I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 557 557 Deep into the ruins

Chapter 557 557. Going deep into the ruins

After enduring such a severe punishment, of course this batch of equipment was not given to these temporary teammates for free. It could only be lent to them to deal with today's situation first, and they would still need to be returned later.

This also reflects the superiority of this type of engineering masterpiece. It has powerful functions and long battery life. At the same time, the credits required are very cheap and it is very convenient to use. Lloyd only needs to briefly explain the operation method, and these temporary teammates can also Got started successfully.

It is said that when the engineering department makes this kind of equipment, it is designed according to the standards that can be easily used by the art department. Ease of use is their focus...

In terms of specific effects, it is a trigger-type shield that will be deployed only when danger is detected, which is more energy-saving and low-key.

The only flaw is that... in terms of appearance, it is either a simple ornament or a cartoon-style toy, which lacks visual impact.

In short, giving out a few pieces of equipment and arming all the teammates greatly improved their confidence, and they were no longer as worried as before.

"Mizkatok's equipment is really magical... How is this little thing made? Can it automatically detect danger and launch defense?"

Old York held a yellow rubber ducky that looked like one played in the bath, turned it over and over in his hands, and asked at the same time.

But Lloyd was not from the engineering department, so he naturally couldn't answer. He just changed his mind and said:

"Well, with these things, at least there are no problems in terms of safety. Now it's time to see which area to explore first."

As he spoke, he looked up at the topographic map on the wall again. After some consideration, he pointed at a relatively nearby area and suggested:

"How about... let's go to this entertainment area first?"

"Huh? Entertainment area? Instructor Lloyd, is there anything special about this place?"

The investigator wearing a ghost mask asked quickly.

In his opinion, it is obviously better to go to places like the Armed Forces Area and Experimental Area first, right? Why would you choose a seemingly unrelated entertainment area first?

Lloyd explained patiently:

"It's not very special. It's just that my inspiration was blocked nearby and I couldn't go deeper, so it's safer to go and explore the truth first."

"Well, I agree with Lloyd, just follow what he said."

Old York chose to agree, and continued to play with the little yellow duck in his hand. He seemed to want to squeeze it hard to see if it would squawk, but he was afraid of breaking it, which seemed a bit awkward.

So Lloyd first memorized the terrain map, and then the temporary team continued to move forward.

The continuous roaring before suddenly stopped. I don’t know exactly when it stopped. Maybe it was because my voice was hoarse? In short, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and only Lloyd made some slight footsteps, which echoed in the hollow.

On the other hand, several other investigators have mastered an essential skill for investigators - quiet walking.

It's like playing a gun game...

Without walking far, Lloyd found the point where his inspiration had been blocked before, and discovered an invisible barrier in front of him.

He quickly reached out to stop the team behind him, then casually took out a box of round cans from his pocket and threw them into the barrier to test the situation.

The can rolled twice on the ground and lay down quietly without moving, but nothing strange happened.

From this point of view, this barrier is somewhat similar to the one I noticed in the museum before. They both have a very magical effect of blocking inspiration, but it is far less mysterious and dangerous than the museum. It will not make the things thrown in fade and become empty. Transform and then disappear out of thin air, appearing not so 'untouchable'.

This can only be regarded as a very, very weakened version.

It seems that the level of barriers in the museum cannot be deployed casually?

But even so, Lloyd did not take it lightly at all. To be on the safe side, he used his [Projection] to explore the path first.

He summoned the [Projection], which immediately triggered a burst of shouting in the 'Team Channel'.

"Wow!!! Ghost!!! Ghost!!!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"How did it come out?!"

Fortunately, Lloyd explained it in time, otherwise these teammates would have wanted to leave first because they were afraid that the two sides would fight...

After knowing that such a hideous and ugly thing was actually Lloyd's [Projection], everyone in the team immediately changed their rhetoric:

"I see. I didn't expect that Master Lloyd also made great achievements in the [Reflection] system. Look at this [Projection], it is definitely not an ordinary thing."

"Yes, yes, this appearance is very unique and unique, with an alternative sense of fashion. It is much cooler than other [projectors] I have seen."

"Although I have never known anything about [embodiment], I think that the appearance of [projection] should be chosen in this style. It is very reliable and very effective at first glance, instead of using [projection] as some people do. Projection] to look like my first girlfriend, that’s really disgusting!”

The compliments from these people made Lloyd feel embarrassed for a while. There was really no need to forcefully boast like this...

All I can say is that if you have the strength, then whatever you do is right, and you will have a great scholar to defend you.

Lloyd muttered a few words to himself, controlled the [Projection] in his hand, and slowly penetrated into the barrier in front.

Well, the previous judgment was correct, and there was nothing wrong with it.

I can detect the effects of several kinds of rituals, but they are the ones that provide comfortable temperature, purify the air, stabilize the mind, and eliminate mental pollution.

Is this really what an entertainment area should be equipped with?

In addition, there are several sets of monitoring rituals that are sweeping around the [Projector].

But perhaps because of certain characteristics of the [projection], or perhaps because it is not a living person, these rituals do not seem to trigger alarms.


Lloyd couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't go in directly, but let the [Projection] explore the way first. Otherwise, the alarm bells would have sounded loudly and shouts of 'Allah, allah' would have been heard everywhere.

He then used the transfer of [Projection] to extend his inspiration and capture the locations of those monitoring rituals.

With [Ritual Control] up to level 11, this is naturally not difficult for him.

