I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 617 Chapter 619 Poor evaluation?

Chapter 617 619. Poor evaluation?

"Huh? If you recharge 648, you can receive the [Treasure of Dragon Slaughter]. Does Xiaoyi have no money? Let me see..."

Eve Luol looked at the eye-catching advertisement on her mobile phone, and immediately took out a bank passbook from her small bag, which contained her hard-earned savings.

This money was originally saved to buy a house for her brother's wedding, but it turned out that Lloyd was so capable that she didn't have to worry about these things at all, so Everol couldn't find a place to spend the money.

Just transfer the money to your brother through this game.

She followed the prompts in the 'Krypton Gold Mobile Game' and found a bloody 'recharge' button and poked it.

A set of rituals hidden in the mobile phone is activated immediately, and a cartoon-style wallet is projected on the top of the screen. You only need to put the passbook into it, then enter the recharge amount, and the bank connected to the same system will deduct the money and transfer it to the bank. Convert to virtual currency in the Krypton Gold mobile game.

This remote recharge solution was specially developed by Royd. It borrowed some of Mizkatok's magical technology and has been devolved to banks in the world for trial use. The current 'Krypton Gold Mobile Game' can be regarded as this new system. first practical application.

If it runs well, outside economic exchanges can also use this system in the future, which will be much more convenient. Putting aside the krypton gold mobile games, this function alone can greatly promote economic development.

To realize this kind of long-distance big data transmission, on the one hand, it relies on the artificial intelligence developed by Professor Toledo. After being loaded onto the dead wood corpse of the third priest, it has a very powerful power without lack of energy. The computing power is capable of meeting various needs.

Although the logical thinking is not as good as 0-006 as its blueprint, after all, this is the preliminary result of Toledo and his 'Palu' research on 0-006, but it is already an epoch-making new invention, enough to be recorded. Enter the annals of history.

Of course, in terms of artificial intelligence, 0-006 may not be the strongest legacy of the past era. The strongest one is definitely the accompanying 0-266. Its level of intelligence is so high that Lloyd was almost tempted to elope. .

In addition to the computing requirements, signal transmission on the other hand is guaranteed by Lloyd's space technology. Miniature but extremely stable space channels are established to transport various data.

The speed is even faster than the Internet on Earth. With the connection of space channels, the distance in the real world is no longer an obstacle, and there is basically no 'network delay'. Of course, there will be no Brilliant City. People can't deal with the embarrassment of being unable to play games online with people in the City of Joy.

This set of space channels for information transmission can not only be used in Krypton Gold mobile games, but also in the field of instant messaging and information exchange. It is no longer necessary to only write letters and send telegrams as before.

Even though Lloyd just made a mobile game for gold, in order to support the operation of mobile games for gold, the underlying technology involved can still benefit mankind and promote social progress.

Therefore, regardless of whether the Krypton gold mobile game is dead after opening the server, the convenience brought by these underlying technologies can actually benefit mankind.

What's more, the file deletion closed beta has just started, and it has already received several transfers, and they are all large recharges!

Lloyd looked at it happily. Who was so generous that as soon as the game was launched, he couldn't wait to start earning money without even finishing the novice tutorial?

As a result, the first person to make money was his sister Eve Luol...

Then there is Wei Ya, Elolo, Hiltina...

Then came Professor Lawrence, Dean Hazred, and several other acquaintances from the college.

Even Dr. Maomao recharged 80,000 yuan in one breath.

Then there are the family and classmates in this world, like Miss Desita and Brother John, as well as the strong support from the alumni association.

After all, the current production capacity of the latest mobile phones is limited, and those who can get it are basically related customers, who will definitely support Lloyd due to emotions and reasons.

The most exaggerated thing is Hiltina, who recharged 8 million in one go, as if she was afraid that her man would have no money to use.

Then after recharging the money, she stopped playing and quit the game. She was probably still busy studying the drop of transparent mercury that Lloyd gave her, right?

Wei Ya and Ai Luoluo were also obsessed with krypton as soon as they came up, not caring about the meaning of so much krypton.

Fortunately, my sister is more rational and her first recharge was only 200,000.

Huh? etc! Could it be that my sister spent all her personal money in it?

No, don't mess around!

Lloyd couldn't help but pick up a pile of triangles floating around him, extended his inspiration into it, connected it to the 'dead wood' far away in the world, and then returned his sister's money through the backend control system.

After thinking about the reason for the refund, I chose 'Consumption by minors is prohibited'.

Of course, the virtual currency needed for krypton gold must be left for my sister, and I even added an extra 0 to my sister so that she can have a good time.

"Eh? Xiaoyi returned the money to me again? And you said I'm a minor? Ugh! We're not kids anymore!"

Everol said angrily.

Lloyd is not around now, so there is no way to tell him, so he has to carefully study the new game made by his younger brother.

After a series of guidance processes, she soon came to the card drawing stage.

The card pool is divided into a character pool, a weapon pool, an equipment pool, and a skill pool, which respectively correspond to the four virtual currencies of crystals, rough stones, stars, and films.

And there is no guarantee in any of them, and there is no increase in the probability of specific items.

After all, it’s just the deletion phase of internal testing...

"Wow? Xiaoyi designed a lot of characters?"

Everol looked at the various heroic figures on the cover of the card pool. At first glance, she knew they were ruthless and tough characters, so she tried to fire ten shots in a row.

The result was only a dull-looking three-star character wearing a rough leather armor, and the rest were just a mess of consumable props and some strange fragments of knowledge that automatically poured into her mind.

"Huh? Postpartum care techniques for sows? Why do you learn such weird knowledge while playing games?"

Everol complained with a confused look on her face.

Unwilling to admit defeat, she drew cards again. After drawing about 100 cards, she finally got a five-star character.

