I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 496 496 We must clear this scene today!

Chapter 496 496. We must pass this scene today!

I can't get in... I can't get in no matter how hard I try... Why is this happening?

Lloyd was scratching his head anxiously.

Hiltyna seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and asked stupidly:

"And... why did you wrap my whole body in a blanket, but only left my feet outside? Is that why there is a problem?"

As she said that, she retracted her fair and tender feet into the blanket, closed her eyes, and tried again.

Still no...

"Sorry, it seems that I can't let you experience it today..."

Lloyd had to admit that the attempt failed, and shook his head helplessly.

The key is that it will take a while to find the reason for the failure.

I don't know if it's because Hiltyna is too powerful? Or is it that the person lying on the sofa is not her real body? Or is the saint special? Or maybe it's because she has split her mind? Could all of the above be involved?

"Okay, okay, it's okay. I'll come back when you optimize better later."

Hiltina approached Lloyd considerately, comforted him softly, and took the initiative to propose an alternative plan:

"Or... I can also watch how others conduct the trial first, and maybe I can give you some suggestions?"

"Well, this is the only way for today."

Lloyd could only choose this method for the time being.

Then he looked at the time again and asked:

"Why hasn't the little kitten come back yet? Don't you want to starve me to death?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

When he went over to open the door, a pretty girl was lowering her head, looking very reserved and shy. She secretly looked up at Lloyd, then blushed and handed a food box to Lloyd, and then immediately ran away with her hot cheeks covered.

Didn't say a word during the whole process, which made Lloyd look confused.

However, the food box in his hand exuded a warm temperature and a little food aroma.

"Meow meow meow!"

The kitten squatted at Lloyd's feet, proudly holding its head high, as if waiting for Lloyd's praise.

"Uh... who is she?"

Lloyd asked first.

He had no impression of this girl at all...

"Meow! Meow meow meow meow!"

The kitten cried in a baby voice and rolled on the ground. I don't know if it was expressing itself with body language or deliberately being cute.

Anyway, it tried to explain the cause and effect to Lloyd.

It's a pity that Lloyd didn't understand a word...

He opened the food box first and took a look. Inside was a carefully prepared lunch box, full of the girl's heart.

"Okay, although you performed very well, don't do this next time. You also know this at home..."

Lloyd said in a low voice, and pointed at the house again, hinting at something.


The kitten understood instantly and nodded.

But at this moment, a slightly unhappy question came from the room:

"Dear Lloyd, is that girl pretty?"

It seems that although Hiltina has been staying in the room, she knows very well what happened outside.

"Is it okay? But I didn't see her face clearly... No! It's not what you think, listen to my explanation... Oh my, oh my, oh my!"

Before Lloyd could finish his explanation, Hiltina pounced on him and bit his shoulder.

"Hmph~ It seems that many girls came during my absence? Someone even brought you food every day?"

"No! Really not! Believe me, today's incident was all accidental, this was the little kitten's own decision!"

"Meow meow meow???"

"Anyway, you must believe me, I either cook by myself or go to the cafeteria to eat, well, I go alone."

Lloyd took a lot of effort to finally put an end to the fire in the backyard this time.

Having a saint as a girlfriend is still too...

Of course, he definitely didn't dare to eat the last loving lunch box.

No, no, I'll starve to death!


"Everyone! Before today's trial officially begins, everyone listen to me first!"

The history department professor Deco is speaking loudly to the 19 testers in front of him:

"If the first scene we enter today is the den of the evil forces, and we meet the scary beautiful girl who changes color without shoes, please follow my plan. We must find a way to pass this scene today! Get a higher pass rating!"

"But if it is that inexplicable laboratory scene, then we can be a little more relaxed and bold. It is best to act separately and try to explore some side plots to understand this relatively simple scene first!"

"Although, everyone must be careful. In yesterday's trial, someone was bitten by those slow zombies and was eliminated early. This really shouldn't be..."

"In addition, if you enter the latest scene, then we can complete the test task normally."

"Okay, then the specific details, I will talk about the following points:"


He seemed to be holding some kind of serious combat meeting, talking at length, and then he greeted the testers to their respective positions and went to a separate room.

