I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 58 Welcome to Arkham Town

Chapter 58 58. Welcome to Arkham Town

After driving for half an hour, the steam car came to an unfamiliar street with a series of twists and turns, and then gradually arrived at an inaccessible suburb.

At this time, it was completely dark outside. Except for the illumination of the car lights, there was no longer any light. Even the car lights couldn't shine very far, and they swallowed up the thick darkness around them.

It was extremely quiet everywhere. Apart from the roar of the steam engine, there was no extra sound. It seemed that the whole world was the only space left in the car.

Lloyd tried to look far away, but could only see an undulating black outline, like a mountain covered in night, or a huge monster dormant in the shadows.

The two girls in the back seat also felt the change in the atmosphere. Everol shrank her neck and asked quietly:

"Where have we been?"

Miss Desita, who was preparing the game, was also a little restless and asked:

"Uncle Randolph, how long until we arrive?"

The housekeeper turned to look out the dark window, thought about it carefully, and replied:

"Guys, please be patient, it will start soon..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the speed of the steam car slowed down, the roar of the engine gradually subsided, and the whole car stopped in the middle of the road without moving.

Panic and confusion suddenly appeared on the steward's face, he patted the steering wheel hard and muttered:

"What's going on? Didn't you just take care of it?"

After saying that, he opened the door and got out of the car, opened the hood and checked it, then put his feet on it a few times, trying to repair it physically.

This is obviously a pointless effort...

"I'm sorry, miss, but there's something wrong with the car and it can't move."

The housekeeper explained with an embarrassed expression and kicked the tire hard again, looking particularly anxious.

Miss Desita also became anxious and asked quickly:

"Then...what should we do?"

"I saw a small town not far ahead. How about going there to find someone to help repair the car? But I can only ask the three of you to walk there, and I will stay and look after it."

The housekeeper quickly gave a solution and pointed forward.

Lloyd looked in that direction, and there was a brightly lit scene. From time to time, he could see fireworks rising into the sky, as if there was some kind of lively celebration going on, and he could vaguely hear cheers and music. Voice.

He suddenly remembered that he, his sister, and Miss Desda were here to participate in this celebration.

Then he said:

"Then we can only feel sorry for Mr. Leonard for the time being. We will bring people back as soon as possible to help you."

Miss Desda could only nod helplessly.

"Then... let's go there first. Uncle Leonard, you must be careful."

Everol walked up to Lloyd without saying a word and grabbed his arm, looking particularly uneasy.

The three of them walked towards the direction of the town, but before they had gone far, Miss Desda suddenly stopped again.

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave Uncle Leonard alone. Why don't we invite him to come with us? At worst, we don't need the car. I have plenty at home..."

Lloyd thought for a moment and nodded, and Everol naturally had no objection.

The three of them then returned to the original route in the dark.

But after walking for more than ten minutes, he still couldn't find the steam car lying there. He called the butler's name, but he didn't get any response.

It was as if he and the car had disappeared into the darkness.

The three of them suddenly panicked, and Miss Desda asked in a tearful voice:

"Why can't I find it? What should I do now?"

Lloyd was quite calm. He raised his head, looked at the town that was close at hand, and suggested:

"Should we go to the town to find help first? Maybe we just went astray? Lun... Lun... Mr. Butler is actually still waiting for us at the previous place?"

"Then let's go to town quickly."

Everol said, holding Lloyd's big hand with her little hand, and walked towards the small town.

Only a few steps away, the three of them arrived at the entrance and saw a sign posted on the roadside:

'Welcome to Arkham Town'

The words above are written with a bright red paint, which is very sticky and thick, and seems to be a little warm. It is emitting a pungent and fishy sweet taste, and it has not yet dried completely, and is still flowing slowly downwards. Traces were drawn.

It looked like blood stains that had not yet solidified.

Lloyd and the three of them did not notice this detail, but were busy dealing with a group of enthusiastic town residents.

Beautiful girls put beautiful garlands on them, handsome boys sang and danced around them, and cheerful uncles smiled and played cheerful melody with the musical instruments in their hands.

The three of them instantly fell into the cheerful atmosphere around them. Surrounded by the townspeople, they arrived at a spacious square.

It’s even more lively here, with endless cheers, noises, and cheers. There are a dazzling array of stalls everywhere, some selling delicious snacks, some running interesting games, and some performing exciting shows. People can’t wait to participate. in.

Miss Desita immediately fell in love with a stall with a violent atmosphere - air gun doll shooting.

She grabbed Lloyd's arm with great mobility and dragged him to the stall. She kept shaking her delicate body and said in an almost coquettish tone:

"Royd, I want that! The biggest rabbit! Shoot it down for me!"

But Everoel didn't like this violent game. She took Lloyd's hand, pointed to a fortune-telling stand with a crystal ball next to her, and said in a coquettish tone:

"Xiao Yi, I want to go over there to play. I want to calculate when I can grow taller."

As for Lloyd himself, his eyes were always looking at another stall next to him.

There was a beautiful dancer dancing there, wearing hot and bold clothes, revealing large areas of white skin, and a pair of delicate jade feet. Every step she took seemed to be stepping on his heart, making him feel itchy.

It seems that it would be better for the three of them to go their separate ways?

But Lloyd was suddenly stunned, then rubbed his eyebrows hard and asked:

"Did we... forget something?"

Miss Desda tilted her head slightly, then showed a bright smile and said loudly:

"Hmm? Forgot what? I think you forgot that you promised me before that you would play with me tonight!"

As she said that, she took Lloyd's arm, like an intimate couple.

Seeing this, Everoel on the side was so anxious that she almost jumped up, and quickly hugged Lloyd's waist, and threatened fiercely:

"Xiao Yi is mine, from childhood to adulthood! You are not allowed to snatch it from me! Otherwise, I will bite you!"

Lloyd stared blankly at his sister and Desda in front of him, and was stunned for a long time, and suddenly shook his head violently.

"No...it shouldn't be like this!"

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