I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 580 Your words may easily cause misunderstanding

Chapter 580 580. Your words may easily lead to misunderstanding

“No… don’t come over here!”

Everroel said in a fierce voice, and the weapon in her hand, which was about as powerful as a small pistol, fired randomly without aiming.


“Eh? Why are all the monsters gone?”

When she was wondering about this, a flying monster suddenly attacked from behind.

“Be careful!”

Viya hurriedly reminded, but it was too late.

The monster, which was the size of three or five adults, hit Everoel’s disproportionately small body.


The monster disappeared directly?

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Everroel tilted her head, not quite understanding the current situation.

But she didn’t have time to think about it, and more monsters came up immediately.

"Let's go this way!"

Although Wei Ya was a civilian judge, her combat experience was better than that of Evelor. She immediately found a passage on the wall that was completely covered by monsters and prepared to break out from there.

Because the gun in her hand was very strange and had a very short range, it was not easy to use. She simply threw it away, then kicked up an ordinary long sword under her feet and used it to clear the way ahead.

The monsters that dared to block the road, no matter what size or what level of danger, were all chopped to pieces by her sword. They were not cut in half, but directly shattered into debris.

Even Wei Ya was a little surprised.

Eh? When did my swordsmanship become so powerful?

This was the first time she felt the value of 300 critical damage.

But it was still not as good as Evelor.

I saw several more monsters coming up from behind, and Everoel fired a few shots casually, and those monsters disappeared without a trace like scratches erased by an eraser.

I... seem to be very powerful?

No, it's this cute little Yi next to me who is very powerful?

Everoel gradually realized the key to the problem.

The attribute interface shows only 1,000 points of critical damage, which should be very powerful, right?

But every time I fired a gun, this cute little Yi puppet floating beside me would also wave his furry, short arms.

Then the monsters were turned to ashes?

I didn't even need to do anything specific, as long as the monsters were close enough, the cute puppet would also wave its arms.

Then the monsters were turned to ashes again?

As for when I was attacked by monsters, I saw that I was about to be pounced on, and the cute puppet would always block in front of me in time.

Then the monsters were turned to ashes again?

In addition, every time she pulled the trigger and fired, she could feel a force flowing from the cute puppet to herself, as if it was giving her some kind of buff attribute?

So the next time Everoel fired to clear the monsters, she was more careful and paid special attention to her attribute panel.

She saw that her critical damage suddenly increased from 1000 to 3000...

So... my forever Xiao Yi can automatically help me attack and defend, and can also make me three times stronger?

With Xiao Yi by my side, I have three times the power?

Everoel was thinking about it, and suddenly forgot that she was in a tense and exciting battlefield, and her heart was sweet instead.

Her feet were still trying to step with her short legs to keep up with Wei Ya's pace, watching her waving a long sword in front of her and killing her way out.

Unfortunately, there were too many monsters, and Wei Ya's additional attributes were not high enough. After chopping dozens of monsters, the long sword inevitably broke, and her own physical strength was exhausted.

"Huh... is it going to fail?"

Weiya gasped.

"It's okay, Miss Weiya, leave the rest to me."

Yifroel said, and raised the gun in her hand again.

As a result, when she pulled the trigger this time, there was no harsh gunshot, but a series of "bang bang bang bang" sounds?

Then the vision in front of her eyes turned blue, and when it recovered, she had come to a beautiful but slightly weird place.

This is the rest area at the end of the first act...

Uh... It was reported wrong? Was the value too high?

Lloyd was a little embarrassed when he saw this strange scene. He quickly operated it manually, settled the trial rewards for his sister and girlfriend, and sent them back to the rest area.

Several investigators who were eliminated before had arrived here in advance, and they looked intact, discussing the previous battle situation.

After noticing the confused Everole and Via, they asked in surprise:

"Huh? You actually lasted this long? It seems that we really underestimated the fighting power of the two ladies?"

Unlike the mode in the academy where people can still watch after being eliminated, because Everole and Via are involved, Lloyd made a slight optimization and let others go directly to the rest area after being eliminated.

Otherwise, it is not easy to explain to others that if you shoot at the sky, the monsters behind you will die...

"So, what kind of evaluation did the two ladies get? Can you reveal it?"

Old York asked again.

"Of course, Grandpa York, I got a C rating, and got a 5-point spiritual power increase, some points, and a slight level increase that I don't quite understand."

Viya answered truthfully, but didn't elaborate on how many points there were.

Everoel also said:

"I have the same rating as Miss Wei Ya, but the main reward I got is 5 points of rationality."

