I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 601 Chapter 603 Awakened Memories

Chapter 601 603. Awakened memory

In the end, Lloyd had to "do as the Romans do" and put on a miner's hat, lit up his headlamp, and looked around.

After getting ready, Professor Fernand asked curiously:

"By the way, Lloyd, didn't you say there are karma demons imprisoned down here? Why don't you feel any mental pollution?"

Doctor Maomao on the side also screamed twice, saying that he came here to help deal with the karma demon.

As it spoke, it used its tentacles to roll out a few bottles of medicine marked with blood-red skulls from its belly, and raised them to indicate that it would try the new medicine by the way.

"Uh... these monsters have been temporarily imprisoned by me using space loops, so the mental pollution cannot spread, but don't be impatient. We are going deep, and we must go to the area where the karma demons are imprisoned. Area, let’s go there now?”

As he spoke, he reached out and opened a portal. Opposite was the deep experimental area where the karma demons were imprisoned.

"Please wait three seconds before coming in."

Lloyd reminded him again, then put a 'stupid hair' on the forehead of each of his teammates, and then walked into the portal first.

As soon as he landed, a ferocious roar mixed with a massive amount of mental pollution hit his face.

Lloyd teleported himself to a distance, almost facing a ferocious and twisted monster.

Its half-mechanical, half-biological shape loomed in the darkness, and only a huge outline could be seen. Under the faint light above its head, it showed some curious combinations of gears and screws stuck in the flesh.

Without being able to see the full picture of the monster, the fear and pressure brought by the unknown squeezed each other, making the air around him become solemn.

But that's for ordinary people. To Lloyd today, these kinds of things that are still in the category of 'monsters' all look the same.

[Distortion Realm] unfolded very casually, instantly covering the huge figure of Karma, and then first controlled its movements with a thought twist, and then accurately locked several mechanical joints on its body with inspiration. , gently twist it with physical distortion...


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Karma, who had just stood up, fell to the ground and could no longer move.

This high-risk monster, which is known for its ferocity and violence and is said to have infinite vitality, was completely subdued by Lloyd before it could even let out a second roar.

The whole process took less than two seconds, so that Lloyd could reach out and pat the dust on his shoulder before his teammates appeared.

Even the mental pollution on it only gave Lloyd a little bit of 'mosquito legs', and he quickly adapted to it, and even the 'mosquito legs' were taken away.

There is no way, since he has become his complete self, the mental pollution emitted by the monster really does not pose a threat to Lloyd. Rather than saying that the monster is using this to attack him, it is more like paying tribute to him.

At this time, the remaining teammates appeared one after another. A few of Doctor Maomao's tentacles were still wrapped with high-power searchlights, which suddenly illuminated the surrounding environment and caused the prototype of the Karma Demon to emerge from the darkness.

How can I put it... It's very strange and disgusting, and it's hard to describe it in words.

It can only be vaguely seen that the prototype of this thing should be some kind of humanoid creature, but it is not a human being, but the kind that evolved from a monster.

Then there are metal parts embedded in the flesh and blood everywhere on the body, such as gears, screws, springs, etc., as if they have experienced some kind of inhumane torture.

The bones and organs on the body are also very similar to the 'Miss Xie Bei Leda' that Lloyd once dealt with. They are both half metal and half bone in texture. The joints and other parts are also a combination of machinery and flesh and blood. Even the spine is the same. texture.

Although everyone present had seen the general structure of the Karma Demon in various 'popular science' illustrations, this was the first time they had seen it with their own eyes, and they were shocked speechless for a while.

It wasn't until a while later that Dr. Maomao was the first to break the silence:

"Ah wow wow wow wow!"

It is expressing that the biological structure in front of you should not exist at all.

Lloyd nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think so too. No matter how you look at it, this thing is not naturally generated."

Professor Fernand on the side asked:

"Is it still alive? But why is it motionless and just spreading mental pollution in the same place?"

"It's still alive, but I destroyed a few joints, and then used the power of [veto] to prevent recovery and regeneration, so it can't move."

Lloyd explained first, then smiled and commented:

"It's pretty easy to deal with."

"Well...I'm afraid that's just for you..."

Lecturer Randy, who is also from the [Rejection] Department, responded in a low voice, and his companion, Lecturer Lille, also said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Yes, I have been involved in the [Rejection] system for many years. Today is the first time I know that even the recovery ability of the Karma Demon can be rejected? It is really amazing. I originally thought that it was at least a saint's ability. Made it happen.”

"How can a saint be so weak? The upper limit of [veto] is very exaggerated."

Lloyd replied casually.

He has seen Hiltina take action before. Even the environment in the 'Forbidden Library' can be [vetoed], so dealing with a karma demon is nothing.

It's just that it's hard for the extraordinary people under her to reach this level, and their understanding and development of [Veto] is far from reaching the upper limit of this system.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. If Dr. Mao Mao wants to study this monster, please do it as soon as possible. We should also hurry up to investigate this laboratory."

Professor Fernande suddenly spoke and brought the topic back.


Dr. Mao Mao waved a bunch of test tubes and medicine bottles, boldly approached the demon, and began to study and sample it.

The three people from the history department started from the areas that were not occupied by the demon, as far away from it as possible, and then began to search for things inside.

But looking at them, it's not that they don't trust Lloyd, and they are afraid that the demon will suddenly break free. Instead, they are more afraid of Dr. Mao Mao, afraid that those potions will splash on him...

