I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 512 512 This monster is kind of humorous?

Chapter 512 512. Is this monster funny?

As these collections became "vivid" one by one, the previously silent and lifeless museum suddenly became lively, with smashing and destroying everywhere, creating a bit of weird... urban fireworks?

Hiss~ You guys are like cotton pickers entering a free supermarket, isn't it a bit too free and democratic?

Lloyd took the former dean to a secluded place in the corner and watched these monsters perform quietly, but he didn't rush to kill them.

These monsters are all tightly controlled by the [Distorted Realm]. If you want to solve them, you only need to think about it and physically twist them directly.

However, this is the first time Lloyd has encountered such a "lifelike" monster, which is not even recorded in textbooks, so he is still interested in this new species and wants to observe its characteristics and habits more.

Anyway, these monsters can't hurt him.

Just in case, Lloyd pulled the [Projection] to his side to protect himself, and then he released his inspiration with peace of mind and conducted a detailed "physical examination" on these monsters.

Well... the mental pollution is not strong, the structural strength is also quite average, lacking effective killing organs, and it can't even chew a glass display case...

According to the classification and positioning in the textbook, it should belong to the subject of "mysterious creation", which is the lowest cost-effective category, lacking core organs, and has extremely low recycling value, but often has some weird and strange characteristics.

The characteristics of this species should be that it can disguise itself as various works of art?

Then the temperament is very irritable and extremely aggressive, so strong that it is a bit abnormal...

As an outstanding executioner, Lloyd naturally knows what the monsters controlled by the [Distortion Realm] should be like -

Generally speaking, without special control of the [Distortion] direction, the affected monsters will soon calm down after a few tentative attacks, and then stand still in place without moving, entering a state of being at the mercy of others.

But now, these monsters are extremely active and ferocious, still attacking the "enemies" in their eyes, as if they are tireless.

However, even though their bodies have undergone a certain degree of alienation, they still lack the sharp claws and strong physique of demons; nor do they have the turbulent mental pollution of the out-of-control ones; let alone being compared with the industry demons and thinking monsters; even compared with the weird derivatives, they lack a sense of mystery.

But they are very violent, and there is a sense of humor of "the more inexperienced, the more jumpy".

So the biggest feature of this monster is...

It has a high artistic component?

Lloyd couldn't help but smile, feeling that the conclusion he came to was a bit humorous...

However, he turned his head and looked at other areas that were not covered by the protective shield, and found that the artworks in those places were also beginning to move, but they had not completely torn off the disguise, and they still retained the form of artworks for the time being.

It was just like they had legs, moving around, as if searching for something.

The statues moving around is acceptable, but the bottles and picture frames are also jumping around, which is a bit two-dimensional.

So it is this protective shield that limits their performance? And they don’t have eyesight, and they can’t see anything. Maybe they use something like inspiration to perceive and search for enemies?

Well... This seems to explain why they are so "weak and jumpy".

Lloyd felt that he should have found the reason why these monsters are so humorous.

It should be that the [Distorted Realm] has limited interference with such things, and the unique "inspiration" they emit, and they realize that they are surrounded by protective shields and various barriers, and they can realize that they are in a very unfavorable situation.

That's why they keep hitting the wall and the display cabinet like this, trying to break through this invisible shackles.

Well... Let's stop here for the preliminary analysis. Next, let's kill one to try the quality.

Lloyd pondered silently, and used his inspiration to lock onto the first "farmer woman" who discovered him, and then directly twisted physically.

With his current attribute level and power level, it didn't take much effort, and the "farmer woman" turned into a pile of twisted debris.

Then the panel gave another prompt, confirming that the monster was successfully killed:

[Ding~ Madness value +500]

Danger level 5? Are you kidding me? Why does such a funny thing have this danger level?

Lloyd was a little dissatisfied with the judgment of the panel, but the next second, he felt something drilled into his brain.

It turned out to be a beautiful oil painting? The theme is a farmer woman picking fresh tomatoes in the vegetable field.

The painting has a high artistic component, the characters are vivid and lifelike, and they are literally lifelike, and they will not really come alive, which allows Lloyd to appreciate the artistic value of it with peace of mind.

But Lloyd actually didn't know what the painting looked like when it was still a work of art. When he first saw it, it was already in GIF format.

So this painting should be... a [beacon] that can attract forbidden knowledge?

The second after Lloyd came to this conclusion, he felt a stream of forbidden knowledge rushing into his mind.

[Ding~ Knowledge Fragment +1, Madness Value +5000]

Wow, so the strength is here. No wonder such a weak fighting power has a good danger level.

Lloyd finally understood the real danger of this monster.

It is not surprising that it has evolved into this situation. Lloyd still clearly remembers that the first time he came into contact with the [Beacon] was the posthumous work given to him by the street painter...

Artworks are indeed easy to be transformed into this kind of dangerous [Beacon]

Although this taboo knowledge is not a threat to Lloyd, it is still quite tricky if other extraordinary people encounter it.

5000 mental pollution can make a third-level extraordinary person fall into madness instantly...

What's more, those investigators who are responsible for handling taboo knowledge have to be cautious when dealing with the [Beacon] that does not move. If they are not careful, they will lose their lives. It will definitely be more troublesome to deal with this kind of [Beacon] that can move, jump and attack.

More importantly, after attracting the first wave of forbidden knowledge, the [beacon] in Lloyd's brain did not fail like the previous time, but continued to exist, and the picture of the peasant woman picking tomatoes was still clearly visible.

So soon, the second wave of forbidden knowledge followed.

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1, Madness value +2000]

This made Lloyd rub his chin.

It seems that the acquisition of this forbidden knowledge is still random, and the Madness value it carries is naturally high or low. If you are unlucky and encounter the 15,000 level, even the fifth-level strongman will suffer, right?

