I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 501 I don’t know how to explain it to you

Chapter 501 501. I don't know how to explain it to you

Next, Lloyd spent another three days in the academy.

The mature version of the trial continued to be gradually improved, and there was no more dangerous 10 big black fish to cause trouble.

It seems that the previous accident was really just a very accidental low-probability event?

Of course, it may also be that the safety of the trial has been further improved, leaving these precious things with no loopholes to exploit?

In short, whether it is Lloyd or the testers, they finally took a reassurance pill and don't have to worry about it.

As for the attributes, they continue to improve steadily.

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? 】

[Madness value: 22278/50000, upper limit: 3135000]

[Rationality: 3135]

[Spiritual power: 3135]

[Inspiration: 2135]

[Cognition: 3135]

[System: Distortion LV6, Denial LV6, Illusion]

Since no one has done anything big in the past three days, the attributes have not expanded much. Lloyd has specially supplemented [Inspiration] and can proudly say that his four attributes are very balanced!

In addition, some progress has been made in the skills related to the [Illusion] system-

Lloyd shouted in a low voice, and his hands swept in the air for a while, and a ferocious golden fat man appeared in front of him, staring at him fiercely.

This is the NPC that has been complained and disliked the most in his mature version of the trial, and he was brought into reality by some unique means.

But all he could do was stare blankly. This golden fat man could neither speak nor move, nor could he use forbidden knowledge to smash other people's heads. It was just a simple visual effect.

And it didn't last long. It would dissipate in less than half a minute.

In addition to this golden fat man, some trial scenes could be pulled into the real world, but the duration was still short and it didn't look very real. It was basically still in the visual effect stage.

So he did gain new abilities, but it didn't seem to be useful for the time being...

On the contrary, the various [Silhouettes] he collected were somewhat practical.

If [Silhouettes] and the NPCs in these trials were considered the same ability, then the core skill of this [Void] system was to create some strange things in the real world?

But this was only the primary stage after all. Lloyd didn't even give it a name. Let's wait and see after it continues to evolve in the later stages?

The ideal situation he expected was naturally to be able to release all kinds of powerful [Silhouettes] with one hand; and to release all kinds of realistic, physical and practical NPCs and various scenes.

For example, the magnificent maze in the third act, or even the historical "Wall of Sighs" fortress, plus various historical figures, or the beautiful and cute super-powerful beautiful girl who changed color without shoes.

Putting all these things in reality is still quite powerful.

It's a pity that there is still a little distance from this most ideal goal...

Finally, if we say that the one who has changed the most in the past three days is the silly toy robot given by Professor Toledo.

The so-called "autonomous evolution" and "deep learning" functions of this thing are really good.

Through the taboo knowledge that Lloyd has obtained these days, plus various attempts, and a wave of data synchronization with 0-006 outside, this little thing can actually help Lloyd host the trial to a certain extent.

In simple terms, Lloyd uses a set of complex and precise, highly encrypted rituals to make the mature version of the trial run automatically to a certain extent, so Lloyd doesn't need to be watching all the time.

He only needs to guide the testers into the trial, and then theoretically he can leave it alone.

The stupid toy robot can help monitor and maintain the operation of this ritual, so that Lloyd can be a little more relaxed.

Of course, it is impossible to completely leave it alone. For example, if there is any accident, Lloyd still needs to solve it personally.

For example, after the end of the first three acts of the trial, Lloyd must keep an eye on the [Review of History] link himself to prevent encountering any exotic and valuable items.

Can it be regarded as a kind of... semi-automatic hanging state?

Although it is still a little far from full automation, it has made great progress.

Wait for it to continue to evolve.

"Hoo~ Take your time, don't rush... Let's go to the Space Department first today. So many days have passed, the library should be almost complete, right?"

Lloyd encouraged himself and made arrangements for today.

I haven't been able to go to the library before, and they haven't contacted me. I wonder how their fragments are going?

Mainly, it takes time and brainpower to put this thing together, it's very hard, how can it be fun to do it yourself? So Lloyd doesn't like to go.

But now so many days have passed, I still have to go and take a look.

They should be almost complete, right? Maybe there are some difficult ones left at the end, I'll go and help them finish them.

I wonder if the books taken out of it can help the mage department regain the destructive power of the 'vindictiveness' mechanism?

Hope everything goes well!

Just like that, Lloyd turned around and told the little cat to remember to water the small trees in the yard, and then went out with good expectations.


"Uh... I don't know how to explain it to you, but after so many days, we really only put together these few pieces..."

Dandy, the researcher who was most familiar with Lloyd, stood in front of him with a look of shame on his face, and kept scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, wishing he could scratch that patch of hair that was bald.

Lloyd took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then asked as implicitly and rationally as possible:

"Where's Professor Lawrence?"

"He heard that you were coming today and went fishing... Oh no, he suddenly felt unwell and wanted to take a rest."

Dandy explained in a panic, but accidentally let something slip.

Lloyd could only purse his lips and then turned to look at the other researchers around him.

In fact, these people were all paying attention here with pointed ears, trying to eavesdrop on what he and Dandy were talking about, but when they saw him turning his head, they quickly looked away, and then pretended to operate the light curtain in their hands.

"So after all these days, you really only put together three pieces?"

"Uh... of course not. We have also analyzed and researched and summarized many corresponding technical ideas, improved many process designs, and formulated multiple sets of response plans..."

Dandy has already begun to use classic rhetoric to prevaricate.

