I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 538 538 Then you should be careful

Chapter 538 538. Be careful then

"How is this related... To tell you the truth, there is no concrete evidence or connection. It's just that what happened to their family reminded me of one of your predecessors, which happened before you joined Mizzikatok..."

Professor Lawrence then told Lloyd the story of this predecessor in a melancholy tone.

"He is a student who successfully passed the space department assessment after many twists and turns. He is not as talented as you, and even inferior to that useless Dandy. He has been here for several years, but he is still only rated C+. Among the previous figures in the space department, he can be regarded as the worst..."

"But he is very well-behaved and hardworking. He is always the first one to come to the laboratory and the last one to leave. He always cleans the laboratory. So even if his level is not very good, everyone likes him."

"He also came from a declining noble family. His family situation is more complicated than that of Lord Rand... You can probably guess what happened later. In just half a year, all the people in his family died one after another, and only he was left. A..."

"I still remember the last time I saw him in the mental hospital. His body was not alienated, but his entire thinking consciousness and cognitive system had completely collapsed. He kept mumbling incomprehensible words, which made me feel like he was singing some kind of hymn."

"This... is really a sad story."

Lloyd responded in a low voice, and then asked:

"Did this senior... have contact with the ancient nobles at that time?"

"No direct contact, but when we were building the space channel to contact each other, we helped a little and recorded some data. The connection can be said to be very weak."

Professor Lawrence shook his head and continued to add:

"As for the situation of those people in his family, according to what he said, the cause of death was very complicated. A one-month-old baby accidentally drowned; an investigator who was out on a mission completely disappeared; someone unfortunately lost his hand in a duel; or encountered a trap set by an enemy..."

"Some were illogical accidents, some were premeditated and malicious murders, and he himself died because he was too hasty - in order to investigate the changes at home, he was madly exposed to too much dangerous knowledge. "

Speaking of this, the old professor paused and suddenly changed to a seemingly unrelated topic:

"In the Department of Environment, there is a theory that they recognize that the essence of the world is chaotic and disordered, and humans can never understand the reality and inner nature of the world, and naturally they can never predict the future development direction..."

"Then this group of people often clashed with the Department of Mysticism, especially those who made predictions, At its worst, it even triggered a large-scale fight..."

"Of course, I personally don't agree with this statement. It's too nihilistic. Besides, the subject I hate the most is philosophy!"

Lloyd didn't quite understand why the old professor would say this to him inexplicably, and was still trying to bring the topic back:

"Did the senior come to any conclusions in his investigation?"

"Conclusions? Of course there were. There were probably more than a dozen conclusions, right? But he didn't have time to verify them specifically before the person died..."


"And the reason why I told you the above is that when some similar incidents occur again, I am more inclined to believe that it is the dead bones in the tomb that are causing trouble, or some other ghost thing, rather than a real coincidence, otherwise it would be too despairing. "

Professor Lawrence said this, his tone softened a little, and he returned to the topic of Weiya's family:

"In short, the lord wants to use the power of Mitzkatok to help solve this problem, but I can't make a promise. I can only give him a suggestion and ask him to try to seek help from you. As for the price... First of all, give up the idea of ​​letting you become a son-in-law, and the rest is up to you and him. "

"Ah, this... son-in-law? The lord doesn't really have this idea, right? "

Lloyd asked back with a smile, and then complained in his heart:

I am not the Dragon King, but an outstanding young man who is determined to become a saint. How can I be a son-in-law?

Even if Weiya is beautiful, cute, gentle and lovely, what about Hiltina? What about Eloro?

What about my sister?

"Okay, don't think so much. It's your own choice whether to accept this kind of trouble. I just help you set a premise to prevent you from being eaten up... Of course, the college will probably not invest resources in such things. If you agree, you have to take it on yourself. "

"Okay, I know, thank you for your concern. "

Lloyd nodded first, and then asked in a humble tone:

"But if I want to help, how can I start? Didn't you say that the lord asked many strong people to help, but in the end there was no clue? Then this kind of boundless thing, no matter how smart and excellent I am, I can't figure it out, right? "

Professor Lawrence looked at him for a while, hesitant to speak, and was stunned for several seconds before reminding him:

"You can go to his house to take a look before making a decision."

"Well... okay, after today's matter is over, I will discuss it with Weiya, and by the way, I can also ask Xildina?"

"That's a good idea. As the saint who controls this city, Professor Hiltina must have some visions that we don't have."

As the old professor spoke, he suddenly turned his head and looked aside, and pointed.

"There's a girl with pink hair over there who seems to be looking for you?"

Lloyd looked in the direction and couldn't help but laugh.

"It's Miss Desda!"

"You mean two are not enough?"

"What are you talking about? Miss Desda is the savior of our family. I treat her as an elder."

Lloyd said angrily, stood up quickly, approached Miss Desita, and said hello:

"Long time no see, Miss Desda, and Mr. John. It's an honor for you to come here today."

Miss Desita was accompanied by one of her biological brothers, who had met Lloyd several times. Like his sister, he was also a kind-hearted and good person, and she had a pretty good impression of Lloyd.

"Congratulations, Lloyd. I am very happy that you two are here today."

Miss Desita responded first, and her brother also laughed and joked:

"Haha, you kid, when you were in college, you promised me that you would come to work for me as a designer after graduation, but then you suddenly changed and became a big shot? Look at your appearance today, you really put us to shame."

"Yeah, no one thought that the little slick guy who tricked me into buying all the flowers could grow to the point where we look up to him today... Let me tell you quietly, this is the first time for my brother to come to this banquet hall. He just When I entered the door, I was completely stunned, stupidly..."

