I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 545 545 Does this count as a glorious return home?

Chapter 545 545. Is this considered a glorious return to hometown?

After some vivid and somewhat embellished descriptions, the clown judge roughly made up the scene at that time.

It should have been a sunny morning, and the warm sunlight shined through the skylight on the inner square of the 'Final Judgment'.

There are more than thirty hunters gathered at the edge of the square, preparing for another day of active work.

At this time, a dark crack was suddenly torn open in the air, and a strange young man in a gray uniform walked out of it, with an enigmatic and mysterious smile on his face.

Before he could say hello, the hunters around him all pulled out their guns and pointed at him unfriendlyly.

However, he didn't care at all about this and bluntly said that he wanted to meet the presiding judge.

This obviously caused some unhappiness and tension, so a sensitive hunter mistook it for an enemy invading the restricted area and shot first, followed by other hunters around him.

For a moment, gunshots rang out.

However, a strange scene appeared at this time. The bullets fired seemed to be submerged in the water, wrapped in an invisible force, slowing down, as if time had stopped at this moment.

But in the next second, those bullets turned into bright roses, surrounding the mysterious young man, and then bloomed suddenly, with red petals flying down like snowflakes, covering the entire inner square.

Then, the hunters felt a heavy sense of exhaustion coming over them. They could no longer open their eyes, so they lay upright among the red petals on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

This made the scene look like they had been sacrificed, and a funeral with a thousand roses was being held for them in the church...

Well, after such artistic processing, this thing that was originally supposed to be very embarrassing suddenly had a bit of romantic beauty, and it didn't make people angry at all.

At this time, another hunter asked curiously:

"Presiding judge, that kid seemed to have gone to your office afterwards? So he suddenly came here to cause trouble. What was the purpose? He couldn't just show off to us his weird trick of turning bullets into roses, right?"

Compared with the "don't think too much, don't ask too many questions" principle that the Holy Inquisition strictly adheres to, the Holy Court of Grace is not too cold about this.

After all, if you develop this kind of thinking habit, how can you collect clues and interrogate criminals?

Therefore, the clown judge did not particularly care about such talkative words. He just gave a warning:

"It's related to the Holy Majesty's decree. It's highly confidential. Don't pry around!"

"Huh? It's actually related to the Holy One's decree? Then this must be some serious case, right?"

Another hunter spoke up, and then cast a caring and sympathetic look at Captain Fox next to him.

Captain Fox couldn't say a word. Even through the mask, you could feel the tearless expression on his face.

I could only curse a few words in my heart:

Why do troubles like this always come to me?

Is it just because I know that Royd and even had coffee with him once?

At this time, another hunter beside him asked curiously:

"Presiding Judge, what is the ability that this kid used? It's completely unheard of. Some brothers speculated that it might be some kind of ability from the [intellectual] system. Is that so?"

As soon as these words came out, naturally some good people followed and added:

"By the way, presiding judge, what level is he? The boss of the Fox Team said before that he was only at level three, but how is this possible? Level three can knock down all of us, more than thirty people? Could it be that our Holy Grace Is Ting Zhen the best?"

Regarding this question, Judge Clown also felt a little embarrassed, but still cited the records in the documents and replied:

"His file shows that he is indeed the third level, [Rejection] type, but when I faced him face to face, I felt that I couldn't see through him. I couldn't catch the slightest fluctuation of power in him. He looked like an ordinary person. Human-like..."

"When this happens, either he has some equipment on him that can cover up the fluctuations in power, or his rank and strength have reached a level that is difficult for me to understand and reach, so I cannot detect his fluctuations in power."

"As for his abilities, I don't know. I suspect that the files on him are lagging behind. If you want to know more, you can wait until the case is unfolding and find an opportunity to find out more."

The clown judge said, looking down at Captain Fox again.

Although he did not give direct instructions, the intention in his eyes was already very obvious.

I leave it to you to find out the details of that boy!

Captain Fox naturally understood the look from his superior, and couldn't help but extend a finger and pointed at himself.

I'm...inquiring about Lloyd?

Real or fake?


At this time, Lloyd was not aware of the incident at the Holy Court, and ideally believed that they should be mobilizing manpower to analyze the video and discuss the case.

