I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 432 Chapter 431 The ghost is still there?

Chapter 432 431. The ghost is still there?

After finishing the first vascular belt, Lloyd felt that the Book of Truth in his mind was stirring again, and it seemed that it had recorded this repaired holy object.

But now was obviously not the time to deal with this, and he had to make persistent efforts to finish the second piece, the bone bracelet.

Lloyd originally thought that this sealed object that could be favored and recorded by the Book of Truth would bring some challenges to himself.

The result was even smoother than the previous one...

It can't be said that it was solved easily, but it can only be regarded as a crushing defeat.

The previous one took him half an hour, but the time for the latter one was directly cut in half and it was done in less than 15 minutes.

According to the previous attitude of the Book of Truth, the bone bracelet should be of higher quality, but it was easier to reject it?

Maybe it was because this one was carefully selected by Hiltyna? Although the quality is high, the difficulty is lower?

Or is it that I have held it for a longer time and have studied and understood it more?

But no matter what, with the re-opening of the Book of Truth, the repair of the bone bracelet was successfully completed, and the [Transcendence] ceremony was also concluded. Lloyd could already feel that the power of the ritual was fading, and the power in his body was increasing.

Although he completed [Transcendence] easily, simply and successfully, he still had a little regret in his heart.

There were too few sealed objects brought in. I should have brought two more...

Alas... My humility hurt me. I am still not confident enough...

As a hardworking and striving young man, sometimes I should push myself more.

Lloyd sighed in his heart, and heard a series of panel prompts:

[Ding~ Completed [Transcendence], veto system level upgrade, LV3→LV4, all attributes +50]

[The system has [Transcendence] times: 4]

[Continue to go deeper into the system to perform more [Transcendence]]

[Ding~ Skill level upgrade, Divination LV7→LV8]

[Ding~ Skill level upgrade, Dizziness Resistance LV7→LV8]

[Ding~ Skill level upgrade, Gift Distortion LV7→LV8]

[Ding~ Skill level upgrade, Extraordinary Swordsmanship LV3→LV4]

[Ding~ Skill level upgrade, Ritual Control (Distortion) LV6→LV7]

[Ding~ Reading progress upgrade...]

[Ding~ Strength level upgrade...]

50 points of all attributes? Five skills upgraded?

The magnitude of this wave of upgrades is obviously a little bit larger than Lloyd had expected.

After all, this time I only completed the single system [Transcendence] of [Veto], without [Distortion], so in terms of the single benefit, the 50 points of all attributes alone are already very considerable.

Then I also upgraded five skills, except for those that are not related to [Veto] and the two that are particularly difficult to upgrade, which are basically upgraded.

Finally, I added some reading progress of "The Book of Truth" as a bonus, and repaired two holy objects that are my own.

Lloyd nodded with satisfaction and commented in his heart:

Objectively speaking, although the cognitive system has not been upgraded, it has been changed to a level of strength. Overall, it is worthy of my previous hard work and efforts.

Then he opened the panel again and looked at the attribute overview.

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 117/10000, upper limit: 750000]

[Rationality: 750]

[Spiritual power: 750]

[Inspiration: 410]

[Cognition: 750]

[System: Distortion LV4, Denial LV4, Manifestation LV2]

[Mastered skills: Focused learning; Enhanced exploration; Divination LV8; Dizziness resistance LV8; Extraordinary swordsmanship LV4; Distortion realm LV8; Offensive speech LV6; Gift distortion LV8; Ritual control (distortion) LV7; Space domination LV4; Consciousness tentacles LV1; Microscopic analysis LV1]

[Mastered special skills: The Supreme One says so; Incomplete miracle]

[Read books: "The Book of Truth·Volume 1", current reading progress 389%]

In addition to the changes on the panel, Lloyd also felt that there was some new knowledge in his mind, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to have some new changes, and he needed to sit down and digest it slowly.

But the environment here is obviously not suitable at the moment, so he scratched a portal and prepared to go back to the dormitory first.

But just when Lloyd put his hand on the door handle and was about to open the door, he suddenly froze and stopped.

Inspiration and strange intuition suddenly beat in his mind, reminding him that there is danger behind this door!

But behind the door is obviously a dormitory? Did something happen to the college again?

Lloyd thought about it, put his hand on the door handle, and carefully released some inspiration to peek behind the door.

