I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 570 570 Is your team a bit too professional?

Chapter 570 570. Is your team a bit too professional?

Lloyd was still blocking the door, still not at ease with the group of 'gangsters' outside the door.

Unexpectedly, the other party was already prepared and immediately took out a lot of documents, such as business licenses, qualification certifications, and business contracts, which could fully prove their legitimacy.

The leader also lowered his voice and whispered:

"Mr. Waiter asked me to send you a message. I hope you won't use such a scary messenger next time. Its sudden appearance made the waiters think that the theater was invaded... So if you need it, Mr. Waiter can help you." You provide a more beautiful, more refined, more convenient and more user-friendly messenger, and it is free..."

No... isn't this [projection] of mine just a bit curious and weird? Why does it seem so ugly in your descriptions?

Lloyd cursed in his heart, lowered his voice and confirmed again:

"So... you are the security team arranged by the waiter?"

"Strictly speaking, this is not an arrangement, but an employment. We have received a generous amount of points as reward, so naturally we have to provide you with a full range of top-grade security services, just as stated in the previous contract. …

"At the same time, please rest assured that our team is very experienced and professional in the entire industry, and has accumulated some reputation and reputation. I believe that you can fully experience this in the following services, so ...can we start?"

Now that everything is like this, Lloyd has nothing to worry about.

It's all for free anyway, let's try it first and see how good it is.

"Okay, but I don't need protection. Your main responsibility is to protect my family."

Lloyd said, finally letting the door of the ward open.

The 'gang leader' smiled and nodded.

"Understood, you are a big shot who can make the waiters in the theater treat you differently, so of course you don't need us."

As he spoke, he waved behind him, and then a group of 'gangsters' dressed similarly to him filed in, filling the ward.

It turned out that behind the five gangsters at the front, there were several more people, including men and women, but the five in front were too big and covered the people behind...

The entire security team is said to have as many as thirty people. In addition to those squeezed into the ward, there are also some who are responsible for logistics, rotation, and even an entire security company behind them to provide various support. In terms of manpower, it must be There is no shortage at all.

After this group of people squeezed into the ward, they immediately started busy and started checking the security situation in the ward.

"The windows need to be reinforced and replaced with bulletproof ones."

"The smell of disinfectant in the air is still too obvious, and it can easily cover up those dangerous poisonous gases. Let's deploy a purification ritual."

"Why is there no early warning measures in this ward? Forget it, let me do it..."

"You two ladies, please forgive me, I have to check the hospital bed."

Anyway, it looks quite professional?

Upon seeing this, Lloyd scanned over one by one again and looked at the quality of these people.

Um? The lowest ones are all level four? And the average attribute value is around 90 points, which is relatively strong among the fourth levels.

The leading 'gang leader' has a level six that is not inferior to that of the previous security consultant, Ms. Landis?

And in terms of attributes, he is also on par with the clown judge of the Tribunal of Holy Grace?

And those big guys are all at the fifth level, and their strength can be said to be quite impressive.

In terms of system, there are six major formal systems, which are very legal.

The result of such [exploration] made Lloyd a little surprised.

You know, in ordinary non-governmental organizations, except for special cases such as alumni associations, it is difficult to find so many powerful people in high positions.

From this point of view, this ‘good life’ team really has quite a lot of background?

However, Lloyd then thought about it. Since the other party was deeply involved with the 'Dream Theater', there was a shortcut to take. At least he didn't need to worry about [Transcendence] materials. It would be great to be able to accumulate such a wealth of information. It's not surprising.

But he didn't expect that his letter would actually make the theater waiters treat him so seriously and send such a strong and professional security team over.

The face is still a bit too big...

The only point of complaint is that this outfit of a black suit and top hat is really a bit...

Anyway, it always reminds Lloyd of the "professional team" on the other side of the earth, "eighteen-year-old send-off" and so on, which looks very unlucky...

Otherwise, Lloyd was satisfied.

But on the other hand, Miss Desita felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed by this scene.

However, after hearing the other party’s self-introduction, she immediately expressed surprise:

"What? You are actually from the 'Beautiful Life' team? I have heard people mention you. It seems that you are a very, very professional and very elite security team, right? Ordinary people can't hire you? Even the lowest level ones can't. …”

"Beautiful lady, you are very grateful. In fact, we are happy to provide the highest quality service to every customer who can afford the price, and what you will enjoy next will definitely be our highest-grade service."

"Scared... so exaggerated? It must cost a lot of money, right?"

"Please rest assured that the corresponding fees and expenses have been settled in advance. You just need to enjoy it with peace of mind."

Miss Desita was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She quickly ran to Lloyd, grabbed his arm and left the ward. Then she found a secluded place and asked in a low voice:

"Lloyd, how did you find these people?"

"Huh? Are you not satisfied? Can I change it?"

Lloyd asked rhetorically.

Miss Desita shook her head repeatedly and explained:

"This is not a question of dissatisfaction, but... I have heard people talk about the 'Good Life' security company before. They have always only protected top-level politicians or top scholars. Anyway, they must have influence. People who have strength, social contribution and value cannot be hired just by having money..."

"Before, a friend of mine who also had a very wealthy family wanted to hire one of their people, but he was ruthlessly rejected and ridiculed by the other party, saying that speculators who only know how to engage in finance are not suitable to waste their human resources, but they can hire me. The friend was furious."

Lloyd also didn't expect that this group of 'gangsters' would be quite arrogant?

