Chapter 466 465. Accident?

With the activation of the two rituals, Lloyd's fifth [Transcendence] officially began.

He first heard some low and fragmented mumblings in his ears, and then there was a fragmented noise, as if someone was talking loudly, someone was giving a passionate speech, and someone was having a serious discussion. All kinds of sounds were intertwined and mixed together, turning into a noise that he could not recognize at all, making a "buzzing" sound in his ears.

Then, his vision blurred, and the whole person felt a dizziness like the world was spinning, as if he was falling freely towards a bottomless chaos.

However, in the eyes of the third person watching, his figure was still in the center of the cemetery, but he lowered his head and closed his eyes, and then from time to time it blurred and flickered, as if the signal was bad.

Dean Hazlade, who had remained silent, whispered:

"He has already started, so..."

"Well, I know, don't rush me."

Professor Ashley nodded, a relieved smile on his face, gently stroking the bright new tombstone in front of him with his fingers like dead branches, injecting his own strength into it.

The surface of the tombstone then showed some changes, as if a sharp carving knife was cutting the stone, leaving Professor Ashley's name on it stroke by stroke.

But there was only a simple name, no birth and death, no epitaph.

"The epitaph is left to you, after all, I still don't like to write these things for myself."

Dean Hazlade nodded, and whispered in a solemn and heavy tone:

"See you later, my friend, may your road ahead be bright and shining."

"Haha, I will wait for you, I hope the road under your feet will bloom with flowers."

Professor Ashley laughed a relieved laugh and slowly closed his eyes.

His entire body then burned up on its own, turning into a human-shaped torch, like a pile of dead wood, fulfilling its last mission and emitting its last warmth.

But only two or three seconds later, the flames went out, and his figure also completely disappeared in the flames, vanishing into thin air.

The former dean silently watched this scene called inheritance, and turned his head again, looking at Lloyd in the center of the cemetery.

Compared with before, his figure began to become more blurred and vague, and even began to loom, like a candle swaying in the wind, which could go out at any time.

So the two deans in front and behind took action together, projecting power to the outer periphery of Lloyd's position, forming a circle of invisible barriers to help him stabilize his existence.

The effect was naturally immediate, and Lloyd's figure became stable again, only flickering occasionally.

The two deans couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

"It seems that he should have seen a very important piece of history. I wonder if he can handle it?"

"We should believe in him. He never disappoints us."

"Well... if he can return from it smoothly, the effect should be very good. It's a good start, right?"

"Yes, I secretly divined this matter last night, and the conclusion is optimistic."

The two deans were chatting, but they suddenly became quiet.

Lloyd's figure suddenly began to blur and blur again without any signs, and the frequency was much faster than before.

But what was even more strange was that the color on his body began to fade with the flashes. In just a breath, he became like a person in a black and white photo.

At the same time, his figure showed even worse changes. The last moment was still a complete human form, and the next second he turned into a hideous monster wearing black rags, with sharp claws and a metal spine. Then he immediately changed into a rusty, tattered ancient armor, and then instantly turned into an indescribable weird monster.

Such a change was obviously out of plan. Even though the two deans had reacted immediately and began to inject more power into the invisible barrier of the outer circle, it was still useless.

Just a few seconds later, Lloyd's figure disappeared completely on the spot with a series of rapid shrinkage and changes.

After a few seconds, Dean Hazlade asked hesitantly:

"What's going on? Is he...out of control?"

The former dean did not answer immediately, but after a long silence, he said in an unbelievable tone:

" shouldn't be like this...has he been exposed to [Thought Dive]?"

"Yes, he once had a [Thought Dive] due to a natural accident..."

"That's bad..."

As they were talking, they suddenly felt a surge of power in the air, rushing over in a hurry, like a little wife who knew her husband had an accident and was rushing to the hospital.

Although this power has no entity, it can make people feel the anxiety on her beautiful face and the trembling on her slender body.

"Lloyd...what happened to him? Why...can't I feel him?"

Hiltina's voice came with a hint of tears.

"Don't worry! Calm down! Control yourself! Don't forget who you are!"

Dean Hazred shouted in a very anxious tone.

"Professor Hiltina, don't worry, he's fine for now! He's still alive!"

The former dean also hurriedly spoke to comfort her.

If the Sage of Rejection loses control because of this, the consequences will be so terrible that no one dares to imagine...

Fortunately, Hiltina was still the strong saint after all. She stabilized her emotions in time, calmed down a little, and then asked:

"What happened?"

