I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 499 499 Son of Chaos

Chapter 499 499. Son of Chaos

"Danger level 10? What does danger level 10 mean? This... I can't even imagine it?"

"Why does this danger level exist? Isn't danger level 8 only theoretical?"

"We actually passed by this monster? And we didn't notice it? How is this possible?"

"How do we deal with monsters of this level? Have I been eaten by it? Is everything in front of me now an illusion?"

"I feel like my roommate may have been eaten by it! No wonder I feel something is wrong with her these days!"

Lloyd's bombshell caused an uproar among the testers. It was not just the history department group, but other testers who came to give feedback and reports were also shocked.

He had no choice but to keep making the "hands down" gesture, signaling everyone to be quiet for a while, and then he began to explain:

"Okay, okay, don't be so nervous, you are fine now! And please don't eat your roommates at every turn! Your roommates are not delicious food..."

After finally stabilizing everyone's emotions, Lloyd cited the latest record in the "Book of Truth" and described this monster to everyone:

[Unobservable and untouchable Son of Chaos]

"A unique creature that only exists in theory, with unobservable and untouchable characteristics. It is only possible to detect a little sign of their real existence in the field of chaos. Those who come into contact with them will trigger unpredictable random results, unable to escape, resist, or resist."

Just this brief description is enough to make everyone present gasp.

"It means... it can kill me without me noticing? And I can't resist at all?"

"What does this mean? Why does such an unreasonable thing exist?"

"Can't even a saint deal with this thing? And what does the random result mean?"

"I guess, if you are caught by it, you may die? You may go crazy? Or nothing will happen?"

"Wait a minute! Aren't these many characteristics like everyone's destiny? Unable to observe and touch, unable to resist, unable to resist, and even more impossible to predict the result..."

"Danger level 10, it's so terrifying?"

"Then how did we escape from the clutches of this terrifying monster?"

"Yeah... By the way, how did Lecturer Lloyd know about this thing?"

After a discussion, everyone focused the problem on Lloyd again.

Fortunately, he had already thought of the corresponding rhetoric, and publicly admitted:

"I inherited an ancient book passed down from the previous dean. The information about this monster is all from that book. As for whether I can deal with it... To be honest, I am not very sure myself. Although it looks quite intimidating, it is unexpectedly vulnerable?"

If we only look at the ability characteristics of this monster, the evaluation of danger level 10 is not excessive at all, but its life defense does not seem to be very outstanding, and it was killed instantly by [Projection].

This feels a bit like the so-called concepts of "suffering", "bad luck" and "fate". It sounds scary and invisible, but if you can find a way to fight it, it will not be so scary?

But the trouble is that even Lloyd is not sure how to observe this kind of monster, and there is no better way to deal with it.

Perhaps this time it can still rely on the instinctive counterattack of [Projection] to solve it, but what will happen next time when it encounters a more powerful and faster one?

Can it still be observed? Can [Projection] still react in time?

This is the real horror of this monster...

I don't know if it will come to you quietly, and I don't know how it will hurt you...

The testers present gradually realized this, and some of them began to turn pale, muttering:

"What if it suddenly comes to me when I eat, sleep, take a bath, or do something else in the future?"

"Yeah... We don't even know if it will come, so do we have to live in fear every day in the future?"

"I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to die so meaninglessly and unclearly..."

"Or... I'd better quit? I still have parents, wife and children to take care of at home, I really don't want to die so cowardly..."

It can be clearly seen that although everyone was safe this time, the terrifying characteristics of this monster still planted the seeds of fear in everyone's hearts.

Seeing this, Lloyd could only bite the bullet and say:

"Don't be afraid, this monster is actually quite fragile. I almost didn't spend any effort to get rid of it. The only trouble with it is that it cannot be observed. But now that we know of its existence, I believe we will soon find a way to deal with it!"

