I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 469 468 Review of History

Chapter 469 468. Review of History

[Ding~ Skill Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Cognitive Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Cognitive Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Power Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Power Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Life Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Life Level Upgraded]

[Ding~ Existence Level Upgraded]

A series of panel prompts made Lloyd's ears buzz, and for a moment he really didn't have the mood to think about these.

He just felt very tired, very tired, his eyes were heavy as if they were filled with cement, and he just wanted to fall asleep like this.

Coincidentally, at this time, his [projection] was also "pulled" out by Hiltina, and turned into that beautiful and lovely appearance in front of Lloyd.

Lloyd felt very relieved all of a sudden, and simply took the initiative to fall into Hiltina's arms, and fell asleep like this...

After sleeping for an unknown period of time, Lloyd opened his eyes in a trance and found that he was back in that transparent culture dish?

Then there stood the "ordinary" former dean and two strangers in front of him.

Although one of them had no impression of his face, he felt a strong sense of familiarity and intimacy, as if this man was his uncle.

The three guys surrounded him and commented on him, and then started to discuss something:

"Recently, I have received several reports of mania, and this book has been firmly sealed here and has not been touched by the outside world."

"So this book is not the only source of those strange diseases. It may be just a lock, a door, which is obtained by humans and leads to a new unknown area?"

"You can think of it this way... I invited you two here today, on the one hand, to let you see it, and on the other hand, I want to discuss the great plan with you."

"Great plan? Well... I think it's more like a crazy stupidity..."

After the three talked, they immediately entered a weird "eye contact", just looking at each other and no longer speaking.

It seems that the "great plan" they mentioned is a very, very top secret matter. Even if there is no one else in the room, it must be communicated in this extremely obscure way?

With the previous experience in the ceremony, Lloyd is very clear about his situation, but he still has some questions.

Why do I have such a strange dream again? Isn't the ceremony over?

Or... why do you want to show me this record?

So... what kind of great plan is this?

While thinking about it, the three guys in front of me finally ended their eye contact, and the former dean spoke first:

"Even if you say that, I still... Well, I must admit that I have always been a conservative."

As he said that, he put on a gesture of surrender and took two steps back, which should be to express that he has no interest in the great plan.

The one who looked like his uncle also took two steps back, shook his head, and explained:

"I'm sorry, this is not the direction I'm interested in. Before I find the path that can make humans evolve to a perfect form, I'm not very interested in other fields."

The last one left couldn't help but smile awkwardly, but didn't force it. He just reached out and patted the culture dish containing "Lloyd" and continued:

"Okay, for our plan, everything is based on voluntary... Then what about this thing? Are you interested in taking over and continuing to study it?"

"Well... I admit that it is indeed very tempting. As the first book of mankind, or the world, it does make people want to peek into the mystery, but why does it affect Are we full of deep malice? Will it emit that strange plague? By the way, will you use it in your plan? "

"No, our design is mature enough and does not need such unknown factors, so next, I should leave it idle for a long time, which is why I asked you if you are willing to take it over."

"I can go back and ask those crazy people in our college... As for myself, I am more interested in [Time] now."

"Me too, I personally don't like this kind of thing that destroys the beauty of life, and I hate its appearance, which is completely inconsistent with my aesthetics."

Accompanied by such a not-so-smooth chat, Lloyd's vision went dark again, and then he felt his cheek itchy.

He quickly tried to open his eyes and found that Hiltina was lying beside him, stretching out a jade-like finger, poking his cheek again and again, as if he was playing with a toy.

After noticing that he had woken up, she immediately showed that extremely gentle and sweet smile, took the initiative to move her face closer, kissed Lloyd gently on the mouth, and then said with a smile:

"Welcome home, my love, I can feel that the distance between us is getting closer and closer."

Lloyd also smiled, and hugged her body in his arms with his backhand, while stroking her head with his cheek, he said in her ear:

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have..."

He clearly remembered that he had gradually lost his thinking consciousness and self-awareness under the scouring of the "long river of history". If it weren't for the calls that woke him up in time and helped him "anchor" his self-awareness, the consequences would be disastrous...

Obviously, the only person who can do this kind of thing is his 'childhood sweetheart'.

Otherwise, most people may not have such a big card with the lineup that called them at that time.

Of course, 0-006’s ‘little gift’ also played an unexpected and key role, and I still need to thank it later.

