I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 520 520 should still be alive, right?

Chapter 520 520. He should still be alive, right?

"Okay, let's do this for now. Remember what I said before. Don't study and perceive the breath of those [miracles] without authorization. You must be accompanied by me or your girlfriend, and the duration of one time cannot be More than half an hour, otherwise I'm worried something strange will be watching you."

The former dean emphasized the precautions to Lloyd for the third time, fearing that he would mess up.

This may be one of the reasons why his classes are so slow. He always likes to emphasize key points several times...

Of course, Lloyd nodded repeatedly, promising that he would never mess up.

The main thing is that at this stage, there is no way to mess around...

As for the three remains of the former dean, or the method of using the [miracles] remaining on them, it is very simple to say, just take out the things, and then use inspiration to touch and capture the breath and spirituality, and at the same time, in your mind Feel it on your own, or think about it randomly.

Lloyd had already tried it briefly in the company of the former dean.

Apart from being very mysterious, profound and magical, there is no other clue...

There was no movement on the panel and no fragments were captured.

Lloyd can even clearly feel that his cognition is not enough, and his cognitive level cannot keep up?

Maybe if you spend more time grinding it slowly, you can gain something, but obviously it can't be achieved overnight.

Fortunately, the former dean arranged for Lloyd to dig up his own body. He did not expect that he could master [Miracle] at the sixth level, but wanted to give him a step-by-step process of slowly adapting.

After all, [Miracle], as a method of using the [Supreme Domain], is itself a more complex and profound one.

Therefore, the most important gain from this trip can only be put aside for the time being.

As for the specific use of [Blood of the Supreme] and [Tears of the Stars], that is another profound and complicated lesson, let’s talk about it later.

So just like that, Lloyd took a short rest in the academy, and when the time was almost up, he returned to the real world and spent the night with his sister Evelor. Of course, he didn't forget to play with Elolo again before falling asleep.

I originally wanted to attack Wei Ya the next day, but she didn't come back yet, so I had to give up...

Hiltina was also 'escaped' by her. She was deep in thought. Lloyd was not easy to disturb, so he could only help her share the mental pollution through the giant bud. In addition, he helped Elolo share it last night. Lloyd was promoted three more levels.

The extra insanity value plus the two high-quality knowledge fragments provided by the palace foundation, which is exactly level 4 and 20 attribute points, are all allocated to [Inspiration], pushing the total value to 2820 points to maintain the four attributes. balance.

After completing these established procedures, Lloyd returned to the academy again.

As for her sister's extraordinary initiation ceremony, since Hiltina said she would arrange it, just trust her lover.

The time is tomorrow in this world, so I can't stay too long when I go back to the academy. I have to return to this world in the afternoon, and I can only stay in the academy for two days.

At this time, several days have passed since the last bag licking operation in the academy.

After returning from this trip, Lloyd originally planned to optimize his mature version of the trial, and then study how to best use [Blood of the Supreme] and [Tears of the Stars].

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the portal, the student handbook vibrated impatiently, and a message from Dean Hazred came:

"We got a letter two days ago, you'd better come over and take a look."


"This letter... the doctors at the mental hospital sneaked out to go fishing again?"

Lloyd asked, dumbfounded, after reading the letter handed over by the former dean.

He thought the letter was written by a patient in a mental hospital.

As a result, Dean Hazred shook his head and explained seriously:

"I'm afraid not. The other party's words were very serious."

"This...are they performing some kind of performance art in this way?"

Lloyd asked again.

Dean Hazred's invisible body shrugged and replied:

"No, this group of ancient remnants has always been like this. They are still indulged in the fantasy of the past, thinking that they are still those high-ranking nobles."

The reason why Lloyd suspected that this letter was a mental patient performing performance art was because it was so outrageous that it was like those "cross-dressings" on the Internet on Earth.

The letter was written in ancient Chinese, the handwriting was very beautiful, and the paper looked very high-end.

The summary of the content is that their incomparably great and glorious cause, which is enough to liberate all mankind and create a new future, has been interfered by the descendants of an evil god, and then hopes that the untouchables here in Mizkatok will contribute their own strength.

As 'reward', they allow the despicable pariah to set foot in their majestic temple. If all goes well, they can also consider granting the identity of a commoner and perhaps forgive Mizkatok's previous sins.

