I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 540 The End of the Banquet

Chapter 540 540. The end of the banquet

Hiltina's appearance instantly silenced the originally noisy venue. Except for a few people around Lloyd, all the remaining guests were silent and did not dare to look up. He didn't dare to whisper, and he even took big breaths.

They expressed deep reverence for the saint.

And Hiltina didn't seem as friendly as usual. Not only did her hair change from cute short hair to dignified long hair, her temperament also became cold and mysterious, and she spoke to her in a calm tone. The guests said calmly:

“It’s a day to be happy, without being formal.”

Even though he said that, the people present were not fools. No one would be really unrestrained, or even make a mistake. Everyone still lowered their heads, making the atmosphere in the room solemn. .

Fortunately, Hiltina seemed to have long been used to such scenes. She turned back to Lloyd and gave a look that said, "I told you that such a scene would happen." She continued in a serious tone:

"Congratulations, Everol, my gift has been sent out a long time ago. I hope you like it."

"Thank you, His Majesty the Holy One."

Evelor responded quickly, but she didn't look very nervous. It seemed that after the previous round of getting along, she had been able to accept this 'sister-in-law' well?

At this time, Professor Lawrence, as the only person at the scene who had seen the big scene, also came closer. He first introduced himself to tonight's protagonist, Eve Roll, claiming to be Royd's mentor Yun Yun, and then directed at Hill. Tina nodded as a greeting.

Hiltina responded politely:

"Welcome, Professor Lawrence."

But the old professor gave an inexplicable response:

"Congratulations, Professor Hiltina."

After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then heard the old professor turning to Everol and saying:

"I originally prepared a set of high-end fishing gear as a gift today, but the stuff was probably stolen by that brat Lloyd. I had no choice but to give Mizkatok a letter of recommendation as a gift."

"Thank you, and thank you for taking care of Xiaoyi on weekdays."

"You're welcome. Your talent is quite impressive. I look forward to our meeting again in Mizkatok soon."

After another polite word, the old professor stepped aside.

Seeing this, Hiltina nodded. Her figure gradually became blurry and transparent, and she seemed to be planning to leave.

"Then let's do this for now. I still have a lot of things to deal with."

There was nothing she could do. If she continued to stay at the scene, all that would be left would be embarrassment and silence.

But before she completely disappeared, she turned around and gave Lloyd a look that contained a lot of meaning, as if to express 'I'll settle the score with you later'.

This made Lloyd feel a little nervous...

Could it be because of Wei Ya?

So where does she plan to bite herself this time?

After Hiltina and Professor Lawrence had given away their gifts, no one at the scene could really compete with Wei Ya. Only then did she have the opportunity to hand the earrings she carefully selected to Everol's hands, and then Introducing himself:

"Hello, sister Everol, I am Lloyd's... colleague..."

It can be seen that she is somewhat unwilling to accept the definition of 'colleague'...

But there is nothing we can do, we can only do this for now...

Everol quickly took the gift and said with a sweet smile:

"Hehe, I know you, Miss Wei Ya, Xiaoyi often mentions you to me. Thank you for your concern and care for him on weekdays. Thank you for your gift. I like it very much."

After the two exchanged polite words, Wei Ya stepped aside, looking at Lloyd eagerly with a pair of beautiful eyes, and sighed quietly, with a little helplessness on her pretty face.

At this time, the other guests present, as if they had just realized that the saint had left, finally couldn't help but open up their chat boxes and began to discuss:

"Is that really rejecting the saint? Why did she suddenly come here? What are the origins of the two siblings on the stage? Why can an [Enlightenment] ceremony alarm the saint?"

"How dare you speculate on a saint? How audacious!"

"That's right. Don't speculate on the intentions of a saint. Just accept the reality. Although it is incredible and difficult to understand, the saint came like this."

"Now I know why this banquet will be personally hosted by a great knight..."

Even Via's father, Lord Rand, had a complicated look on his face, thinking thoughtfully on the sidelines. He was obviously shocked by the sudden arrival of the saint.

It’s not just the saint’s personal presence, but also the intimacy between the saint and Lloyd.

Now Lord Rand finally understood why the previous professor from Mizkatok persuaded him to give up his dream of recruiting Lloyd as his son-in-law.

Yes, delusional, that's the word Professor Lawrence used when the two were talking one-on-one.

Lord Rand still felt that this word was a bit too much...

Only now did he realize that he was the one who went too far...

It’s a shame that I didn’t announce this in public——

Lord Rand had actually considered that he might make his daughter's relationship with Lloyd public, openly announcing Lloyd's marriage, and concocting another kind of "done rice cooked" in another sense.

