I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 524 524 Is it the survivors or the family?

Chapter 524 524. Are they survivors or dependents?

Lloyd suppressed his anger, read the messenger's confession in full, and summarized their current situation.

According to the description of this messenger, the ancient survivors obtained the method of manufacturing and controlling the high-risk monsters such as the industry demon through some kind of "great gift", which gave them the combat power to continuously harass the present world.

In addition to the manufacturing demon, there are other "great gifts" coming one after another.

It is precisely because of a certain "great gift" that their bodies have been changed into the current hideous and curious appearance, but they are considered to be more powerful and noble, and the future appearance of human beings.

At the same time, these "great gifts" also give them extraordinary resistance to mental pollution, allowing them to better adapt to the harsh environment of the alien space.

And to a certain extent, they can use mental pollution as a weapon and means of attack, just like the monsters outside.

Naturally, they will become more crazy and evolve into the current species that is completely different from humans.

But this group of survivors did not have such awareness, nor did they think there was anything wrong with it. Instead, because they received these unknown "great gifts", they had some kind of illusion in their madness, thinking that they were the great sons favored by the gods and would surely rule the whole world.

As soon as they received these "great gifts", they turned their butcher knives to other survivors in the alien space...

After integrating the strength of the entire alien space, the crazy "breeding gods" plan was launched.

When Lloyd saw this, he couldn't help but think of some fantasy literary works he had seen on Earth.

Is this a bit like... the so-called "family"?

Will they come into contact with an unknown evil god in the alien space and be taken in as a family to destroy mankind?

Of course, it is also possible that this evil god is already very weak and about to die, and they are taken in as a family for the "breeding gods" behind, so that they can be reborn?

With the current amount of information, Lloyd can only make such a superficial speculation, without any substantial evidence.

This messenger didn't know much, and didn't know the real purpose of 'breeding gods'. He just blindly believed in it and was willing to give everything for it.

In order to cooperate with this crazy plan, the organizational structure of the survivors was also transformed into a state chiefdom based on faith. They called themselves tribes, with the ruling class being the temple priests, followed by nobles, civilians, and untouchables, or slaves. The class division was extremely strict.

In Lloyd's opinion, this was a bit of a step backwards...

As if he was playing Stellaris and Hearts of Iron?

But the backwardness of the system does not mean that they are really uncivilized primitive tribes. In fact, looking at the whole, this group of survivors is still quite tricky.

The accumulation of resources and knowledge and technology brought in from the glorious past, plus the long-term civil wars between several groups of survivors, and the bellicosity and bloodthirstiness that finally came out like a Gu, plus the temporarily unknown 'great gift', it seems to be extremely threatening to the present world.

Especially the temple priests, as the rulers of the survivors, they are also the strongest among them. There are ten of them, claiming to be servants of God, dominating all the survivors, and will dominate all humans in the future.

According to the description of the messenger, each of them has a great power beyond [Brilliant Gold], and the highest priest among them, that is, the first priest, is even praised as the existence of "the closest to God", which is far beyond human understanding and cognition.

Even if the real situation is not so exaggerated, it should not be underestimated.

So in the cognition of this messenger, they should be the chosen ones who are high above, the real controllers and leaders of human civilization, and the remaining untouchables outside should bow down to them and be willing to be cattle and horses.

If it were not for the great cause of nurturing gods, they would probably have counterattacked the world long ago.

It can also be seen from this that this "nurturing gods" is very important and urgent for them.

But it does not mean that they will give up interfering in the world before the plan succeeds. In addition to the long-term looting mentioned above, they are also infiltrating the human forces in the outside world through some means, and have achieved some results.

For example, the crazy scholars who tried to control the devil in the City of Joy before were probably behind this group of survivors.

No wonder Lloyd could not understand why humans would get involved in such a dangerous force? And this happened to happen in the City of Joy, which was built the shortest, had the weakest saints, and had an imperfect supernatural system?

Now looking back, these strange things can be explained.

Going a little further, did the evil forces and lawless elements that are prevalent in the world also get the secret support of this group of people?

This is also very likely. After all, for these self-proclaimed nobles, this is their favorite dirty method.

So objectively speaking, the arrogance of this group of ancient survivors is not entirely madness and self-confidence. They do have some capital in their hands, whether it is the temple priests, the "great gift" with unknown functions, or the possible existence of level 0 holy objects, all of which should not be underestimated.

The messenger also repeatedly mentioned that the priests were powerful and firmly believed that they possessed some great power that he could not imagine or understand.

This makes Lloyd dare not really take it lightly, and he must pay attention to it and despise it.

At the moment, he definitely wants to collect more information about the ancient survivors. It is best to find out what kind of fighting power they have, how many combatants they have, what kind of extraordinary system they have, how many strategic materials they have, and what trump card they have at the bottom of the box. Something else.

And most importantly, are the details of the plan to breed gods the same as what I had speculated before?

It's a pity that only one messenger was captured this time. Just like a normal human envoy, he may know a little bit of everything, but it is impossible to know everything so clearly.

It would be great if I could catch some more advanced 'tongues'...

But this might be difficult, right?

Lloyd rubbed his chin and thought for a while, but couldn't find any good ideas for the time being.

But the good news is that the situation is not particularly urgent yet. There is still time for myself and mankind to prepare——

Judging from the situation disclosed by this messenger, they would not dare to act rashly and launch a massive counterattack before completing the so-called great cause of nurturing gods. They may also be more afraid of human saints and level 0 sacred objects in human hands.

But now their plan has been completely thrown off by Lloyd and the former dean...

It is indeed possible for them to jump over the wall in a hurry, but if they want to counterattack the world on a large scale, their space technology is not very good...

