I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 623 625 Steady Progress

Chapter 623 625. Steady progress

Now that the target was selected, Lloyd began to get busy.

He first controlled the 'sled battleship' to slowly approach it, and then appropriately released the constraints on the space storm, allowing it to absorb and clean up the nearby space turbulence to save himself some energy.

It wasn't until the 'sled battleship' reached a range that could be covered by inspiration that Lloyd controlled the space anchors on the hull to shoot out in all directions, firmly fixing the 'sled battleship'.

Then he released his inspiration and began to detect the situation inside the 'landing point'.

[Ding~Insanity value +214]

[Ding~Insanity value +687]

[Ding~Insanity value +33]

The emergence of mental pollution can be said to be perfectly reasonable, but the intensity is actually so low, which is somewhat beyond Lloyd's expectation.

Maybe it's because this warehouse area is relatively remote? And there are no dangerous things stored there?

"Good start."

Lloyd said, first giving good news to his teammates around him.

Then he extended his inspiration further and explored the situation in the warehouse area.

The "looking" style here is similar to that of the current engineering department warehouse, which is very modern and slightly sci-fi style, with shelves neatly arranged around it, and small robots for transportation lying on the ground.

I also found a lot of equipment on the shelves that Lloyd had never seen before. It still maintained a certain degree of luster and was not as old as expected. After recycling, maybe it could be 'waste reused'?

However, the internal space is quite messy, with a lot of space cracks and turbulence. The whole area is still a bit broken, and Lloyd needs to put it together first.

Fortunately, there are no materials to continue recycling, so we can put them together a little more sloppily, without having to be as careful and delicate as the previous library, so it doesn't take too much time.

About half an hour later, Lloyd nodded to his teammates, then opened the portal, preparing to be the first to walk in.

But Professor Ladio stretched out his hand to stop him, and a loud sound of persuasion came from the deformed armor:

"You must correct your bad habit of being the first to do everything in the future."

After that, he took the risk without hesitation and was the first to walk into the portal.

Lloyd was protected by two other doctors from the medical team one after another before being allowed to follow him in.

This made him dumbfounded for a moment...

Soon, this ten-person team came to this warehouse area that had been sealed for a long time.



The medical team quickly checked the surrounding situation and responded one after another.

The golden Professor Toledo couldn't wait to rush to the side of a nearby shelf, picked up a palm-sized part on it, rubbed and appreciated it in his hand.

"This precision, this smoothness, it's so beautiful! It's so beautiful! If we can find this finishing technology now, many problems can be solved."

The other three professors were also inspecting the surrounding goods and each said:

"The basic parts stored here are all still usable. Is there any way to bring them back? There are also these immobile robots on the ground. If you take them apart, you can find some parts that cannot be made now."

"Look! We finally found the replacement parts for this gear set. The old antiques in the department are finally saved!"

"I mainly have some simple devices here, which should have expired... This kind of circuit layout, even if it is restored 100%, will not work correctly. Alas... This is all caused by the pollution of knowledge."

Seeing their expressions of excitement or regret, Professor Ladio in front turned back and asked Lloyd for his opinion with the help of the private communicator inside the transforming armor:

“Want to recycle?”

"Well, I'll go ahead and clear the road first. Everyone, please take the time to recycle some of it."

Lloyd said, taking out a set of space equipment from the storage bag on the waist of the transforming armor, and arranged a set of stable space passages in place.

If you just throw the things that need to be recycled inside, they will fall into the storage area of ​​the 'sleigh battleship'.

So everyone got busy. The professors were responsible for selecting recyclable materials, while Lloyd, under the protection of two doctors, cleared the space turbulence in the area closer to the front.

But just as he was about to start taking action, he heard a small sound like a camera turning on.

A cargo robot that was already motionless on the ground seemed to be moving slightly?

"Huh? Did you hear something?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

The two doctors each shook their heads and asked warily:

"Is there any movement?"

"Maybe... something is watching us?"

"Understood, Captain, Professor Lloyd said, it seems like something is watching us?"

"Okay, then smash everything with eyes."

Professor Radio gave a very simple and crude instruction, which did not look like a choice that a doctor could make.

But Lloyd didn't object, he was just a little bit dumbfounded.

At this moment, the doctors of the medical team each took out their melee self-defense weapons and began to destroy the cargo robots on the ground.

Lloyd originally thought that the professors of the Engineering Department would stop this kind of rude behavior of "destroying cultural relics", but after hearing the whole story, they actually said happily:

"That's great! We are worried that these things are difficult to dismantle and get parts, and it will be much more convenient with your help."

Uh... you don't respect the things passed down from your own department?

Lloyd laughed again, but his hands were not idle. He continued to clean up the space turbulence in front and pieced the broken space together again.

Soon, another area was simply cleaned out and it was possible to move forward.

So the professors of the Engineering Department behind immediately threw away the parts and materials that they had not had time to recover, and decisively followed.

There was no plot of being nagging, asking everyone to wait for themselves, or letting others go first and then follow up.

It can only be said that everyone is normal and knows very well that the role they play in this action is definitely not a "white female scientist who has suffered various traumas".

In this way, the entire team advanced steadily, only recycling resources that could be recycled in time, without any delay.

Soon, the outer storage area where the main parts were stored was roughly cleaned up, and it was possible to continue to go deeper.

