I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 613 Chapter 615 Miscellaneous Matters

Chapter 613 615. Miscellaneous trivial matters

Lloyd did not hide the fact that he was saving people, but he went over to explain it in person before the Holy Court went crazy.

Although he felt that he got there in time, Captain Fox and Judge Clown were still so anxious that they jumped to their feet. After all, such a large group of refugees suddenly appeared outside the Final Judgment, almost thinking that some kind of cult was attacking them.

It's just that Lloyd just explained it in the past and didn't ask any more questions later.

And this group of refugees also learned from the Holy Court how they were rescued from that purgatory. For a while, they were naturally grateful to Lloyd and wanted to visit him to thank him, but they didn't know him.

In the end, the young miner who led the resistance was still quick-thinking and found out Lloyd's address from Captain Fox. He also received a kind reminder from Captain Fox that Lloyd was probably a busy man and should not disturb him too much.

That's why he came to the door alone as a representative.

"I see... Let's talk somewhere else. I'm packing things at home..."

Lloyd said hello to his sister, and then opened a portal leading to his apartment that had been reorganized.

He had a pretty good impression of the miner boy. He saw in him the courage and responsibility in desperate situations, which left a deep impression on him, so he was happy to chat more with him.

As soon as the miner boy saw the portal, his eyes widened and he said excitedly:

"This is the door! I remember it! When I walked in, I was dead, but when I woke up, I found my wife and young children beside the bed. It was like a dream!"

"Then you don't have to be afraid this time."

Lloyd smiled and invited the other party to go through the portal and come to the apartment that had been restored to its original appearance.

Then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the light around him suddenly became distorted, vaguely showing a human-shaped outline, and then gradually filled in and changed color, and finally turned into a beautiful and lovely 'Métis'.

This is the [silhouette] that Metis left behind during the trial. She looks almost exactly the same as her serious self. She also deliberately did not wear shoes on her feet, revealing a pair of smooth and lovely jade feet, but her beautiful dark golden eyes looked at her. He looked a little absent-minded and sluggish, as if he had been played badly.

"Go get us two cups of coffee, and remember to add more sugar and chili."

Lloyd gave another instruction.

The 'Métis' next to him immediately started to move, walked into the kitchen with a relatively agile and natural movement, and started brewing coffee. A pair of small feet stepped on the floor, and made a soft 'pap-pap-pap' sound, indicating that The texture and taste are very close to the real human body.

This is one of the results of Lloyd's research in the past half year, a brand new version of [Silhouette]

The duration is much longer than the original [Silhouette], and it no longer can only release one attack and then dissipate immediately, but can execute more and more complex instructions.

Although the intelligence is still not comparable to that of a real person, and can only perform actions designed by Lloyd in advance, it is still smarter than his [Projection]. That thing has not learned to make coffee yet, so it is probably hopeless... …

Of course, the production cost and construction period are much more complicated than the original [Silhouette]. Lloyd is currently only trying based on an experimental nature, so he only selected two trialists as samples and produced two such advanced versions. 【Silhouette】

One of them is Metis who is busy in the kitchen. She is the first tester of the [Trial of Illusion], so she is naturally qualified to receive this honor, not to mention she is a beautiful, cute and petite girl.

The other sample spent more energy and time on Lloyd, using more complex processes and techniques, and finally became 'Doctor Latio' with stronger performance in all aspects and more powerful combat power.

This doctor is really good at fighting. He is definitely the strongest among many testers. He is also super powerful. He was able to kill himself without any help or green light from Lloyd. B+ level personnel are already very close to A level.

Among the remaining people, the one closest to him has just reached C+, and has already opened up a gap between them.

On the other hand, Old York, who is also a level 8 expert, is still hanging around in the D level...

This surprised even Lloyd, because in his current design, no one should be able to reach A level so quickly.

To this end, he specifically asked the other party, "Don't you need to do academic research?" Don’t you need to go fishing?

Dr. Ladio replied:

"I have no interest in fishing, and I am not responsible for academic research. I am only responsible for handling some clinical cases."

"Uh... Do you actually want to admit clinical patients? Well, I just have some soreness in my back muscles these past few days. Can you..."

"I'm very sorry, but I can't. If you have such a simple symptom, I suggest you go to Dr. Maomao. I only deal with the more complex and difficult symptoms."

"More complex, troublesome symptoms? Such as..."

"For example, the traitor in the college, the murderer of teachers and students, and other situations, compared to the first time we met... Speaking of which, I have been looking for that Esquimir for a long time, but I didn't expect that he would die in your hands in the end. It’s a big help to me, so I will naturally try my best to help you now.”

"Uh...well, your medical team really only deals with this type of illness..."

"Hehe, you have to get used to this as soon as possible, Lecturer Lloyd, oh no... I should call you Professor Lloyd. Although this has not been officially announced, I have participated in the internal review meeting about promoting you to the position of professor of the Space Department and the Distortion Department."

"Ah... that review meeting is really..."

"Very exciting, isn't it? Most of the new generation of professors support you, Fernande and Deco from the History Department, Toledo from the Engineering Department, Dale from the Materials Department, and of course, me; plus a few senior professors, such as Armitage from the Mage Department, Lawrence from the Space Department, and the Dean himself...

So no matter how the remaining old scholars oppose, they are not our opponents. In the end, nearly half of them were sent to the sanatorium by us."

The internal review meeting mentioned by Professor Latio is a big news in the college during this period. The original topic was to discuss whether Lloyd, who was obviously insufficient in qualifications and academic achievements, could be promoted to professor by exception, and be responsible for presiding over the Distortion Department while guiding the Space Department.

