I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 462 461 You must advance to level 5 first.

Chapter 462 461. You should advance to the fifth level first.

By the time Lloyd came to the Manifestation Sanctuary again after much wandering, it was almost 6 p.m.

The old priest from last time was still in charge of reception outside the door, but Lloyd lost interest in visiting and hurried straight to the weird corridor.

Unfortunately, when he went in this time, there was no such strong mental pollution. Lloyd made it to the end safely, feeling a little disappointed.

When I opened the door, I saw that the scene inside was even more messy than the last time I came here. The floor was covered with various semi-finished products, and there was also a lot of draft paper. On it were a lot of line drawings and design drawings that Royd couldn't understand. .

Chili Fish Head and the Embodied Saint were still together, playing with something. When they saw Lloyd coming in, they quickly greeted:

"Coming? Then come and try this."


The embodied saint said, handing a strange piece of metal to Lloyd.

Lloyd took it and took a look, and found that this thing was completely silvery white, so smooth that it reflected his own face. It was almost weightless. It could float automatically in the palm of his hand, rotate slowly, and then randomly change into various geometric shapes. Figures, triangles, cubes, cylinders, etc.

It looks very magical, with a sense of science fiction and fantasy.

The moment he took possession of the metal, Lloyd felt an itch in his head. He thought it was the "Book of Truth" turning the pages, but then he took a closer look, but it was the "Book of Illusion" that was underneath. react.

It was flipping by itself, and then complex three-dimensional design drawings appeared automatically, as if mysterious three-dimensional scenes were built on paper.

I don’t quite understand…

"How's it going? Is there any movement in "The Book of Illusions"?"

The former dean asked.

Lloyd nodded, truthfully told the changes in "Book of Illusions", and truthfully admitted that he could not understand what those three-dimensional scenes represented.

"It's okay, don't worry, you can advance to the fifth level first, and you should be able to gradually understand it later."

The former dean comforted him with a slight smile.

"So what exactly is this..."

Lloyd asked quickly.

As a result, the former dean gave a very irresponsible answer:

"A kind of [illusion] that the two of us have tried to embody. Have you ever understood [illusion]? No? It's hard to explain. This is a very profound course and it will take a long time to teach you." I’ve already talked about it, so I’d better stop talking about it and just feel and understand it yourself.”

"Uh...this isn't good, is it?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. For this level of knowledge, it is meaningless to rely on others to teach it. You can understand that what each of us can see and touch is different...

Especially for you who hold the "Book of Truth", you may not be able to understand what he and I can touch. In the same way, what you see may also be areas that we cannot touch... In short, just listen to me. Okay, keep this close to your body, don't lose it. "

The former dean only gave an ambiguous answer in the end, leaving Lloyd a little helpless.

You can't expect this saint whose words are all ellipsis to explain to you, right?

"Okay, okay, it's time for us to go back. I've been very tired these past few days."

The former dean urged again.

But Lloyd was still a little unwilling, and asked again:

"Ah? Are you leaving now? But what should I do with my [projection]?"

This time, it was the embodied saint who answered:


The former dean quickly opened his mouth to help translate:

"He said there is no need to worry. Your [Projection] is very powerful. There is nothing wrong with it except that it is ugly. And as your understanding of [Illusion] deepens, it will become more powerful. Of course, it may also become uglier." …”

"No... is this really what His Majesty the Saint is expressing?"

Lloyd asked in surprise, only to see the embodied saint nod...

Outrageous! Are you talking about psychology or mind reading?

"Okay, okay, let's go out first. He's exhausted from trying to make this thing. Let him have a good rest."

The former dean continued to urge and floated outside first.

Lloyd had no choice but to bid farewell to the saint politely, and then quickly chased after him.

Since portals were not allowed to be opened in the city, Lloyd had no choice but to follow the former dean to the nearest sky-high tower and prepare to take the high-speed elevator there. He would first leave the city buried underground and go to the surface before taking the portal.

Along the way, Lloyd couldn't help but feel curious, making all kinds of insidious inquiries:

"Has Saint Mian's mental state improved?"

"Huh? Haven't you noticed? After some enlightenment from me, he is much more cheerful than the last time we met."

