I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 565 565 Investigation Ended

Chapter 565 565. Investigation Ended

Finally, Lloyd activated his space system ability and used the 'solution' left in the indescribable statue to reversely calculate the coordinates of the other end, and then opened a temporary portal.

But just when he controlled the [Projection] to throw that big mouthful of 'surprise' in, he suddenly thought of something, so he spent a few more seconds and made some notes on the surface of the lead barrel, leaving a mark on it. A mark without clear direction.

It's just that the raw materials used to engrave the mark happened to be the metal scraps he obtained from the hexahedral statue before...

So this mark does not have a clear direction, but it is very suggestive...

It just so happened that these raw materials mixed with the flesh and blood of the descendants of the evil god were all he had left. The fragments he had obtained before were either spent in various places or used on [Projection], and in the end only these Xu Lian remained. There are scraps that can’t even be counted as broken pieces. I can’t use them, but I can’t throw them away. I just don’t know what to do.

Now, using this last bit of leftover material to form a misleading and suggestive thing can be regarded as making the best use of it.

After completing this last step, Lloyd reached out and tapped the lead barrel a few times at a specific frequency, rhythmically infiltrating a stream of spiritual power into it.

Then he quickly asked [Projection] to stuff the lead bucket into the portal, and then quickly closed the portal tightly.

"Huh~ This should be fine."

Lloyd took a deep breath and clapped his hands.

Several temporary teammates were about to ask questions, but suddenly they felt an indescribable slight vibration in the air, as if a very terrifying explosion had occurred far away from here.

Lloyd could obviously feel the vibration, so he quickly explained:

"It's okay, there's just a little movement coming from the remaining gap in the portal. Don't worry, it won't affect us."

Old York shook his head and asked:

"Uh... we are not worried about this. Instead, we are more concerned about what is behind the previous portal?"

Lloyd thought for a moment. Since these temporary teammates have completed today's adventure with him, it is time to reveal some of the ancient survivors to them.

So he followed his temporary teammates and briefly counted the belongings at the scene, while talking about the group of ancient survivors.

However, something surprised him. These investigators did not show too much surprise about the forces behind the cult?

Even Old York's words sound a little strange?

"I see, it turns out that there really is such a group of ancient forces. It seems that the previous hypotheses and conjectures about this are not groundless..."

Several other investigators also followed suit and started talking:

"That's right! I'm just telling you how come there are so many abnormal events and so many weird sealed objects in this world. Sure enough, someone is behind it!"

"Uh... what you said is not the same as what the two instructors said, right? It also has nothing to do with the hypothesis and conjecture mentioned by instructor York..."


"That's right. The hypotheses I mentioned are mainly used to explain some unusual monster attacks, as well as some weird murders and thefts. As for sealed objects and abnormal events... those are more Is it probably an environmental issue?”

"Ahaha, so that's it? I'm sorry, it's my lack of knowledge that makes you laugh."

Although Old York did not explain anything in detail, Lloyd could almost restore a general picture from the few words they exchanged.

To put it simply, no matter how insidious and cunning their actions are, the ancient survivors will still leave some unusual clues. This is precisely the professional field of investigators, so they will naturally have doubts and speculate on certain events. Behind the scenes, could there be some evil force planning and promoting it?

It's just a guess. Without any real evidence, it can only be limited to the level of hypothesis, which seems more like a 'conspiracy theory'. Therefore, it cannot be promoted and is only circulated within their circle of investigators.

So when they learned the truth from Lloyd today, they were not surprised. Instead, they found the final answers to many unsolved cases and puzzles.

At this time, Old York made another summary:

"As Lloyd said, this group of ancient remnants harbors very strong malice towards us, and they started interfering in the present world very early, at least before I became an investigator. However, they still hindered us in the end. Due to the power of the saint, I don’t dare to go too far..."

"A cult organization of today's scale should be the result of their long-term accumulation, right? Haha~ It's really fun to be taken over by a few of us! I didn't expect that even at my age, I can still be a hero who saves the city. ?”

"Of course, this is also thanks to Lloyd. If it weren't for you, even if we found something, it would be difficult to break into such a dangerous cult stronghold..."

"Even if it is reported to the Court of Holy Grace, it will probably be difficult to carry out specific actions. Even if they take action, this group of people will have enough time to respond and escape. In the end, it will either be a bloody battle or they will be in vain... "

When Old York said this, he couldn't help but think of the roster he had put away alone. The names on it were really shocking...

The only good news is that the list mainly involves the city council, and not many of the Brilliant Order are involved.

So Old York quickly adjusted his mood and said:

"In short, please allow me to express my most sincere respect to Lloyd. You not only protected and saved the Lord's family, but also protected and saved our city."

When he said this, he actually walked up to Lloyd and bowed deeply to him.