Professor Deco on the side also quickly added:

"You are right. If it is completely unknown, it is indeed terrible, but now that we have come into contact with it, we must find a way to defeat it! Human civilization can continue to this day by constantly overcoming fear and the unknown, rather than being timid!"

"Yeah! Why are you all so depressed? Since you chose to join Mitzkatok, isn't it to fight against this unknown?"

Encouraged by a few brave people, the previously low morale gradually recovered, and the topic of the crowd gradually shifted to how to deal with this super-high-risk monster.

Lloyd did not participate in the subsequent discussion, but retreated to the corner next to him and asked a sofa that seemed to be empty:

"What do you think?"

Sitting on the sofa was Hiltina, who had no specific image. She did not answer directly, but first pulled out Lloyd's [Projection], occupied it, and turned back to a pretty and cute look, then stretched out her hand and twisted her chin, still thinking seriously.

The other people present did not notice her existence at all, and did not know that a saint suddenly appeared in the field.

This is a high-level application of [Veto], similar to [Veto] losing one's own sense of existence.

However, at the beginning of the trial, Hiltina was still occupying the [Projection] to accompany Lloyd, but when the terrible monster suddenly appeared, the [Projection] instantly broke free from Hiltina's control and ran back to Lloyd to loyally protect the master.

So at that time, Hiltina was directly "kicked off the line", and had to return to the academy with the same invisible body as Dean Hazlade, and then silently listened to the whole story.

It seems that this new version of the monster has shocked her quite a bit, so much so that she pondered for a long time and did not speak to Lloyd.

It was not until more than ten minutes later that she came back to her senses. Then she looked down and saw that Lloyd had taken the opportunity to hold her bare feet in his hands, kneading and playing with them carefully, as if he couldn't let go of them...

Hildyna glared at Lloyd unhappily, broke free from his hand, and changed to her usual duck sitting posture, hiding her feet, and then she said:

"This should be a creature that only exists in chaos. There shouldn't be such a thing in the world, right?"

"Logically, it should be like this, but... based on the characteristics of this thing, it may not really not exist, but we may not be able to see it? After all, it locked onto me at the time, but I didn't tell everyone..."

Lloyd replied in a low voice.

He didn't dare to tell other testers about the details of how he was found and locked by the monster...

Because this thing is already very tricky, if it can interfere with reality, it's hard to say what others will think...

"Well... it's right not to say it, just the current situation is already very scary..."

Hiltina frowned slightly, but immediately forced a smile and said:

"But I think it's okay, we can definitely find a way to deal with it. I can capture something through the momentary contact with it through [Projection]. I feel the purest disorder, chaos, and randomness in it."

Hiltina said, and stretched out her hand to draw messy lines in the air, as if making an analogy, and continued to add:

"It can be understood as a manifestation of some kind of chaos? Or chaos that comes to life? It is indeed very dangerous, but it is not invincible... If the disorder of chaos depends on observation, then the way to deal with this thing may be on [Observation]..."

"Just like This time, no one else noticed its arrival and approach, only you noticed it, because you didn't really enter that period of history, but observed it from outside, so you could discover it, right?

It's just that while you were observing it, it also discovered you... and it seems to have some ability to go to the present world?"

She kept talking to herself, and she became more and more serious, but her voice became thinner and thinner, and Lloyd couldn't hear it at the end...

Finally, she simply stood up and quickly kissed Lloyd on the cheek , and then hurriedly said:

"I thought of something again, I have to go back to meditate, remember to take care of yourself these days... and! You are not allowed to go out to flirt with other girls, and eat the food sent by other girls!"

"Uh... so urgent?"

"Well, wasn't I thinking about my [Supreme Realm] before? But it is not perfect yet. Now it seems that I may have to take into account the effect of dealing with this kind of monster."

Hildyna said hurriedly, kissed Lloyd again, and then disappeared into the air.

Lloyd had no way to keep her, and could only complain in his heart:

Alas... having a saint as a girlfriend is sometimes really...

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