I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 506 506 Chatting like this is not pleasant

Chapter 506 506. Chatting like this is not pleasant

Not only the three opponents noticed something was wrong with Lloyd, but his two teammates also noticed something and asked quickly:

"This unnamed newbie friend, you seem to have...killed all 9 people on the other side by yourself?"

"Ahaha, yes, the value of my chess piece is a little bit high..."

Lloyd smiled awkwardly.

In fact, this situation was somewhat beyond his expectation. Although his attributes and values ​​​​are indeed relatively solid, according to estimates, he should be at the entry level of the eighth level, so he definitely shouldn't have such outrageous effects in the game.

Otherwise, how can we play the other eight levels here?

What's more, the most powerful chess piece among the three, the one with pink hair and white silk stockings, has not yet been taken...

What about the so-called ‘gameplay restrictions’?

As a result, let alone restrictions, the waiter actually thought this situation was normal?

The reason given is that he is very close to ‘greatness’, so it is inevitable to be strong...

What kind of riddle-like explanation is this?

Lloyd could only speculate randomly, maybe it was because of his custom appearance before. The two forces of [illusion] wanted to meet, triggering some changes outside of the game design?

This results in this game having little fun...

But if you don't customize the appearance, let three ferocious monsters go up and let others look at you strangely, this obviously does not conform to the personality that Lloyd has set for yourself.

At this time, he heard his two teammates still asking:

"Then what do you say now? All the enemies are wiped out, and we take the opportunity to demolish all the buildings?"

"Isn't this bad? It's easy to offend people if you are too weak to win."


Seeing this, Lloyd quickly replied with shame:

"Ahem, sorry, this round doesn't count, this round doesn't count..."

In fact, the quality of the players in this game was very high, and everyone was very friendly. However, because of his own efforts, everyone lost the game experience, which really made Lloyd feel ashamed.

In order to end this embarrassing situation as soon as possible, he controlled the last chess piece with pink hair and white silk, and unleashed her finishing move.

The entire chessboard suddenly darkened, and a huge eye appeared on the background, as if it was looking at the overall situation. Then, another purple beam of light rose into the sky, making the entire battlefield tremble.

In the next second, all the enemy's buildings were reduced to ashes, and Lloyd easily won a boring victory.

Then he quickly stood up and proactively said to his teammates and opponents:

"Everyone, I'm sorry. There were some problems in this game, which disappointed everyone. Our victory or defeat will be forgotten, right? How about we take the points back?"

Unexpectedly, these people actually took the initiative to say good things to me:

"Of course there is no problem, but...there is obviously something wrong with the game, why do you have to apologize?"

"That's right. It's not your fault that this kind of accident happened. You are also a victim, right?"

"I feel that even though you are already at level six, you are much more humble than I expected. Yes, I have always admired humble people."

"It's quite unlucky that this is your first time here. How about we play something simple? Let's just get to know each other and have a chat."

"Okay, okay! I just have some interesting news that I want to share with you. Why don't you all come and listen?"

Uh...what is this? Can you avoid being scolded for cheating?

Lloyd couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

In short, no matter how the game is won or lost, or how the experience is, the quality and demeanor of the players at this table are still impeccable. They really don't care about the outcome. It can be said that it is completely different from Lloyd's experience on the second level. of.

It feels like the purpose of their coming to this ‘Dream Theater’ is not to obtain resources and materials. It should be more for the social aspect?

So this is what a powerful person in a high position should look like?

Low positions rely on resources, high positions rely on connections?

Lloyd was thinking to himself, but he didn't dislike the utility of the second-tier players or anything else. It could only be said that the positions were different, and the considerations and emphasis were different.

So Lloyd patiently decided to experience the social atmosphere of high-ranking powerful people. He followed a few people to the rest area on the second floor, sat down on a large circular sofa, and started another ordinary game of cards. game.

It doesn't matter how you play cards anymore, what matters is that the content of these people's chats is quite interesting?

"Sir, the interesting news you mentioned before is..."

"Well, it's actually from the Great Development."

"Great expansion? As far as I know, this matter has receded now, right? With the death of the originally planned seventh saint, it seems that all planned progress has been suspended, and many people have lost their funds due to this. It’s bankrupt…so you’re talking about industrial acquisitions?”

"Of course not. Unlike you, I don't have such strong funds. But the news I heard is... the Eternal City seems to want to continue to promote the development unilaterally."

"Eternal City? Isn't this right? They didn't have much interest in the great development before, and their participation was very low. Why did they suddenly change their minds? Is there already a candidate for the seventh saint?"

At this time, Mrs. Inisa, who had never been in a hurry to participate in the topic, suddenly said:

"That's impossible. I've been paying attention to the news in this area. There is currently no news related to the seventh saint."

"In this case, is your message a little distorted? Without the seventh saint, the great development will be meaningless."

"Uh... Actually that's not the case. As far as I know, the Saint of Redemption, as the oldest one among the six, has always had a unique wisdom and has always had his own unique considerations in his acting style, so I don’t recommend that you use common sense to guess his meaning.”

When Lloyd heard this, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

The Saint of Redemption can be said to be the one that his girlfriend dislikes the most. Even the former dean complained about him the most. The so-called great wisdom is actually unconditional blind obedience to the illusory [destiny] and [prophecy], right?

Uh... wait, if you think about it from this perspective...

