I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 585 587 Trial Scale Expansion

Chapter 585 587. The scale of the trial is expanded

"Sister, please remember to pay attention to your phone...oh no, it's the message I sent to your terminal last night."

When Lloyd was combing Everol's hair, he didn't forget to remind her.

"Yeah! Don't worry, I will definitely not forget what Xiaoyi told me."

Everol said with a smile, picked up her phone again, faced the mirror, and took a picture of her brother combing her hair. The smile on her face became sweeter and sweeter.

As Lloyd looked at it, he felt that she seemed to be very talented in this area. She could figure it out on her own without being reminded when she took photos like this in front of the mirror.

After sending his sister out, Lloyd immediately opened the portal and positioned himself next to Wei Ya.

When she opened the door, she saw that Wei Ya was stepping on the bed with her long legs, putting on her usual pair of tight black stockings...

"Huh? Sorry, sorry."

Lloyd quickly waved his hand and retracted into the portal.

After a few more minutes, I guessed that Wei Ya was dressed, and then she reopened the portal and came to her boudoir.

As a result, Wei Ya suddenly became unhappy for some reason?

"Hmph! Idiot...it's not like I won't show it to you..."

"Ahem... It's so early in the morning. It's not good. Let's get down to business. Here~ This is the latest trial terminal specially prepared for you. It is built with the heart of professional engineering masters and is equipped with a variety of unique and humanized features. Function."

Lloyd quickly took out the same 'phone' as his sister's and handed it to Wei Ya.

But different from Evrol, the color scheme of Wei Ya's model is mainly black, while the color of Evrol's model is mainly white, but the functions are similar, including a camera function and trial-related functions.

Being able to receive a special gift early in the morning, Wei Ya was no longer angry and quickly listened carefully to Lloyd's explanation of how to use the function.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't wait to raise his 'phone', put his arms around Lloyd's neck, put his pretty face close to it, and took an intimate photo of the couple.

But she felt that just cheek-to-cheek was not enough, so she kissed Lloyd twice more and captured the kissing moment with her mobile phone.

Then I went through a lot of selection, selected the one I liked the most, and set it as the background.

"Yeah, so as soon as I take it out, I can think of you."

Wei Ya looked at the intimate look of the two people on the phone, and smiled extraordinarily sweetly, with a faint blush on her face.

Then he suddenly asked an inexplicable question:

"Lord Saint, does she... have the same thing?"

"Huh? Are you talking about Hildina? She doesn't. After all, she is a saint and cannot participate in my trial."

"That's it..."

There was a hint of cunning in the smile on Wei Ya's face.

"That's it for now. Remember to pay attention to the notification above. When today's trial starts, you can use it to enter."

As Lloyd said, he took out five more original rough lead boxes and handed them over.

"These original versions, see if there are any good ideas in Tower 9, and give them a chance."


Wei Ya nodded and asked again:

"But... when you talk about good prospects, do you mean beautiful girls like Metis?"

"Huh? It's not her, she already had it..."

Lloyd originally told the truth, but noticed that the expression on Wei Ya's face changed instantly.

"Uh... what do you want to do with that biting expression? She is now my classmate and one of the earliest testers. Ours is purely an academic exchange."


"Anyway, Wei Ya, you must believe me. This is purely academic exchange... Anyway, these three extra ones, plus Wei Ya's original one, can be given to some talented executor students."

Lloyd continued to speak, reluctantly making Wei Ya nod, and then stretched out his hand to open the portal.

"Then I'll leave first. I still have a lot of things to do."

"Wait a moment!"

Wei Ya stopped him, then held his face, pulled his head in front of her, and kissed him seriously before letting him go.

What she didn't know was that on the other side of the portal, there happened to be another beautiful girl's boudoir...

It wasn't until Lloyd had left for a while that Wei Ya suddenly thought of a detail and whispered to herself:

"Wait a minute, when I just asked him if His Majesty the Holy One was there, why did he ask me if it was Hiltina?"


"Lord Uther, how do I feel about you..."

Ai Luoluo held the blue 'mobile phone' just given by Royd in his hand, sat in Royd's arms with his whole body, and then twitched his cute little nose.

"Why does it smell like other girls?"

"No, no, it smells like a kitten. You've seen it before. It's very cute and clingy."

"is that so?"

"Of course, can I still lie to you? Okay, okay, hurry up and finish the filming, there are still other things to do."

Under Lloyd's urging, Alolo, who was already easy to coax, naturally didn't have any doubts. He quickly raised his phone and took a few intimate photos of himself in Lloyd's arms.

