I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 590 592 Two Paths to Acquiring Knowledge

Chapter 590 592. Two paths to acquire knowledge

Time flies, time flies, time flies, time passes quickly...

Three days...

Before getting up this morning, Lloyd first allocated some of the attributes obtained during the 'routine check-in'.

If you are tired, add some inspiration...

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

【state:? ? ? 】

[Insanity value: 8916/50000, upper limit: 5600000]

[Rationality: 5600]

[Spiritual power: 5600]

【Inspiration: 3120】

[Cognition: 5600]

[System: Distort LV6, reject LV6, falsehood]

In the past three days, he had just reached level 80 through various messy ways, and gained 400 attribute points. Then he allocated a little bit of balanced development every day, and finally his attributes expanded slightly.

Of course, this efficiency is not fast, but it is acceptable. It is always faster than [Trial of Illusion], let alone ordinary extraordinary people outside, who have worked hard for a long time to get +1+2.

Therefore, I, Lloyd, have more advantages than others. It does not mean that I have any special physique or strong bloodline. The main thing is that I am more diligent and hardworking than others!

Lloyd admired himself in his heart, then secretly squinted his eyes, and caught the little kitten on the pillow without paying attention, then grabbed it and wiped his face.

The little kitten must have gotten used to it, and after being caught, it actually showed a resigned expression. In turn, it used its soft flesh pad to rub the corners of Lloyd's eyes, and then actively rubbed it with its round head.

Next, when she was helping Everol comb her hair step by step, her sister asked about Lloyd's plans for today. Will he be back in the evening?

"The trials in this world have entered a stable period, and there is no room for further optimization yet, so everyone should take a break today. I will go back to the academy to stay for a few days and see if I can find any opportunities..."

"If it's at night, it depends on the situation, right? Anyway, sister, just don't wait for me."

"Well, I understand. Xiao Yi, you go to work first, but remember not to tire yourself out."

"Don't worry, sister remembers to eat well. I haven't cooked for you for a long time. I have been worried about whether your nutrition can keep up?"

"No, no, no! Don't worry about this! I can definitely take care of myself!"

Everol replied with lingering fear, and her tone sounded a little panicked, as if she was afraid that her brother would come back to cook for her if she had a sudden idea.

In this way, after saying goodbye to his sister, Lloyd opened the portal and returned to the academy.

The meeting time in the academy happened to be around ten in the morning, and a round of [False Trial] was in full swing.

Similar to the outside world, the academy is also divided into small teams and participates in trials separately. They no longer eat from a big pot like before.

On the one hand, this can reduce some energy consumption, and on the other hand, it can balance the dynamic difficulty. Otherwise, if those seventh-level and eighth-level professors are mixed with the art department students in the same team, this increase in dynamic difficulty will make the art department people indifferent. No experience.

At the same time, you can also check the wear and tear of the rituals and the silly little robot. Otherwise, Lloyd would have to mend it every three days, which is quite annoying.

Lloyd took another look at the college's settlement report and found that during the past few days when he was busy in the outside world, the college's progress was gratifying, and he had been able to steadily obtain a 'C' grade or even higher ratings in various scenes.

But this is not the fault of Professor Deco. He seemed to have slipped out to fish and did not participate in the trial for a long time. It seemed that he was just doing routine maintenance.

Therefore, the biggest contributor should be Dr. Latio of the medical team. Lloyd happened to be watching a scene where his team conquered the 'Wasteland Defense Line'.

This is the scene where Eloro performed quite well before.

"Students with higher defenses are in front, use the formation I taught you."

"Students with higher skill damage and attribute damage are in the second row. Remember to protect yourself and learn to cooperate with the characters in the scene. Don't look at them for being dull. We are just these few people. The maintenance of the front line mainly depends on them."

"Students with high critical damage... just be responsible for transporting ammunition supplies... There are so many effective attributes here, why do you just add useless critical damage?"

As a few clear instructions were given, several other students present immediately stood in their respective positions.

One of them had a sad face and said helplessly:

"I don't know what's going on? I also used points to draw a lottery. Why can you all get high-quality attributes like defense and vitality, but I only have useless critical damage? Isn't this fair?"

As a result, Dr. Ladio replied coldly:

"Nothing in this world is absolutely fair. Complain less and think more about how to plan the route. Your position is still very important."

As he spoke, he pulled the bolt of the gun in his hand and looked at the gathering tide of monsters in the distance.

After such a long period of trying, the doctor had already noticed the secret marks on each weapon, and quickly summarized the performance of the firearm corresponding to each mark. After a long period of practice, he was able to Make flexible use of firearms with various capabilities.

After sharing these experiences with other participants, everyone finally knew how to use these seemingly ancient firearms.

And the weapon that Dr. Latio chose for himself was Lloyd's favorite weapon, the burst sniper rifle.

The single-shot power is not the greatest, but it is the most comprehensive in terms of performance and feel among the many weapons designed by Lloyd.

So everyone also understood that once entering the historical scene, they would find this kind of gun as soon as possible and then give it to the strongest person in the team to use.

Dr. Latio naturally did not disappoint. In the following battle, he relied on this gun and his own experience and ability to deal with the monsters that rushed over. At the same time, he was still issuing precise instructions to let other students cooperate to stabilize the front.

It can almost be said that he quickly raised the evaluation to the ‘C’ level by his own strength.

Lloyd was stunned outside.

Thinking that your actual combat experience and on-the-spot command, how can you not look like a serious doctor?

It seems that the academy is not without strong practical fighters, but they may not come to participate in their own trials.