Assuming that the Saint of Redemption has not completely gone crazy, has not betrayed mankind, and is still standing in the general direction of continuing human civilization, then is his strange behavior because he saw something explosive in the [Prophecy]?

Although Lloyd, Hiltina and even the former dean all criticized Astra, the Saint of Redemption, they still believed that he was on their side, but they just had different ideas.

It seems that I have to inquire in advance...

Lloyd was thinking about it and was not in a hurry to speak until Mrs. Inissa, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly asked him:

"This new friend looks thoughtful? Can you share your thoughts on this news with all of us?"

"I don't have any special opinions at the moment. I will find a way to find out later."

Lloyd replied casually.

It can be seen that although the other party paid close attention to him before, he did not recognize him.

This is normal. After all, the last time they met, Lloyd was still a fourth-level little shrimp. He had to look up to her as a seventh-level person. But now she is a sixth-level person who is not weaker than her, so she must not recognize her. own.

Who would have thought that someone could jump from level four to level six in such a short period of time?

While I was thinking about it, someone next to me interrupted and said:

"Oh? It seems that you have a lot of connections in the Eternal City? This is rare. You must know that many people can't stay in that unchanging ghost place."

"Ah haha, I just happened to know one or two of them. I usually stay in the Brilliant City."

Lloyd explained quickly.

"Hmm... Glittering City... They should be the party that most hopes to restart the great development, right? They have always been the most active and invested the most in all aspects. However, due to the sudden death of the Seventh Saint, many people lost their money. ”

"There's no need to feel sorry for the richest guys. That loss is nothing to them with their big families and big businesses."

"Indeed, if the seventh city is built according to the original plan, then the Brilliant City will definitely gain the most from a geographical point of view... So this time, they should fully support the Eternal City, right?"

When Lloyd heard this, he not only wanted to laugh again.

Want Hiltina to support Astra?

Thank God they don't have any infighting!

So from this point of view, maybe the Eternal City's big expansion plan is to go it alone?

This can't be done, right? Such a waste of time and money...

So, did Astra really see something shocking and cruel in the [Prophecy]?

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more worried he became.

But the other people present are different. It can be clearly heard from their chat that they are still very interested in the big development, and they have also invested money to support and invest. Among them, the four fifth-level people are even more interested. I have been to the front line in person, and if it hadn’t been stopped suddenly in the middle, I probably wouldn’t have had time to hang out at the Fantasy Theater.

So Lloyd didn't interrupt much, just listened to these people's chat silently, and then captured the key information, trying to see if he could find any key opportunities.

Until they were chatting, the topic unknowingly changed to Mizkatok.

"Actually, I have never quite understood why that mysterious academy is unwilling to contribute its strength to such an important process of human history as the Great Development. As far as I know, they are famous for their mystery and power, but it seems I have been secretly accumulating strength, does this mean..."

As soon as Mrs. Inisha heard someone mention Mizkatok, her mood suddenly became bad. She immediately snorted and said:

"Hmph! This group of hidden rats can't see anyone when they need to come forward, but they are doing some evil deeds that violate laws and regulations behind their backs!"

Ahhhh? ? ? Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

You old woman, stop talking nonsense!

Lloyd suddenly became unhappy and cursed a few words in his mind, but he did not rush to refute. Instead, he patiently waited for others to make insinuations and wanted to see what this old woman had to say.

"Madam, can you tell me in detail? In my impression, although that place is mysterious, it has never interfered with the affairs of the world, right? You still need to be cautious about accusations of breaking laws and disciplines..."

"Ha~ One of my close friends was ruthlessly murdered by their people. He was killed by them without grudges and for no reason..."

Mrs. Inesa replied, with a tone that was obviously fake crying.

Lloyd heard this and recalled it a little, and roughly understood what she was doing.

It seems that the efficiency of Dr. Latio from the medical team is really exaggerated. It has only been a few days since he cured his "disease".

As for what the specific "disease" is, it is naturally the heart disease that he had when he helped old Olga win the bet last time.

It seems that the old bastard who tried to kill for money and threatened him with death was found by Dr. Latio.

Lloyd had expected this man's fate and certainly would not sympathize with him, but he could understand why Mrs. Inesa was so indignant.

The seventh level of their [story] path must have a sufficient number of "companions" to have the possibility of being promoted to the eighth level. Now that one of them is suddenly missing, it can be regarded as a damage to her interests, right?

So Lloyd did not speak the truth at the first time, but continued to listen patiently to what the old woman wanted to say.

However, surprisingly, he didn't even need to explain anything himself, as several other players at the scene took the initiative to help out:

"Madam, I think there must be some misunderstanding. To be honest, I have had some dealings with that mysterious academy, Mizzkatok. From my impression of them, they are generally not interested in the real world, and there is little contact, let alone committing murder for money?"

"Yes, I have actually had contact with some of their graduates. It is said that they have very strict regulations and are not allowed to enter the real world without authorization. So the friend you are talking about may have been murdered by others and then blamed on Mizzkatok."

"That's right, I don't think this academy would do such a thing as assassination. I just wonder why they are unwilling to invest more in the real world?"

These people's help in the defense immediately made Madam Inissa look very ugly. Even through the thick mosaic, you can see the lividity on her face.

"Hmph! You vulgar and stupid guys! You know nothing and understand nothing!"

She cursed in a low voice, stood up, and left without looking back.

Lloyd watched from the side and almost laughed out loud.

Until the other party walked a long way away, he finally spoke:

"Actually...what she said is true..."

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