The two deans each replied:

"It's not completely certain yet. We can only speculate that he may have accidentally entered a state of [deep thinking], and then [dive] into a period of history at a deeper level..."

"As the inventor of this ritual, you should know his current situation better than us, right? Think about it calmly, what do we need to do?"

Hiltina quickly let out a breath, forced herself to calm down, and followed Lloyd's habitual behavior, twirling her chin, thinking for a while, and then analyzed:

"This has completely exceeded my design expectations, and is also theoretically impossible. I can feel that he may not have entered a virtual history, but has truly returned to the past."

"How is this possible? Going back to the past? This is something that even a miracle can't do!"

The former dean hurriedly retorted, appearing even more eager than Hildina.

Hiltina acted more and more calmly and rationally, and replied in a deep voice:

"I know, so this is not a true return to the past. No matter what happens to him next or what he changes, it will not affect us now. So strictly speaking, he should have fallen into a world of fame. In the chaos of [history].”

"How is this possible?"

This time, it was Dean Hazred who raised the question:

"Although there is indeed a hypothesis in the history department that 'history exists in chaos', this is ultimately an unproven hypothesis. Moreover, even if it is this, the chaos must not be entered casually. Even history No one in the department is sure whether this chaos exists, let alone a way to explore it...

Lloyd has no connection with it, doesn't know much about history, and has no special guidance. How could he enter such an unproven field? "

He originally spoke in a very confident tone, but suddenly he realized something and suddenly changed his tone:

"Wait...I made a subconscious mistake..."

"Yes, what you said above may be impossible for real humans, even for us, but Lloyd is different from us..."

The former dean took over the conversation, and as he was speaking, Hildina interrupted him rudely:

"Please stop talking. He is no different from us. He is a real human being, my lover, and my support."

The former dean paused and then talked about another less relevant matter:

"Professor Hiltina, I don't mean to offend, it's just that... I observed his sister during my previous trip, so your judgment may have been interfered with by some perceptual factors..."

"No, no, I'm not her."

Hiltina answered very firmly, and then immediately changed the topic:

"Now is not the time to discuss me, we have to find a way to get him out."

"Well, because of his specialness, he will definitely not die in it, but he may get lost in it."

"Instructor, you are right, so we need to point her in the direction home and find a way to guide her back to reality, and we must do it quickly!"

Hiltina said, paused, and then added in a low voice:

"Otherwise, I don't know if the person I rescued will still be the same person..."

"Well, then do it as you think. After all, this is a ceremony designed by you. If you need any help from us, just ask."

"Then please you two continue to maintain the stability here and maintain the operation of the ritual. You must not stop, otherwise he will really not be able to come back. If you can, please try to infiltrate power into it. Look. See if we can find him."

Hiltina said, her figure began to look like she was about to disappear, and she quickly added:

"I'm going to go back to this world first and make some arrangements. I'll be back soon."


At this time in the City of Joy, Ai Luoluo had just finished getting up and dressing up, making herself beautiful, and then eating the cake with a fork in small bites while humming a melodious melody——

She learned it from her Lord Uther, and it is called a market. Anyway, it symbolizes happiness and beauty, and is suitable for humming when dating a girl.

It can be seen that she is in a good mood today.

While humming, he was still talking to himself:

"After I finish these two days of work, I should be able to take a day off, right? I have to make an appointment with Lord Uther in advance to go on a date to the amusement park and have fun all day long..."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but imagine the beautiful scene in her mind of herself and Lloyd laughing on the merry-go-round and kissing on the Ferris wheel, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

But when he was smiling, his smile suddenly froze...

The small fork in his hand also fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

She saw Lloyd in her imagination becoming blurry, shimmering, and then fading, like a character in an old photo.

Although Ai Luoluo didn't know why this was happening, a bad premonition welled up in his heart and he froze in place.

Until a reminder from 0-006 came to my ears:

"Miss, a very special guest is heading to your bedroom. I can't stop him. I hope you are ready."

As soon as he finished speaking, an invisible force suddenly pushed the door open, shocking Elolo.

She quickly stood up, looked at the empty door, was stunned, and then asked:

"Is it you?"

Then he quickly showed a vigilant expression, clenched his hands into cute little fists to protect his chest, even the hair on his head stood up, pretending to be fierce, and asked:

"You...what do you want to do? I'm warning you, this is my territory!"

No one answered her, but a will was conveyed directly into her mind from the bright city far away:

"Hmph~ I need your help."

"What's the deal? Let's talk first! I, Elolo, am definitely not a kind person, and I'm not someone to be bullied!"

"Use all the means you can think of to remember Lloyd, and use all the means you can think of to call out Lloyd."

