I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 457 456 Classmate or enemy? Choose!

Chapter 457 456. Classmate or enemy? Choose!

With the help of [Ritual Control], Lloyd prepared three sets of rituals in a short time and integrated them into a not very complicated array.

The main functions are to warn, distort the attacks that may fall on oneself, and record and trace the source of the attacks.

The first and third functions are the scope of ordinary rituals, and the middle one is the patent of the [Distortion] system.

Compared with the same type of rituals that can play a protective effect, this set of [Distortion] for protection may not be the strongest, but it is the lowest cost, the simplest to deploy, and the most convenient to use.

In addition to the possibility of some strange effects on the protected, it is the most cost-effective of this type of protective rituals, which is very suitable for Lloyd's current "plug and play" situation.

As for the small disadvantages, it is definitely not a problem for Lloyd.

After making these preparations, Lloyd took a shower, then lay down on the bed with peace of mind, and ran to play with Ailolo.

Of course, in order to sleep peacefully and not fall into the strange [Thinking Deep Dive], the three-piece sleep aid set exchanged before was naturally used.

In this way, Lloyd slept peacefully until dawn, and then habitually returned to the [Thinking Field] to help Hiltina share today's mental pollution, and then evenly distributed the 10 attributes obtained last night and this morning to [Rationality] and [Spiritual Power], bringing the total value of these two attributes to 825 points.

Then he sat up from the bed, practicing the ancient breathing method while checking the rituals deployed last night.

Hmm? It's safe and sound? The graduate of the [Curse] Department didn't make a move?

Lloyd was very surprised by this.

Did he find his conscience and stop using external tricks?

Or was he afraid of the effectiveness of the [Contract] and didn't dare to mess around?

But then, Lloyd immediately noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with this room, as if something had changed?

So he subconsciously turned back and looked at the landscape paintings on the wall.

Although the whole picture looks unchanged, the internal temperature control, calming the mind and other comfort-enhancing rituals have all been tampered with and given strange powers, which should be some special curse.

Lloyd hurriedly analyzed the changes caused by these rituals.

Their original functions have not changed, they are still those simple effects of improving livability, but once these functions are turned on, the curse attached to them will be triggered at the same time to affect themselves.

Lloyd does not know much about the [Curse] system, and does not know what the specific effects are, but it is definitely not a good thing.

So that's it, it's actually this method to circumvent the restrictions of the [Contract], not to curse me directly, but to affect the environment around me, which is really an eye-opener.

You are really worthy of being a graduate of Mitzkatok, you are really smart, but it's a pity that you don't use it in the right way...

How to deal with it?

According to Lloyd's consistent image of a tolerant and kind young man, and considering that the other party is his schoolmate, he naturally wants to make a big deal out of a small matter. He just needs to kill this guy directly and he won't write an anonymous letter to target the organization behind him.

But the problem is that he has also signed the [Contract] and can't directly attack that guy...

If he uses the [Story] to target him, it will easily affect the outcome of the bet...

He asked someone to help, but was restricted by the embodiment of the saint and could not open the portal at will...

In this case, he can only do something with the ritual?

Well, since you want to harm me through the ritual, let's have a ritual duel!

Lloyd smiled and took out a lot of materials for setting up the ritual from his storage bag, all of which he had accumulated through various channels.

It just so happened that the distortion rituals that he learned through the [Ritual Control] skill, but he couldn't find a place to use them, so today he just happened to use them.

So Lloyd didn't even have time to eat breakfast, and he got busy, starting to "paint" in the blank area next to the landscape paintings, and arranged some portable ones in other areas of the room.

Soon, the whole area was decorated with "fancy", with symbols, patterns, patterns and so on everywhere, and there were several more incense and candles.

Thanks to the exquisiteness and magic of [Ritual Control], he didn't cause too much damage to the original comfort rituals after all this trouble, which made Lloyd very proud.

It feels like carving a world-famous painting on an egg.

Sure enough, my artistic attainments are very high, worthy of being an artistic youth with sunshine and healing.

Lloyd was very satisfied with his "work" and nodded continuously.

As for the functions of these rituals...

As long as they are not activated, there will be no effect.

But as long as the lawless elements of the [Curse] system dare to do it, the specially arranged candles in the room will light up by themselves, and then the whole set of rituals will start to work.

Should be able to give the other party a big surprise?

However, due to the restrictions of the [Contract], Lloyd could not take the initiative to attack, and could only leave the choice to the other party.

Classmate or enemy? Choose!


"Have you prepared your curse?"

"I have prepared it last night, everything went smoothly, and no one noticed."

"Very good, you are indeed a top student of Mitzkatok. Then everything will proceed as planned. Today's game is the [story] of Jefferson, the old bastard. You must wake up as quickly as possible."

"I know. At the same time, I will use the curse to help the other two wake up and lay the groundwork for tomorrow."

The graduate checked the plan with that Mayer again.

The strategy they formulated can be said to be extremely insidious. They actually planned to use the power of the curse to make the other two players sink forever in Mayer's [story].

According to the loopholes deliberately left in the [contract], Mayer can win directly.

So no matter how long the previous two [stories] are, it is difficult to affect the final result.

But once you sink forever in the [story], it is equivalent to a brain-dead vegetable.

In a way, this is more vicious than killing someone directly...

So like the previous gambling game, the butler and the other three were not so cruel. Once someone stayed in the [story] for a long time, they would take the initiative to end the [story] and release the person.

In fact, the graduate himself did not want to do things so ruthlessly and bear two more blood debts.

However, there was no way. Since the murder of that classmate, he had already embarked on this road of no return.

I can only say sorry to the two opponents.

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