Even if they can't untie the space loop left by Lloyd, their development route seems to have gone astray. The corresponding technology tree is more inclined to 'navigate' in different spaces.

When this messenger came to Mizkatok, he used a device similar to a space elevator, which they named a 'space battleship', and floated slowly over.

At present, this 'space battleship' has been seized by people from the space department's equipment department and is being studied. Lloyd even ran to take a brief look at it.

In terms of craftsmanship, it is indeed better than Mizkatok's space elevator. It is stronger, faster, more suitable for long-distance voyages, and equipped with weapons and protective equipment, making it more offensive.

However, the length and volume are only slightly larger than the space elevator and are more limited. Calling it a 'battleship' is just to show your face, and it should be called a 'rubber boat' which is more appropriate.

So from a neutral and objective perspective, in terms of 'navigation' alone, their level is indeed higher than the average level of Mizkatok.

But it’s not much higher. It’s not so shocking to the equipment department, and it hasn’t encountered any incomprehensible technical barriers.

It just made the people in the equipment department sigh:

"Isn't this too extravagant? How many resources have they hoarded for this senseless waste?"

"Although the technical level does not surprise me, the resource and cost consumption really opened my eyes..."

"I feel that their equipment design ideas are completely different from ours. We try every means to save, but they waste nothing."

Anyway, Lloyd went to take a quick look at it, and when he heard such comments, he couldn't help but think of a certain country's warship on the other side of the earth...

Even the toilet can buy a car...

But apart from luxury and different routes, the survivors are far behind in other technical aspects.

In terms of more convenient portals and space channels, their development can only be described as lame. They are basically relying on the capital they brought in during the glorious era and have not developed much in this area.

So in the museum at that time, the portal would open with difficulty, causing Lloyd to wait for a long time. His level of proficiency and proficiency were far worse than those in Mizkatok.

Considering their history, doesn’t this seem surprising?

After all, Mizkatok's side focuses on portals and space channels, while the equipment department also focuses more on the research and development of various computing equipment and observation equipment, and the overall approach is an 'exploration and research' route.

On the other hand, the ancient survivors wanted to conquer and integrate other survivors' forces in order to attack each other among themselves, so they mainly developed this obviously more aggressive 'navigation' route.

Like this messenger, he was once a gunner on a "space battleship", and he had made outstanding military exploits before he was appreciated by the priests, and he rose to prominence ever since.

So Lloyd couldn't help but think that if the matter was finally revealed and their 'space warships' launched a large-scale attack on the present world, or attacked Mizkatok, that would be too...

Very good!

The difference between this kayak-class ‘battleship’ and the duckweed in the water in the face of a space storm is probably that their cost is higher?

So it’s best to come out in full force, but don’t not come!

Of course, using space storms to destroy the enemy's 'battleships' was Lloyd's somewhat optimistic estimate. It could also be seen as a guaranteed trump card, so that he and the academy would not have to worry about their large-scale invasion.

And before you find out how much this group of remnants weigh, it's better not to provoke them first.

After all, it was probably a force that got some benefits from an evil god, and it might be hiding some big killing weapon or ruthless tricks.

It's better to put caution first and think of ways to collect more information first.

Of course, you have to wait for the opportunity for this kind of thing, and you won't find the opportunity in a day or two.

The ideal situation is that after they discover that the messenger has lost contact, they will send some people over to 'rescue grandpa'.

But that was all for the future. Lloyd put down the transcript in his hand and took it to Dean Hazlade's office to show it to him.

Dean Hazlade read it very seriously and carefully, and never said a word.

But Lloyd could still vaguely feel that his blood pressure and anger were steadily rising.

It was not until half an hour later that Dean Hazlade put down the transcript in his hand and cursed without grace:

"This group of damn bastards, maggots! Despicable monsters!"

"I really didn't expect that they would commit so many crimes! I really overestimated them before!"

"Especially when they took advantage of the chaos to rob humans, they didn't even let the weak and children go!"

"They claim to be noble and decent, but they do such dirty and despicable things!"

It can be seen that Dean Hazlade is very indignant. Lloyd has never seen him so angry and out of control.

I can only say that sneaking and robbing humans, and disguising as monsters to invade, is really too despicable!

In order to stabilize the dean's emotions, Lloyd quickly provided a wave of good news, mainly the interpretation of their space technology.

"…………So we don't have to worry too much about their attacks for the time being, the space storm can protect us very well!"

"And if they want to attack the present world in a large scale, I have simply analyzed it. Using this "navigation" method, from such a deep area, through the time speed bump, and then reaching the present world, the journey is too far, and they may find it difficult to organize a large-scale expedition."

These words are regarded as a reassurance to Dean Hazlade and stabilize his blood pressure.

"Well, that's good, but we still have to worry about their infiltration into the world. After reading this transcript, I think we must assume the greatest malice against them."

"That's natural. I'll talk to Hildeena about this later."

Lloyd then talked to Dean Hazlade about his views on this group of survivors and the subsequent strategies, and asked in a low voice:

"Can the academy deal with them on its own? You see, their so-called temple guards can't even break the shield I deployed at the beginning."

"This... I'm afraid it's difficult..."

Dean Hazlade shook his head. He shook his head and admitted without hesitation:

"We are too few in number, and your shield is not universal..."

"And we lack higher-level combat power. Even if we count Hiltina, there is only one saint, not to mention that in her current state, it is difficult for her to exert her full strength..."

These words reminded Lloyd of Hiltina's sad and beautiful body...

The fragrant and soft jade feet are gone...

"It seems to be quite troublesome... uh... why are you staring at me?"

Lloyd suddenly noticed that Dean Hazred's invisible gaze had been falling on him.

"Nothing, but I feel that you will be the key to our fight against them."

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