Chapter 65 65. Noble Bell

As the saying goes, 'there are a thousand Harry Potters in the eyes of a thousand people'. The same story will present different reading experiences in the eyes of different readers.

So in the same story, Lloyd saw the protagonist's narrow escape and justice triumphing over evil;

What Weiya saw was the male and female protagonists' quarrels and disagreements at the beginning, and then they understood each other, helped each other, trusted each other, and recognized each other after experiencing danger together.

Since they were not on the same channel, the topic naturally could not go on. Lloyd changed the topic and said:

"By the way, I have another question to ask you. Have you heard of a bell that can make a sound by itself?"

"Hmm? The kind used by [Concentrate]?"

"You really know it. Is there any way to get it now?"

"I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult... This is the most popular ritual material nowadays. It is difficult to buy it even if you have money... Or, you can try to apply for a quota at Tower No. 2? With your rank, you can apply for this material, but there must be many people applying for it, and you have to wait in line for several months."

"Is it so troublesome?"

Lloyd frowned slightly at Wei Ya's words. Now he understood why the traitor Williams did not hesitate to use the risky means of "blackmail" to get this bell.

Seeing this, Wei Ya quickly reminded:

"If you are in a hurry to use it, you can ask Metis. I remember she has one."

Jiu Mengzi Administrator? This drunk guy would use the ritual of [Concentration] to assist learning?

Lloyd was puzzled, but he answered:

"Okay, I'll ask her."

Weiya nodded, and also gave Lloyd some popular science about the application materials.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you are gifted, have great room for advancement, can be appreciated by the top, and have enough patience, then the ritual materials required from the first [Transcendence] to the eighth [Transcendence] can be obtained for free.

But I don't know how many decades I have to wait...

So the Brilliant Cult as a whole still encourages everyone to think of more ways on their own, and not let waiting become a regret.

This has led to "looking for ritual materials" becoming a reason for many people to ask for leave, which is more used than reasons such as "I have a stomachache tomorrow".

As for the sources of these materials, Wei Ya only knew that part of them were provided by the Holy Court of Inquisition - that is, the organs of monsters that were decomposed. They could not be used directly, but had to be handed over to the Holy Court of Favor to clean the mental pollution, and then further processed, and then circulated under the supervision of the Holy Court of Grace.

All three courts of inquiry were involved, and the interests were complicated and deep.

Wei Ya didn't know much about the rest of the sources, but she knew that they came from mystical crafts, or scientific and technological means such as engineering and alchemy, and even archaeological discoveries.

In short, among all kinds of expenses of extraordinary people, materials accounted for at least half of the proportion. This was specially emphasized in the notes of the chief judge, reminding newcomers to remember to save money; the housekeeper complained about poverty many times in the notes because he couldn't afford the materials.

So how can young people not lack money? No wonder Wei Ya is so beautiful, but she doesn't see beautiful jewelry on her body, so she can only focus on her natural beauty.

Lloyd and Via chatted as they walked towards Tower 9. Both of them walked slowly, not wanting to walk too fast.

But even the longest road has an end, and they soon had to go their separate ways and return to their respective offices.

But Via suddenly called Lloyd, tilted her head slightly, looked away, and asked in a low voice:

"Did you bring the little kitten today? I prepared some dried fish for her."

Before Lloyd could answer, a round head popped out of his pocket and waved its furry little paws at Via.

That was naturally snatched away.

This made Lloyd feel that the little kitten seemed to like Via more than himself?


[Ding~ Madness value +300]

Lloyd handled today's work tasks neatly and just got promoted to the next level.

Five points of cognition, plus!

[Ding~ Adding points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 33/2500, upper limit: 6500]

[Rationality: 65]

[Spiritual power: 65]

[Inspiration: 40]

[Cognition: 65]

[System: Distortion LV2, Denial LV1]

[Mastered skills: Efficient learning; Exploration; Divination LV3; Dizziness resistance LV4; Precision anatomy LV4; Distortion LV3; Swordsmanship LV4; Offensive speech LV2; Ritual control LV1]

[Unanalyzed fragments: Unknown fragments of unknown composition*1, current analysis progress 6%]

It still has a balanced beauty like a bucket.

Lloyd nodded, packed up, changed his white coat, and went to the library.

The drunk administrator was there, lying on the table, looking unconscious. As soon as he approached, he could smell a strong pungent smell of alcohol.

Lloyd actually didn't understand. She was an executioner like him, so why did she hang out in the library in such a slovenly way? Was it a symptom of [mild insanity]?

But Weiya is also a little bit crazy now, but she only occasionally shows that weird nervousness and embarrassment, and then she doesn't dare to look at herself. The symptoms are much more stable than this drunken blindness.

Although he couldn't understand it, Lloyd didn't even think about asking. This guy was always drunk when he talked, and he also liked to use that yin and yang tone, making it almost impossible to communicate normally.

But now, for the troublesome bell, Lloyd could only bite the bullet and get closer and knock on the tabletop where she was lying.

After waiting for a few seconds, Jiu Mengzi responded, raised his head and asked:

"Huh? It's you, handsome boy. What's wrong? Did you meet a monster you can't deal with?"

"No, I just want to ask you something. I'm looking for a bell that can make sounds automatically."

"Oh? You mean this?"

Jiu Mengzi said, taking out a small bronze bell from the dirty white coat and shaking it.

The bell itself didn't make any sound, but Lloyd felt a crisp ringing directly into his head, which was very magical.

"Yes! That's it, um...Senior Metis, can I part ways with you?"

Lloyd asked as politely as possible.

But the other party replied without any mercy:

"No, you can't afford it either."

"Then...what if I exchange it for something of equal value?"

"It's more like using yourself in exchange..."

The other party easily ended the conversation in just two sentences.

In the end, Lloyd could only say helplessly:

"Forget it, sorry to bother you."

"Hehe, did I let you down? I can't help it. Who calls me the worst woman in the world?"

Jiu Mengzi said drunkenly, and threw the precious bell towards Lloyd.

Lloyd was stunned, quickly caught it carefully, and looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Haha, I didn't say I couldn't lend it to you."

Jiu Mengzi explained in a joking tone.

Thanks for the 100 points from Ink and Wash Cloud Painting

Thanks to book friend 20220430224625800 for the 100 points.

I’ll drop one chapter first, and the second one will come later.

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