Hiltina stood obediently beside Lloyd without being seen by others, and she didn't have to worry about being overheard when communicating with Lloyd.

"It seems that everyone is in high spirits? Very energetic... By the way, is there the Metis from our sect here? The one who is in the 18th district with you? I can feel her presence, But I don’t think I saw her?”

"There is her. She was one of the first batch of testers. The reason why you didn't see her is because she was too short and was covered by the tall and thick bald mage."

Lloyd answered truthfully.

As for the five big and three thick bald mages, they were the first pair of acquaintances he met when he entered Mizkatok, the two brothers Jeddo and Jetton.

They were the latest batch to join. After seeing Lloyd's recruitment announcement in the student handbook, they couldn't wait to sign up.

The strength and rank of the two bald brothers were second only to Professor Deke of the seventh-level [Embodiment] department among many testers, and they were very active in the trial.

It's a pity that he is a bit careless in nature, and the suggestions he gave are a bit random. He actually hopes that Lloyd can arrange some scenes that can make fighting painful and enjoyable.

Among the other testers in the latest batch, another one worth mentioning is a doctor from the medical team, who claims to be Professor Ladio's deputy and serves as the leader of the operations team in the medical team.

Although this doctor's rank and attributes are not as high as those of the two bald brothers, his actual combat experience is a bit too rich. In the new scene deployed by Lloyd, he can be said to be killing everyone, and his performance is worse than that of the seventh-level Professor Deke. Even more eye-catching.

This gave Lloyd reason to suspect that this guy was from Changsha...

Some of the suggestions he gave were quite pertinent and useful. They were all from the perspective of actual PVP and helped Lloyd improve the action logic and move arrangements of many 'enemies'.

As for the remaining testers, they are lackluster for the time being. We look forward to their active performance in the future.

"Okay, let's begin."

After all the testers were in place, Lloyd started the mature version of the trial, and then started 0-006-1 given by Professor Toledo, which is the toy robot that can turn into a pyramid.

The little robot suddenly changed from a pyramid to a dull stick figure, and its round eyes began to flicker, entering some kind of deep learning state.

Today's group of testers may not be very lucky. The first scene drawn is the most difficult one, "The Lair of the Evil Forces."

The adjustments to the plot of this scene are not major. The main optimization is to optimize various details. The scenery is more realistic, the atmosphere is more realistic, and the surrounding NPCs are more personified.

The NPC finally no longer uses bubble boxes to speak, but can speak normally.

It's just that the lines were written with the help of various people, and the speaking voices were also matched by various testers...

So after a procedural plot, the scary beautiful girl who changes color without wearing shoes appears again.

"Everyone follow the original plan! We must capture her today!"

Professor Deke shouted loudly and took the lead in releasing his [Story] in an attempt to control this terrifying enemy.

Others present also began to use their own methods to capture the beautiful girl before she took action.

That is to say, take the initiative and start the group first.

This is the tactic they have summed up after experiencing successive failures these days, to suppress the beautiful girl with thunder before she can say her lines and eat the peach.


"Be careful! She has changed her color again!"

"Run away!"

"Why are our attacks ineffective?!"


So after another two seconds, two lines of subtitles appeared in front of everyone's eyes:

[Trial 1 has ended, rating: E-]

[Trial reward has been settled, spiritual power value +1]

"Alas...failed again...what's wrong?"

Professor Deke said with some frustration and stamped his feet vigorously. The beautiful and dreamy scenery in the rest area in front of him could not calm him down.

"I really can't understand why this beautiful girl is designed to be so strong?"

"Perhaps she is based on Professor Lloyd's lover?"

"Then how on earth are we going to pass this level? There's absolutely nothing we can do against her!"

Everyone was chirping, and Lloyd, who was watching outside, couldn't help laughing.

In fact, they all got one key point wrong...

The mission goal of this scene is just to ‘survive’.

There are no specific ways to survive.

So if you want to pass this scene, it is actually very simple.

Wouldn't it be nice not to be an enemy of this invincible beautiful girl?

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