I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 490 We will not attend the afternoon class

Chapter 490 490. We won’t attend the afternoon class.

"Am I going to become a sinner in the space system?"

Lloyd looked at the howling equipment department and asked with a guilty conscience.

"This has nothing to do with you. You have brought us disruptive changes and created a new future for the space system. Only those who can adapt to this new situation can be at the real forefront. This is something that everyone must bear. It’s something that everyone should have realized a long time ago.”

Professor Lawrence comforted him, patted Lloyd on the shoulder again, and added:

"You must not blame yourself for this. At least the situation in our technical department proves that the shock you brought can be overcome. The equipment department and theory department will definitely be able to keep up after experiencing a period of pain. ”

"Then... I can only hope that everything is okay."

Professor Lawrence lowered his voice again and said:

"Well...Okay, don't waste time. Our work today is still very heavy. Let's start by demonstrating the splicing space for us...I'm not afraid of your jokes. I studied secretly all night yesterday and didn't expect you. How do you put these space fragments back together?"

"Huh??? All night? Are you okay?"

Lloyd quickly asked with concern.

It’s not good to stay up late at this age, right?

But the old professor smiled and replied confidently:

"No problem. I specifically chose the kind of life form suitable for staying up late."

This life form of yours could not be from Earth, right?

Lloyd secretly cursed in his heart, and couldn't help but think of the optimization of his life form.

What kind of ‘pure and perfect human being’ still has to go to bed early and get up early to exercise...

Next, at the request of Professor Lawrence, Lloyd demonstrated how to play this complex "domino jigsaw puzzle" on the spot.

He first demonstrated it with his bare hands without using any equipment, and during the process he tried his best to explain the principles and processes to the researchers present.

But what he got in response was a lot of yelling?

"Hiss... I can't understand! I really can't understand!"

"Why is this possible? Isn't this completely contrary to what is in the textbook?"

"I have so many questions I want to ask, but I have no idea where to start."

"He is not human...he is not human...he is not human..."

Compared to the reaction from the Technical Department, the Equipment Department was even more outrageous, especially Professor Albert, who would burst into roars from time to time, interrupting Lloyd's train of thought.

"Don't look! Say it again! Don't look! Don't look! Don't look! Do what you are doing!"

"Don't think too much! Don't ask too much!"

"Don't touch areas you don't understand!"

Although Lloyd was giving a demonstration to the people in the technical department, the people from the equipment department were right next to him, and there were always people who couldn't help but come over to peek out of curiosity, causing a commotion and then being sent to a mental hospital.

Uh...this is really...

If you really can't do it, don't come over and join in the fun...

Gaining knowledge in the morning and then dying in the evening refers to that kind of mentality, not for you to actually do this!

Lloyd was really worried that the equipment department would be wiped out by him today.

Fortunately, the people in the technical department have been vaccinated one after another. Although they may express their incomprehensibility and make their brains look big, they will not be sent to a mental hospital.

Everyone just 'moved out' the invisible suspended seats and gathered around Lloyd irregularly, listening in confusion while recording Lloyd's explanation with pens or light screens.

This was also true of Professor Lawrence, who acted like Lloyd's student during the whole process, and even asked a few questions from time to time.

He was the only one who could ask questions. Others in the space department didn't even know where to ask questions...

As for the equipment department who was 'eavesdropping' next door, they were also from the space system. They were also the most outstanding elites in Mizkatok. They were not so vulnerable, so the situation was fine in the end, until Lloyd put the first demonstration After it was done, no one was killed yet.

This may also be because the content involved becomes more obscure and abstruse as Lloyd explains it further, making it difficult for others to understand and making it safer.

"Okay, now that the pieces are put together, have you learned it?"

After Lloyd assembled a piece of the piece at an extremely slow speed, he clapped his hands and asked.

Then he took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

Hey guys, it’s almost noon?

Just at this time, another shock came from his student handbook. It was a message from Metis, asking him if he wanted to have lunch together at noon?

Speaking of which, when she was in Tower No. 9, Metis never asked if she wanted to join him or anything. Lloyd and Wei Ya had dinner together at noon every day.

Maybe you are still in a new environment, lonely and helpless, and subconsciously hope to have a trustworthy acquaintance around you?

So Lloyd said again:

"Okay, it's almost time. Let's come here in the morning. Everyone goes to eat first and then take a lunch break. I will demonstrate to you again in the afternoon. This time we will use our existing equipment, and then we will all study together. Let’s take a look at how to make reasonable use of equipment to improve the efficiency of splicing fragments.”

This was originally a very normal and reasonable suggestion, but as soon as Lloyd finished speaking, he heard a question:

"Huh??? You...you still need to use the equipment?"

Lloyd turned his head when he heard the sound. Was it Professor Albert who raised the question?

Didn’t you say not to think too much or ask too many questions?

Noticing that Lloyd was looking at him suspiciously, Professor Albert quickly coughed awkwardly and explained:

"Ahem... I mean, um... I'm not interfering with the teaching content of your technical department, it's just... our equipment department needs to change its location."

He spoke incoherently, and then quickly ordered his students to try to move the space elevator away so that he would no longer be crowded with the technical students.

If the purely theoretical and technical content in the morning was not likely to cause loss of life, in the afternoon the content related to the specific use of equipment was somewhat...

Professor Albert really had no choice but to retreat.

But Lloyd saw that their people were busy controlling the space elevator and couldn't move it for a long time, so he kindly said:

"Let me help you. Do you want to move back to where you started?"

As he spoke, he raised another hand and operated the elevator from a distance.

This is not very profound content. During the previous archaeological activity, Lloyd remotely controlled the elevator in this way and sent Bald Bartolo and Professor Fernand back.

In just three or two simple steps, the space elevator fell instantly and disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, you're welcome."