Judging from his appearance, he was a mysterious mage, covering his whole body with a hood and robe. He was holding a bloody mace in one hand and a heavy tower shield taller than a human in the other.

"It looks quite safe? But it doesn't look good... The characters here are the ones I will control when playing games in the future, right? Then except Xiao Yi, I don't want anyone..."

As Evelor said, she pumped again and again, until her fingers were sore. There were quite a few five-star characters, but in the end there was no 'Xiao Yi' that she was longing for.

On the contrary, I have acquired a lot of inexplicable knowledge, such as "Telling Techniques for Scumbags" and "How to Suppress Your Girlfriend's Possessiveness", but they are of no use at first glance.

Everol was no longer interested in continuing to play, but went back to find a feedback channel and began to write a feedback report to Lloyd:

"Why can't I draw Xiaoyi? I don't want to play anymore if I can't draw Xiaoyi!"

After clicking Feedback, Lloyd immediately received comments from his sister.

No, why would you want to play with your younger brother in a mobile game?

Lloyd was a little dumbfounded.

But immediately he received the second piece of feedback, from Wei Ya:

"Royd, why didn't you come to me last night? I waited for you until very late, and I cried until very late..."

It's not that I don't want to come, it's that your holy majesty won't let me go...

Lloyd also has a big head.

Immediately afterwards, feedback from Elolo also came over:

"Why is there no Lord Uther among these characters? I just want to draw Lord Uther! By the way! I also want to have a plot with Lord Uther falling in love, getting married and having a baby!"

No, this is the abyss purifier I use to save the world, not your love simulator!

Their thoughts were not focused on the game at all, and they paid much more attention to the camera function than to this gold-priced mobile game involving the future and destiny of mankind.

Lloyd originally thought it was just girls like this, but after a while, his professor's handbook shook and he received a message from Professor Lawrence:

"How come you can't fish in this game? Then I'll go fishing by myself, and leave the space system to you... By the way, the divination and fortune prediction functions on your mobile phone are not very accurate, right? I'll follow the divination conclusion Went there and only caught a bunch of frogs and crabs?”

No, can you go back to the college three times a month now?

Fishing happens all the time, which makes me want to go...

By the way, those divination and fortune predictions are just for fun, don’t take them seriously!

Lloyd couldn't help but curse.

Fortunately, among the remaining testers, there are still some who play more seriously.

Like Métis.

She didn't become stupid as soon as she started playing. She was still studying the in-game tutorials seriously, studying the game's mechanics and gameplay. She was also familiar with the feel and control of the character in the new player's training level.

Although she is very clumsy and incompetent, and her character was beaten to a bloody pulp by the monsters in the practice level, she has to admit that she plays the game very seriously.

Professor Deco and Professor Radio were much better at operations than her. With their extraordinary talent and understanding, they quickly entered the first official level without drawing a card. And it also produced good data in it.

Based on their clearance, [Trial of Falsehood] randomly generated a little weak power, which was accumulated in the "Book of Falsehood".

It no longer flows directly into the present world like before.

This is also one of the detailed adjustments made by Lloyd.

After all, if you just play the game, the power you can generate will definitely not be as good as a real person entering the trial, so if this power is allowed to flow out, nothing may happen and it will simply escape in the process.

So Lloyd thought of a way to accumulate these subtle powers through subsequent improvements, and then release them in one go after they gathered to a certain scale.

How much false power a player in the game can create will be converted into a corresponding score, and a certain amount of bonus points will be obtained.

The final score will be announced as a ranking list to stimulate everyone's desire to compete and win.

Reward points can be exchanged for in-game props through trials, or they can be exchanged for real-life resources at the Dream Theater.

This system is probably like this.

So after fully experiencing the process, the two professors stopped playing. They were strong men who could physically enter the trial, and they would definitely not waste too much time on the game.

However, I still wrote a feedback report to Royd very seriously.

It's just that Professor Latio kept complaining about the weak performance of the characters and the low combat power, and it would be better for him to play in person.

Even if it is considered for ordinary people, it can't play the role of physical exercise and accumulation of practical experience.

Professor Deco was responsible for complaining about the resolution, picture restoration, and the width of the field of view. He suspected that Lloyd had deliberately beautified and decorated it, and failed to restore the tragic battles in history. He also thought it would be better to put real people on the field.

Lloyd was also amused and helpless about this. You two should consider the feelings of ordinary people. How many people can hold on if they are directly thrown into those tragic historical scenes? I'm afraid they will be scared to death?

I can only say that these two people are more or less "eating cake without bread".

In short, Lloyd's first closed test did not get much good reviews.

After all, the whole game is still too simple. There is no moving plot, no cute and lovely girls, all numbers and the tragedy and heaviness from history.

After all, it is not a game for real play.

If it were Earth, it would have been a big explosion and the entire project might have been cut because of this test and feedback.

In the end, it was the feedback from the miner that gave Lloyd some comfort:

"Although I am not very good at playing and I don't have money to recharge, after witnessing those tragic battles in history, I decided to become a superhuman!"

"Although I will die miserably, right? But it is better than having to escape when monsters attack. When I was captured by those monsters before, I was extremely eager for power."

"So, thank you very much, Mr. Lloyd, for providing me with such a precious opportunity."

His words made Lloyd feel relieved and confirmed that his route was correct.

If you want to reverse the damn future, it is definitely not enough to rely on rich people and academic elites. The power of ordinary people is also very important!

How to develop and guide their power can even be said to be a crucial matter.

Humanity must save itself.

So, my krypton gold mobile game is not that bad, but there are still many areas that need to be optimized.

Keep it up!

Lloyd encouraged himself in his heart, and continued to optimize the krypton gold mobile game.

He didn't take a shower until he felt sleepy and went to bed to rest.

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