Anyway, no matter the choice of words or the tone of address, the whole letter carries that superiority and arrogance that comes off the page, highlighting its incredible stupidity.

Because he was so cerebral, Lloyd didn't even know where to start laughing...

"Uh... let me ask first, what 'unforgivable sin' have we committed?"

"They once tried to win over us. After all, the name of the college was very loud in that era, but the process was undoubtedly very unpleasant..."

Hazlade then told Lloyd about his grievances with this group of 'ancient remnants', and he told them in great detail, starting from the beginning of that glorious era.

In the extremely prosperous and fertile environment at that time, human civilization certainly distinguished many countries and forces, and there were also many political systems and organizational forms, such as the feudal monarchy, the classical republic, and the sage composed of several top strong men. Parliament, and even older tribal chiefs...

The nobility was also a privileged class that was common in that period, and it even continues to this day. Even Lloyd himself had a beautiful and lovely aristocratic girlfriend, and he also met aristocratic friends like little Olga.

But this kind of thing was absolutely unimaginable in that era. Fatherless and motherless people like the Lloyd siblings would probably only be classified as untouchables...

Later, with the advent of the Twilight Era, people from all over the world began to look for ‘ideas to solve the problem’. Naturally, some nobles, emperors, and so on led their subordinates to escape to a different space, trying to take root and continue there.

It's just that the alien space is no more dangerous than the real world. Even the powerful Mizkatok was not spared, so most of the people who chose this escape route died quietly there.

Even if it survives in the end, the resources and space in the alien space are obviously insufficient. Even if Mizkatok is at its peak, how many people can it hold in the size of a city?

So in the end, it was the people who stayed in this world who won the victory, truly survived, and continue to develop to this day.

Looking back on this period of history today, many historians imagine that if this group of people had not escaped and taken away a large amount of resources when they escaped, would the current situation of mankind be better?

However, not all the people who fled to the different space died. Instead, they survived through some unknown means, which are the monsters that Lloyd had seen, including Dean Hazred. The so-called 'remnants of ancient times'.

The two parties had some contacts and established contact for a period of time, but after a full exchange of views, they finally chose to shelve the dispute.

"In fact, it is a very unpleasant process. Although the appearance of those people has been transformed into something, their minds are more vicious than humans. They still imagine that they are nobles, thinking that one day they can return to the world and continue to rule us. "

Dean Hazred said angrily and funny.

Lloyd asked in confusion:

"This...haven't they ever returned to the present world? Aren't they still unaware of the situation?"

"You should have seen it and realized it, but you should also know that human beings are very strange creatures. They tend to only believe what they want to believe, or in other words, they must stick to their own beliefs. Fantasy, try to convince yourself so that you can continue to live..."

"The other thing is that they are in a small alien space, fighting mental pollution that is more dangerous and intense than in this world at the cost of physical alienation. It is difficult for them to maintain a normal mental state, and they should have fallen into some kind of mass madness. "

The former dean's words made Lloyd nodded thoughtfully.

His body has been transformed into that appearance, and his mental state may have gone crazy a long time ago, so it doesn't seem strange that he would act against the will of heaven.

In fact, I have seen many people like this on the Internet back then...

But the difference is that these ancient survivors are bolder and have more ideas. They are still dreaming about giving birth to gods...

"Then how do they maintain their rule in a different space?"

Lloyd asked again curiously.

"The ruling class among them should still have some power and means. After all, they are the group of people who controlled most of the resources back then. After countless mergers and integrations, they must still have some strength and power. The foundation cannot be underestimated even today.”

"Okay...I haven't underestimated them, but...what will happen if we don't follow what this letter says and help them solve the mystery left by the descendants of the evil god?"

Lloyd asked next.

"He will bring down the wrath of destruction on Mizkatok and take us all back as slaves and reproductive tools... This is what the messenger who sent the letter said."

Dean Hazred replied with a half-smile.

"This...is the messenger still there?"

Lloyd asked again.

"She should still be alive, right?"

Dean Hazred gave a curious answer.

"Huh? Where is that person? I'm curious, what is the mystery left by the so-called descendant of the evil god?"

Lloyd had a vague feeling that this 'puzzle' couldn't be related to the spatial loop he left, right?

As a result, Dean Hazred's answer was even more bizarre:

"It should be in an anatomy room in the Department of Medicine, right? He will definitely not die so quickly."


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