I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 576 576 The ladder and key to the future

Chapter 576 576. The ladder and key to the future

After getting rid of this crisis, Lloyd slumped down on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

It wasn't until his sister and the little cat came home that he slowly came back to his senses.

"Xiaoyi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

As soon as Everol took off her little leather shoes, she noticed that her younger brother, who was frowning and even hopeless, didn't even bother to change his slippers. He quickly came closer and stretched out his little hands to hold Lloyd's face. , and pressed his eyelids against his forehead.

"Eh...it doesn't seem like you have a fever?"

Lloyd felt his sister's concern, and his originally ashen face gradually recovered. He quickly shook his head, rubbed his sister's forehead, and replied:

"I'm fine, I just encountered a very difficult problem..."

"That's it... ugh... my sister is not very educated and doesn't even know how to help you."

"It doesn't matter. As long as sister stays with me, she will be the greatest help to me."

Lloyd smiled, stood up from the sofa, and said:

"I didn't have dinner at home, I had to go out."

"Eh? Okay... Then I'll wait for you to come back."

Everol looked at her brother eagerly, full of worry.

Lloyd nodded, opened a portal, and was about to walk in, but suddenly thought of something...

So she hurried back to Everol and gave her sister a tight hug.

Then he said something inexplicable in her ear:

"Sister, you may have saved the world just now."


Everol was confused after hearing this and was about to ask more questions, but Lloyd had already disappeared into the portal.

She could only sit cross-legged on the sofa, grab the little kitten next to her, and ask:

"Xiao Yi... what's going on? He seemed very disappointed just now, but then he recovered? But then he said something very strange."

"Meow meow meow!"

The little cat waved its furry paws and rolled in Evelor's hand, as if it was showing off its cuteness.

Everol looked at it and asked tentatively:

"You mean, he is actually working very hard and is not as relaxed as he seems on the surface? So when he comes back later, we can stay with him and help him relax?"

"Meow meow!"

The little cat nodded vigorously, indicating that Everol had understood what she meant.

But this is outrageous. Even Lloyd doesn't know what the little milk cat is saying, but Everol can still understand it?

"Well, okay then, I'll take a shower first and then change into a pair of clean stockings."

Everol said, putting down the kitten, a slightly charming smile appeared on her face, and she added in a low voice:

"Although Xiaoyi has never admitted it, it seems that he has always liked girls' feet?"


By the time Lloyd landed, he had already arrived at the City of Joy, but he didn't bother to find Elolo, but ran directly to find Professor Toledo.

"Oh? The little robot last time was very useful. Do you want more? That's no problem. After all, we are life-and-death friends. But you have also seen my situation here. It will take a while."

Professor Toledo said, pointing to the group of 'Palu' under his command.

Everyone still looked tired, as if they hadn't slept.

It's really busy here. If I wait for Professor Toledo to find time, I don't know how long it will take.

Lloyd obviously couldn't wait that long, so he stretched out his hand to open another portal, then grabbed Professor Toledo's arm and asked him to put his hand on the door handle.

"Ah wow wow wow! What the hell is this place behind this? Are you going to kill me?"

You don’t need any other reminder. You only need to look at Professor Toledo’s reaction of jumping up and down to know how dangerous the place is behind the door...

Behind this door is the location where Lloyd noticed the strange fluctuation before. It is not very accurate and may have a large deviation.

But this is enough to prove how dangerous and terrifying the world outside human control is.

Even Lloyd felt deeply wary of what was behind the door, so he quickly waved his hand to disarm the portal, and then continued to Professor Toledo:

"The back there is a place beyond human control. It may be an ancient battlefield in the past..."

"Before I came over, I had a weak interference and influence on that area in a special way. I believe you can realize what this means, right?"

"And that silly little robot of yours is an important device for my intervention there."

After hearing this, Professor Toledo put down the forms he was holding, then looked closely into Lloyd's eyes and asked seriously:

"Are you kidding me? Can you, plus my little toy, help us humans regain our former territory?"

“It’s not that optimistic yet, but at least we can see a path.”

Lloyd didn't dare to say too much, and then turned around and said to the air:

"Of course, this also requires the help of the saint."

As soon as he finished speaking, a line of text appeared in front of his eyes:

"Evaluation, this array is very happy to provide assistance to holders of level 3 permissions, but in your description just now, I can't find the corresponding data records in the database, nor can I analyze the feasibility..."

"According to the existing records in the database, the territories that humans once lived in are completely forbidden areas for life that cannot be set foot in the current human civilization, and there is a 92% probability that the environment in those areas has undergone very severe changes, and humans at this stage have only a tiny chance of surviving in them..."

"Of course, this also includes you."

For these words, Lloyd did not refute anything, but nodded and responded:

"You are right, those areas are in some ways On the surface, it can't be regarded as the present world in common sense. It's hard to say whether there is air, so I prefer to use the word "abyss" to refer to those places..."

"Of course, your analysis is also correct. Even saints can't do anything about that kind of ghost place. We ordinary extraordinary people definitely can't get through it..."

"But I am currently studying a new system of power that is not recorded in your database. It may become the key to our changing the world... and the help you can provide me is to allow me to study this new power faster. "

After the wave of deep thinking just now, Lloyd realized that hiding blindly is not a solution. There will always be a day when he will be found by that "arrogant bastard".

So the best response is to become stronger, to become stronger in every possible way.

It's not even to become stronger by yourself, but to make everyone stronger together and concentrate all the strength.