"Lord Uther? What happened to him? Did something happen?"

"Don't ask any questions, just do as you're told."

After leaving the last part of his will, the invisible power disappeared and the door truly became empty.

Although Ai Luoluo didn't know what happened, he was convinced of the 'visitor'. He hurriedly rummaged through the small gifts that Lloyd had given him, surrounded himself with them, and then tried to remember them in his mind. With Lloyd's voice and appearance.

When I think about it, I can remember that it didn't turn into a monster or anything, but there was no color, and it was still a black and white photo.

"Mr. 006, do you know what happened?"

"Analysis, the information is insufficient and it is impossible to draw a valid conclusion; suggestion, I believe it will be rejected by His Majesty the Saint."

"Lord Uther must be in danger. Can you help him?"

"The analysis shows that it is feasible. Thanks to the simple thank you gift from before, I have a way to provide as much help as I can."

"That's great. Please try your best to help him, even if I don't eat cakes in the future!"

"Don't worry, miss, he will be fine, at least his life will not be in danger."


"Editor-in-Chief Eve Luol, your face looks so ugly. Did you not sleep last night? You are still worried about funds..."

"No, no, I have solved the funding problem, but...I feel uneasy for some reason."

Everol kept frowning and responded to the concern of her subordinates, looking a little pushy. Even the hair on her head was obviously drooping, but she was still smiling reluctantly.

It wasn't until her subordinates left the office that she jumped up from her chair and paced anxiously back and forth in the office, but she didn't know what was going on that made her heart pound.

Could it be...that something happened to Xiao Yi?

Everol thought of the worst possibility...

Just at this moment, she suddenly felt something again, and quickly ran back to her desk, took out a dressing mirror, and took a look.

In the mirror, it was clearly her own childish and cute face that was reflected, but for some reason, Everol felt a little strange to this face.

It seems that it is not myself...

In other words, that is another self in the world...

Just when she felt strange, the face in the mirror began to blur and change, and gradually turned into another beautiful girl, looking at her with gentle eyes.

Everol was startled by Xiao Xiao, quickly moved the mirror away, and then reached out to touch her face.

Hmm... I haven't changed much at all, there's just something wrong with the mirror.

So she mustered up her courage, picked up the mirror again, and said hello tremblingly:


The beautiful girl in the mirror did not speak, but conveyed her will with her gentle eyes.

"Eh? You are... Xiao Yi's fiancée??? He never mentioned it to me!"

"What? Xiaoyi is in trouble? What is it? Does it matter? Where is he now?"

"Oh...oh...that's it...I know, I will do as you say."

"Please wait a moment! Who are you? What is your relationship with Xiao Yi? Why do I feel... so familiar with you? It's like seeing another me..."

"Eh?! Eh?! Eh?!!"

After uttering three consecutive exclamations, the mirror in Everol's hand returned to normal, reflecting her childish and cute face again, but her expression looked a little confused and helpless, as well as a little aggrieved and scared.

It seems that he was unable to digest this sudden amount of information...

But she remembered the advice of the beautiful girl in the mirror, so she didn't have time to think too much. She quickly took out a small notebook and began to draw one stroke at a time in it, carefully writing down her childhood experience with Lloyd.

At the same time, he kept reminiscing about the past of the two of them.

Just thinking about it, I 'relapsed' again, and started thinking randomly.

"I didn't expect that Xiaoyi would secretly meet such a beautiful girl, so noble and mysterious. The baby they will have in the future must be very cute, right? Huh~ How dare you keep hiding it from me... When he comes home, he will definitely Teach him a lesson!"

A gratified smile appeared on her face at first, but as she thought about it, her smile became a little lost and lonely again.

"Xiaoyi has a girlfriend, will she no longer want me as her sister?"

"No, no! Xiao Yi, he definitely won't, I should believe him!"

"And if I'm with her, she won't hate me, right?"


Although many people were concerned about him, Lloyd seemed a little heartless at this time.

Not only was he unaware of his situation, he was even excited.

His face was filled with that unrestrained smile, and he was still shouting loudly:

"Brother! Let's charge!"

As he shouted, the ground he stood on began to tremble, and began to move with a loud booming sound.

To be precise, the place where Lloyd was standing was not the ground.

But on the shoulders of a giant...

A giant standing tall on the ground, with long and slender limbs, like a stick figure, was walking in an empty wilderness.

He was so tall that with every step he took, a cloud from the sky rushed toward Lloyd.

He is so majestic that every step he takes makes the whole world tremble slightly at his feet.

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