I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 50 50 Complete Success

Chapter 50 50. Complete Success

Lloyd didn't know where this sight came from, but he could feel the feeling of being extremely far away, extremely noble, extremely mysterious, and extremely holy.

There was no hostility in the sight, no condescending arrogance, no prying, no scrutiny, just quietly, faintly, looking at Lloyd like this.

This made him not nervous at all, but a very comfortable feeling, just like bathing in the gentle and warm sunshine, warm and comfortable.

Perhaps it really is like a ray of light, bringing some light to this dark and dead world, making Lloyd no longer seem so lonely.

Under the gaze of this gaze, the gray land under his feet began to regain vitality. Within a radius of several hundred meters, green grass was growing and sprouting; unnamed blue and white wild flowers were blooming and blooming; and there was a unique milky white coral, spreading and decorating.

The spiral tower closest to Lloyd had a pure white structure, like a soft ribbon, surrounding and clustering the tower, interweaving with it, winding up together.

If the tower was like a huge spring before, it has now become a double helix structure, as if something has been kryptoned into DNA.

But just ten seconds later, the heavy night in the sky closed up again, tightly blocking the sight, and the whole world returned to darkness.

The green grass under Lloyd's feet no longer spread, and the blue and white wildflowers no longer bloomed. The little vitality that was rejuvenated was confined to the surroundings of the double helix tower, occupying only a small area.

Then, his vision blurred and he returned to reality.


Lloyd sighed and slumped on the sofa under him, looking at the gorgeous chandelier on the ceiling with a complicated expression, and a feeling of loss surged in his heart.

After a few seconds of slowing down, he calmed down again, and immediately felt a strong sense of fear.

If nothing unexpected happened, the gentle look from before might have come from the veto saint...

The situation that he was most worried about before, being watched by the saint, happened without any warning.

But judging from the result, it seems okay?

The veto saint did notice him, but he was not hostile, nor did he spy on his thoughts and memories, let alone check his composition.

"Huh~ Although it has attracted the attention of the saint, it seems that he didn't pay full attention to it?"

Lloyd let out a long breath and felt much more at ease.

Since the worst situation has been encountered and there is no bad result, there is nothing to be afraid of in the future.

The saint has checked and said that I am fine, so who can say that I am an illegal element in the future?

The more Lloyd thought about it, the more he felt justified and relaxed. He went to the wine cabinet next to him to find a bottle of juice, and returned to the floor-to-ceiling mirror to clink glasses with himself to celebrate.

The biggest crisis and difficulty have been overcome. In the future, both the future and the future prospects are extremely promising, so it is worth celebrating.

The key is that both the notes of the chief judge and the memories of the inner ghost Williams mentioned that the saint is very busy. There are too many things that need her attention. Even if she is interested in someone, she can't pay attention to him frequently.

Lloyd realized that he would be safe for a long time. Maybe when the saint notices him again next time, his value and strength will have expanded to several versions.

He happily hummed the folk song of his hometown, drank the juice in his hand slowly, and after relaxing for a while, he took out the notes from his pocket and reviewed the explanation of [Thinking Field].

In short, everyone, even a severely insane patient who will mutate in the next second, has his own [Thinking Field]. This is something that humans are born with, a bit similar to the "subconscious field" in the concept of psychology, but there are also many differences.

Humans cannot really see and touch their own subconscious realm, but [Thinking Realm] can be directly entered like Lloyd did before, and they can also learn the knowledge taught by the saints and explore the mysteries of the extraordinary system.

This is the safest way of knowledge dissemination that humans currently have.

Generally speaking, the opening and control of [Thinking Realm] is a necessary process for the second [Transcendence]. Only the extraordinary who have opened the [Thinking Realm] can be considered to have completed [Transcendence]. In the future, they can learn more knowledge in [Thinking Realm] and continue to go deeper into the extraordinary realm.

Everyone's [Thinking Realm] is different. The nature is similar, but the visual presentation is very different.

Like the presiding judge, he described in his notes that his [Thinking Realm] looks like a spacious and bright classroom, with neatly arranged desks and various books on display, with a strong learning atmosphere.

He acquired knowledge by flipping through those books.

On the other hand, the insider Williams, his [mind field] looks like a super luxurious casino, which is equipped with various gambling tools. He can have a great time in it and is always the winner. He can exchange the chips he wins with the dealer he imagines for extraordinary knowledge.

"Although, their [thinking fields] are environments that make them feel comfortable and accustomed, but why is mine like this? I am obviously an enthusiastic, cheerful and optimistic young man!"

Lloyd scratched his head, feeling helpless.

[Thinking Domain] is a very private level. It is difficult for him to find any reference experience, so he can only explore it by himself.

But this does not mean that the [thinking realm] is inviolable, and it will also be attacked and invaded here.

For example, the 'Thinking Monster' in the classification of monsters is good at this.

[Thinking Realm] Once you are traumatized, it is more dangerous and terrifying than mental pollution...

However, the book in the library did not mention how terrifying it is specifically. Thinking monsters are very rare and ultra-high-risk monsters, and are not something that low-level supernatural beings should think too much about.

For this reason, the book also left a very solemn advice:

"Never imagine its image, never seek its secrets."

Lloyd quickly shook his head vigorously, stood up from the sofa, and stretched.

"Then let's do this for now. This [Enlightenment] was a complete success, and we also successfully passed the saint level. I'm very happy and congratulated."

After all, he didn't stay here long and went back to his office.

But as soon as he entered the door, he felt an inexplicable gaze falling on him.

But this time, the source of the sight is not far away and can be clearly felt.

Right in the deepest compartment of the filing cabinet...

Thanks to book friend 20200715214425402 for the 200 points

Oh my gosh, I made an operational error and the scheduled daytime update ended up being released now...

Everyone, just watch it first, there will be another update during the day tomorrow, still at the old time of 9 o'clock.

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