I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 620 Chapter 622 Divination is very successful

Chapter 620 622. Divination was very successful

Many people may find fishing boring, but for people like Lloyd who carry too much on their shoulders, it is a valuable way to relieve stress.

Looking at the calm lake and the motionless float, one's heart can calm down. The worries in the heart and the pressure on the shoulders are thrown aside, and the continuously working brain can be temporarily calmed to enjoy this hard-won moment of comfort.

So almost everyone in Mizkatokri likes fishing, and Lloyd is no exception.

After noticing that Lloyd really relaxed his body and mind, dozens of fortune-tellers from the Department of Mysticism also came behind him one after another, and under the guidance of Professor Mirella, they stood in a staggered formation.

Then they either spread incense in the air, or lit candles in a specific order, or gently shook the copper bells in their hands, and began their divination.

Although Lloyd could feel that the divination ceremony had begun, he did not have unnecessary curiosity in his heart, and he was still concentrating on the motionless float on the lake.

As the ceremony progressed, the exquisite and elegant small gardens around the lake also showed some subtle movements. The bushes began to shake gently, and the flowers began to bloom quietly, as if following some mysterious rhythm, forming a unique resonance.

This resonance continued to spread, blending with the rituals of the diviners, and together gathered into a mysterious sense of ritual, forming a very complex ritual array.

But according to the basic principles of divination, it seems that there is still a key thing missing -


And the calm lake in front of Lloyd was just as smooth as a mirror.

It turned out that this entire school district of the Department of Mysticism was a huge divination ceremony site.

As the ceremony progressed, Lloyd seemed to join the resonance around him, and a feeling of feeling emerged in his mind, and he began to murmur in a low voice:

"Where are those school districts of the engineering department in the past? Where are those school districts of the engineering department in the past?"

His question was really too direct and urgent, which made several fortune tellers around him stunned for a moment and almost interrupted the ceremony in their hands.

Fortunately, Professor Milela was in charge. She raised the wide sleeves on her arms slightly, and released a unique spiritual power that made people feel comfortable and peaceful. It lingered around everyone and was considered to be a cover for the scene.

After Lloyd repeated the question several times in a row, he gradually saw some changes on the lake surface that should have been calm.

The lake water turned blood red unknowingly, and began to boil and surge violently, as if it was completely boiled.

The various demons and monsters hiding under the lake also began to revel at this time. One by one, indescribable monsters emerged from the lake, jumped up, and approached Lloyd.

Even the whole sky became extremely dark in an instant, as if it was covered by a thick black curtain, swallowing up all the light sources around, leaving only the scarlet bloodthirsty eyes of the monsters.

Such signs, such signs, even Professor Milela, who is proficient in divination, can't hold it, let alone the other fortune-tellers around her.

Although everyone knows that this is just a phantom, an illusion, and the embodiment of the divination result, it is not real.

But it is still too visually impactful, making people involuntarily tremble and almost want to leave first.

Fortunately, Professor Milela still remembered her mission, snorted coldly, and released more of the spiritual power that could make people feel at ease from her wide sleeves, and reminded again:

"Hold on! Now is the most critical moment."

So those fortune-tellers could only bite the bullet, stand in their positions again, and choose to close their eyes.

But they could still feel that the curious monsters had already landed on the lakeshore and were approaching them step by step. They could hear roars and smell stench.

But they still gritted their teeth and held on. Even though they were terrified, no one really backed down.

Mizzkatok doesn't accept cowards and wimps.

Until Lloyd suddenly pulled the fishing rod, the terrifying and curious scene in front of him began to show fine cracks, and then it was shattered in an instant like a broken mirror, returning the beautiful and pleasant scenery.


"Cough cough cough..."


The fortune tellers behind Lloyd fell to the ground in a mess, their faces were pale and ashen, and some of them who were less able to bear it fainted on the spot.

Only Professor Milela could still stand, but her face was not looking good either. Like everyone else, she was panting heavily.

In her hundreds of years of teaching career, this was the first time she had seen such a dangerous omen...