Instead of discussing yourself behind your back...

As for the bullet turning into a rose, the principle is actually very simple. It is far less complicated than those hunters imagined. Lloyd used [Distortion Realm] to first use physical distortion to control the speed of the bullet, and then use microscopic distortion to change the bullet. structure, turning it into a rose.

Just two steps, very simple, right?

The method of making those hunters fall asleep has also been used a long time ago. When I encountered the remnants of the [Forgetting] system before, I originally planned to go up and fight for my life, but was forcibly kidnapped by Knight Commander Walder. I used 'hypnosis' to get there. Escaped.

However, this time, although the visual performance of this shot looks quite cool, mysterious, and beautiful, in terms of Royd's own evaluation, the score is actually not high...

He had been practicing the 'rose-changing' technique in private for a long time, but he didn't expect that the first time he would use it in actual combat would be on one of his own people?

And this effect... can only be said to be more than flashy, but not practical enough. Compared with the consumption of spiritual power and energy and the final effect, it can only be said to be unsatisfactory. If you want to get rid of those bullets, you can use simple and crude physical distortion effects. Okay, there's really no need to use this complicated microscopic distortion.

In summary, it might be okay to use it to show off one's holiness in front of others, but if it's really a life-and-death fight, then forget it...

It's no wonder that the battles between high-ranking and powerful people in this world don't have any visual effects. Who can care so much when they are fighting for their lives? For example, in the battle against the consultants, no one seemed to have a graphics card installed.

Lloyd just left the shopping street while thinking randomly. There were a lot of fruits, potions, bouquets, etc. in his storage bag, which he prepared to use to visit Miss Desita and his eldest sister.

This eldest sister's name is Suna. She is probably the second eldest child in their family. She is actually quite nice, but she is a bit older. Anyway, when Lloyd met her, her children were already in junior high school...

Women of this age group are often the most maternal. Therefore, after the young Lloyd siblings were brought home by Miss Desda, they were carefully cared for by Sister Suna for a period of time. The two skinny girls at that time were Little Carrot Head recovered quickly.

It was a pity that Sister Suna had to deal with the family business and moved out, so there were fewer opportunities to meet her. However, Lloyd always kept this in mind, so when he heard that she was around, he immediately offered to come and visit.

However, in Miss Desita's description, it was said that Sister Suna liked Everol more and liked to hold her like a puppet. But in fact, Lloyd felt that she preferred to hold him like a puppet? She also likes to tease herself like a child, which makes people laugh and cry...

Maybe it's because she also has a daughter?

In this way, Lloyd prepared the gifts, then opened the portal and arrived across the street from Miss Desda's house. He did not appear directly at other people's houses, for fear of scaring them.

"Huh~ It's still the same here, it's just that it's been a little longer than it was back then."

Lloyd looked around at the familiar streets. He had lived here for half a year.

This neighborhood is actually the earliest wealthy area in the Brilliant City. It was very prosperous and lively back then, but now with the gradual expansion of the city, especially the development of the new city area, it has become a lot more peaceful. , not many people can be seen on the road.

Perhaps only the neat rows of sycamore trees on both sides of the street will continue to stick here, right?

I don’t know if this is a return to my hometown with honor?

Lloyd felt a little literary in his heart before crossing the street and arriving at the door of the familiar villa.

The guard at the door has naturally changed, but fortunately the housekeeper here still recognizes Lloyd, and greeted him cordially upon meeting him:

"Little Lloyd, you haven't been back for a long time. I still see your sister often, but I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Hello, Grandpa Butler."

Lloyd smiled and said hello, went over and gave the old butler with gray hair and beard a warm hug, and then continued:

"I'm here to see Miss Desita. I think I have an appointment, right?"

"Haha, you still like to make me laugh so much. If you want to go home, what kind of reservation do you need? Come on, your favorite scallion biscuits are ready in the kitchen."

The two of them went to Miss Desda's study while chatting. Mr. John happened to be there too, and the brother and sister seemed to be chatting about something.

Even when they saw Lloyd, they both rubbed their faces vigorously to make their faces look less ugly and sad. However, Lloyd still noticed something and quickly asked in a low voice:

"What's wrong? Did you encounter any trouble again?"

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