Moreover, this frequency and the characteristic of not disappearing are as terrifying and deadly as paraquat, which will cause people to suffer continuously until they fall into madness...

So the judgment of the panel, or the "Book of Madness", was not wrong, but he was really too hardworking than others...

Lloyd had to modify his previous conclusion, and then mobilized the "recycling bin" in his mind, and took the initiative to scan the dangerous painting in.

This made him quiet instantly, and no more forbidden knowledge would enter his mind.

He did not covet the madness value. Now was not a good time to brush the attributes. Instead, he needed to spend more energy thinking about how to deal with the pile of "artworks" in front of him, so it would be better not to be disturbed by inexplicable knowledge.

The main thing was that the two fragments obtained earlier, although they did not give much madness value, were useless in terms of content. They were directly judged as useless knowledge. They just entered his mind and went to the recycling bin.

So how should he deal with it next?

Lloyd looked at the hundreds of lively "artworks" in front of him and felt a little embarrassed.

It would be simple to kill them all, just one thought would do it.

But that would make his brain flood with hundreds of [beacons], and then there would be a huge amount of forbidden knowledge and mental pollution...

Lloyd was not sure if he could bear it, so he was unwilling to take the risk.

But if he cleaned them up bit by bit, three or two at a time, it would not only seem very procrastinated, but also a bit wasteful.

After all, this thing is equivalent to a stable channel for obtaining forbidden knowledge, and it is fully automatic. This is a very rare feature. If used properly, it may produce some wonderful chemical reactions? It is a bit of a waste to dismantle them all roughly.

The most ideal idea that Lloyd can think of at present is to lock them all up and control them in the form of immobile artworks. Then, when he needs to brush attributes or brush forbidden knowledge, he can grab one out, like eating a snack.

But it is obviously a bit troublesome to do this. With the power and skills that Lloyd currently has, the only thing that can help is...

[Distortion Seed]?

Yes! Use [Distortion Seed] to control their actions, keep them in a certain quiet state, and then imprison them in the center of the Storm School District, using the space storm as their cage!

Lloyd thought of a solution and got excited all of a sudden.

So he first activated his ability, selected a bronze statue with a strange and bizarre shape and slow movements as his target, then randomly picked up a piece of garbage from the "recycling bin", transformed it into a [seed of distortion], and then planted it on the bronze statue.

Then, Lloyd tried to adjust the direction and strength of [distortion], with quietness as the theme.

After several attempts, he successfully found the reasonable method, which made the bronze statue gradually calm down and turned back into a normal work of art, entering the ideal state of use and use that Lloyd wanted.

At the same time, he also felt that there was another sprout in his [mind field], just like the ones on the consultant and Jenkins, which could be easily controlled remotely.

Finally, Lloyd slightly adjusted the space channel that had been built before, set the other end at the center of the space storm, and then threw the bronze statue into the channel.

Given the weakness of these monsters, they would definitely not be able to break through the blockade of the space storm.

But for the sake of safety and preventing waste, Lloyd went back first, and used the equipment he got from credits to set up several sets of suppression rituals on the ground, and connected them in series to form an array.

In this way, let alone imprisoning such weak monsters here, even if the Karma Demon was caught, he would have to surrender.

After finding the solution, the next thing was simple.

Lloyd first selected about fifty of the monsters that looked more pleasing to the eye and were relatively small in size, restored them into works of art, and imprisoned them.

These should be enough for the time being.

If not, there are still hundreds of pieces outside the barrier, and they can be captured at any time.

The rest are some that either cannot appreciate the artistic atmosphere or are large in size and difficult to carry. Lloyd intends to execute them on the spot, so that he can continue to brush the madness value and see if he can get some useful knowledge.

However, he did not take action directly, but first made use of the residual heat of these defective products and then conducted another test.

Lloyd directed the [Projection], and several clean and sharp cold lights flashed, directly breaking the two large sculptures into debris.

[Ding~ Madness value +500]

[Ding~ Madness value +500]

Then he waited patiently for a long time and found that nothing strange was drilling into his brain.

It can be seen that the [beacon] left by this kind of monster, or should be called [revenge beacon], is not as ‘intelligent’ as their mental pollution.

Lloyd still felt that it was not enough, and continued to pick two monsters transformed from ugly and ferocious masks and threw them directly into the space storm.

[Ding~ Madness value +500]

[Ding~ Madness value +500]

Still did not generate a [beacon] in his brain...

After these two rounds of testing, Lloyd was undoubtedly provided with another bottom-line solution. If he was not afraid of waste, he could use [projection] or a more efficient space storm to clean up these things.

"Well, the problem here has been solved, so let's do it this way for now, let's go to the second floor now?"

Lloyd tried to talk to the former dean again, and got a slight tremor from the other party, which seemed to just mean that he was not dead yet.

I feel that his condition is getting worse and worse. It seems that I can't delay too much time here. I have to speed up the efficiency.

Lloyd thought about it, and then he killed five monsters at random, leaving five artworks in his mind as [beacons], and then controlled [Projection] to go to the second floor while enduring the taboo knowledge and mental pollution.

Of course, [Projection] also "conveniently" solved other monsters in the field before leaving.

As the monsters inside the protective shield were all cleared, the eager things outside gradually quieted down, and the museum returned to its initial deadness.

It can be seen that there is indeed some connection between these things, and they can even communicate with each other.

However, it is somewhat magical that these artworks did not lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, but would jump back to their original positions and get into the original display cabinets until the museum was completely restored, and then finally quiet down.

It was as if they were operating a sophisticated trap, fearing that the prey would find the flaw.

But staying in such a ghost place, how could there be prey coming to the door?

The sense of humor of these monsters could not help but add a few more points.

Lloyd was also amused watching from the side.

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