The same goes for several other investigators. They all dropped the counting work at hand and came to Lloyd to pay tribute to him in the same way.

Lloyd smiled, scratched his head, and replied humbly:

"Hehe~ You deserve the award. The growth I have gained through hard work and sweat is just to show my excellence in today's situation."

This sentence made several teammates hesitate to speak...

It feels like his words sound a little weird, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong?

After the atmosphere was awkward for more than ten seconds, Old York spoke again and mentioned another topic:

"Haha~ Anyway, if the Lord can find a son-in-law like you, he will make a lot of money... Haha~ This is really enviable and jealous. The son-in-law my daughter found for me will just eat and wait to die, and then They tried every means to defraud me of the little savings I had, and the comparison between people was really frustrating and frustrating at times.”

"Uh... you can put it this way. In fact, regarding the matter between Wei Ya and me... my uncle has never nodded."

"Haha~ That's just his aristocratic arrogance. Don't worry about it. I will talk about him later. You and Wei Ya can get along with each other how you want. Don't worry about that old guy...

But having said that, I have been a security consultant for the Rand family for so many years. I have watched this little girl Wei Ya grow up, so if possible, I hope you will not let her down, Lloyd. She is really that good. A very rare kind of good girl, unlike my useless daughter. "

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let her down."

Lloyd immediately replied confidently.

Then he picked up his pocket watch and looked at the time, and got back to business:

"By the way, everyone should hurry up, it's getting late... Besides, after today's incident, there are still follow-up matters that need to be resolved."

Although today's wave wiped out all the top leaders and most members of this cult in one fell swoop, there were still many people who slipped through the net and escaped tonight's sanctions.

After all, the total number of people in this cult was nearly 2,000, but only more than 1,000 were killed tonight, and a lot of them escaped.

For example, the congressman representative, who is still being tortured by the [Seed of Distortion] left by Lloyd, did not appear here tonight.

As for how to deal with these remnants, Lloyd doesn't plan to interfere anymore, leaving it to the Holy Court of Grace to deal with it.

Considering his relationship with Hiltina, if he sent all these remnants to work in the mines as hard labor, would it be regarded as "subsidizing the family income"?

As for the pile of property at the scene, Old York hinted that everyone can choose what they like and regard it as hard work, but don't really pack it in snakeskin sacks, you should still keep some more. Come down so that you can communicate with the Holy Inquisition later.

At the same time, it was also made clear that everyone does not need to worry about not making money. The remuneration from the future father-in-law is definitely an exaggerated figure.

So Lloyd just randomly picked up two handfuls of gold bars and stuffed them into his storage bag, not even bothering to count them. They were not for use anyway, they were just used as additives for those weird medicines in the Department of Medicine.

He really doesn't look down on these yellow and white mundane things now. Don't look at the gold, silver, jewelry, bills of exchange, bonds, etc. in this room. They look very dazzling, but in terms of actual value, are they all enough for his sister's bracelet? I’m afraid it’s hard to say how much the raw materials cost...

The [Star Tears] content in that bracelet is still a bit high...

However, Old York secretly handed Lloyd two cloth bags later. When he opened them, he found some gorgeous jewelry and dazzling gems inside. Some of them were sifted from the ground, and some were found in the deacon's bedroom over there.

"Weiya, this child, although she has a very gentle temperament and is not very arrogant, she is still a little girl after all. She must like this."

Old York hinted while stuffing two cloth bags into Lloyd's hands.

As a progressive young man with higher education, Lloyd would naturally not refuse others' kindness, so he accepted it.

In addition, he also accepted the large pile of indescribable sculptures in the middle of the altar.

Although this thing is just a youth version, it is not a problem to leave it here. Besides, the rough space channel left on it has not been destroyed by Lloyd, and he is considering that it can have some miraculous effects in the future, so he might as well keep it.

It would be best to find some people from the art department to help study the principles and structure of this sculpture and see if we can figure out its true purpose.

However, such a large sculpture would definitely not fit into the storage bag, so Lloyd arranged a large space channel and directly transported the entire sculpture and the base below.

As for the destination of the teleportation, it is naturally the 'big dark prison' he carefully built, which is the center of the space storm, and is locked up with the art monsters captured before.

In this way, even if the ancient survivors come back to their senses and plan to retaliate through this rough space channel, they have to ask the space storm first to see if they agree.

With their little space technology level, a space storm is enough for them to play for a lifetime.

After dealing with the sculpture, Lloyd continued to open the portal and went to the deep experimental area where the Karmic Demon was imprisoned.

I don’t know if it was the roar just now that made the Karma demons hoarse. Anyway, after Lloyd got closer, they didn’t make any noise. They just naturally emitted mental pollution, giving Lloyd some mosquito bites.