You call this cheerful?

So what should I call it? Talkative?

Lloyd cursed in his mind.

However, the former dean noticed the change in expression on his face and immediately asked:

"What's that expression on your face? Did I say something wrong? For someone with severe autism like him, how is it possible for him to recover in a few days? This all needs to be done step by step."

"I understand the truth, but... the intellectual saint who suffered from severe schizophrenia before, I think he recovered well?"

"How can you compare these two types of patients? It seems that you really don't understand psychology and mental health... Since you said he is severely schizophrenic, how do you know if he will suddenly become a different person the next time you meet him?"

"This... shouldn't be the case? I helped the Sage of Intellect a little before, so I should have cured his symptoms, right?"

"Oh? I seem to have heard about this from Hazred. You helped him capture a criminal from the [Forget] system, right? This is indeed useful, but it's a pity that it can't cure the root cause...

The Sage named Bayer, his consciousness division method is somewhat similar to our Mitzkatok's method, but it is more superficial. As a result, he used this method to fight against mental pollution, and he was destined to be affected by schizophrenia... Forget it, let's not talk about this."

The former dean shook his head and took the initiative to change the subject:

"This time, Zam'el and I went through a lot of hard work. , I made this metal representing [illusion] just to try whether it can become a new path, as a new direction to explore the future, so I handed it over to you who holds both the Book of Truth and the Book of Falsehood.

But you don't have to have any psychological burden. Even if you fail, it's no big deal. Just treat it as a road that can't be taken. Anyway, for the current situation of human civilization, it's always good to try everything. "

After listening to this intention, Lloyd nodded, and then asked:

"I understand... Then what do I need to do specifically?"

"I don't know either."


"Didn't I say it's a new direction? Of course, we'll take it one step at a time. You should first be promoted to the fifth level and see if you can get something from it. "

Just like that, the two chatted casually, and soon they arrived at the nearest tower.

As a result, as soon as he walked in, Lloyd immediately felt a sense of familiarity and intimacy.

The interior of this place is actually quite similar to the advanced subway that can always be +50. Both are pod-like cockpits that are used by tapping a fixed frequency.

It seems that this 'advanced elevator' and 'advanced subway' should be the product of the same period?

"It looks like the subway in our Brilliant City?"

Lloyd couldn't help but say.

"That's natural. They are all transformed from the legacy of the Twilight Age. However, in comparison, yours is more advanced. This one can only go up and down, and can't even be in a designated position."

The former dean also explained to Lloyd the origin of the 'advanced subway' he discovered.

As a result, before he finished speaking, the two of them crossed a depth of 10,000 meters through this 'advanced elevator' and came to the surface.

[Ding~ Madness value +30]

Lloyd heard the prompt in his ear and couldn't help but want to laugh.

It seems that the one in Brilliant City is indeed more advanced, and the Madness value given is a little more.

Once you leave the underground city and come to the outer area of ​​the city of illusion, the dreamlike cleanliness and tidiness before will naturally disappear, and only a dirty town will remain in front of you.

But it is very lively here, with people coming and going, and there are many steam trucks transporting various materials passing through, which is very similar to the York town that Lloyd has visited before.

And not far away from where the two are, there are many people queuing up, which is very long. They should want to go to the underground city below through the "advanced elevator".

But the speed of the team is very slow. Everyone must undergo strict inspection before being released. There are also some frictions in the process, and all kinds of swearing and dirty words are heard one after another.

Some of them also noticed Lloyd coming up from below. Even though they have never met him before, they kept nodding to him, or waving friendly, or showing all kinds of flattering smiles, as if they regarded Lloyd as some kind of superior person coming up from below.

Lloyd didn't know them very well, but he felt the yearning and longing from their eyes.

It seems that people living in the town above all want to move to the clean and beautiful city below.

Although the town above is dirty and messy, it is real and objectively exists; although the city below is beautiful, it is not entirely real...

Is what people pursue and yearn for real?

Lloyd felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and felt that he seemed to have grasped something, but it was illusory and could not be grasped.

The former dean just floated silently beside him, observing quietly, and said nothing.

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