I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 560 Why did you escape first?

Chapter 560 560. Why did you run away first?

The deacon's vision was restored for only a short moment, and then it blurred rapidly again, and then it became clear again.

In his eyes, he was still lying comfortably on the sofa, his body intact, he could get up and turn over freely, and there was no unknown person in front of him sneering at him, as if the scene he saw before was an illusion.

But the deacon has also been immersed in the [Distortion] system for many years, and has a lot of practical experience, so he can naturally realize his current situation.

In fact, it was by giving up the control of his visual intuition and body limbs, and trying his best to protect his rationality and thinking that was being disturbed, that he realized the current situation.

Otherwise, he would probably still be in the same illusion as before, talking to himself like a madman.

Who is this pariah? Why does he also have the power of [Distortion]? And it seems to be a little stronger than me?

Is he the dependent we are looking for? [Distortion] Is it the power bestowed by the descendant of the evil god?

That should be right. The untouchables alone cannot master this noble power!

Damn it! I was too careless! I never thought that there would be a person who could threaten me among this group of untouchables, and the other party would boldly take the initiative to attack!

Calm down... Calm down... He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to kill me. He may want to extract information from me, but as long as I keep my last rationality, I won't let him succeed!

The deacon thought of a countermeasure quickly in his mind, and forced himself to calm down, and definitely deal with the mysterious follower first.

This follower at least interfered with my vision, touch, extraordinary power and other aspects at the same time, but did not torture me?

This means... This should be his limit! Controlling me has exhausted all his strength, so there is no spare energy to deal with me further.

[Distortion] After all, I am not omnipotent, especially when there is a gap in strength between the two sides. My physical strength and extraordinary power are definitely stronger than those of the lowly species such as the untouchables, even if the other party is a descendant of a descendant.

So he can only restrict me by sneak attack when I am careless for a while, and then he has no better way to deal with me.

Well, it must be like this!

And I am afraid he can't hold on for too long, and his strength will soon gradually weaken, and then it will be my chance to turn the tables!

But I can't wait for opportunities passively all the time. What if he has accomplices? I must find a way to delay time, and then notify the Lord of God. As long as He can detect the situation here, he can resolve the crisis at hand.

Deacon relied on past experience to quickly formulate a counterattack strategy in his mind, and then began to pray silently in his heart:

Please respond to me! Lord of God! Your loyal servant is being violated, please respond to me quickly! Then use your power to crush this arrogant untouchable into powder!

After that, I will definitely use a large number of missionaries to please you!

While secretly praying, he controlled the only pair of lips that belonged to him and began to delay time:

"Do you know who I am? Do you know where this is? Do you know the consequences of offending me?"

"Let me go now, kneel down to me and atone your sins, and I may give you a chance for the sake of the existence behind you."


A disdainful chuckle came to his ears, as if it floated from a far distance.

But apart from a chuckle, the other party said nothing, nor did he take action directly, but left the deacon there.

This made the deacon panic.

If the other party asked questions or tortured him, he would be confident that he could deal with it, such as twisting his nerves to block the pain, or relying on his unyielding will, far superior physical strength of mortals, and efficient self-healing ability to hold on.

But the other party just smiled disdainfully...

And there was no sense of reluctance or fatigue in this laugh, which seemed to be particularly easy?

Did I underestimate the strength of this dependent?

This is bad...

The deacon's heart suddenly sank, and he was not as optimistic as before.

After falling into the opponent's [distortion], the most terrible thing is not being tortured or killed, but not knowing what the opponent has done to him...

He hurriedly called out to his God's messenger in his heart, hoping that it could help him quickly.

Fortunately, such a prayer was soon answered.

The deacon felt a little strange ripples in the 'air', which were the movements made by the God's messenger when he was active.

This is enough to show that the God's messenger has noticed the abnormality here and is approaching to check.

And this ripple is different from the movement of spirituality or breath. Strictly speaking, it does not even belong to the level of the present world, so ordinary mortals can't detect it at all, even the followers can't do it, he can't know that he is about to die.

After all, they are servants and messengers of God. Like God, they cannot be looked at directly, touched, or understood.

Only a "preparatory priest" like him can communicate with the messenger of God through the great power obtained by the "gift" and detect the location of the messenger of God.

Haha, stupid pariah, you are dead!

After that, we will follow the clues and threads you left behind, and find out the descendants of the evil god behind you, so that you can continue to follow it in another world!

Humph~ It is your honor to be a pariah who died in the hands of the God's messenger, and it is not a disgrace to your status as a dependent.

The waiter was overjoyed and couldn't wait to announce the victory in advance.

And the God's messenger did not disappoint him. Soon, a unique ripple came from the air, and the distance was closer.

So the waiter also sneered and said:

"Hehe~ You have no chance to regret it."

This time, the distant voice did not sneer disdainfully.

Instead, it said a strange word in a confident tone:

"As expected..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange ripples in the air appeared again, indicating that the God's messenger had come to everyone.


This ripple suddenly became urgent, not as steady as before, but began to dissipate everywhere.

And the distance began to get farther and farther?

The waiter was stunned for a moment...

After a long while, he realized what happened, and then he couldn't control his emotions for a while, and shouted angrily:

"Lord God's Messenger! Why did you run away first?"

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