"Hehe, it's okay. It's the duty of a beautiful girl to save her lover."

Hiltina said playfully in Lloyd's arms, and then yawned again, suddenly looking a little tired.

Lloyd noticed something and quickly asked with concern:

"You expended a lot of strength?"

"It's okay~ After all, I just tried to contact everyone to help, but the distance is quite far. Fortunately, there is no other unnecessary consumption. It's just that my condition is not very good these days, so I have to take a rest for two or three days to take a good rest. Get some sleep."

Hiltina said in a sweet voice, slowly closing her beautiful eyes in Lloyd's arms, and then her delicate body gradually became transparent and void, and finally disappeared.

"Thank you."

Lloyd said something very serious at the end.

Then he took a deep breath, sat up from the bed, and looked at the time again.

I didn't sleep for too long, just one day and one night.

"It was really a thrilling ceremony. I hope the final reward is worthy of the danger I experienced."

Lloyd smiled and couldn't help but recall the voices calling him.

The five saints are [veto], [intellect], [embodiment], and [protection].

In addition to the four girls who have the closest relationship with him, there are also Big Brother, the presiding judge, the two deans of the college, two professors, a neighbor, and even the little cat are helping.

Except for the last two who couldn't understand what they said, everyone was very concerned about themselves.

Therefore, we must not let everyone down.

And we must never betray the human camp...

"No matter when, where, what the circumstances, I will never betray humanity."

After firming up his faith in his heart and repeating his original oath, Lloyd silently called out in his heart:


His status attribute interface immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

[User: Royd]

【state:? ? ? 】

[Insanity value: 0/50000, upper limit: 3030000]

【Rationality: 3030】

[Spiritual power: 3030]

【Inspiration: 2650】

[Cognition: 3030]

[System: Distort LV6, reject LV6, falsehood]

Lloyd took a brief glance and turned off the panel without commenting, and then changed his name in his mind:

"The Book of Madness"

The same panel as before appeared in front of him again...

So this is not a ‘traveler welfare’, but...

A malice toward humanity?

Lloyd recalled the evaluation of the book by the former dean who was in an 'unremarkable' form in the previous strange dream.

He pursed his lips, turned off the panel again, and tried to think of a third title in his mind:


The panel interface opened in front of him for the third time...

This result made Lloyd's heart twitch violently, he quickly closed his eyes, and then shook his head vigorously.

Am I human? Or a book?

No! I shouldn't have such thoughts, I am not anything else, I am the holder of this book, I am a traveler from the earth, I am an advanced young man who has received higher education, I am a righteous young man who hates evil, I yes……

He recited all the characters he had set for himself in one breath, and then he was able to gradually calm down, heaved a sigh of relief, and then opened his eyes.

There was no hesitation or hesitation in his eyes, only determination and confidence.

As long as I consider myself human, I must be!

Lloyd had to completely stabilize his mind before he dared to continue the following memories and inventory.

Should we take the beginning of the ceremony as the starting point? At that time, I should have...entered some kind of [history] that was different from Hiltina's original design?

It's not that you've entered a fictional past, but that you've truly returned to the past in a sense.

I don’t know if this is the influence of Professor Ashley, or if my own hard work has paid off?

Thanks to the +2 cognitive level, even without Hiltina explaining it, Lloyd could rely on his memories to figure out what happened at that time.

The [history] that has passed is like a long river of chaos, and what everyone can see and understand is just the tip of the iceberg.

The historical scenes I experienced at that time should all be important historical nodes, such as the failure of key battles, the fall of important cities, and the sacrifices of heroes...

There are also some that are closely related to me, such as the 'encounter' with Hiltina and the former dean.

But these do not have a clear timeline, and they are not coherent with each other, because they are all chaotic and disordered.

So even if I do something in that scene, it will not have any impact on the current time and the current world.

But this did not prevent me from drawing a lot of strength from it, so that in the end this attribute expanded more than three times, and I also completed two upgrades in one breath, the cognitive level, power level, and life level directly +2, and as for the improvement of skill level, I have no time to look at it for the time being.

This is the fruitful result of diligence and hard work, crisis and risk!

Lloyd couldn't help but smile when he thought of this.

This wave of upgrades is indeed refreshing, but if he is asked to do it again, it is better to decline...

The risk is still too great!