It turned out that behind the door was not a dormitory, but an unknown area that was temporarily uncertain.

Did I make a mistake? The portal that was opened was not to return to the dormitory?

Lloyd thought at first that he was distracted, or that the space storm interfered with the positioning of the portal?

So he controlled the space storm to make them a little farther away, leaving enough space for himself, and then tried again.

Still wrong...

It was still not a dormitory behind the door, and it was still very dangerous...

Lloyd calmed down and boldly released more inspiration, letting them extend further, wanting to confirm what kind of place was behind the door.

But just as the inspiration had been derived a little bit, he sensed a distant sight, scanning and searching for something.

The source of that sight was exactly the same as what he had encountered the day before yesterday...

Damn, it's haunting, right?

Lloyd cursed in his heart, and at the same time secretly felt fortunate-

Fortunately, out of some kind of paranoia, he ran into the space storm to complete the ritual, otherwise if he was discovered by this sight during the ritual, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, it was standing too high and too far away, and it was impossible to find a strand of inspiration thinner than a hair, so after searching for a few more minutes, it disappeared.

The inspiration and intuition in Lloyd's mind also subsided, and he continued to derive the inspiration further, only to find that behind the door was his dormitory, but because of that sight, the dormitory became very dangerous.

Fortunately, he had left the kitten outside to accompany Weiya, otherwise...

Now that he was safe for the time being, Lloyd pushed open the door with lingering fear and returned to the dormitory. Then, without taking care to count the gains in his mind, he hurried back to [Thinking Field] to find his childhood sweetheart.


"What? You actually encountered such a thing? You two, come to my office quickly!"

After Lloyd met with Hiltyna, he briefly described the situation, which made Hiltyna look nervous. She didn't care about being intimate with him and asked him to explain the situation to the dean as soon as possible.

The two of them then passed through the portal and came to the dean's arena office, and then saw that a lot of things were appearing out of thin air on the unmanned desk.

What scrolls, knives, jewelry, little yellow ducks for bathing, fluffy ball nightcaps for sleeping, etc., were piled up on the table in a mess.

It seems that Dean Hazlade is looking through his inventory, trying to find something that can solve the problem.

Unfortunately, these things seemed to be of no help, probably because it was difficult to resist that gaze.

"Alas... How did you get into this kind of thing?"

The dean sighed helplessly.

Lloyd scratched his head and asked:

"What on earth is looking for me?"

The answer he got was that Hiltyna pinched him hard, and then glared at him fiercely.

Lloyd knew that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly covered his mouth with his hand, shook his head vigorously, and threw this stupid question out of his mind.

He could roughly feel that the guy might have the same characteristics as the previous 'Witch Madam'. The more you know about Him, the more He knows you.

For safety reasons, it is best not to think about what it is, or to find a solution first.

"Then... Is there a way to deal with it? I should not be the first person to discover this secret, right? Like you two, you also know a little bit, right? Has He... looked for you?"

Lloyd asked again.

Hiltina nodded, and the invisible body of the dean also nodded.

"How did you solve it in the end?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

"It didn't solve it. After trying to find us once, it gave up."

"You can say that it was solved by luck. Luckily, we were not discovered and survived."

Hiltina and the dean answered each other, and then added:

"But we don't have the ability to repair ancient technology."

"We don't have the talent and progress speed like you."

The master and apprentice sang in unison, leaving Lloyd, the "little junior brother", with an awkward smile and asked:

"Then maybe I can escape? After all, He has already found me twice, right? I have escaped, so there shouldn't be a third time, right?"

"I don't know, no one dares to guess His thoughts..."

The dean said, and the invisible body shook his head.

Hiltina then added:

"Although there may not be a third time, you should have realized it, right? The first time, the gaze was looking for you within the academy, and the second time, it was looking for you directly within the dormitory. If there is a third time..."

"Ah, this..."

The words of his childhood sweetheart made Lloyd nervous all of a sudden.

If there is a third time, wouldn't he be doomed?

"Is there no way to resist?"

Lloyd was still asking.

"We don't even know what He is, nor do we know what kind of power He has, what kind of intentions He has, how can we resist this?"

"Then...are there people who have been found before? What happened to them?"


"Do you mean...missing? Or murdered?"

"Neither, it is literally disappeared, existence, name, and related records, all disappeared, as if they had never existed in the world..."

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