And if you want to take both aspects into consideration at the same time, the best way is your own [False Trial]

You can get madness points in it, and others can get attribute points.

At the same time, a certain power generated in the trial can have a certain impact on those abyss areas.

Although it is still unclear whether this influence is positive or negative at this stage, since [Trial of Illusion] is created by oneself and [Trial of Illusion] system is explored by oneself, then one can work towards the positive direction.

If this power of ‘interfering with reality with illusion’ is strong enough, perhaps he can realize his previous fantasy, allowing humans to stay at home and just pass [Trial of Illusion] to clean up or purify those abyssal areas.

Once this effect can be achieved, whether it is for humans to open up more living space or build a new city for themselves, it will be much easier and more convenient.

Otherwise, a major development will take ‘ten years’ as a unit, and it is very likely that he will become a saint, and the major development is still in the initial preparation stage...

In addition to the above benefits and advantages, there is another more important and critical point, which is the terrible conclusion that will cause severe headaches and attract ‘arrogant bastards’ -

In madness and chaos, illusion and reality are intersected and integrated, giving birth to true greatness.

Whether it was the headache before or the sudden appearance of the ‘arrogant bastard’, it was enough to prove that Lloyd’s guess at the time was not a delusion, but touched a truly dangerous level.

Although Lloyd no longer dared to think about the specific meaning of this conclusion, he could recall the earliest and first whispers he heard, or… hymns?

Falling into the abyss;

Touching the truth;

Embracing madness;

Enjoying disorder;

Facing chaos.

If the past territories of mankind are regarded as the [abyss], and illusion is regarded as a certain level of [disorder]…

The road to godhood is in it!

Although there are still many details missing, Lloyd can at least understand a general direction.

So in summary, [illusion] is a very important force, and [illusion trial] may become an important opportunity to change the future of mankind.

At the same time, [distortion] and [veto] are also very critical core elements.

The previous risky experience not only gave Lloyd a deeper understanding of supernatural powers and supernatural systems, but also made him realize the dangerous conclusion.

This is not reflected in the panel or certain attribute values, but more like a "flash of inspiration", or the "epiphany" in online novels.

Unfortunately, the degree was not enough. At that time, Lloyd was in a state of headache and crisis, so he did not grasp the opportunity well, so the final gains were not much, and he could not summarize any effective and objective theories.

He could only vaguely feel that [Distortion] and [Veto], the two supernatural systems that he was best at, were not just simple powers or tools, but could become a key step.

The future of mankind is far away, and it is obviously not enough to have the "key" of [Voidness]. A towering and majestic tower of Babel is needed to find the door corresponding to the key.

So Lloyd continued to follow this line of thought and found that the first extraordinary system he came into contact with was exactly [Distortion] and [Veto]...

This led to an even more horrifying speculation -

Am I really a book? The 'plots' I experienced were all written by others?

Lloyd pondered deeply at the end and was stumped by this question...

At that time, he really began to doubt whether he was a human being, so he looked as if he had lost his parents.

Fortunately, Everoel came back in time and saved Lloyd from this pessimistic fantasy.

Yes! I have a sister who depends on me, I have a childhood sweetheart, I have a gentle and considerate girlfriend, I have a well-behaved and sweet girlfriend...

I also have a kitten, many friends, classmates, and teachers...

How could I be a book? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

I am a human being, a real human being that no one can question!

After reaffirming his belief in his heart, Lloyd's complexion gradually improved, and then he said the inexplicable words to Everoel later.

I can only say that fortunately, his sister is still around, otherwise...

In short, Lloyd's previous deep thinking was like this, and then he ran to the City of Joy to find someone to help, naturally, it was all for the matter of [False Trial].

It is obviously not enough to rely on the trial in the academy.

The interference at that time, let alone causing any impact, even the waves caused were minimal. If it were not for the Book of Falsehood, Lloyd would not have noticed it.

So we must find a way to expand the scale of the trial as soon as possible to get more people involved.

But we can't rush it and make any tragedy...

So Lloyd can't blindly recruit people to join, and still need some preparation.

On the other hand, 0-006 and Professor Toledo, after listening to Lloyd's statement, did not hesitate. One spoke directly, and the other asked in the form of subtitles, "in unison":

"What do you need me to do?"

Lloyd then put forward a series of his own demands, and discussed with them, and finalized a general plan.

Although some details still need to be filled in, some preparations can be started in the early stage, so Professor Toledo announced in public:

"Everyone, due to some special circumstances, I need to return to the academy for a while, so I will leave this to you temporarily. Don't worry, just follow the schedule I made before."

As soon as the voice fell, the group of 'Palu' next to him cheered as if they would have a holiday tomorrow.

Lloyd looked at Professor Toledo with some suspicion.

The other party smiled awkwardly and explained:

"In fact, the schedule I originally made is quite scientific and easy, but as you know, there will always be all kinds of new problems in the research process, and the workload is inevitably..."

"Okay, don't say it, I know everything, let them take a break."

"Haha, then let's do it, send me back to the academy?"

Lloyd then opened a portal and watched Professor Toledo disappear in it.

Then another line of subtitles appeared in front of him:

"Ms. Eloro has known about your visit and is waiting for you to have dinner together."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Lloyd nodded.

It just so happened that I hadn't spent some time with Eloro, so this wave could be a good time to get intimate.

This is definitely not a scumbag's behavior, but to consolidate his cognition as a human being, which is very important! !

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