It was also the first time she had met a reckless man like Lloyd...

How could someone get straight to the point when doing divination?

Otherwise, I took great pains to arrange such a complicated ritual, wasn't it to give you enough time and tolerance to let you proceed step by step, unravel the mystery, until you get the final conclusion?

Can you respect the principles of divination? Respect my painstaking preparation?

She couldn't help but complain a few words in her heart, but then she had some doubts.

Such a chaotic move actually succeeded miraculously in the end?

Judging from the results alone, this large-scale divination was indeed successful, although the results were so bad that people dare not interpret them at all...

At this time, some diviners who had slowly regained their composure could not help but start complaining:

"This...this Professor Lloyd...is really too messy! Isn't he obviously a gentle and gentle person?"

"I almost thought I was going to die just now!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I was so scared that I cried. I need a kiss from Professor Lloyd to get better..."

Some people are also curiously asking:

"Professor Mirela, the divination should be considered a success, right? But the final conclusion is..."

Before Professor Mirela could answer, she heard Lloyd say first:

"The conclusion is..."


As he spoke, he gave a thumbs up with a happy face and did not hesitate to praise:

"You are so awesome! As expected of the Occult Department, this is the first time I have seen such a large-scale divination, and it is also the first time I have come to such an optimistic conclusion!"

At this moment, everyone present was petrified, and they all looked at Lloyd with surprised and weird eyes.

Although in principle, there is no right or wrong interpretation of divination, it shouldn't be too outrageous, right? Do you forcefully point to this kind of picture and say you are optimistic?

Who knew that Lloyd also had something to say, so he explained to everyone:

"Look, the water in the lake was boiling just now, and there were many monsters in it that were boiled until they screamed. This means that our next actions will bring them as much destruction as the burning water!"

When he said these words, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of joy in his heart.

Professor Mirela no longer has the energy to predict what he will say next. Finally, she can communicate normally without being constantly robbed of her words!


Professor Mirela really didn't have the energy to guess what Broyd wanted to say anymore, so she could only listen to him honestly and continue to explain:

"These monsters fled ashore in panic in the deep water and the heat, but as soon as I closed the hook, they were instantly wiped out! What does this mean? It means that I will indeed encounter many monsters during this trip, but they will all be wiped out. !”

Professor Mirela was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"No...Professor Lloyd, are you a bit..."

She wanted to argue, but she felt powerless in her heart and didn't know how to speak out to refute.

It's like a high-end mobile game player who is trying to teach a newbie advanced elemental theory, but the other party preemptively asks, "Doesn't this game have automatic combat?"

"Oh... forget it, there is no absolute right or wrong in interpretation. In short, did you get the results you needed?"


Lloyd smiled, took out a Space Rubik's Cube from his arms, shook it, and continued sincerely:

"And it is extremely accurate, which saves me the trouble of calculation. Your divination is really amazing! It is excellent! History will definitely remember the contribution you have made to the future of mankind today!"

He made a rather exaggerated assessment.

"Is that so? Then you are really honored. I can help you and do our part for the future of mankind. Our group of hidden people have not lived in vain, right?"

Professor Mirela smiled self-deprecatingly. She wanted to invite Royd to sit down in another place and chat again to answer other questions in his mind. However, Royd declined politely, saying that he had to go back to sort out the data, and left in a hurry. .

But before leaving, he didn't forget to put away a series of equipment such as fishing rods, fish net bags and so on.

But when he was collecting the fishhook, he found that all the bait on it had been eaten?

What's going on? There was no movement in the fish float just now?

While Lloyd was wondering, he saw a big old black fish floating on the lake, spitting bubbles at him.

As if mocking him...

What the fuck...

I think this is your way to death!

Lloyd cursed in his mind, angrily put away the empty fish guard, turned around and left.

He didn't jump down to fight with the fish, nor did he use his extraordinary strength to teach the fish a lesson.

Fishing is a dignified sport!


Lloyd just left, and Professor Mirela simply asked the diviners he called to sit on the floor, resting and discussing the results of this large-scale divination.

