I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 567 The Conspiracy of the Survivors

Chapter 567 567. The Conspiracy of the Survivors

"Such an attack can make the whole world lose its color... Is this... really from the offspring of an evil god? The one who invaded our temple last time?"

After calming down, the tenth priest raised a question.

The second priest next to him was silent for a long time, and then asked:

"You are the most favored person by my Lord, what do you think?"

The tenth priest shook his head and said cautiously:

"It's not an overstep, but I think this kind of attack that can wipe out our entire military port in one blow has far exceeded the scope of the evil god's descendants, more like..."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and squeezed out the last few syllables:

"God's punishment..."

"Hehe~ It seems that you think the same as me. Long-term hard training has not made you stupid, but more acute."

The second priest first smiled sarcastically, and then continued:

"Obviously, the current situation is worse than I expected."

"How bad is it? I think I need to know."

"So far, we have not been able to unlock the seal of the temple, and we still don't know what the enemy has done there..."

"We tried to ask the messenger of God to find the enemy in the world 's followers to obtain his intelligence, but just before the naval port was attacked, the envoy of God lost contact..."

"We also lost contact with the forces we carefully cultivated in the world... You should know that I have always paid attention to this, and for this reason I sent my most capable and trusted confidant to manage it, but he has also disappeared with the envoy of God..."

"Finally, that meritorious naval port is a witness to our glorious past and our largest and most complete dock. More than half of the warships were manufactured there; at the same time, it is also our first bridgehead to resist foreign enemies, stationed with a large number of brave warriors and stockpiled with a large number of armaments..."

"In addition, it is also our most convenient channel for external contact. Without it, it will be difficult for us to maintain control over the world."

It chattered a lot of bad news, which made the tenth priest feel cold in his heart, and there was a hint of fear in his tone.

"The situation is worse than I expected. Even the messenger of God has fallen? So many soldiers and laborers have been sacrificed. Isn't our situation very bad?"

Its tone showed obvious worry, and it continued:

"Let's not consider whether the next divine punishment will come, but the destruction of the military port means that we will be trapped here? Even if we are not completely trapped, it will be very troublesome to go out to open up the territory and spread the glory of our Lord, right?"

"It's an extraordinary trouble. After losing the most convenient military port, it is even difficult for us to keep in touch with the overseas territories. Although there are also high-level priests there, you know, we have always lacked trust in each other."

The second priest continued to speak Bad news, as if it was not enough, he added:

"Of course, these problems may not be the most serious. The biggest problem at the moment is that I can no longer see what kind of existence the enemy is. Is it the offspring of the evil god as previously estimated? Or... is it an existence the same as my Lord?"

"Will he be my Lord's enemy? Will he want to hinder our great plan?"

"I prayed to my Lord, hoping that he could answer my questions, but I didn't get a response... Obviously, the situation in the temple is not optimistic..."

After hearing this, the tenth priest was silent for a long time before he asked:

"If that is really my Lord's enemy, how should we deal with it?"

"Oh? Do you still need to ask this question?"

The second priest asked back.

So the tenth priest was stunned and thought of the answer himself.

"I understand. I don't need to do anything. I just need to continue my ascetic practice."

"Haha~ Good answer..."

The second priest smiled and helped explain:

"In front of a truly great existence, you and I are all ants. No matter what we do or what we resist, it is doomed to be futile. So there is no need to worry about it. Let everything return to its original state and continue to advance our great plan. Even if it has been disturbed and destroyed, it is just starting over."

"Well, the naval port can be rebuilt, the temple can be rebuilt, and my Lord must Will be revived! The present world will also be under our control again! "

"That's right."

The second priest's tone revealed a slightly satisfied smile, and he continued:

"The most important thing at the moment is to restore external exchanges. We must rebuild a new military port as quickly as possible. We can't let ourselves be trapped here. Even if there is another divine punishment, we still have room and opportunities to turn around... However, the recruitment of craftsmen is not going well, which is the real reason why I am furious. "

"Oh? Are you in trouble?"

The tenth priest asked hurriedly.

"Our people have been indulged in comfort and ease for too long, and even forgot their piety to our Lord, so I must show the anger they deserve to make them sober up. "

"What about the original military port? Is it just abandoned? Is there any possibility of repairing it? There is an important battleship production line there. If it is completely abandoned, it will be very difficult to rebuild..."

"I don't know, it has been destroyed too completely, and there is still a lot of dangerous aftertaste and many complex and deadly toxins in the air... But I suggest you give up on taking chances. After suffering that level of damage, I don't know. Attack, there is a high probability that there will be nothing left.”

"Well, I understand. After all, it was a divine punishment..."

The tenth priest said, although his tone was still as fearful as before, but it also contained a bit of longing unconsciously.

"That is the power of divine punishment. When my lord returns, we will all be my lord's agents, and we will be able to master this power of annihilating everything! That is our future, and this is really exciting!"

"Haha~ If you want that day to come earlier, then don't just focus on hard training, and be prepared to bring a glorious and necessary victory to my lord."

"Oh? You mean..."

"Mizkatok, we need the craftsmen, technology, and hard labor there. Making it surrender can speed up our reconstruction of the military port."