Fortunately, he didn't do that...

Although his daughter's somewhat impatient behavior before made people frown, fortunately, she didn't do anything else abrupt afterwards, and didn't jump up to snatch a man from a saint.

Fortunately, he didn't do that...

Just as Lord Rand secretly wiped his cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief, some guests present focused their attention on the Lord and Professor Lawrence who quietly left through the portal.

"Did you notice? The old man just now seemed to be a remarkable figure. He claimed to be from Mizkatok? That mysterious and powerful academy?"

"Wait! I remember! I had the honor of meeting that old man at a dinner many years ago. He seemed to be a powerful figure in that mysterious academy? Anyway, he was surrounded by either powerful people or people in power. It can be imagined that his identity is definitely not ordinary!"

"So! What is the origin of this brother and sister? Why are there saints present and they are related to Mizkatok? I even seemed to have vaguely seen Lord Rand just now?"

"Yes, you read it right. The beautiful daughter who just came on stage is the apple of Lord Rand's eye."

"Saints, this is really incredible I thought it was just an ordinary social gathering with the purpose of [enlightenment], but I didn't expect so many big shots to attend? Damn! I didn't realize this before? "

"Don't talk about you, I was the same. I thought Mr. Demani was just trying to get me to gather popularity, but who knew he was providing me with a promotion channel! But I was busy chatting with my friends and didn't even say hello to these big shots..."

"Alas~ It seems that everyone is the same. They all regarded today as the most common [enlightenment] ceremony gathering, but the result was... But when I think that you have wasted today's opportunity like me, I feel much more balanced in my heart. "

These people discussed in groups of two or three, some were confused, some were regretful, and some were trying to save the situation.

"No wonder Mr. Demani suggested that I should arrive early. It turned out that he wanted me to reserve time to meet the big shots. Unfortunately, I wasted his painstaking efforts. I am really damned... Is there any way to remedy it now?"

"Who knows? What kind of gift did you prepare? Is it up to standard? Not to mention the gifts for other big shots, at least it can't be worse than that bracelet, right?"

"Then is the gift I prepared okay? It's also jewelry, and it doesn't look worse than that bracelet."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! I just secretly checked the bracelet. It's no exaggeration to say that it's probably the most exaggerated equipment I've ever seen in my life. The spirituality it exudes is very unique and sophisticated. , it is definitely not a simple ornament. Maybe all the gifts tonight combined are not as good as a fragment of the bracelet. "

"Ah this... I remember that your society specializes in the research of extraordinary equipment? How could you give such a high evaluation?"

"Yes, I am willing to guarantee with my reputation that the value of the bracelet has far exceeded the scope of money and even extraordinary materials. It can be regarded as a rare treasure. So do you still think your gifts are enough? "

Because everyone was chattering, the scene was suddenly noisy like a vegetable market, making Lloyd not in the mood to listen to what everyone was saying. He just wanted to end the ceremony quickly.

So he quickly gave his big brother a look.

The big brother nodded in understanding and returned his look.

As a result, Lloyd couldn't understand what he was saying at all...

Fortunately, Big Brother stepped forward in time and deliberately made his armor rustle, as if it was about to fall apart, thus successfully attracting the attention of others and making the scene a little quieter.

This was a great help. As for Big Brother's gift, it didn't matter. It was just a low-level holy object, and its effect was not as good as those engineering toys of Mitzkatokri. It was relatively mediocre.

But the key point is the intention, and the intention is there.

After Big Brother came down, Lloyd's three classmates hurriedly followed, so that the other guests present also came back to their senses and stopped chatting awkwardly, but came to line up one after another.

So, Lloyd and Evelor, brother and sister, experienced the most difficult and longest night in their lives...


"Woo... I'm so tired, it's finally over..."

After all the guests left with their own regrets and reluctance, Evelor sat down on the ground without a care, kicked off her high heels, revealing a pair of white stockings tightly wrapped, like ice cream, and kept rubbing the sore parts with her hands.

Seeing this, Lloyd hurriedly came over, held up his sister's feet, gently kneaded and massaged her, and then forced himself to smile and said:

"Although it was a bit hard, everything went well, right?"

"And you received a lot of gifts, right?"

Hiltina's voice suddenly came from the air, and then slowly emerged in the usual appearance, short hair, bold white cloth strips, bare feet, like a girl next door every day.

"Eh? Your Majesty the Saint, are you back again?"

Everol was slightly shocked when she saw this, and quickly took the jade feet away from Lloyd's hand, struggling to stand up.

As a result, Hiltina hugged her back and pinched her cute cheek.