Although the omens were bad, the results were accurate, and this was a valuable experience for them.

"The scene just now is really, I have never seen such a sinister omen. This is a situation where death is inevitable? But Professor Lloyd is still talking about optimism?"

"Perhaps... that's optimistic for him? After all, he is the youngest professor in the history of Mizkatok. He is an absolute top genius. He certainly cannot be lumped in with servants like us."

"Yes, and in the final analysis, he has to face the danger ahead. We don't have much fighting power, so we can only help here. Alas... I hope he can return in triumph? Otherwise, what if such a beautiful man is gone? , I will feel very distressed..."

"Don't think too much. He already has a master. He is also a professor in our college. He is a perfect match."

"Although, I still don't understand. Several times before, I felt that the ceremony was on the verge of collapse. My heart was also filled with fear and completely confused. So why did it still produce effective results in the end?"

"This may have something to do with Professor Lloyd's attainments in space, right? He is a very powerful space scholar. According to my friends there, his level has long surpassed that of the space department. The stuff he left behind is a headache and a maddening one.”

"Ah? Is it such an exaggeration? The Department of Space is basically filled with top students from the entire college, right? They can't even take Professor Lloyd's classes?"

"Isn't that true? So we should have just gotten a vague conclusion, but Professor Lloyd calculated the precise result, which makes the divination successful."

"What you said makes sense, but it still doesn't explain why the ceremony was successful? To be honest, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I was so scared that I cried in my heart. I believe you are the same, right? So normally , the ceremony should have collapsed on the spot?"

"Isn't Professor Mirela still here? She is working very hard to maintain the ceremony, isn't she?"

Professor Mirela was still thinking secretly and did not speak. It was not until she heard someone mentioning herself that she shook her head and explained:

"Unfortunately, I didn't make much contribution to this... The fact that the ritual can be maintained has a lot to do with Professor Lloyd's divination level."

"To put it simply, he was not disturbed at all by your cries for father and mother. He still persisted in his own exploration. This gave the ceremony a basis to maintain. Otherwise, if he himself is afraid, then no matter what Nothing I've done can undo it."

"So that's the case. It seems that Professor Lloyd's character is far superior to mine..."

Professor Mirela smiled and replied:

"I'm afraid his level of divination is also higher than yours. This is the first time he has participated in such a large-scale divination ceremony, but he has integrated into us without any hindrance, without any sense of sluggishness or disobedience. This is very special. You guys Remember the panic and embarrassment of those participants before?"

"Ah...I just noticed this after hearing what you said, Professor. The whole process was as smooth as if he was from our Department of Occult Studies. He blended in so smoothly."

Professor Mirela nodded and continued:

"And in addition, he should also be carrying some kind of divination and prophecy sacred object, and it is very powerful. At the moment when the ceremony was on the verge of collapse, I felt a magical power coming out of him to help me control it. If we can control the situation, I won’t have a chance to stabilize the ceremony.”

These words made a diviner sigh with emotion:

"How can there be such an outstanding man in this world? He is strong, knowledgeable, well-equipped, and so good-looking... It's so unfair!"

"What's even more unfair is that such an outstanding man is not my boyfriend... Well, it's all my fault that I'm too lazy to go out to the stalls. Otherwise, I should have gotten to know him earlier, right?"

"Fortunately, my fishing skills are better than his, and I can catch small turtles, crabs and so on."

At this time, Professor Mirela interrupted again.

"However, only people like Professor Lloyd are qualified and capable to take on the important task of guiding the future of mankind, right? When I think of this, I can't help but admire him, and I feel very honored to be able to help him today."

As she spoke, she stood up with her exhausted body, faced the direction where Lloyd left, and bowed slightly in greeting.

Influenced by her words, the diviners present stood up one after another, facing the direction where Lloyd left, and bowed neatly in greeting.

Professor Mirela was still whispering:

"I, an incompetent old woman, can't help you much. I just hope you can return triumphantly!"

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