However, Lloyd did not rush deep into the experimental area. His inspiration and strange intuition began to remind him that the area inside was somewhat unusual, so it was best to be fully prepared before coming.

It seems that the secrets of this ancient ruins are not limited to what we see today?

The real reason why Hiltina chose to ignore it was probably not the deacon and the envoy, but something deeper?

Lloyd thought for a while, but in the end he didn't act rashly. He just deployed a space loop around the deep experimental area to prevent anyone from coming in and prevent those karma demons from running out.

And the next second he had just deployed the spatial loop, a gentle and familiar line of sight came from a distance, directly penetrating the thick ground and falling on him.

That was of course Hildina. She must have noticed something and cast her gaze over here.

It's just that she didn't 'take the call' and didn't appear next to Lloyd. She just conveyed her thoughts with her eyes.

Probably: 'Well done', 'This will make the house clean', 'As expected of my lover', 'Kiss~', 'Why aren't you home so late? ’ these meanings.

Uh...don't you tell me this as a saint?

Lloyd sneered in a fit of laughter and tears.

And having said that, the problem of 'home' has not really been solved. The depths here have not been explored yet. I don't know if there are any shocking valuables hidden inside.

After all, this military base is different from other ruins. It has been in operation for a long time and then suddenly abandoned. Who knows if there are any big surprises prepared for you in the depths?

It's better to wait until the situation is adjusted, and then reorganize a group of people, such as the strong ones from the history department, and the entire more powerful archaeological team will come in.

So today’s exploration is almost here, let’s explore the previous area later.

Lloyd then opened the portal and returned to the altar. It happened that several other teammates had almost completed the aftermath work and gathered together.

The gold content of the treasury does not appear to have changed much to the naked eye. It seems that these temporary teammates are not people who regard wealth as life.

But when Lloyd recovered the equipment he had lent to them, his face showed more or less obvious reluctance.

It seems that compared to the gold everywhere, powerful equipment is more attractive...

However, after taking back the equipment, Lloyd still left several souvenirs for this temporary team——

A small lead box with a unique set of rituals engraved inside.

"If nothing happens, don't open it to prevent the spiritual energy inside from escaping and causing it to fail... When I'm ready, it will send out a notification. Remember to come and participate."

"Huh? Participate? Participate in what? Your and Wei Ya's wedding?"

Old York held the small lead box, a little puzzled.

"It's definitely not that kind of thing! Anyway, don't worry, you will know after a while."

Lloyd spoke mysteriously, without telling them that this lead box was actually the 'client' of his own [Trial of Falsehood].

It’s not that he’s pretending to be the Riddler, it’s simply because the mature version of the trial can’t be run in the real world yet, so he doesn’t dare to talk too much about it. He can only let his teammates accept the small lead box out of curiosity. .

Finally, everyone took the stunned young man who was still waiting outside, returned to the ground through Lloyd's portal, and went directly to the city center near the Veto Sanctuary.

"You don't need me to take you home again, do you?"

Lloyd asked, but he did not close the portal and continued to maintain it, as if he planned to go back again.

"No, there are taxis everywhere."

Old York said casually, with a little fatigue on his face.

The stupid young man who was rescued by them said incoherently:

"Is this... is this the portal in the novel? Oh! My God! This is so amazing! It's really... Anyway, thank you very much for your help today. My name is Wilby, and please tell me yours. Name, I will definitely express my sincere thanks later!”

Lloyd waved his hand and replied:

"It's not important. If you still have energy, remember to go to the Holy Inquisition and report today's events to them."

"Okay! I'm going to the 'Final Judgment' right now, and I will definitely report everything!"

"Then leave it to you."

Lloyd said finally, saying goodbye to his teammates one by one, and then got into the portal again, and went back to find the guide who was anxiously waiting for them to come out of the dungeon.

He had made an appointment with him before to wait for everyone to come out at the exit, but Lloyd did not forget about it just because of his humble status.

"Wow! You really came out! Is everything going well? Wait...those friends of yours..."

"Don't think too much. They are all fine. They just left early by taking another road... The cult members have also been dealt with. However, it is still very dangerous inside. Don't get close to it casually. Remember to tell your lame dad when you go back."

Lloyd explained briefly, then he opened the portal and sent the guide back to the bar. Finally, he opened the portal and returned to his own nest.

It was already early in the morning of the next day. At such a late hour, my sister must have gone to bed long ago, right?

Lloyd thought so and opened the door quietly.

As a result, I saw Everoel was still very energetic, lying on the sofa, reading a thick book?

The cute little face was full of seriousness and dedication. A pair of little feet in white stockings were still raised high, swinging slowly back and forth, indicating that she was very relaxed and enjoying the process of reading.

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