During the whole process, there were no dangers or enemies, and even the mental pollution was relatively thin.

The movement that made Lloyd alert did not appear again. It seemed that it was only made by a robot that was not "dead" yet?

Lloyd was also relieved, but several hours had passed. He had been thinking and calculating intensively and needed to take a break and discuss the next direction of travel.

"We currently have two options. One is to go here. On the map, this looks like a road that leads directly to the core area...?"

Lloyd pointed to the three-dimensional map in front of him, drew a line on it, and discussed with the old professor beside him.

"Strictly speaking, this is not a road, but a conveyor belt for transporting resources. In the past, various minerals and parts were continuously delivered to the autonomous array in the core area through these conveyor belts, and then processed by it."

An old professor gave Lloyd a brief explanation, and another old professor pointed to another channel and helped add:

"Here, you can enter the interior of the storage area, where there are many technological crystals. Although they may not be able to operate, if they can be brought back, they should also have good research value."

The third old professor gave Lloyd advice from another perspective:

"If we encounter the worst case scenario, the core area is completely destroyed and the autonomous array cannot be recovered at all, we can try to find the depths of the storage area, which is worth the trip, right?"

After the three of them finished speaking, they didn't say anything more. They didn't rely on their seniority to make decisions here, but handed the decision-making power to Lloyd. They were only responsible for providing professional analysis and suggestions.

This is what experts and scholars should do, not to be curious about this thing and want to touch it, or to take that thing back because you haven't seen it before.

Lloyd nodded, and did not rush to make a decision. Instead, he took out a few matches from his pocket and threw them away.

The matches were scattered on the ground, faintly pointing to the depths of the storage area.

"Then let's go here first."

Lloyd pointed to the direction indicated by the matchsticks, and then added:

"This conveyor belt can indeed go directly to the core area, but the space situation along the way is more complicated and fragmented, and it takes a lot of time to clean up, so it might as well take a detour and try to recycle some things."

"Well, I see, do you want to rest for a while? I can see from the armor that you are still a little tired. Do you want some wine or sweets?"

"No, I've already drunk spicy juice."

Lloyd said, standing up from the floor.

He did not choose to use various energy-replenishing potions to recover immediately.

Because this type of medicine generally has a drug resistance, continuous use in a short period of time will not enhance the efficacy, but will bring various side effects, so it must be used when it is most needed.

For the current mental fatigue, let's rely on natural recovery.

Anyway, Lloyd has already strengthened his life level several times, so it is not difficult to recover.

So he began to clean up the space behind, and soon opened up a safe passage to the depths of the storage area.

Everyone continued to move forward until they were stopped by a heavy alloy door.

Professor Latio was the first to bear the brunt and tried to push the door.

The deformed armor on his body suddenly cracked several cracks, and a wisp of white steam sprayed out of the breathing holes like fish gills, and a low roar of some kind of engine started came from the inside of the entire armor.

However, even if he tried his best, the alloy door remained motionless.

"This... doesn't look like it can be opened by ordinary means."

The other doctor beside him flicked out a sharp psychic blade from his wrist and tried to scratch the door, rubbing it to produce a large area of ​​fine metal sparks.

"Don't waste your energy, it's impossible to open it by physical means."

The old professor at the side said, moving closer and patting the door with his hand, making a solid muffled sound.

"The alloy used to cast this door is said to be the hardest metal in the world, and its other properties of resistance to acid, corrosion, and blasting are so exaggerated that it's unimaginable. It's a pity that the relevant techniques have long been lost."

Another professor next to him also said:

"So we can only find a way to open it, or use the portal to get there?"

"Not very safe."

Lloyd shook his head and rejected the second option.

"The space structure here is much more fragile than before. The portal may be unstable and may even destroy the stability here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Toledo next to him suddenly interjected:

"Well... let's find out how to open the door. Is it this console?"

As he spoke, he walked to an upright console and reached out to brush off the dust on it, revealing some primitive-looking mechanical buttons and levers.

"Ha, the department was still using this style of control device back then?"

"Yes, at that time, we liked this mechanical style more, and the more traditional it was, the more we loved it, so this kind of retro design still remains in many places, even if we had mastered more advanced technology at that time."

"Then I really like this traditional hydraulic rod and gear design. Let me see..."

Professor Toledo said slightly excitedly, and began to study the various buttons and levers on the console, and then tried to pull one of the red ones.

Nothing happened...

"This is the emergency opening lever, but it should have failed. This door has no power to push the gear. We have to find its power source first."

As he spoke, he waved to a doctor next to him and motioned for him to hand him a screwdriver.

Now in a golden state, he naturally didn't bring any tools, but fortunately, Lloyd had considered this in advance and asked the medical team to bring a tool box, which contained some commonly used kitchen utensils for cooking.

Professor Toledo took a screwdriver and disassembled the console's casing with a somewhat clumsy technique, and then began to study the complex circuits and transmissions inside.

Then he knocked on the floor along the distribution of the lines, looking for the hollow part, and opened it to reveal the line pipes laid inside.

In this way, he gradually found a basement and got into it. Inside was a set of energy storage devices that powered the alloy door.

"This is it. Do you have any batteries with you? It's best to have an older model."

"I do, but you have to decide for yourself whether it's new or old."

Lloyd said, throwing him a storage bag, which was full of various batteries he bought with credits.

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