Lloyd clapped his hands and motioned for the people on his side to eat first and then take a nap. Then he opened the portal and ran to find Metis.

Other people in the technical department also left one after another, leaving only the people in the equipment department still looking at each other, no one dared to move.

Because the leader, Professor Albert, has not moved, but is frozen in place, the expression on his face is flickering, his face is constantly twisting and changing, and he is still muttering:

"It's impossible...how could this happen? I've put the equipment lock on the elevator. It's mine. It belongs to me only. Others can't use it...Hahaha, yes. , that’s it…the device lock I designed is absolutely foolproof!”

"Haha! Hahahahaha!"

As he spoke, he suddenly let out a burst of laughter, which startled a researcher next to him.

"Professor? Are you...are you okay?"

"My condition is better than ever!"

Professor Albert roared loudly and his eyes suddenly opened wide, as if his eyeballs almost fell out.

Then, while maintaining an upright posture, he fell heavily and fell into coma on the spot.

And those eyes are still so wide and scary...

Previously, because he had to "partner" with the Technology Department to do research, and also had to deal with the visits of some other people, for safety reasons, Professor Albert specially set up a special equipment lock for the space elevator. Prevent being accidentally touched.

This is not a simple combination lock composed of several numbers, but an encryption performed by a set of constantly changing spatial coordinates. It is Professor Albert's most proud design over the years.

Theoretically speaking, there is almost no possibility of cracking this lock. Only he can unlock it.

But just now, Lloyd just removed his lock with a casual operation.

It's not that the code was cracked, but it was directly dismantled in a simpler way.

This makes it difficult for Professor Albert to break the defense.

What's more, although he kept yelling at students not to take courses in the technical department.

But he himself kept his ears pointed, listened to Lloyd's explanation word for word, and secretly took notes.

This had a big impact on his cognitive system.

Coupled with the last strike, the professor fell down as expected...


"Are you... going back tomorrow?"

Metis sat opposite Lloyd, with his head lowered, absentmindedly picking at a few vegetables on the plate that even the kitten couldn't feed, and asked in a soft voice.

The pair of little feet wearing strappy sandals under the table revealed a few round and lovely, pearl-like toes. They were dangling anxiously, and then unconsciously broke free from the shackles of those slender straps, revealing their bare feet. Come out, like taking food out of a lunch box.

It almost touched Lloyd's leg several times.

Unfortunately, because I am too short, my legs are not long enough...

Although Lloyd couldn't see anything through a table, he still vaguely felt something. He subconsciously retracted his legs under the seat, while his hands were busy picking up the food in his mouth, and he answered casually. :

"It's time to go back and take a look. District 18 can't do without me, and Tower 9 needs me even more."

"Do you miss your Wei Ya?"

Metis suddenly asked in a shadowy and strange tone, suddenly switching back to her usual way of speaking.

This made Lloyd temporarily put down the knife and fork in his hand, raised his head again, stared at her directly, and asked:

"Huh? Didn't you promise me that you won't talk like this in the future?"

"I...I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it back for a moment..."

Metis buried her head deeper, and the pair of jade feet that had quietly taken off their sandals quickly retracted, no longer daring to swing around.

"It's okay, some habits need to be changed slowly... By the way, aren't you going back?"

"Since I received the admission notice, Secretary Golaus has helped me apply for the Special Senior Talent Regulations. Now I don't need to report every day, and I can enjoy some extra benefits and subsidies, as long as I don't leave the cult."

"There is such a good thing? Then I will try to apply for it later."

Lloyd was a little interested when he heard this.

Metis was also interested, and quickly raised her head and said hurriedly:

"Do you want me to help you fill out the form? Those corresponding procedures are still quite troublesome."

"That's not necessary, I'll ask Wei Ya for help."

Lloyd answered casually.

Metis lowered her head again, and her already slightly round face became rounder with the ups and downs of her cheeks, and she was a little unhappy.

Lloyd didn't notice the change in other people's moods, and was still eating.

Metis was silent for a moment, and tried to change the subject:

"By the way, your [Trial of Illusion] really helped me a lot. I felt a new improvement yesterday. It should be the 'level improvement' you described, right?"

"Hmm? Didn't you say that the day before yesterday? Have you gained something new in the past two days?"

Lloyd asked back with some doubt.


Metis opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something but stopped herself, then she put down the knife and fork in her hand angrily and said unhappily:

"I'm full!"

"Yeah, I've just finished eating, so let's go back and rest. I have a very complicated class to attend in the afternoon."

In this way, the two parted at the entrance of the cafeteria. Lloyd hurried back to the dormitory to sleep, while Metis went back to the dormitory to sulk alone, still unable to help talking to herself:

"Hmph! It's no big deal. Only stupid women like Wei Ya who have no vision will like this kind of guy, right?"

"A bad woman like me must cheat on the most perfect man, not like him, stupid and dull..."

As she spoke, she subconsciously took out a cartoon toy alarm clock from under the pillow and held it in her hand.

This thing was given to her by Lloyd. It has the functions of detecting fire, earthquake and mental pollution. It can be used as a normal alarm clock at ordinary times, and it can be used as a precaution when necessary.

The painting style is a cute cartoon toy snake, coiled in a circle and biting its tail, forming the dial of the alarm clock, looking silly.

When Metis first got this thing, she couldn't let it go. She held it in her arms every day and went to sleep, treating the alarm clock as a puppet.

But now, I feel that it is so annoying that I want to throw it into the trash can.

However, as soon as I raised my hand, I immediately softened my heart and quickly took it back, and then carefully hid it under the pillow, fearing that others would find it.

"Woo... Maybe I'm not a bad woman at all, but the dumbest woman in the world?"

Metis whimpered pitifully and buried her head in the pillow.

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