In theory, it should be based on the result of the vote.

Lloyd was defeated without any suspense. After all, his qualifications and academic achievements were obviously insufficient. It was impossible to refuse and it was difficult to convince the public.

Moreover, this was a very radical and extraordinary promotion. He was promoted to professor of two departments at once. It was really unconventional. It was natural to vote.

However, Professor Lawrence was dissatisfied. He overturned the table on the spot and was the first to stand up to express his unwillingness to accept the voting results. He also said domineeringly that if he could not vote for a satisfactory result, no one would think of leaving.

But the other side relied on the large number of people and was not afraid. An equally senior professor of the Department of Art immediately jumped up and accused Professor Lawrence of being arbitrary and tyrannical, forming cliques and so on.

An academic dispute broke out between the two sides on the spot. In less than a minute, the old professor of the Department of Art was beaten to a bloody mess, his dentures flew out, and he was unconscious on the spot.

Then the Council turned to fighting. Those who voted "yes" and those who voted "no" fought in the Dean's office. For a while, the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dim.

I also understood why the office had to be designed like an ancient arena...

The winner was naturally self-evident. The professors who supported Lloyd were either of high rank or strong, not to mention the support of the Dean who was neutral on the surface but actually helped secretly.

On the opposition side, although there were more people, most of them were in administrative management or theoretical research. They might be very good at literary fighting, but once they entered the fighting stage, they were not enough to fight here.

The final result was like this. Although Lloyd's specific appointment had to wait until the next semester and the news would not be announced to the public until then, he had already begun to enjoy the authority of a genuine professor and various allowances and benefits in advance.

Lloyd himself did not attend the meeting. It was the complacent Professor Lawrence who told him afterwards, which made him laugh and cry.

I discussed this matter with Hiltyna again. I wonder if this is a bit bad?

Hiltyna nodded seriously and replied:

"It's really not good... How could you not call me for this kind of thing?"

In short, Lecturer Lloyd is a thing of the past, and now he should be called Professor Lloyd.

Since they are all professors, it is reasonable to have a 'Metis' to help make coffee.


When the coffee was served, the miner sitting opposite looked at the chili oil and chili seeds floating on the surface of the coffee with surprise, and twitched his mouth, but did not dare to take it.

"Ahaha, I'm so sorry. My current injury has not fully healed. The doctor suggested that I pay attention to a healthy diet."

"Oh? That's true. I neglected it. Let's drink juice."

Lloyd immediately took out a bottle of ordinary juice from the storage bag and handed it over, and said with great regret:

"It's a pity that you missed this unique coffee in the world."

"Uh... I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mike. It's an honor to meet you, and..."

Mike, the miner, said, and then looked at Metis, who was standing behind Lloyd obediently, like an exquisite porcelain doll, and asked tentatively:

"And your... wife?"

Hearing this, Lloyd's expression suddenly changed. He waved his hand and said nervously and seriously:

"Don't talk nonsense! She is not a real person!"

After that, he quickly lifted the [Silhouette] and made 'Metis' disappear into the air.

This apartment is so close to the Sanctuary of Denial. If the shrew at home heard this nonsense, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Ah? Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake. I really don't know much about the world of you extraordinary people."

The miner said in a panic. In order to make up for the embarrassment, he quickly took out a gift box from his pocket and opened the suitcase he brought.

He first pushed the gift box he took out from his arms over, and then looked embarrassed. While rubbing his hands under the table, he said sincerely:

"In order to thank you for saving my life, my wife, my children and I have prepared a small gift for you. I hope you don't dislike it."

Lloyd did not open the gift, but just opened his spiritual vision to take a look.

Inside was a relief made of jadeite as the base material, on which a family of three was bowing forward to express their gratitude.

It's not a very green and transparent base, but relatively cheap leftover materials. The workmanship is also a bit strange. The father of the family of three is carved lifelike and lifelike; the mother is much rougher, let alone the child. There is only one. Rough outline.

Overall, it looks very meager, shabby, and of little value.

Lloyd opened the box in front of the other party, took out the gift, held it in his palm and looked at it, then smiled and nodded.

"I can feel the sincerity of your family of three. Thank you. I like it very much."

He could tell that this relief was made by a family of three.

The young miner must have learned engraving and jewelry processing, so his image is relatively accurate, while his wife and children must have only scratched the surface, so the workmanship will naturally appear poor.

And it is normal to have a poor financial background. As the head of the family, the young man has been kidnapped for who knows how long. The family's financial situation must not be able to afford a better one.

This couldn't help but remind Lloyd of the first gift he gave to Wei Ya. It was also a simple handmade product to express his gratitude, and it was also full of sincerity.

Feeling the same way, he naturally liked this meager gift, so he kept it close to his body and planned to put it in the showroom after moving.

So Lloyd didn't care much about the remaining gifts, whether they were expensive or meager.

It is enough for these people who have suffered hardship and misfortune to still have this kind of intention, instead of asking him why he didn't come earlier.

Finally, Lloyd gave the miner a small gift, the latest version of a 'mobile phone'.

Under the surprised gaze of the other party, he explained:

"I see something precious and shining in you, worthy of admiration, so accept it, it may be an opportunity."

After half a year of hard work, the latest trial terminal is now far from the previous junior version.

In addition to the original version of taking photos and participating in trials, as well as the scheduled launch of the ‘Krypton Gold Mobile Game’, many new features have also been updated.

For example, one-click remote remittance, bright flashlight, electric shaver, etc.

And one of the most important new features——

【Extraordinary Enlightenment】

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