I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 504 Don’t look at me like that!

Chapter 504 504. Don't look at me like that!

The chess piece construction part in this game is similar to the violent bumper car game downstairs. It detects and reads the player's status and strength, and then converts it into the chess piece's attack power, defense power, speed, etc. in proportion.

But the difference is that this environment cannot customize the appearance, even Lloyd who has the "honored player privileges" cannot do it. The final appearance of the chess piece can only be selected from a few limited styles.

This made Lloyd somewhat disappointed. He originally wanted to send three beautiful girls without shoes...

There was no other way at the moment, so he had to choose a gentle scholar, a strategist, and a passionate teenager from the designed images as his chess piece appearance.

Lloyd felt that these three images were more in line with his personality.

But at this moment, something strange happened!

The appearance of the three chess pieces that had already condensed into shape suddenly began to twist and deform, and gradually became something completely different from the original image.

The scholar who was supposed to be gentle and elegant turned into an indescribable piece of meat, covered with fine buds and tentacles, still squirming wildly, which made people's scalps numb.

The strategist who was supposed to be in charge of the plan turned into a weird monster with deformed limbs, highly mutated organs, and almost all internal organs exposed.

In the end, the image of the young man could not escape, and turned into a tattered body, like a skeleton that had just been opened from a coffin, and he could not even stand steadily, and bone fragments kept falling from his body, and it looked like he would fall apart at any time...

For a moment, not only Lloyd was stunned, but also the two passers-by teammates who had been chatting well before, and the waiter who followed him silently were also stunned.

"This... my friend, your mental state... is there any problem?"

A teammate couldn't help but ask.

Another one added:

"The chess pieces here correspond to the player's power and rank, knowledge and cognition, and mental and psychological health. If they are all within the normal range, then the chess pieces will be normal, but you are obviously..."

After that, the two of them stared at Lloyd again. Even though his face was covered with a thick layer of mosaic, they could still feel the sympathy in their eyes, as well as the fear, disgust and doubt they tried to demonstrate...

Probably wondering how Lloyd escaped from the mental hospital?

"No... I... You guys listen to my explanation first! First of all, I am definitely not a mental patient, so there must be something wrong with the game; secondly, I look very normal, so there must be something wrong with the game; finally, am I not fine? So there must be something wrong with the game!"

Lloyd hurriedly "argued with reason" in a panic, trying to convince his two teammates.

However, once the fragile trust between teammates is destroyed, it is often difficult to restore...

It's like the midlane was killed by someone and started the game 0-5. No matter what he said later, he couldn't stop his teammates from inviting voice communication...

Lloyd had no choice but to look at his waiter again and ask him with his eyes what was going on?

The waiter waved his hand first to ensure that his communication with Lloyd would not be heard by outsiders, and then tried to explain:

"I don't know why this happened. Maybe it's because you are too close to greatness and beyond the limits of the game, so the image of the chess pieces will show what they should be like?"

"I see..."

Lloyd nodded first, but immediately realized that something seemed to be wrong?

"Wait! What are you talking about? What do you mean by the original appearance?"

"Uh... Just like they said, these chess pieces can reflect your strength, knowledge, and mental state..."

"So what you mean is that my three aspects are all deformed, hideous, twisted and weird monsters?"

"Well... Unfortunately, we may have some differences in the definition of "monster"? And I don't think this fits the category of "deformed, hideous, twisted and weird". In my opinion, this is clearly a noble, elegant, mysterious and great image."

A discussion with the waiter made Lloyd speechless...

The key is that the expression on this guy's face does not look like he is forcibly whitewashing the ground. Instead, he looks serious, respectful and yearning. Does he really think so?

It's over. These three views are completely different from normal people...

Oh... They don't seem to be human beings. It's normal to be a little different?

But the main contradiction at the moment is not the difference in three views, but how to explain to others that he is not crazy and did not escape from a mental hospital!

These two teammates who used to get along well with each other are looking at him with increasingly strange eyes!

Lloyd had to admit that he was a little anxious.

So he thought of a quick solution and directly used the power he had used in the [True Trial] on the three chess pieces, trying to customize the appearance of these chess pieces.

He didn't know if this would work, but it was the best way he could think of at the moment.

As for the new image, Lloyd was in a hurry and didn't have time to arrange it on the spot, so he could only take out the image he had designed and built a few days ago, but had not yet had time to put into the trial scene and apply it.

And it was limited to the surface image, without touching the deeper content, which was equivalent to putting on a skin without adding attributes.

The result was surprisingly successful?

The three chess pieces with ghost eyes turned into a childish beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes, with neat bangs, wearing a thick red coat, and a pair of beautiful jade feet.

And another young beautiful girl with blue hair and purple eyes, with well-behaved short hair, but two long braids behind her head, holding a paintbrush and a palette in her hands, and a pair of mouth-watering jade feet.

The last one was a beautiful girl with pink hair and golden eyes. She was obviously childish and cute, but she was forcibly pretending to be deep. Her long pink hair was braided into a kettle-like braid, she was wearing a short dress, and a pair of white stockings dotted with golden cloud patterns. She was also not wearing shoes, and a pair of delicate ice cream-like feet were just stepping on the chessboard.

In general, the three beautiful girls are all young, small, fragrant, and soft. They look good and lickable, making people salivate.