Lloyd was not idle either. He looked around for things like road signs and maps, and boldly extended his inspiration to explore deeper areas.

Compared to the last time he came in, his [Inspiration] has doubled, and the exploration distance has naturally been greatly expanded, basically covering the entire ancient ruins.

And with the ability of the space system, he can also restore the three-dimensional map of this place in his mind, and can grasp the surrounding situation more accurately and in detail.

Even if he doesn't find things like road signs and signs, he doesn't have to worry about getting lost.

This can be regarded as the benefit of high [Inspiration], right?

According to the map restored by Lloyd, the area of ​​this ruins is probably two circles larger than the southern city area of ​​Brilliant City.

In addition to being large, it is also very deep.

Even the deep experimental area where everyone is currently located is not the deepest place. There is a large unknown area below here.

But I don't know what this area is used for. When Lloyd's inspiration touched it, the result was "empty as a wilderness", as if it was just a simple underground hole?

Could it be that it was just dug out and abandoned before it could be developed?

It's a bit strange...

He was thinking about it, and heard that the people from the history department next to him had made some discoveries and started to discuss it.

"This is the research report of the Karma Demon... This damn place is really researching such dangerous things? This unnatural life is really artificially created?"

"What a bunch of lunatics... I'm afraid the end of the world is approaching, and they are desperate to try any possible means? Hope to control this monster to gain an advantage on the battlefield?"

"I also found an accident report here, which records that the Karma Demon lost control once. In a battle against monsters, it suddenly broke free from control and turned against them on the spot... Then the experimenters were forced to start the self-destruction program..."

"However, the self-destruction did not completely stop it, but instead created more Karma Demons? What does this sentence mean? This thing Isn't it artificial?"

"What does the report say?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be lost, it seems to be only recorded here."

"Wait! I also found an experimental log here, which analyzes the reasons and probability of the devil losing control. Let me read it to you briefly..."

"The situation looks very bad. Several attempts at contingency plans have had little effect. The probability of losing control is gradually increasing, causing great trouble to the front line. Pressure from all sides has forced us to give up research in this area..."

"They are all a group of incompetent and cowardly guys. They don't realize the value of our research at all. This is killing the future of mankind with their own hands! Have they all forgotten How did we achieve successive victories on the battlefield? As long as we can solve the problem of losing control, our future will be full of hope!"

"No! No! No! Why is it still wrong? He was so obedient before, why is he suddenly completely out of control? What's wrong?"

"Is it... because of the influence of that thing down there?"

"We must get rid of that big guy down there first, otherwise the experiment won't be able to proceed at all!"

"Why didn't any of the experimenters who went down come back? Are they obsessed with some kind of beauty?"

"Hahaha, hahaha, then I'll go down there myself!"

"I want to personally witness that great being from ancient times, I Willing to give everything for it!"

"Uh... the log ends here. Judging from this, is there anything under this experimental area?"

Lloyd heard this and quickly interrupted:

"There is indeed a wider area, and it cannot be explored using inspiration..."

"Ah? ? ? Lloyd, you dare to use inspiration in such a ghost place? Are you going to die?"

"Ahem, don't care about such details. Anyway, I'll put the [projection] down and see."

Lloyd said, and then pulled out his [projection], then calculated a suitable spatial coordinate, and then used a relatively stable old-fashioned portal to control his [projection] to enter it.

Following the perspective of the [projection], Lloyd also came to the deepest underground of this relic, and then was a little surprised to find that his inspiration was not wrong or disturbed. There was actually an empty underground cave below?

Isn't this wrong? Whether it is analyzed from a logical point of view or from the log, it shouldn't be so empty below, right?

Could it be that the final abandonment of this ancient base was not influenced by some great and precious item mentioned in the log?

However, judging from the various traces left behind, the people here evacuated very hastily, so hastily that they even abandoned those important experimental records. It was obvious that they encountered something big and fled in a hurry.

It is impossible that the existence of underground cavities caused the unstable geological structure, right?

Lloyd certainly did not believe this explanation, so he controlled the [Projection] to fly around and looked around, but still found nothing.

He thought about it, first retracted the [Projection] a little, guarded near the landing point of the portal just now, and activated the [Projection]'s self-defense function.

Then he turned on a lot of messy protective equipment on his body, unfolded the [Distorted Realm], and then activated the new version of the teleportation, and his figure disappeared silently from the spot.

He was going to go down and see for himself.

When he just stood firm at the previous landing point, his vision immediately became blurred, and he sensed a strange atmosphere, as if there was something floating in the air that he couldn't understand.

He even smelled a smell coming towards him, which was very...

Sweet and delicious?

Lloyd couldn't even control himself, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva, awakening some memories that should have been sealed in his mind.

A strange thought surged in his mind:

I haven't eaten this for a long time, I really want to try it again...

Fortunately, this kind of absent-mindedness only lasted for a short moment. With the support of 8800 points of [rationality], Lloyd quickly stabilized his thoughts again.

He quickly reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of his mouth, and then looked around.

Although the hole was still so empty, there was a bright and huge mushroom in the center.

The mushroom was about one meter in size, dark red, and still wriggling slightly. I didn't know whether it was made of mycelium or flesh and blood.

The fragrance that awakened Lloyd's memory came from the mushroom.

Even until now, it kept reminding Lloyd that this thing was very delicious!

It was delicious, of course, because Lloyd had really tasted it before.

It was picked by his "good brother" himself.

That was probably his first full meal after crossing over?

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