Then there was a lot of selection, and I picked out a picture of myself nestled in the arms of my lover, looking at him lovingly.

"Sure enough, this one is the best!"

She nodded with satisfaction.

Lloyd was a little puzzled as to why the girls around him, including his sister, were all self-taught in taking pictures. They had just started and already knew the camera posture and angles well.

Unlike myself, when taking photos of my sister, the photos look like ID photos...

"Now that you've made your choice, let's get down to business."

Lloyd suggested again.

"Okay, but Lord Uther, please let go of my feet first? I haven't put on my socks yet..."


After a while, Elolo led Lloyd to a vault on the lower floor of her residence.

He also asked proudly:

"Dangdang~ This place should meet your requirements, Lord Uther, right?"

Lloyd looked at the thick steam gate and nodded in confusion.

In fact, there is really no need to be so strict...

"Okay, then I'm going to start work. You should hurry up and deal with the documents and forms."

"Oh...see you later."

Eloro said with a grimace.

But just when he was about to leave, he took advantage of Lloyd not paying attention, stood up on tiptoes, quickly kissed him gently on the cheek, and then ran away with a sweet smile.

Lloyd shook his head in confusion, and then began to deploy the ritual on the ground.

The solution he came up with for the previous problem of "poor network" was to directly use space technology to solve signal transmission.

To put it simply, a miniature space channel is deployed to extend the trial ritual from the Brilliant City and connect it to another set of relay rituals here.

The principle is not difficult, but the operation requires a lot of patience. It took Lloyd a whole morning to complete it.

Fortunately, after a simple test, the problem should not be big.

It's just that this set of relay rituals still needs to be powered, and it has to be powered separately, so it has to be connected to another set of arrays responsible for energy supply.

When the preparations were completed and it was almost time for dinner, Ailuoluo ran over and hugged Lloyd's arm, asking to have lunch together.

While eating, Lloyd also took out four pairs of the original lead boxes, indicating that Elolo could use them as some kind of reward to give the trustworthy newcomers in the cult a chance.

"Okay, I understand."

"Well, that's it. I'm going back to the Brilliant City first. I still have a lot of things to do."

Lloyd ignored Elolo's pleas and returned to the Brilliant City. Then he took out a business card and a set of space equipment from his pocket, and calculated the address on it.

Then he opened the door and went directly to Mizkatok's alumni association in the city.

As soon as it landed, there was a little commotion.

"Wow?! Enemy attack?"

"Come again? Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

"Wait! Don't mess around! It's not this time! Look, it's a classmate."

"And he's an honor student wearing a gold lapel?!"

"Huh? You are the Lloyd that Will and the others mentioned, right?"

"Nice to meet you!"

Lloyd quickly said hello to his classmates, and then received a warm reception from everyone.

All the classmates who stayed in this private club gathered around him and introduced themselves in various ways.

After the necessary greetings, Lloyd motioned for everyone to sit around the sofa, then took out five pairs of rough lead boxes and placed them on the coffee table in front of him. He then talked about his trial, the purpose of his trip, and the invitation. Come and test play.

When they heard that there were cheap basic attributes available, the students were naturally excited, but some disputes immediately arose.

There were more than a dozen people present, but there were only five pairs of lead boxes...

Although Lloyd promised to come up with more as soon as possible, it is easy to cause academic disputes over who comes first and who comes last.

So after a fruitless argument, someone immediately suggested:

"Well...since everyone has differences, how about we follow the tradition of the academy?"

"Academy tradition? Aren't you bullying us in the art department?"

"Humph! That's natural. Who told you to choose the art department instead of choosing so many subjects?"

"Damn it! You're going too far! Don't look down on others. I'm already at the second level of [Veto]. If I fight, I'm not that afraid of you!"

Lloyd looked at the two people arguing. One had an average attribute of just over 20 points, while the other had an average attribute of over 100 soon...

So he quickly waved his hand and persuaded:

"Don't be like this, everyone. There is no need to cause bloody conflicts when something is supposed to be fun. Besides, we don't have the medical conditions here at the academy, so things can easily go wrong..."

"In my opinion, it's better to draw lots. Those who are drawn will experience it first. If you are not drawn, there is no need to worry. Anyway, it will only be a day or two later. Wouldn't it be good to let them go in first to explore the way? Didn't I say it before? ? Although the trial will not encounter real danger, it is still very intense and is not an outing. "

"Then...since you said so, Mr. Lloyd, let's do what you want."