The answers of both of them were a bit evasive, but the others didn't think much about it. They were still attracted too much attention by this absolutely novel experience and were busy sharing their gains from this trip.

They all only got D to D+ ratings, and the attribute rewards were also 2-3 points, plus 20 or 30 points.

This harvest seems a bit shabby, but they are already very satisfied. After all, if you want to earn these few attributes outside, it takes a long time and hard work, and it is definitely not as easy and efficient as here.

As for the rewards obtained by Everoel and Wei Ya, they seem a little less. Does Lloyd seem not very generous?

But this is really unfair to him. How much reward he can get in the end is not entirely determined by him.

The rewards obtained by the testers are essentially based on the original functions of the "Book of Illusion", and its core principle is a bit like "enhanced training effect".

So in the original version of [Illusion Trial] that Lloyd had experienced, the higher the difficulty, the longer the time, the more monsters killed, and the more rewards you get.

Now, although he has simplified this process, reduced some difficulties and entry barriers, of course, the corresponding rewards have also been reduced.

By the way, a more intuitive evaluation system has been added to facilitate others to check their specific performance, but the basic principles of the trial itself cannot be changed rashly, and there is no way to give my sister thousands of attributes at once.

He has also thought about whether he can give his sister some cheating-level magic clothes, so that she can kill more monsters, stay longer, and get more rewards.

This is also the second test content scheduled at the beginning of the trial.

The final result can only be said to be half successful, right?

My sister did get a higher rating and reward by staying longer, but the part of using cheats to kill monsters was not settled correctly.

In the end, there was even a ridiculous error, which caused them to exit the trial early.

Tsk~ Why do I feel that my little trick was prevented by the former dean thousands of years in advance?

So Lloyd also realized that even if he didn't make a fancy whistle evaluation system, equipment system, character image, scene art and other details, it would not affect the rewards that testers could get.

But if that were the case, the trial would become very boring and boring, and the experience would be like going to work.

At the same time, it would not be conducive to Lloyd's exploration of the mysteries of the [illusion] system and mastering the power of the [illusion] system.

It may even affect the effect of "changing reality with illusion"--

At the end of the first trial of his sister, Lloyd also felt the weak fluctuation, which flowed from the ritual array in front of him into the "Book of Illusion" in his mind, and then drifted to the "abyss area" in the distance.

And the speed was extremely fast, just like raindrops falling from the sky, splashing water waves in the "abyss".

Because there was no alien space and time disorder zone on the academy's side, Lloyd could witness the whole process more clearly and more intuitively.

Also felt that the fluctuation and influence caused by this "raindrop" seemed to be slightly stronger than the one flowing out of the academy?

Is it because of the distance? Or did my sister and Wei Ya kill more monsters?

It may even be because this scene is built more delicately and restored than the one in the academy?

Lloyd tried to speculate the reason, but the information is not enough at the moment, and no decisive conclusion can be made for the time being.

But anyway, he completed two of the four test goals he set when he started this trial, and two more were half successful.

The first and third projects can be said to be very smooth. [Trial of Illusion] can run well in the present world, and it can also emit the power of [Illusion] to affect the ‘abyss’ of the past.

The second and fourth were only half successful. Sister and the others did get a little more rewards, but it was far less than Lloyd had expected;

Ai Luoluo, who was far away in the City of Joy, also successfully joined the trial, but soon got disconnected...

So... there are still many things that need to be optimized and adjusted, and we have to keep working hard.

Lloyd summarized today's situation in his mind and took a look at the situation in the trial.

At this time, Everole and the others had already opened the second scene and came to the classic question and answer area.

Everoel was sitting obediently in front of a big golden fat man, listening to the loud voice across from him:

"Why can birds fly?"

"Eh? This... If birds can't fly, wouldn't they become chickens?"

"You deserve to be punished!"

"Ouch! Ouch! Woo..."

Evelor's eyes were filled with tears from the pain, and he was immediately hit and squatted to defend himself. He was still wondering why the cute little Yi didn't protect himself this time?

Right next to him, a young investigator was also dealing with all kinds of nonsensical questions.

"Why are pigeons so big?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? Where are the pigeons? Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

"You should be punished!"

"Oh my god! It hurts so much!"

Even Old York was not spared.

"Press a button and you can sacrifice one person and save 10 people. If you don't press it, those 10 people will die miserably. What choice should you make?"

"I'm already level 8, and I can't save both sides? Then what kind of extraordinary person am I?"

"You should be punished!"

