I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 46 46 Why do I have a senior?

Chapter 46 46. Why do I still have a senior?

As soon as the ceremony ended, the chief judge floated away, but the others stayed. Whether they knew him or not, they all came up to congratulate Lloyd one by one.

Except for the drunkard, he neither left nor came to talk, but slumped on the bench alone, as if he had drunk too much.

The first person to come over was naturally the good-looking and easy-to-lick Weiya, who said the same polite words in a businesslike manner:

"Congratulations, Lloyd, your achievements have exceeded everyone's expectations. May the bright light continue to guide you forward."

After all, it was a serious occasion with outsiders present, so there was nothing wrong with saying this. Lloyd also answered in a very formal manner:

"Thank you, thanks to you for saving me on the street before, otherwise I wouldn't be here today."

Weiya rarely showed a faint smile on her face, making the distance between the two people familiar again, and said:

"I didn't expect that the small move at the beginning would bring about an amazing genius. Let's work together in the future. If you have any questions about the work of the executioner, you can discuss it with me, or maybe ask Metis."

Lloyd was stunned for a moment.


Weiya was also stunned for a moment.

"Eh? You don't know her? Before you, the executioner of Tower 9 was her."

As she said, she turned her head and looked at the drunkard who was slumped over.

"Ah? Isn't she a librarian?"

Lloyd had never expected such a development. Just as he was about to ask further, Weiya said first:

"I'll explain it to you later when I have time. I won't waste your time for now."

After that, she stepped aside and left time for other judges who came to congratulate.

These people met for the first time. They were responsible for other towers. This time they came mainly to get to know each other and get familiar with each other.

After a series of greetings, only Lloyd and the unconscious Jiumengzi were left in the prayer room. Weiya didn't know when she left.

Lloyd took the initiative to walk to Jiumengzi and said helplessly:

"I didn't expect you to be my senior?"

"Hehe, are you surprised? Didn't you expect me to show up?"

Jiumengzi suddenly spoke, and stood up again, and continued in that weird tone:

"I came here this time mainly to thank you for your efforts during this period of time, which made me a lot more relaxed and didn't have to deal with those disgusting monsters..."

After saying this, she took out the wine pot and started to 'ton ton ton', and then staggered towards the door.

When she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something, stopped, raised her head slightly, and added:

"Ah! By the way, I haven't congratulated you on becoming an executioner yet. You look pretty handsome in your new uniform... Anyway, work hard, don't let those monsters drive you crazy, otherwise you will fall into my hands..."

"Hehe~ That's it, a bad woman like me can't think of those nice polite words."

After that, she left without giving Lloyd a chance to talk back, and could only complain helplessly:

"This guy really ruined my beautiful imagination of future work... I must ask Wei Ya clearly when I have a chance, why did my 'senior' hide in the library pretending to be an administrator?"


After Lloyd returned to the office, he first took the kitten out of his pocket and put it on the desk, then pulled out the narrow straight knife he had just bought and evaluated and appreciated it.

The workmanship of this knife is very exquisite. The light black blade has a very high-end cold light, and there are circles of feather-like blade patterns on it, which is extremely gorgeous.

The purple-black wooden handle not only feels good, but also has Lloyd's name engraved on it in a decorative font like a pattern; the light golden blade seems to be carved from gold, with circles of exquisite hollow patterns on it.

Even the entire scabbard has undergone various artistic processing. The atmospheric and flamboyant golden lines are wrapped into an 'X'-shaped pattern. Even if it is not out of the sheath, it is high-end and classy, ​​highlighting a low-key luxury and connotation.

In short, this is obviously a decorative command knife or ceremonial knife. Although it can also be injected with spiritual power and used as a spiritual blade, except for people like Wei Ya, probably no one is willing to use this knife in actual combat?

Anyway, Lloyd is reluctant to do it. He wants to buy a display cabinet to display it. For rough work like killing monsters, let the short sword-like spiritual blade do it.

Speaking of killing monsters, Lloyd remembered that today's "daily routine" was not yet completed, so he left the little cat to guard the office and went back.

Before leaving, he also changed into a white coat to prevent the new uniform from getting dirty. He had to wear it back to show off to his sister at night.

However, when he put on the white coat, he suddenly remembered the dress of the senior Jiumengzi, who also wore a white coat, but she made it dirty, yellowed, and full of wine stains, looking so sloppy.

"As a refined young man who loves life, I will never be as unkempt as this "senior" in the future!"

Lloyd reminded himself.

Time soon came to the afternoon. Lloyd was reading a book seriously, but Wei Ya came to his door and brought him two small boxes and a notebook.

"This is the Judge's note, which contains various precautions and experience about [Supernatural Enlightenment] and the subsequent [Meeting with the Saint]. It is very precious. Be careful and don't get it dirty."

"This is the spiritual object you want for divination. It is the most suitable type for novices..."

"This is the statue of the Saint you will need when you practice the system in the future. The Judge hopes that you can bring it with you and establish a connection with the statue of the Saint in advance, so that the process of [Enlightenment] will be much smoother."

Viya patiently introduced everything to Lloyd, and she looked like a caring girlfriend who was packing for her boyfriend.

Lloyd didn't have any messy thoughts. He listened very seriously, then carefully put away the note, and then picked up the old pocket watch with a simple color and patina.

As soon as he got it, Lloyd felt a strong mystical atmosphere emanating from it, but it was not dangerous. Instead, it made people feel at ease. There was also a unique sense of intimacy, and he couldn't help but hold it in his hands and play with it repeatedly.

According to the book, a spiritual object with this characteristic is the most suitable for divination. If you carry it with you for a long time, it will significantly improve the accuracy of divination, which is much more reliable than matchsticks.

Just the above two things are enough to make Lloyd feel the love of the chief judge for himself.

Never say that he is neither human nor ghost again!

It's Tuesday again, please read it!

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