After settling the dispute in this way, Lloyd explained some details of the trial, then left and returned to his luxury apartment to prepare to host the trial.

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a luxury apartment. You can no longer find the exquisite sense of life before. It has been filled with all kinds of messy rituals and batteries. There is no place to sleep. Lloyd's idea of ​​hiding a mistress in a golden house has been completely cut off.

"Alas... a good apartment, I haven't lived in it for even a day..."

Lloyd smiled helplessly and poked the three stupid robots on the ground.

The three small robots immediately began to jump, then deformed, and floated in the air again, forming a circle. While rotating, they kept changing various geometric patterns, which looked quite sci-fi.

At this time, Lloyd could directly send a message to the testers and ask them to prepare.

But when he looked at the circle formed by the three small robots, a light flashed in his mind and he had a bold idea...

So he took out the knowledge crystal that he had not found an opportunity to use before and "embedded" it into the circle in the air.

Under the influence of a strange force, the crystal did not fall due to gravity, but was instead swept up and rotated along with it.

Hmm... Will this work?

Let's try it?

Lloyd nodded, and then began to signal the testers to invite them in.

At the same time, he followed in from the perspective of an 'observer', monitoring the situation of the trial at any time.

As soon as he entered, he immediately noticed some changes.

Oh? It really has become a little different?

There is an indescribable sense of 'history' and vicissitudes, which is closer to the version of the academy?

If nothing unexpected happens, there will also be a 'review of history' at the end?

Let's try it...

Lloyd waited for a while in the rest area, and saw his sister enter first, looking around timidly.

"Eh? I'm the first one to come?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Ya also came in, followed by Ai Luo Luo.

The three girls were the first to arrive...

Then the others came in one after another.

Because Lloyd has given out a lot of extra quotas today, the rest area has become lively all of a sudden.

The people present have become a bit of a mixed bag, with both eighth-level strongmen like Old York and ordinary teenagers who are ignorant and wearing ordinary uniforms of District 18.

There are also saints’ followers like Everoel, as well as the saint who protects him.

This table of people who probably have little intersection in their lives have actually gathered together in this way.

Well, it feels like the Earth back then.

With so many people coming at once, we definitely can’t just gather at one table like before and go in together.

So Lloyd modified the gameplay and rules, requiring everyone to form a team and enter different trial scenes separately.

Each team has no more than five people.

Different scenes can run at the same time, which is the biggest update of his wave.

This is also a new trick that can only be played after obtaining the latest batch of taboo knowledge.

Energy consumption will increase by leaps and bounds, and it is also because of this reason.

"Hmm? You actually asked to form a team by yourself? Then... Miss Wei Ya, what do you think?"

Everroe looked at the instructions updated by her brother and asked in a low voice.

Wei Ya reminded in a low voice:

"Sister, pay attention here, there is a line of small words written specifically for us, he asked us not to team up with others, just two of us in a group."

"Is that so? Okay then..."

Everroe nodded, but her eyes were on another beautiful girl not far away.

Wei Ya also noticed this and asked curiously:

"Huh? What's wrong with that girl? Sister, you keep looking at her."

Everroe shook her head.

"I don't know... I just think she's a little special, maybe because she's very beautiful and cute?"

Weiya's attitude is a little different from Everoe's.

Just... I always feel a vague hostility, as if I and that girl are naturally opposed?

But I don't know them?

She was thinking about it and said:

"Really? I think... that's it? She's skinny, not tall, and dressed so exaggeratedly... But her hat is pretty good. I wonder which fashion brand it is?"

The two were whispering, and Old York came over and asked if they wanted to form a team?

Weiya found an excuse to refuse, lying that she and Evelor had other plans, so she wouldn't hold them back.

The other people present were originally put in by Lloyd in a controlled number. People who knew each other could just form a group, and they didn't have to go "solo".

As for the beautiful girl who was more concerned, that is, Ai Luoluo, she naturally formed a group with the people of her cult.

Lloyd gave her a total of four places, and with her, she just formed a pair of joyful groups.

Others, there is Old York's investigator group.

The classmates group at the alumni association.

The group of executors that Weiya brought in was led by the executioner who replaced Lloyd.

And the last one, which only consisted of Everole and Weiya...

A group with connections?

In this way, after each team confirmed their own progress, different portals appeared in front of them, guiding them into different trial scenes.

And what Evelor and Wei Ya entered happened to be the most difficult scene known as the ‘Mizkatok Nightmare’.

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