I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 606 608 This kind of guy is actually a strong man?

Chapter 606 608. This kind of guy is actually a strong man?

Lloyd waited patiently for a while and almost fell asleep on the spot, only to be awakened by a conversation.

"Sir, the readings have been collected. Do you want to take a look?"

"You are joking. How can I understand these high-end and profound things? Tell me the results. It is better to be good news, so that I can explain it to the priests."

"This... There are both good news and bad news..."

"Then tell me all at once."

"The good news is that the space in this area is showing an optimistic trend of stabilization. After a while, the military port should be rebuilt."

"The bad news is that we accidentally captured some traces of space storm activities, which may be approaching here. It is not clear what adverse effects will be caused..."

Lloyd listened to these two pieces of news and almost couldn't help laughing.

This kind of conclusion actually requires carrying such a large number of equipment and walking a long way to calculate and analyze for half a day to get it?

This humor is like looking at the recharge items of a krypton gold mobile game and asking how much it costs to krypton 648.

And the key is that it hasn't been seen clearly, and even the space storm has been converged and calmed down, which makes it even more humorous for a while.

Even if you want to "return to the primitive", don't restore science and technology at the same time, don't you look like a clown?

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then heard the leader of the survivors continue to say:

"Well, yes, this good news should satisfy the priests, as for the bad news..."

"Don't worry, sir, we know what to say and what not to say."

"Haha, good, good, then the mission is completed, it's time to return to the tribe and wake up these untouchables."

So with a few screams, the Run people began to experience the life of cattle and horses again.

Lloyd followed them without rushing, quietly eavesdropping on their conversation.

The scholar-looking survivor approached the leader cautiously and said in a low voice:

"Sir, since the mission was completed very smoothly, then about the matter of the tenth priest..."

"Don't worry, I will say a few good words for you...

But then again, being able to follow the tenth priest to the expedition is an opportunity that many people are eager to join the expedition. Why do you want to refuse? This is a military achievement that is within your reach. You only need to kill a few untouchables to get it. If I didn't have a heavy responsibility, I would also like to go with him."

" Haha, I understand what you said, but... I am really incapable, and I am afraid that I will disappoint the expectations of the tenth priest. If that happens, wouldn't it delay our "great cause"? "

"Well... what you said does make sense. It seems that you are quite self-aware? Then it's better to stay. I will find a way to arrange for you to go to the temple. If you can break the space barrier left by the evil god's offspring as soon as possible, it will be a great achievement. "

When the scholar remnant heard this, he was so happy that he danced with joy, and several limbs mixed with human muscles and insect arthropods waved wildly in the air.

"Thank you very much, sir. You are like my second parents!"

"Hmph~ You are a man with many thoughts, but I can understand that it is better to please the second priest than the tenth priest. Just don't let me down..."

"Please rest assured, I will definitely seize this opportunity!"

The scholar said, and hurriedly turned back to "whip" the untouchables like cattle and horses, urging them to speed up, and immediately created a wailing and screaming.

Lloyd was gloating while analyzing the information in this conversation.

They actually want to launch an expedition?

With their humorous space technology, where do they want to expedition? The present world? Or Mitzkatok?

And the tenth priest and the second priest seem to belong to two different mountains? But the latter's status is more important?

And the space loop I deployed casually before has not been solved until now? It even helped me "upgrade" to a space barrier?

What would you imagine if you encountered a real space barrier?

Alas... It seems that I still underestimated the researchers in the department. I always disliked them for being too weak before, but now it seems that they are already very strong and hardworking.

Lloyd felt amused and continued to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Unfortunately, the survivors didn't have much information to talk about. They were all discussing how much reward they could get and how many untouchables they could get after completing this mission.

Humans in the world have been regarded as some kind of commodity by them...

And these people are not all the Run people in front of them. Many of them were captured or even sold.

The survivor in the lead was showing off to others that he had just bought a batch of untouchables a few days ago at a good price. Among them, there were also a few women and children who tasted good, which aroused the envy of other survivors.

Lloyd clenched his fists when he heard this. It seemed that even if he destroyed the hideout in the City of Brilliance, he still couldn't prevent this kind of thing from happening in other cities...

Sure enough, he had to solve the problem from the source...

The anger in his heart also burned out his limited patience. He didn't want to listen to these monsters share their experience of eating people, so he activated the [Distorted Realm] and instantly controlled everyone present.

The other survivors and untouchables were naturally attacked instantly and froze in place.

The leader was also a [Distortion] system. The moment he sensed the attack, he activated the ability distortion to try to resist.

Unfortunately, the [Distortion] system was originally derived and spread from the "Book of Madness". Its resistance was somewhat presumptuous.

In the end, he couldn't even hold on for a second and was completely controlled to death by Lloyd.

Heh~ What kind of lord is this? How come he is even weaker than the deacon outside?

The deacon could at least fight with me for a few rounds before, but this lord surrendered in a second?

Could it be that the deacon was already a strong one among them...

Lloyd muttered to himself, then began to adjust the direction of his distorted thinking, and then began to interrogate these guys.

Under the influence of distorted thinking, these survivors naturally told everything they knew, and even many details that Lloyd didn't mention were confessed voluntarily.

However, it was somewhat disappointing that no one present, including the Lord, knew what Lloyd was most concerned about, which was the origin and current status of the evil god.

That seemed to be the top secret that only priests could access?

