I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 63 63 is not easy to chew

Chapter 63 63. Not so easy to deal with

In fact, Lloyd doesn't mind his sister being a little assistant to Miss Desda.

Although she will inevitably be ordered around and her income is not high, the two have a good relationship and will definitely not be bullied. His sister will also have a bite of delicious food.

And with the butler, a high-ranking boss, the safety factor is full.

If his sister and Miss Desda separate, it will be a bit regrettable...

But Lloyd immediately changed his mind and felt that this is not bad.

Whether it is his sister or Miss Desda, they will get married eventually, and no matter how good the relationship is, they can't stay together forever.

What's more, his sister is so beautiful and cute, gentle and kind, patient and meticulous, cheerful and generous, hardworking, smart and virtuous, thrifty and frugal, and has shining points all over her body. It's really a waste of her to be just an assistant.

It's good to be able to stand on her own in the future.

As for the issue of safety, just leave it to yourself. Of course, you have to protect your sister yourself and can't always rely on others.

But... the position of editor-in-chief of this folklore magazine sounds a bit worrying...

Sister won't lose her hair in the future, right? Will she be bullied by unreasonable readers? Will she encounter workplace bullying?

Lloyd was actually getting more and more worried the more he thought about it...

Until Evelor came close to him and stretched out her little hand to pinch his cheek.

"Xiaoyi? What's wrong with you?"

Lloyd came back to his senses, smiled, and explained:

"Nothing, I'm just afraid that you will have a hard time after becoming the editor-in-chief."

"Hehe, don't worry about me, have you forgotten? I have been energetic since I was a child, and I often annoy my parents and make them regret picking me up."

"How could it be? Impossible, you have been the pride of my parents since I was a child."

"Well... I know, Xiaoyi, you are the same, you are also the pride of my parents..."

Evelor said, and looked into Lloyd's eyes, and then laughed together.

"Mom and Dad will definitely be happy with us now."



Before going to bed tonight, Lloyd leaned against the head of the bed, holding the newly acquired boss's notes as a bedtime reading.

After a rough read, he couldn't help but regret it...

Why read this late at night?

It's not that this note is worthless, on the contrary, it is very valuable and full of dry goods.

If the notes given by the chief judge are concise, easy to understand, step-by-step, and the words are accurate, the handwriting is elegant, and it is comparable to a textbook...

Then the housekeeper's notes are really "hand" notes.

Although there are a lot of dry goods in it, they are also very practical, but they are messy and untidy. Basically, whatever you encounter is written down, and whatever you think of is written down. It has never been organized, which makes Lloyd's head hurt.

The key is that the handwriting is so sloppy that it makes people's hair stand on end. There are also a lot of comments and revisions. Judging from the ink, many of them were newly written in the past few days. Anyway, the words of all sizes are crowded together, which makes Lloyd's eyes hurt.

As for the specific content, it is mainly various combat records and experiences of Randolph when he was young--

All of them are against extraordinary people, or watching how others deal with extraordinary people, and he has never seen him deal with monsters...

It not only involves the six legal systems, but also the combat experience with taboo systems such as [Pain], [Curse], and [Disaster], analyzing their weaknesses, common tactics, coping methods, precautions, etc.

But there is no [Distortion] system, maybe he didn't encounter it when he was young?

Among these many systems, the butler gave the highest evaluation, and thought that the most difficult one was the [Veto] system. He basically never won against it and fled in panic.

Therefore, he commented:

"How can there be such an unreasonable system?"

The worst is the [Redemption] system of the Eternal City, which is considered to be completely unsuitable for combat, and it is embarrassing to attack them.

As for those taboo systems, he thinks they are insidious rats who are not up to the standard, and he is full of disdain. He thinks that they can never confront the extraordinary people of the regular system head-on, and will be completely eradicated sooner or later.

He also commented:

"A bunch of cowardly trash."

In addition, he doesn't think much of new weapons such as firearms, thinking "Is this a new slingshot for children?"

On the contrary, he highly praises swordsmanship, which is a skill that lags behind the times, and thinks "This is what men should master! ! '

In short, although this notebook is difficult to read and the reading experience is very poor, the content is definitely very valuable, but it just takes some time to slowly digest.

However, this whole article is all about being enemies, which makes Lloyd wonder what the butler did when he was young?

Maybe it is similar to the identity of the Saint Grace Hunter?

Now that he is a seventh-level strongman, he is working as a butler in a rich family. Is it related to his experience when he was young?

Lloyd thought about it briefly, but did not think deeply about it. It is better for him to not interfere in the affairs of high-ranking bosses.

However, from the emotions revealed between the lines, he felt that the butler was arrogant, high-spirited and hated evil when he was young. He would never pretend to be humble when he should be pretentious, and he would never show mercy to the lawbreakers.

"It seems that when the butler was young, he was also a passionate and righteous young man, just like me."

Lloyd whispered to himself.

Perhaps in the eyes of the butler, he is still the same as he was when he was young?

And now the butler is humble, low-key, and polite, which is in sharp contrast to the image in the notes. He doesn't look like a human anymore.

Maybe he lost something very important, which is why he became like this?

Lloyd put down the notes, called out the panel again, and started to deal with another matter.

In the butler's [Story] before, although he didn't get any madness points, he didn't get nothing, but got a strange thing——

[Ding~ Unknown fragments of unknown composition have been obtained, do you want to try to analyze it? ]

Lloyd was busy with other things before, so he put this aside for the time being. Now he turned it over again, and he couldn't help but be full of doubts.

Who can translate for me, what is "unknown fragments of unknown composition"? Why doesn't it sound like a good thing?

He hesitated for a while, but decided to try to see the quality of this thing.

But before that, he needs to take some precautions.

So he forcefully woke up the kitten curled up beside the pillow and already asleep.

"Meow meow meow?"

"Watch me. If you find that I suddenly faint, remember to bite me hard and fiercely."

Lloyd gave a warning, and the panel began to analyze.

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