"Isn't it the same for you? You were also startled by the great knight captain wearing armor, and you almost embarrassed me."

Lloyd watched the quarrel between the siblings, and his previously heavy heart relaxed a lot, and he said sincerely:

"You are so grateful. If it weren't for your help, my sister and I would not be where we are today. We will remember your kindness for the rest of our lives."

After that, he hugged his brother and sister politely, and then asked:

"Are you two the only ones here today? I thought it would be more lively."

"Hehe~ Our sister actually wants to come too. You know, she actually likes Evelor very much. She often holds her like a doll, but she has contracted a strange disease during this time. I'm sick and recuperating in the hospital."

Miss Desire replied.

"Strange disease?"

When Lloyd heard this, he suddenly became a little wary.

"Don't worry, it's just a new type of influenza. It's not a serious problem, but your body will be weak."

Mr. John said it carelessly, not taking it seriously.

The three of them continued to chat and chatted, and somehow the topic turned to real estate development. The originally cheerful brother and sister became gloomy.

"Sigh... The big development has been interrupted. We don't know when our early investment will be repaid. I feel that our family is really unlucky during this period. Business is not going well, my sister is sick, and my father actually fell when he went out. After a fall, even Ms. Landis was admitted to a mental hospital..."

"You are serious. Why are you talking about this today? Lloyd, don't listen to my brother's nonsense. Our family is fine. It's all trivial things. It's just that I miss Mr. Butler very much. I wonder how he is doing now?"

Lloyd frowned slightly and then explained:

"Randolph should be undergoing his eighth [Transcendence] right now. This will be a long process, and it's not convenient to disturb him."

"That's it...I still hope he can come back to see him some time..."

Miss Desita said, with a look of disappointment on her face, as if her hope had failed.

Lloyd caught this scene, thought about his words, and said:

"Miss Desda, I want to pay you a visit tomorrow to formally express my gratitude to you for your continued concern and care."

"Eh? It doesn't have to be so formal, right?"

But Lloyd still said seriously:

"If necessary, I promised Mr. Butler that after he leaves, I will take over from him and protect you."


Miss Desda showed emotion at first, but then it changed to hesitation and entanglement, and finally she shook her head.

"I appreciate your kindness, but let's wait for another day, right? I want to visit my sister in the hospital tomorrow."

However, Lloyd looked like a dumbass who didn't understand polite refusal, and said blankly:

"Then I'll go together."

"Eh? You..."

Miss Desita was stunned, as if she didn't expect Lloyd's emotional intelligence to suddenly return to zero.

But Mr. John next to him lowered his voice and asked:

"Lloyd, did you hear something?"

"Well...but today is not the time to talk about this. My sister is coming down soon. Let's wait until we meet tomorrow to talk about it, right?"

This answer made the brother and sister look at each other, and finally nodded reluctantly.

Lloyd probably guessed that their family might have encountered a similar situation to Wei Ya's family.

It's just that today's occasion is special. Maybe they are concerned about face and are not willing to talk about these things with their original 'little brother'; or maybe they are kind-hearted and don't want to get involved.

Lloyd would rather they just wanted to save face, rather than because the situation had become quite tricky...

Just at this moment, a melodious music sounded in the banquet hall, mixed with the sound of gears running, and then a crack appeared on the ceiling, and a section of the specially made spiral staircase was slowly lowered.

Then, Evelor's petite and cute figure came down the stairs slowly, with a peaceful smile on her face, waving her hands at the guests below, whether they knew her or not.

With the white dress, she looked like a little princess in a fairy tale, noble, elegant, delicate and cute.

However, Lloyd still noticed the nervousness and embarrassment of his sister at a glance, and it was only because he was holding on that he didn't reveal it.

She probably hesitated on the stairs for a long time before she mustered up the courage to show up in front of everyone?

So Lloyd hurriedly went up to her, took his sister's hand, and led her elegantly to the last few steps of the stairs.

The guests gathered around, applauding and talking.

Although many people came here just for socializing, they still had to go through the necessary procedures.

"So she is the protagonist today? I didn't expect her to be so petite. She looks only 12 years old, right? Like an exquisite doll."

"Both the brother and sister are very good. One is cute and the other is handsome. I really envy their parents, but their parents don't seem to be here today?"

"Compared to this, I am more concerned about Miss Evelor's necklace. If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be the latest model last year? Then won't the gift I prepared today be mediocre?"

"You don't have to worry about this. After all, it's an [Enlightenment] ceremony, not a birthday party. The focus of the gift is to be special, highlighting the 'extraordinary', not expensive."

"I wonder what these bigwigs will bring out? Can I open my eyes?"

According to the process of the ceremony, Evelor made a formal speech after her appearance, probably thanking everyone for coming, blah blah.

After the speech, the guests went up to greet and present gifts.

As a relative, Lloyd was naturally the first one.

"Sister, I prepared something good for you!"

Lloyd said with a smile, then took out the bracelet he had prepared before from his pocket, opened the gift box, and handed it to Evelor.

Evelor looked at the silver-white, exquisite and beautiful bracelet in the gift box, her emerald green eyes lit up slightly, and said with a smile:

"Thank you, Xiaoyi! Help me put it on?"

"Well, then you be careful."

Lloyd reminded, then took his sister's little hand with white silk gloves and put the bracelet on.

"Be careful, I'm going to let go."


Evelor was stunned for a moment, and the next second she suddenly felt her hand sink...

If Lloyd hadn't been holding her up, she would have stumbled on the spot.

Why is such a beautiful bracelet so heavy?

It's like a lump of lead!

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