"Didn't we all agree? You're not allowed to call me "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty," just call me by my name, or just like you call Lloyd, you can also call me Xiao Xi."

"Ah? How dare you do that? You'd better call me by name..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lloyd felt a warm feeling like a family of three. He felt that the fatigue in his body had dissipated a little, and then he took up the topic:

"I have received a lot of gifts, but that's it. Our family is not lacking in these, but my big brother is really a bit..."

"He was also afraid that you would lose face and no one would show up, so when he reported to me, I didn't say anything."

Hiltina said, holding Everol and standing up again, and continued:

"Okay, it's getting late. My sister has just completed [Enlightenment]. Go take a bath and have a good rest."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open."

Lloyd then opened a portal and sent his sister home first.

After the portal disappeared, I was originally planning to have some tenderness with Hildina before talking about business.

Who would have thought that as soon as Everol left, Hiltina's face changed in the next second, into a fierce and fierce look, and she asked coldly:

"Weiya is beautiful, isn't she? Is she easy to lick?"

"Eh? You...you heard this too?"

"Hmph~ Do you want to think about whose territory this is?"

"Ah... you are also very easy to lick... Ouch, ouch!"

After all, Lloyd's shoulder was bitten hard by Hiltina.

After feeling the pain for a while, Hildina finally softened and snuggled into Lloyd's arms, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

Although he didn't say anything, he showed great reluctance.

Seeing this, Lloyd quickly struck while the iron was hot and hugged her shoulders.

"Hmph~ If it weren't for my special situation, I definitely wouldn't tolerate your fuss!"

Hiltina said somewhat unwillingly.

This topic really made Lloyd feel a little guilty. He couldn't help but recall the famous scenes that flashed through his mind before. He didn't dare to answer directly. He could only try to bring the topic back to business. He talked about those politicians recruiting bodyguards and Wei Ya. Weird surprises in their family.

"Huh? There is such a thing? Then we really need to investigate it... But I hate this kind of trouble the most. Since you are interfering and throwing out the bait, I will leave it to you. I will come back later. An order will be issued for you to take up a position at the Holy Court to facilitate the deployment of manpower. "

"That's okay too."

Lloyd nodded.

I'm just a little worried in my heart, will I be misunderstood as a 'face-shouting', 'sycophant' or something like that?

Forget it, as long as you stick to your character as an outstanding young man who never disappoints, you should be able to change other people's opinions.

"As for Wei Ya's family affairs, since it is Professor Lawrence who is pulling the strings and involves your savior, it must be handled properly, but if you want to ask me if I saw anything..."

Hiltina said, and then performed the same chin-twisting action as Lloyd, and thought for a few minutes before answering:

"Looking back at my memory, I haven't found anything special in the past six months, but I can give you a suggestion. If you really don't have a clue, you can try to look for it in the abandoned city area, but you must promise me that you can never do it yourself. Go on an adventure alone!"

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

As Lloyd said, he suddenly thought of something and asked:

"By the way, the spiritual power in my sister's body..."

"What's wrong? That's the gift I gave her...Okay, this is a matter between girls, so don't be curious!"

Although Hiltina answered, she didn't seem to want to explain in depth. She even took the initiative to bring her beautiful face closer and kissed Lloyd, as if she didn't want him to continue questioning.

Lloyd didn't dwell on this issue anymore. After making out with Hildina, they went back to rest.

When he came home, he found that his sister had finished taking a bath, curled up under the quilt and fell asleep.

So Lloyd quickly went to take a shower, took out the little kitten that had fallen asleep in his pocket, and carefully placed it next to the pillow. Then he lay down on the small bed and entered the [Thinking Realm] as usual.

But tonight he did not rush to Elolo, but first brought something from this world into the [Thinking Realm]

It is the special mercury that Big Brother gave last time that can act as a monitoring screen. It is able to sneak into Eloro's side, and it relies on this to act as a medium.

When the meeting ended, Lloyd approached Big Brother and asked him for some more money, but this time it was not used on a girl, but to monitor the congressman in front of him.

So Lloyd found the [Seed of Distortion] pointed at the congressman representative, poured the special mercury he had just obtained in front of him, and did the same thing as last time.

While waiting for the mercury to solidify, he turned back to the tentacle grass and asked:

"Has any suspicious behavior of the suspect been monitored?"

The Tentacle Grass first got out of the glass cover, came close to Lloyd, and then let out several strange screams:


Perhaps it was asking what kind of behavior was considered suspicious behavior?

Lloyd shook his head and said:

“Forget it… You have recorded all his previous actions, right? Show me.”

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