I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 543 They fired first

Chapter 543 543. They fired first

"Although you are my sister, there are some natural laws that cannot be violated. It's like you hit my elbow with your head, it will definitely hurt."

Lloyd said with a smile, and reached out to fiddle with his sister's hair to help it stand up.

"Woo... Xiaoyi, what kind of weird metaphors are you using?"

Everroel said with a smile.

"In short, inspiration is very important to us extraordinary people. It can expand our perception and vision, but it will also bring all kinds of unexpected dangers. So when you use it in the future, sister, you must remember the safety rules I have summarized."

Lloyd continued to talk, and then pulled Everoel out of bed to wash up, and then the two sat at the dining table again, eating breakfast while Lloyd continued to educate "Safe Use of Inspiration".

In fact, these contents have long been written in the "Lloyd's Notes", but Everoel may not have had time to read it carefully?

After breakfast, Lloyd combed Eve's hair as usual and asked:

"By the way, sister, are you going to the editorial department now? Or why not just forget it? Anyway... it's not that busy, right?"

He actually wanted to say that the magazine didn't sell much anyway, so just give up.

But Eve was very stubborn in this regard, and quickly replied righteously:

"No, Xiao Yi, I promised everyone in the editorial department that I would never abandon them."

She must have been very determined about this, so much so that the white silk jade feet dangling under the chair stopped.

Lloyd couldn't say much, so he could only ask:

"Then... the schedule will be very tight, right?"

"Xiao Yi, you don't have to worry about that. Your Majesty the Saint... oh no, it's Hiltina who has arranged it for me."

Yifroel shook her head, letting the tip of her white high ponytail dance flexibly in Lloyd's hand, while she talked about her next schedule:

"I go to the editorial office every morning, and go to a folk society she recommended to study and practice in the afternoon. After returning home in the evening, I can go to see Hiltina, or you can make up lessons for me..."

"Although it will be a bit tight, think about it, every day will be very fulfilling, right? If I can work hard to improve, I shouldn't let you down, Xiao Yi?"

Lloyd didn't make any comments, these were all things that had been discussed long ago.

"Well... as long as you don't feel tired, sister."

Although there is no problem with my sister's recommendation letter, she will definitely be able to enter Mizkatok, but there is a rule that cannot be circumvented, that is, as a recommended student, she must first be promoted to the third level.

Even Lloyd entered the academy after the third level, so it is not convenient to get special treatment.

Anyway, with my sister's talent, plus the careful guidance of myself and Hiltina, it won't take long to reach the third level.

As for the folk society mentioned above, it is actually a folk organization under the jurisdiction of the cult, which is quite special in nature-

Those who can join it are basically relatives and children of the high-level members of the cult, and can get good guidance and training...

Compared to directly joining the cult, becoming an executor student, or going to the front line as a soldier, this kind of place is obviously more comfortable and comfortable.

Neither do you have to slaughter and dissect monsters every day, nor do you have to rely on self-study, and it is extremely safe.

The main purpose of joining the "civil society" was to have various excellent training facilities there, hoping that Everoel could quickly master various powers and be more inclined to practice actual combat.

As for the theoretical part, Lloyd himself and Hiltina were enough.

So Lloyd naturally had no doubts about this arrangement.

He was just a little worried that his sister was so short and had such a young face, would she be bullied by others?

So the siblings still completed their morning routine as before, hugged each other, and then went out separately.

But Everoel no longer had to squeeze into the tram as before, and Lloyd could directly open a portal to go to the editorial department.

And Lloyd himself opened a portal to another coordinate and came to the most notorious and infamous place in the city-the "Final Judgment" Trial House, the home and headquarters of the Holy Grace Court.


A moment after Lloyd arrived at the ‘Final Judgment’, a judge wearing a black and white clown mask sat in front of him and asked helplessly:

“Although… I did receive the decree from the Saint, but Mr. Executioner Lloyd, do you have to come in this way?”

Lloyd spread his hands and defended innocently:

“I can’t do anything about it. Your people are too overbearing and don’t give me a chance to explain. Don’t you think your people are a little too sensitive and delicate?”

“Then I believe that if someone suddenly emerges from the high-security area in your Holy Court, you will be just as sensitive and delicate… You can come in through the main door, and I have already greeted the people outside in advance. Not only will no one stop you, but there will also be someone to lead the way for you.”

The tone of the black and white clown sounded both angry and funny.

In fact, the situation is like this. When Lloyd located the coordinates of the "Final Judgment", in order to save trouble, he did not locate the gate. There was a long and high staircase there, which was difficult to climb. It would definitely be better to locate the coordinates directly inside.

As a result, when he came out of the portal, a large number of Holy Grace Hunters outside were immediately startled. They thought they were attacked by the enemy, and some unpleasant misunderstandings broke out between the two sides.

When the black and white clown judge arrived at the scene, there were already a circle of people lying around Lloyd, still spreading his hands, and explaining pitifully:

"They shot me first..."


The judge was speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, after a check, those Holy Grace Hunters were not in danger of life, and they were not even injured. They just fell asleep inexplicably?

This made the black and white clown also frightened.

With such means and strength, if this guy who is still pretending to be innocent really has some malicious intentions, the consequences will be disastrous...

But according to the latest information in his hands, isn't this guy only at the third level?

What means did he use to subdue so many hunters in an instant?

Is it some powerful holy object? Or is it some kind of protection from the Saint?

The chief judge said that he couldn't understand Lloyd.

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