"Is it actually that prestigious college? I don't know much about it. I only know that it is a bit far away from our territory. They have also survived from the end of the world to the present? Then why didn't they take the initiative to surrender to us?"

"Because all the wise men among them have died long ago, leaving a group of idiots who chose to stand with the untouchables outside and rejected our invitation twice!"

When the second priest said this, the anger that he had finally suppressed began to rise again, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"I just recently sent an envoy. He didn't come back. He probably died there quietly."

"How dare these nerds kill our envoy?"

"Haha~ They have been away from our rule for too long, and they have long forgotten what a terrible disaster the nobles' anger is to them."

"In this case, it is necessary for me to go there. How dare a small college in a quiet corner dare to challenge our majesty? These untouchables must pay the price for this!"

"Very good! But don't take it lightly. Although you are the most favored among us, it is precisely because of this that we must not lose you. We must be fully prepared!"

"Take all your attendants, and I will also allocate a group of loyal and heroic crusaders and most of the existing warships to you. Take them with you to conquer that stubborn little place."

"Yes, I understand!"

The tenth priest agreed without hesitation at first, but then he immediately raised doubts:

"It's just that we have lost the largest military port now. If we want to carry out such a large-scale expedition, it will be very troublesome, right?"

The second priest explained patiently:

"Indeed, so I have arranged for several other docks that can still maintain contact with the present world, and asked them to hurry up and recruit a group of hard laborers, and first expand another temporary military port to ensure your expedition and subsequent supplies."

However, the Tenth Priest still has a lot of problems...

"Well, because Mizkatok is in the same space as us, this will definitely be much easier than the expedition to the present world... It's just that if you want to capture the slaves, after losing the guidance of the military port, you can only rely on those small I’m afraid it’s dangerous to enter and leave the world at the dock, right?”

"It is indeed dangerous, but now that we have reached such a critical moment, some necessary risks must be borne. I also believe that many of our civilians will want to seize this opportunity to be promoted to the nobility."

Hearing this, the tenth priest couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to offer such generous conditions? Grant noble status to those common people?"

"Yes, as long as we can capture enough untouchables, they can be promoted to nobles. I believe this is an offer that many people cannot refuse... What's more, we started the layout in this world a long time ago and cultivated many outstanding people. There are so few loyal dogs, and now it’s time for them to show their worth.”

"Yeah! As expected of the Second Priest, you are as far-sighted as ever!"

The tenth priest first offered a heartfelt compliment, but then thought of something else and asked one more question:

"It's just...will the enemy's relatives in this world hinder our actions?"

"I don't think you need to worry about this at all. The leaders of the untouchables are far less dominant than us, and they lack management and protection for the untouchables. As long as we act more secretly, they will not notice it at all."

"Well! When we conquer Mizkatok and complete the final great cause, I will definitely kill those family members, including their close relatives, with my own hands!"

The tenth priest said fiercely.

"Don't think about things that far away now. What you need to do now is to patiently accumulate strength, prepare military supplies and supplies, and wait until the temporary military port is built."

"Okay, then I hope your Excellency can seize the time. I can't wait to vent my anger on the untouchables of Mizkatok!"

"It's just a temporary military port, so it will naturally be very fast. Under the most optimistic scenario where everything goes well, it will only take one year. Maybe you won't be able to complete a routine prayer, and I will complete the preparations here."

"Well, I hope everything goes well."

The two monsters chatted for a long time and finalized a plan to invade Mizkatok, and then began to make their own preparations.

But before leaving, the tenth priest suddenly thought of something and asked another question:

"By the way, do you know about these things... His Excellency the High Priest?"

"Of course not, he is still in deep sleep, how can we disturb him because of such a small matter?"

"Yes! You are right, the High Priest is the most important part of our plan, and he really cannot be disturbed."

After the tenth priest said this, he said goodbye and left.

But this time it was the second priest who thought of something and called him again:

"I almost forgot a detail. No matter how you plan to prepare your conquest plan next, I suggest that you do not rely on divination as a means, but rely more on your own wisdom and experience, and use the bravery and wisdom you used to conquer other tribes."

"Oh? Divination?"

"Yes, our enemies seem to have some means to interfere with divination, and are continuously disrupting our divination in an unknown way. I have tried to let the fortune tellers find the enemy's current The relatives in the world, they all went crazy..."

"I have lost five experienced fortune tellers for this, so I had to ask the messenger of God, but I didn't expect that in the end... Alas..."

The second priest said, and warned very seriously:

"So I have reason to suspect that the interference of that existence in us has reached a very deep level. It is best not to use dangerous means such as divination indiscriminately."

After hearing this, the tenth priest couldn't help but think of the picture in his mind where the whole world turned black and white. He nodded vigorously with fear.


At this time, Lloyd didn't know that someone was planning to use force against his own academy behind the scenes, and he certainly didn't expect that his surprise would achieve such a fruitful result.

In his most optimistic expectation, it would be good to be able to kill dozens or hundreds of ancient survivors when detonating the lead barrel.

After all, if he were to face such an explosion...

I'm afraid he would have to exhaust all his spiritual power to be unscathed, right?

So if we use this standard to estimate, being able to kill so many ancient survivors is already worth the money.

He never thought that the power of the lead barrel, after a series of subtle reactions, could explode with such terrifying destructive power...

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