But judging from such reviews, the previous statement of the ‘gangster leader’ doesn’t seem to be bragging?

And this kind of style that is not influenced by money at least sounds more reliable, and it seems that it is not so easy to be bribed with money? It's more reassuring.

So Lloyd asked:

"Then since that's the case, they should still meet our family's needs, right?"

But Miss Desda asked:

"Eh? Isn't this completely inconsistent? Isn't it the case that our family can't make much contribution to society?"

"Well... that's not necessarily the case..."

Lloyd smiled mysteriously, then patted Miss Desda on the shoulder and comforted:

"Okay, okay, my good sister, don't think too much. In short, this group of people looks quite professional. You don't have to worry about encountering any inexplicable dangers in the future. Isn't it good?"

But Miss Desita still looked worried and asked:

"Well... Lloyd, you must have spent a lot of money to hire them, right?"

"No, I just asked my friends for help. Anyway... don't worry about this, just leave it to me."

Now that the words have come to this point, Miss Desita stopped being pretentious and just smiled. Then she suddenly thought of something and said instead:

"Then if I take their people with me when I go out from now on, those friends in my circle will definitely be shocked, right?"

"Haha, then they will be shocked often in the future."

After Lloyd said that, the 'gang leader' just finished checking the situation in this ward and ran to Brother John's ward next door to continue checking the security situation.

Lloyd's classmate next door hadn't left yet. When he saw the 'gang leader' suddenly barging in, he was immediately stunned. Then he noticed a emblem on the other person's chest. It looked like a small cartoon-shaped house on the outside. Surrounded by a circle of light, it looked impregnable.

As a rich man from a well-off family, Will naturally recognized the origins of these ‘gangsters’, and immediately said to John in surprise:

“You can actually invite people from ‘Good Life’?”

"Ah? Is it the 'good life' I heard about?"

"Yes, I also invited them to my home..."

Will said, waved his hand to the 'gang leader' again, and said:

"If you want to check the security situation, please wait a moment, we are discussing business."

Who would have thought that the other party would refuse without mercy?

"No, you can wait until we complete the inspection before continuing."

As he spoke, he waved to his subordinates, and several more people filed in.

Brother John was immediately shocked by the domineering attitude of the 'gangster'.

"You...why are you being unreasonable?"

In the end, Will shrugged his shoulders, showed a dumbfounded expression, and helped explain:

"It seems that the security services you have customized are of the highest standard, so they are extremely strict. Under this standard, your safety will be the top priority in everything..."

"Ah? But I didn't hire them? And I heard that ordinary people can't hire them, right?"

"That's right, so Lloyd should have arranged it for you, right? But why did he choose such a high standard?"

Will originally had some doubts about this, but after thinking about it again, he seemed to have figured it out again.

"Oh...I understand, this is indeed necessary..."

In his opinion, it is reasonable and reasonable for the family members of the future saint to enjoy the strictest security?

It’s just that Brother John doesn’t quite understand yet, and is still thinking about driving the ‘gangsters’ out, but his leg is covered in a heavy plaster and he can’t move at all, so he can only yell a few words.

In the end, Will helped to persuade:

"Okay, Sir John, they are just so strict at the beginning, but they will get better later, so good that you generally won't notice their existence. It is said that this is some kind of unique 'invisibility' technique of theirs. "

The 'gang leader' turned around and asked in surprise:

"Oh? It seems that your Excellency knows us very well? You are right. After completing the preliminary hidden danger investigation, we will try to minimize the interference to the employer."

"Yes, our family also hired you, and we have been trying to upgrade the level to the highest, but after your evaluation, you thought that our family did not need such strict precautions, so you rejected it..."

Will smiled awkwardly, turned back to John and said:

"In short, not everyone can enjoy this highest level of security. It can be seen that Lloyd really cares about you."

"This... Haha, my little brother is really... It seems that I have to work hard and must strive for a higher share of equity for him!"

"Then you have to spend more time to convince me."


In short, the problem of the hospital, or the problem of my other family, should be solved, right?

Anyway, Lloyd was still relieved when he left the hospital.

The three letters solved the funding problem, qualification problem, and safety problem of the other family respectively, which should be considered to be implemented.

The only complaint was that everyone disliked his [projection]...

Forget it, I'll go to the Holy Grace Court to deal with the cult, and then I can go back to the academy tomorrow to continue my hard work and struggle.

Lloyd thought about the next itinerary in his mind, and then he stretched out his hand to open a portal and went to the headquarters of the Holy Grace Court, the "Final Judgment" Trial Center again.

Because the coordinates were still the same as last time, the final landing point was still the inner square.

But fortunately, this time he appeared, he was not pointed at by a gun, but met an acquaintance, the captain wearing a cartoon fox mask.

This wave of the two was considered a "long-lost reunion", so as soon as they met, the fox captain said anxiously:

"You are finally here, I was worrying about where to find you!"

"Huh? What are you in a hurry to find me for?"

Lloyd was still a little afraid of this "old acquaintance".

The coffee he brewed was too bitter! I was afraid that he would ask me to drink coffee next...

Then he really said:

"The situation is a bit complicated, sit down and talk, would you like a cup of coffee?"

"No! I just want to drink juice!"

"Uh... Then I'll ask someone to buy it for you, come with me first."

Captain Fox said so eagerly, and then led Lloyd through the "Final Judgment" all the way, and finally came to an unexpected place.

He thought he would be taken to a meeting room or office.

In the end, he ran to the infirmary after a lot of twists and turns? ? ?

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