"Hiss... Are you deliberately making things difficult for me?"

Among the testers present, only Wei Ya's situation was relatively special, and the problems she encountered were specially adjusted by Lloyd.

"You and the Saint fell in love with the same person, what would you do?"

"Wow... Although I am very unwilling and unwilling to share, it is after all the Saint's Majesty, I can only obey her order and give Lloyd a baby..."

"And the Saint's Majesty also secretly told me that she is not feeling well now, and many things are not convenient, so if Lloyd needs that... I... I have to stand up..."

Viya hesitated and her pretty face became redder and redder.

After hearing such an answer, the golden fat man opposite her immediately announced loudly:

"You passed!"


"Didn't you say you passed? Why are you still punished?"

Because passing is passing, and the process is the process...

Lloyd wanted to laugh when he saw it from the side.

He helped them share the mental pollution while looking at the forbidden knowledge they obtained.

Uh...no need to look, all the goods are in the "recycling bin" again.

So what's going on? Why is the forbidden knowledge obtained in the [False Trial] useless and not strong in mental pollution?

This is definitely not a simple probability problem. It has been like this since the restart of the [False Trial].

So it was blocked in some way? Those truly useful forbidden knowledge with strong mental pollution cannot come in?

Where does this "filter" come from? Why can it only block high-risk and valuable ones?

Lloyd felt that there were still many unsolved mysteries in his trial, and there were still many things he needed to explore and experiment.

At this time, in the trial scene, with the end of the second act, today's process was over, and the portal to leave had already appeared.

However, Old York suggested:

"You can leave, but I still want to stay a little longer and discuss more with everyone."

"Well, I think so too."

"Then... what do you think of this trial?"

"Can I express my opinion first? I'm thick-skinned, let me speak first."

The "ghost" who was the best at confronting Lloyd before raised his hand.

"Okay, we will listen carefully."

Lloyd, who was listening on the side, noticed this scene and suddenly became a little nervous.

Will this guy burst out the classics as soon as he opened his mouth?

And his worries actually came true?

"Then I will tell the truth. I think today's trial is the greatest invention in human history! No doubt about it! Our journey today will eventually be recorded in history and remembered by future generations!"

"Maybe you think my remarks are a bit exaggerated, but what I want to say is that everyone here has better talents than me. It is difficult for you to understand how precious these two attributes I have obtained today are to me!"

"So please forgive my evaluation for being too subjective and extreme, because a mediocre person like me really needs this kind of trial!"

Having said that, he finished the above words with pride on his face, and didn't feel anything wrong at all.

If such remarks were posted on the Internet on Earth, they would definitely be regarded as brainless fans in the fan circle and various screenshots would be archived.

But everyone present was actually applauding and agreeing?

"That's right! That's actually what I wanted to say. Today's experience will be something I will remember for the rest of my life."

"I'm glad we can agree. Although I'm already at the seventh level, I hope that more seventh levels can emerge in this world, so that we can really change the current terrible situation!"

"Thank you all for supporting and recognizing my little Yi."

"Miss Wei Ya, I hope that after you go back, you can persuade Mr. Lloyd to promote this trial as soon as possible. If you need any resources and help, you can come to me. I'm willing to go bankrupt to support this project."

"Add me! Although I don't have much money..."

"Of course you can't forget me!"

Weiya looked at these people's "united efforts" and suddenly became a little embarrassed. She quickly turned her head and explained to Everoel:

"That... Lloyd and I haven't reached that stage yet. He didn't stay in my room last night..."

Everoel was stunned by what she heard. She was a little dizzy by the sudden amount of information and didn't react at once.

After a long while, she pulled Wei Ya aside and asked in the girls' private chat channel:

"Hey... Miss Wei Ya, you and Xiao Yi are indeed... But what about Xildina? They are already engaged!"

"That... His Majesty the Saint has agreed to my request."

"So? Then can I also..."

Yifroel said subconsciously, but immediately realized that this was a bit dangerous, and quickly changed his words:

"Can you agree to it?"

"If you can agree to it, that would be great!"

"Ahaha, as long as Xiao Yi likes it, then I should... no problem, right?"

Everrole smiled reluctantly and nodded.

But the tone and wording sounded a bit strange, which could easily lead to misunderstandings and associations...

But Wei Ya didn't think too much, and immediately hugged Everole happily.

"Great! Then you will be my sister from now on!"

Lloyd outside the field could not eavesdrop on other people's private chats, and could only look at this scene in confusion, not understanding what the two of them were talking about?

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