After all, this is a kind of "falling into the abyss". Relying on the call of close people, it may allow oneself to "anchor" self-cognition and not forget who he is, but such "anchoring" cannot let oneself escape from it.

Lloyd remembered that he did not rely on his own strength to escape at that time. Instead, he fell into a deeper and more terrifying "historical dark river" without taking a few steps.

That may be the real [chaos], a field that has not been recorded, explored and observed by humans.

There was no room for struggle and resistance. If it weren't for the "good brother" who rescued me, I would have been doomed forever, right?

As for the experience of "Walking with Giants" later, this should be the history that I should go to in this ceremony.

Lloyd thought of this and couldn't help but look at the "Great Book" in his mind.

It became thicker, from the original two "Books of Truth" and "Books of Falsehood" superimposed, it became three books.

The extra one was the "Book of Madness" that had always been with me.

Although it was in Lloyd's possession from the beginning, it was in a state of being unreadable. Until this "Walking with Giants", the "Book of Truth" recorded everything during the period, and this book was presented in my mind.

It can be understood that it was just a foreign language document that I couldn't read at the beginning, but after the translation and polishing of the "Book of Truth", it was finally readable.

But when Lloyd tried to open it in his mind, the content presented on it had nothing to do with himself and his ‘good brother’, but a bunch of messy lines and patterns, like a madman scribbling his thoughts.

Normal people can’t understand it at all...

Lloyd just tried to look at one of the pages, and then he heard the annoying muttering:

“Fall into... the abyss...”

“Touch... the truth...”

“Embrace... madness...”

“Enjoy... disorder...”

“Face... chaos...”

Forget it, forget it, just close it quickly...

He shook his head repeatedly.

Fortunately, even if he couldn’t understand it, it didn’t prevent him from using its functions and transforming mental pollution into his own power.

Just like he couldn’t understand various codes, but it didn’t prevent him from playing krypton gold mobile games.

Lloyd put aside the ancient book that was evolving into a big book in his mind, and continued to think about the journey with his ‘good brother’.

At that time, he thought he was experiencing that period of history and traveling with his ‘good brother’.

But now, looking back, with his cognitive level upgraded twice, Lloyd’s conclusion made him a little disappointed.

The situation at that time should be similar to the previous strange dreams. Under the influence of the “Book of Madness”, he substituted its perspective, or it can be understood as viewing its records and contents.

Anyway, the one who was watered with invisible liquid and fed with something unknown by the ‘good brother’ was not the current self, but the “Book of Madness”.

Those watering and feeding behaviors are likely the process of making this book.

So this book should be the ‘life magic weapon’ refined by the ‘good brother’?

Lloyd thought of this and suddenly recalled a doubt that didn’t make sense-

When the ‘good brother’ entered the bloody ocean and was besieged by the tentacle monsters, the ‘life magic weapon’ naturally stood up to protect the master and strangled those monsters that climbed onto his shoulders.

But after killing only a few of them, he stopped.

Lloyd recalled his oath inexplicably, so he did not continue to attack.

But this reason should not be valid for the "Book of Madness"?

What reason should the "Book of Madness" in real history stop based on?

And his oath and its reason formed some kind of magical coincidence and synchronization?

No, no, this explanation is too far-fetched...

After thinking about it, Lloyd still shook his head and overturned his own speculation.

But he had no more clues, so he could only put this unexplainable detail aside for the time being.

In short, the two monsters that escaped by chance should have used their means to spy on the contents of the "Book of Madness", and thus learned the mumbling, and then spread it to other monsters, allowing it to evolve into a hymn.

And this hymn does not seem to be all crazy talk. If you really do it according to the above content, it seems that you can really get a lot of power.

Like this ceremony, it can be regarded as "falling into the abyss".

After that, by ‘touching the truth’, I should be able to gain some knowledge that is not accessible through conventional channels.

As for ‘embracing madness’, I seem to be embracing madness every day…

And the refreshing and improvement of "Enjoying Disorder" makes people linger...

Only the last "facing chaos" is not sure what it feels like.

If falling into the "historical dark river" can be considered "facing chaos", then it is probably only cold and suffocating, right?

After summarizing, Lloyd pulled his thoughts back and thought of those disgusting tentacle monsters.

Why did I recall the oath I made when I strangled them?

Strangling them is equivalent to betraying humans?

Is it because they are very important to humans?


They are humans?

Lloyd finally came to a conclusion that made people unhappy.

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