polite, took off the key, turned and left under the admiring gazes of others, leaving behind a flurry of discussion:

"He is truly worthy of being called 'Hateful Lloyd'. I wish I could be as powerful and cool as him."

"I wonder if Senior Lloyd has a girlfriend? I have a young and beautiful sister at home..."

"Don't think too much, is she prettier than Judge Wei Ya? You might as well consider introducing her to me."

Lloyd also wanted to laugh when he heard it. Why did he even have a nickname?

Although 'hating evil' doesn't sound cool enough, it's better than a title like 'outlaw Lloyd', right?

While thinking about this, he went to the -2 floor, and then fought all the way to the -3 floor, saving the best part for the end.

When I walked into the cell, I saw an indescribable group of out-of-control people lying inside. They were already dying, and the mental pollution they exuded was very thin.

[Ding~Insanity value +1]

[Ding~Insanity value +1]

"Are you too good at it? Have you worked hard over the years?"

Lloyd complained, but felt a little strange in his heart.

According to the book, the lowest danger level for those who are out of control is level 3, and they are often extremely tenacious, act extremely crazy, and want to destroy the world.

But this tendency is completely invisible to the one in front of me, and I feel like I can't struggle for long without using my hands.

But Lloyd was not lazy. After all, this mental pollution would be remotely traced back to the person who killed it in the end, just like a life-threatening curse.

Lloyd didn't want to take advantage of others, so he approached it, activated his inspiration to lock the fragile nodes in its body, and raised the knife with his hand.

[Ding~Insanity value +400]

This madness has contributed its own small amount to mankind's anti-monster cause.

So weak? But it is indeed a risk level 4...

Lloyd was still wondering when he heard another prompt:

[A number of memory fragments have been obtained and the cognitive level is being assessed...]

[Ding~ Evaluation successful, memory fragments can be interpreted]

[Memory fragments have been obtained and can be viewed]

[Ding~ The wrong knowledge fragment has been obtained, converted into madness value +300]

Thanks to Cat_ED for the 100 points reward.

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