"Wait a moment, there are a lot of monitoring instruments inside, it will take some time to process them."

Lloyd first whispered something in the 'Team Channel', then controlled the [Projection] to get closer, and then used the unique spiritual power release technique to derive some spiritual power from the [Projection] that seemed to be substantial.

These spiritual powers are like invisible scissors and tweezers, cleverly cracking and shielding these monitoring rituals, causing them to fall into a just right 'semi-invalid' state -

It can neither keenly detect intruders and issue early warnings, nor can it be noticed by the other party due to complete failure.

This is obviously a very clever method, that is, Lloyd's [Ritual Control] level is high enough, and with the help of [Distortion], he can pull off this trick in a short time.

Old York and others around him were waiting patiently while discussing in a low voice on the 'squad channel':

"Lloyd, you'd better be careful. This type of monitoring track is likely to be a chain design. If one of them is directly destroyed, it will also trigger an alarm. Can you try to find a way to block it?"

"Isn't this really hateful and insidious? A surveillance track is arranged behind a barrier that blocks inspiration. If someone else came over, wouldn't they just run into it without realizing it, triggering an alarm in an instant, and then they might be trapped deep inside? Are those karma demons chasing you?"

"Yes, if Master Lloyd hadn't been here and we had come here by ourselves, I'm afraid we would have..."

"However... I have heard what Master York said. A ritual master in our investigation team mentioned this method to me, but is it a very advanced method? I'm afraid it will take a long time, and There is no guarantee of success, especially if it involves ritual arrays, which can easily fail."

"That's true. Although this method is safe and secure, it is quite complicated. I don't know what Royd's attainments are in ritual studies. Even I am not very good at it..."

"Ah? It's so troublesome? What should we do?"

Just when they were still worried about this, Lloyd smiled through his mask, clapped his hands again, turned back and nodded to everyone, indicating that he had solved it.

"Uh...so fast?"

Old York was slightly surprised, obviously not expecting Lloyd to be so deft.

The Bai Yueguang investigator was also surprised and asked quickly:

"This... even a very complicated technique for a master of ritual science was solved in less than a minute? Are you people in Mizkatok all monsters?"

It was obviously not the time to discuss this now. Lloyd waved his hand and motioned for everyone to go in first.

Then, he prepared to be the first to lift his foot and enter the barrier.

As a result, Old York behind him suddenly grabbed him, and then he walked in front instead.

As an eighth-level strongman, he still has a strong sense of responsibility.

After Old York entered, he quickly released his inspiration, checked around, and then nodded to the people outside.

Old York opened the way, and the temporary team filed in. Lloyd first bent down to pick up the cans thrown in front and picked them up again, and then pointed to a fork in front of the road, signaling everyone to take the left next.

Then he wiped the box of cans and put them back in the storage bag.

After entering the barrier, the space at the front, back, left and right suddenly became a lot more 'depressing', returning to the style of a normal underground bunker, rather than being so spacious and grand outside.

It seems that this area has not considered the entry and exit of large weapons and equipment. It should only provide people with a space for rest and entertainment.

They also made some simple arrangements and prepared common facilities such as sofas, beds, billiard tables, etc. There was also a gramophone in the corner.

They are all brand new, not antiques, which means they were moved in recently.

An investigator also found a cup of coffee with only one sip left next to the sofa and a half-smoked cigar.

"Damn, these cultists really know how to enjoy themselves?"

While he was cursing, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps coming from the passage that Lloyd had pointed out before.

Everyone was slightly startled and quickly mobilized their spiritual power to prepare for action.

Lloyd quickly shouted through the 'squad channel':

"Don't worry yet, come over to me."

As he said that, he ran to an inconspicuous corner to play cat, then took out a cartoon chameleon toy from his pocket, activated it, and let an invisible force wrap around everyone.

Under the cover of this power, Lloyd and others can obtain a "protective color invisibility" effect similar to that of a chameleon, which is basically invisible from the outside.

But just in case, Lloyd then launched his own [Distortion Realm] and performed some kind of 'processing' on this invisible force.

Then I saw three guys with ordinary faces and decent clothes walking into the entertainment room from the passage.

At first glance, these people don't look like cultists in the traditional sense. They don't have any black robes or weird tattoos that reveal their identity. Even if they bump into each other on the street, they won't cause much trouble. Notice.

It's just that they each held a ceremonial dagger that was as curved and twisted as a poisonous snake. It was still emitting an evil green light. It might have been tempered by some kind of poison, or it might be the blessing of some evil force.

One of them held the ceremonial dagger across his chest and looked around vigilantly. After finding nothing unusual, he relaxed a little and said:

"There is no one. It seems that the intruder just passed by here and went elsewhere."

"Check it again with inspiration."

Another person reminded him.

So the three of them launched their inspiration together and scanned the entire entertainment room, but still couldn't find the makeshift team in the corner.

This is why Lloyd turned on the [Distorted Realm]. The 'protective color invisibility' effect of this little chameleon toy cannot block other people's inspiration detection, and it even looks very dazzling because of those power fluctuations...

Reverse protection belongs to...

Such limitations lead to a relatively limited scope of application of this equipment, which is generally used to deal with monsters...

However, with the addition of Lloyd's [Distortion Realm], this shortcoming has been improved, forming a true sense of visual invisibility, and is not afraid of inspiration detection. Unless the opponent comes closer, they will not be discovered.

In this way, the temporary team can safely listen to what these cultists will talk about...

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