The sudden changes in the three chess pieces made the teammates and waiters next to them stunned again.

"Huh? How come yours seems to have returned to normal? But why is it a new image that we don't have?"

"The three girls are so cute, with that strong sense of young wives... but why can't I use this image?"

The two teammates asked each other in confusion.

The waiter, with a look of admiration, first made a burst of exclamation that other players could not hear:

"You are indeed the closest to 'greatness'. You just did it casually and easily cracked our design. This is really an amazing miracle!"

These words made Lloyd feel embarrassed...

In fact, strictly speaking, he did not crack other people's designs, or in other words, his method of changing the appearance of chess pieces is closer to a kind of 'resonance' and 'intercommunication', rather than 'control' and 'occupation'.

However, the character image I designed in the trial can actually be used in the game of Dream Theater, which undoubtedly shows that this place is indeed closely related to [Void].

Lloyd was thinking about it secretly, and saw the waiter take the initiative to appear in front of the other two teammates and explain to him:

"This is the custom chess piece appearance function we are going to develop next. It has not been launched on a large scale yet. When everything is stable, each player can design the chess piece image they like."

The two teammates were not surprised by the sudden appearance of the waiter, as if they had already adapted to it, and they also expressed their belief in the waiter's statement:

"I see, it really scared me. I almost thought that this friend's mental state was wrong. It turned out that he was testing a new function? That's great, I am looking forward to this new custom function. I have long been tired of these unchanging chess piece images."

"That means, the images of these three chess pieces were all designed by this friend himself? The aesthetic level is great! Especially the one with pink hair... Not bad, not bad, after this game is over, we can have a good exchange about this."

"Ahaha, let's talk about it later. Let's start the game first. I'm afraid that the opponent can't wait to welcome their failure."

Lloyd quickly pulled out the three players on the opposite side as a shield.

In fact, Lady Inissa took into full consideration that he was a newcomer, and was not in a hurry at all. She was waiting patiently and gracefully, while chatting with her two teammates.

"Oh? They seem ready?"

"I hope the first failure will not bring too much burden to this newcomer..."

"Be careful, don't take it lightly. I have played against the other two opponents before. They are very difficult and tricky. One of them is a master ranked 12th in the win rate. Be sure to deal with it carefully."

"Haha, I know, but it doesn't matter, right? We have the lady ranked 7th in the win rate list."

"Haha~ Thank you for your trust in me, then I will go to meet the 12th one first, and the remaining two will be handed over to you. We have the advantage in strength, so we can take our time and let the newcomer adapt more."

It can be clearly felt that the mentality and demeanor of these players playing this game are much better than those driving violent bumper cars below.

All I can say is that after all, we are on the third floor, and everyone is a high-ranking fifth-level warrior, so naturally we pay more attention to these things.


"Then... let's follow the tactics we discussed first, and let the nameless new friend go to the middle first to contain and attract their people, and then we will wait for an opportunity to attack them, or rush directly to their buildings."

"Don't worry, even if the chess piece is defeated, you will not be injured. You just need to go back to the back to rest for a while, and you can return to the battlefield."

"Okay, okay, I'll get used to the operation of this game first."

The three of Lloyd simply discussed a tactic, and the game officially began.

He immediately felt a blurry vision, and it became a bird's-eye view similar to the tower-pushing game on Earth, and he could see three beautiful girl chess pieces without shoes below.

But unlike the game on Earth, his vision freedom is limited, and he can only be fixed above his three chess pieces. He can't move over to see if his teammates are super gods or cooking, and naturally he can't point a question mark to others.


And there is no design for last-hitting, earning money and getting equipment. Overall, it is still relatively simple.

However, these details are all forgotten. The real shortcoming is that you cannot check your teammates' battle records. You don't know whether you are matched with a big shot or an anthropomorphic creature...

Let's just play around for now?

Maybe I can create a similar team battle scene when I go back?

Lloyd was thinking about it while controlling the three beautiful girls under his command to move towards the front line, which is a low-lying river.

His mind was not focused on the specific game, but on the [illusion] involved in this game. He wanted to see how others used this power, and maybe he could imitate and learn from it.

At this time, Lloyd heard a reminder from his teammate:

"There is no need to gather inspiration, you might as well release it and grasp the situation on the battlefield."

Uh... So it was solved in this way?

Lloyd smiled and tried to release his inspiration.

Then a strange scene appeared. The inspiration did not extend from his body, but from the three chess pieces.

The three chess pieces themselves are not big, and can be held in one hand. This also limits the scope of inspiration, making it difficult to control the whole game.

Huh? There is such a design? Very reasonable gameplay adjustment, not bad, I learned something.

Lloyd gave a high evaluation of this.

After all, even if these three chess pieces are in the vast battlefield in the center of the field, this range is still a bit too small for a normal-sized human. If there is no restriction, the inspiration will know everything at a glance, and the game will have no strategy at all, and the playability will naturally be greatly reduced.


Such gameplay restrictions can still work well for ordinary players with normal painting styles, ensuring their gaming experience.

But for Lloyd, whose [Inspiration] has reached more than 2,000 points, it is almost the same as having no restrictions...

He just released a little inspiration and swept it casually, just like opening the whole map, taking in the battlefield situation.

Compared to the other five players present, they were all still using their inspiration to carefully search for the enemy's position...

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