"Okay...it seems I was wrong. I originally thought you would have left me three yuan, but I didn't expect you to only put together three yuan."

Lloyd shook his head, trying to control his emotions.

These guys are really too salty, right?

After such a long time, I only put together three pieces, and I haven’t put together more than when I did the demonstration!

Maybe Professor Lawrence also knew that this result was very humiliating, and he was too embarrassed to meet him, so he found an excuse and went fishing.

It's no wonder that they haven't taken the initiative to contact me these days. It seems that they know in their hearts that this is very embarrassing.

Dandy also noticed Lloyd's livid face and quickly said:

"Lloyd, it's not that everyone doesn't work hard, it's just that this thing is too difficult for us... Even these three pieces were put together, everyone spent a lot of energy and time, especially the old professor. The hard work..."

"Okay, I can understand...Forget it, it's not a big hurry. Just take your time."

Lloyd finally calmed down, then took over a set of auxiliary computing equipment from Dandy, and then did it himself.

When the other researchers next to him saw this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief as if they were receiving an amnesty. They quickly put down their pretense and began to watch Lloyd's operations.

So this morning, Lloyd took matters into his own hands and put together three more fragments.

This efficiency is not high, mainly because he is unable to devote himself wholeheartedly to answering various questions from others, which is not the level of Lloyd's full performance.

But even so, for others, this is already a shocking operation.

So all kinds of disgusting compliments couldn't help but blurted out:

"It's so exquisite! So gorgeous! Every time I watch Lecturer Lloyd's demonstration, it's like appreciating a great art! Although I still don't quite understand some of the steps, it doesn't stop me from enjoying Lecturer Royd's wonderful performance. !”

"Uh... you are a little exaggerated, aren't you? You actually expect to understand everything? Let's be realistic, if you can understand 30% of Lecturer Lloyd's operations, you will have benefited a lot!"

"This... Indeed, I have been busy piecing together these fragments these days, and I found that my original space system abilities have been improved a bit. As you all know, each of our space system abilities is more stubborn than the other, and I want to obtain them. Progress is very difficult.”

"Yes, I have gained something in this aspect. Now I can open the portal much more smoothly than before, and I am not even as dependent on equipment as before. Is it because my understanding of space is improving and improving?"

The nonsense these people said made Lloyd dumbfounded. He could only glare at them angrily, then reached out and took out an ancient book from the fragments he had put together today.

I opened it and looked at it, and it turned out that it was indeed related to 'vindictiveness', but it turned out to be completely invalid and wrong.

"Take it to the mage department."

Lloyd casually handed the book to Dandy, then looked at the time and prepared to have a meal.

At this time, someone next to me said:

"Do you want Lecturer Lloyd to go to dinner? Then let's go to the Xiao Zao in the Space Department?"

"Lecturer Lloyd, I have a beautiful and lovely sister at home. She has been your fan since she was a child and wants to meet you."

"What's a sister? My daughter has been singled out by Lecturer Lloyd since she was born!"

Lloyd waved his hands angrily and said:

"Okay, okay, just don't leave everything to me."

After all, I went home to cook and eat.

Although this morning's work was a bit hard and troublesome, fortunately it was not without gain.

In the process of piecing together the fragments, Lloyd finally obtained the long-lost skill fragments.

If nothing else, it should be related to [Space Domination].

The abilities involved are either in the direction of space cutting or splicing.

So in the next few days that he can stay in the academy, Lloyd plans to go to the space department a few more times to see if he can raise [space control] to a higher level.

As for the specific abilities that can be obtained in the end, if he has the opportunity to choose, Lloyd definitely hopes for splicing.

After all, space cutting is not difficult to achieve with the help of various equipment at this stage, but it is not possible to cut people in half inexplicably like in some funny cartoons on Earth.

To achieve that effect, Lloyd doesn’t know how many levels of [space control] are needed...

On the contrary, space splicing is currently in urgent need.

In the near term, the fragments of the library can be pieced together as soon as possible, and then people from the mage department can be invited to enter for research.

In the medium term, the space storm that has been split into three parts may have a chance to be completed?

Once it is combined into three again to form a complete space storm, the power and speed will be so great that there is no need to cut it or not? Can cutting be as fast as a space storm?

Finally, in the long run, the historical Mizkatok was so magnificent and vast, comparable to a brilliant city, but now it is only in this fragmented state.

If Mizkatok can restore its former glory, then let alone whether it is a professor or not, I am afraid that the next dean will be in his pocket, right?

In this way, Lloyd entered his kitchen with a beautiful expectation for the future, and then made a noise like a hardware workshop.


After another period of time, a few days passed peacefully, and it was almost time for Lloyd to return to the world.

Wait for another wave of fragments this morning, and leave the college at noon, which corresponds to about five o'clock in the afternoon in the world, so I can go home to make dinner for my sister.

Coincidentally, after finishing this wave of fragments today, Lloyd's upgrades are also here.

[Ding~ Sufficient knowledge fragments have been obtained, skill level has been upgraded, space control LV5→LV6]

Lloyd quickly glanced at the new thing growing in his brain to see what specific ability he had gained.

Then he cursed in his heart:

Damn, the small guarantee is wrong...

What he gained is the ability to quickly cut space, not the splicing that he needs most.

Luckily, before today, he had already made psychological expectations and guessed the results of these two options, which are likely to be "wrong"...

As the splicing process gradually deepened, Lloyd's understanding of the fragmented space was gradually improving, so naturally he would gain this ability in the end.

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