Unfortunately, except for Dr. Latio himself, the gap between him and other students is too big. Even if they rely on cooperation and tacit understanding to support, they are outnumbered in the end. With the fall of several other positions on the front line, they are also surrounded and have no room for maneuvering and operation. The team is wiped out.

The final evaluation can only be fixed at ‘C+’.

So after returning to the rest area, a student immediately said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, everyone. I collapsed first. Alas, if I hadn't dealt critical damage but life defense, I would have survived."

Dr. Latio listened and immediately replied:

"Don't take the problem and responsibility on yourself. If you want to get a high evaluation in this scene, it's not enough to rely on one person; don't attribute the problem to that additional attribute, it's not decisive."

"That's what I said, but every time I'm with you, professor, I always feel like I'm holding you back..."

"It doesn't matter if you hold me back. After all, this is just a trial. I'd rather you hold me back now than fail at the really critical moment."

"Uh... okay, I feel better."

Dr. Latio's way of comforting people is indeed quite special, but I have to admit that the effect is actually quite good?

But Lloyd secretly glanced at the holy relics he obtained in the trial and the additional bonus attributes.

My goodness, the critical damage is almost stacked to 100?

No wonder I said before not to attribute the problem to critical damage, it turns out that he also caused all this.

Lloyd wanted to laugh, and took a look at the situation of other teams while this team was resting.

The petite and childish Metis was there?

She was just wearing shoes, and was in a hard battle with her two roommates in the virtual scene, being chased by a bunch of alien creatures, and was beaten from time to time.

Look at the additional attributes she got.

My goodness, all life defense...

No wonder she could hold out for so long surrounded by a bunch of alien creatures.

It's a pity that the other people in her team are not very good, whether it's experience strength, extra bonus, or accumulated points, they don't look very good. It's obviously a relatively weak team, relying on Metis alone to hold on.

But even so, she didn't give up or dislike her teammates. No matter how dangerous the situation is, she will rush to rescue them.

In the end, she got herself involved, and the whole team was quickly wiped out...

It can only be said that if she doesn't make a decision, she is destined to go nowhere, and she is not suitable to be the leader of the team.

However, Lloyd remembered the two times he had partnered with her before. She seemed to have always been like this. Although she always said "bad woman, bad woman", she cared more about the safety of others than herself, and would never abandon or give up on anyone.

It feels like if she had the opportunity to choose whether to become a saint, she would probably be the type who would not hesitate, right?

So even though the team's final performance was terrible, and it was still between "E" and "D" at this stage, the atmosphere of the whole team was very good, and they also recognized Metis as a leader.

Come on, my good girl.

Lloyd blessed her in his heart, and then sent her a message to invite her to dinner in the evening.

Finally, after looking at the whole circle, it can only be said that the progress of the trial on the academy side has made some progress, but it still encountered the same situation as the reality, the progress is still not fast enough, not big enough.

The progress here is not about the evaluation rewards they can get, but about the impact on the present world.

After all the trouble, it can only cause an impact the size of a water drop, which is not even a drop in the bucket in the bottomless abyss.

Too slow, still too slow...

But I have no idea, I don’t know how to improve.

Even the forbidden knowledge that can be obtained during this period has become weaker, just some patchwork on details, such as making the scene show weather changes, which is useless...

Lloyd shook his head helplessly, feeling that his head was big.

He felt that he needed more, stronger, and more effective knowledge of the [illusion] system.

At present, the "palace foundation" seems to have reached its limit in this regard.


Seize the time to complete the next [Transcendence], right?

After reaching the seventh level, the foundation of the palace should be further improved, and more forbidden knowledge should probably be obtained.

But the problem is...

Lloyd has not yet found a way to complete the seventh [Transcendence] in the [Distortion] system.

Although the general direction should still be accomplished through [distorting] the transcendent effects of other systems, without a clear answer, Lloyd did not want to take the risk.

[Distortion] It’s not the kind of system that you can rush into.

It is even said that he has not mastered the rituals to transform the effects of other systems.

None of the taboo knowledge acquired touches on this aspect, let alone the [Distortion] department in the academy, which has never gone this far.

This means that Lloyd not only has to explore the [Illusion] system alone, but he also has to explore the [Distortion] system alone.

Let’s try again and see if we can gain knowledge in this area through [Meeting the Saint]? Anyway, my current knowledge reserve is not enough.

If the [Veto] department completes its preparations and the [Distortion] department still has no clue, I will have no choice but to take risks...

Lloyd was calculating in his mind and thought of two desperate paths.

One is to take the initiative to attack the ancient remnants and obtain this knowledge from them.

This path is relatively clear, because we knew before that the ancient survivors were also studying the [distortion] system, and because of their physiological advantages, they could go further and more easily than ordinary humans.

So they should be able to find something over there.

But this path is not very stable, nor is it easy to operate.

If they were irritated and began to work hard, Lloyd was not sure whether he or the college could handle it.

After all, the last time he used chaotic creatures to influence the world, he still caused a lot of trouble. Even if he didn't threaten Daroyd himself, he did harm to his relatives and friends.

Rather than his own safety, he was more worried about his sister, Miss Desda, Wei Ya and the others.

As for getting the second direction, it seems to be more risky.

Lloyd first tried the [Think Deep Dive] that he had experienced once before.

That is to say, let your thinking consciousness go deep into a different space and search for taboo knowledge there.

This approach is a bit of playing with fire, as you may encounter valuable items or dangerous situations.

There might even be that 'arrogant bastard' among them...

But the advantage is that no one else will be implicated and you can bear the risk alone.

Therefore, neither method is very stable, and Lloyd doesn't really want to choose it.

Let’s put our hope in Hildina...

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