Even this Lord, who seemed to have a high status, only knew that the temple was very important to their plan, but now it was blocked by the space barrier, which made the second priest very angry and anxious. He had to change ways to abuse his subordinates every day, making everyone feel insecure.

And the so-called expedition was aimed at Mizkatok...

Because their most important "naval port", which was the ruins when Lloyd first came in, was destroyed by an unknown attack and could not be repaired in a short time, so they lost the channel to invade the world on a large scale.

Now, there are only a few much smaller "docks" that can still connect to the world, and the untouchables have started to increase the price, saying that they can't afford it.

So they thought about the expedition to Mizkatok, and the plan was to capture a group of space scholars to crack the space barrier and rebuild the naval port; and to rob a group of people back by the way.

It is said that this expedition is led by the tenth priest himself, so it is a sure thing. It is even possible that there is no need to fight, and the untouchables of Mizkatok will submit to the power of the tenth priest.

Lloyd was angry and amused, and couldn't help but say:

"Don't bother, Mizkatok's best space scholar has taken the initiative to find you."

Then, Lloyd continued to patiently ask about their sphere of influence, population distribution, and the location of several other priests.

This is to deliver the "little surprise" to the door.

The lord told the previous information truthfully, but he didn't know much about the priests. He only knew that the second priest usually stayed at the temple, and the tenth priest was currently busy preparing for the expedition.

Among these priests, the most powerful, noble, and most influential chief priest is currently sleeping, and will only wake up when the great cause reaches a critical stage, when the evil god returns.

By the way, the lord also explained the history of their tribe's rise, which was similar to what Lloyd had learned before, that is, they accepted the evil god's bewitching and gifts, and then fought in the alien space, and finally the current tribe was the winner.

As expected, they were all following the "ancient way" and abiding by the code of conduct of "returning to the original".

In addition to ancient magic, the main power used was the highly respected [distortion] system.

In their strict social structure with strict classes, only individuals who mastered [distortion] could get the opportunity to be promoted and reused.

However, even though their bodies have been highly alienated, they have a stronger resistance to mental pollution and are more adaptable to the various disadvantages of [distortion] than humans in the outside world, it is still difficult to master the power of [distortion]. Every step forward is very difficult.

Like the lord in front of him, Lloyd thinks that he is not worth mentioning, but in their tribe, he is already a very good strong man.

The deacon that was killed before was a top tribal elite. As long as it can preside over the affairs of the Brilliant City, it will be a strong contender for the next priest.

Lloyd couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this.

What a bunch of frogs in the well...

Of course, this is based on his own standards. In fact, considering the strength and combat effectiveness of the [Distortion] system, these weaklings that Lloyd doesn't even look down on are tough rivals for ordinary transcendents.

An experienced eighth-level like Old York is also hard to defend against when facing the rituals of the deacon. If Lloyd hadn't been there, he probably wouldn't know how he died.

So Lloyd expressed his disdain in his heart, and at the same time, he was secretly glad.

Fortunately, they were not overly stimulated before, and the military port was blown up by chance. Otherwise, if this group of twisted monsters ran to the world and made a big mess, it would definitely be difficult to solve them. I'm afraid it would take a very painful price to pay.

In addition to [Twist], this group of survivors also used some methods to command and control the demons, and this lord happened to be a master of them.

According to his confession, controlling the demons was not as easy as playing RTS games. In fact, he could only guide these crazy monsters to a limited extent, and could not specify precise targets, let alone gather and intersperse these high-end operations.

But it was enough to create chaos in the world. Under the powerful impact and pressure of the demons, ordinary extraordinary people could not resist them. They conquered many marginal towns and plundered a large number of people and resources.

Just a few hours ago, the demons had an accident that even the Lord could not understand. They suddenly died inexplicably? And they died suddenly without any injuries.

But before it could figure out the reason, it was assigned to complete today's task.

This good news made Lloyd's increasingly heavy mood a little relieved.

It seems that his previous "killing gods" actually helped humans clear a huge obstacle inadvertently, which can be said to be a big profit.

Finally, the Lord explained that they still had the trump card of "guiding the gods", that is, summoning the son of chaos, but he didn't know much about this. He only knew that no creature could compete with the gods. Once the gods were sent out, the enemy would be wiped out.

It also found out that the Tenth Priest's expedition was well prepared in this regard. At that time, the envoys of God would rush into Mitzkatok to tear open the gap, and then the fleet would file in and start burning, killing and looting.

If they really succeeded in implementing this plan, the result would be too easy to say. The academy really lacked the means to fight against the Son of Chaos.

Fortunately, Lloyd chose to take the initiative in time.

Heh~ It's a beautiful idea?

But it's really insidious...

After figuring out the approximate distribution of the ancient survivors' combat power, Lloyd had a rough idea in his mind, and finally asked the other party to explain the list of their minions in the world, especially those in other cities.

The lord did say it all, but he didn't know much about this aspect, and only gave out two minions from the City of Illusion.

Lloyd wrote down the names of the two human annihilators and almost finished questioning them, so he controlled the team to continue moving forward as if nothing had happened.

He continued to blend in, heading for a town with a large population of survivors.

In order to speed up the march, he was not polite to the Run people, directly distorting their physiological instincts, then negating their pain, helping them to burst out all their potential, regardless of the tearing of muscles and ligaments, and the damage to internal organs, and moving the equipment at the fastest speed.

It can also be regarded as recycling waste, right?

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