I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 427 426 This book is a bit too aggressive

Chapter 427 426. This book is a bit too offensive

"Oh? Isn't this a very classic ancient engineering glasses? It's so well preserved? What a good thing! It's a pity that it's broken and only has collection value."

"Even the collection value is very high. Many collectors will be interested in it, especially if it is in such good condition. Huh? Does this mean there are traces of melting?"

The two third-graders passed the ancestral glasses that Lloyd took out to each other and gave them very high evaluations.

Unfortunately, this is not the evaluation that Lloyd wanted...

He then took out the blueprint enclosed in the knowledge crystal and asked again:

"According to this set of blueprints, is it possible to repair it? I mean make it fully functional as it should be."


The two students took the knowledge crystal, looked at it roughly, discussed it in a low voice, and came to the same conclusion:

"I'm afraid this won't work. Even if the internal structure can be restored to the way it was in the past according to the design drawings, it will definitely not be effective. This is true for this kind of device based on ancient magic technology. We have made many similar attempts. In the end All ended in failure..."

"Yes, the subjects we are currently studying are specialized in the study of ancient magical technology and the repair of ancient devices. It should be the most unpopular and least promising subject in the entire engineering department, right? People in other subjects have suggested that we be classified as For the history department.”

"Sigh... Even our tutors and professors said that there was no hope at all and the future was dark, so the two of us thought of joining Professor Toledo's project to see if we could find some way out."

This conclusion did not surprise Lloyd. After all, 0-006 had said something similar before, so he continued to ask:

"Then have you tried to modify this set of internal circuits...well, should we call it the magic array? Have you tried to modify and optimize this?"

The two third graders each answered:

"Countless attempts have been made, but unfortunately they are all useless... Alas, the glorious magic technology of the past has really left us completely."

"Don't be so pessimistic? 0-006 also uses a lot of ancient magic technology. Maybe our way out lies in this project... So, dear Lecturer Lloyd, your project is really important to us. Very important!”

"I know, and you are welcome to join, but... I would like to ask you to do me a small favor."

Lloyd said, using the power at hand to be 'willful', hoping that the two third-year students could help him repair the internal structure of his glasses.

Regardless of whether it can be effective or not, at least the internal 'rollover scene' must be resolved first and restored to its original appearance, right?

Originally, Lloyd thought that his little willfulness would be rejected, and he was still thinking about how to 'coerce and induce', but the two third-year students laughed.

"Huh? It's just such a simple thing? If it's just a superficial recovery, it would be too easy. Please wait a moment."

"Haha, we are so good at this."

After that, the two of them took out various tools and materials in front of Lloyd, then used familiar techniques to disassemble the glasses and start repairing them.

Thanks to the skillful division of labor and cooperation between the two, Lloyd was not kept waiting for too long. In just half an hour, the inside of the glasses returned to its original appearance.

Those complicated and complicated magic arrays are exactly the same, the scorch marks have been cleaned or covered up, and even the slight melting marks on the outer shell have been repaired, making it look exactly the same as when Lloyd first got it.

Regardless of the fact that the function is gone, it can basically be regarded as repaired. This speed is faster than the film applicator under the overpass.

"Awesome! I didn't expect you guys to be so skilled."

Lloyd nodded and praised.

"You've given me the award. We just did too many things, and I was originally transferred from the History Department to the Engineering Department."

"Hey, my family runs an antique shop, and this is my ancestral craft."

"Anyway, thank you, then...welcome to join our project team, let's work together for the future of mankind!"

After Lloyd said that, he opened the portal and sent the two pallu that came to the door to Professor Toledo.

Then he accepted all the other candidates selected with the help of the presiding judge, including those from the art department, and earned Professor Toledo ten palu.

I don’t know if it’s useful or not. Anyway, I don’t know anything about engineering...


"Which one should I choose? Which one should I choose?"

After Lloyd returned to the dormitory, he dug out all the collections in his storage bag and piled them on the floor, and then fell into difficulty in choosing.

After much thought, he felt that he should tell the truth to Valdes, return the heirloom that appeared to be intact, and add something as compensation for damaging someone else's heirloom.

Otherwise, you will feel guilty and your thoughts will not be clear.

But this item is not easy to choose. If the value is too high, it will appear to be a loss. After all, I followed the instructions of the saint to make the ancestral glasses safe and reliable; but if the value is too low, it will appear very insincere.

It’s really hard to choose…

Sigh... It would be great if I could really repair it. I wouldn't have to worry about it, and I could also make a new one and use it to gain more forbidden knowledge.

Lloyd still felt very sorry, and couldn't help but take the glasses in his hand again, looking at them over and over again.

But as he looked at them, he suddenly had a "flash of inspiration".

Maybe I can...

Lloyd immediately opened the [Distortion Realm], entered the microscopic distortion, and then tried to "twiddle" with the repaired magic arrays.

He felt the lines move, and then they glowed slightly, and there was a little reaction.

But they immediately dimmed and stopped moving.

Huh? This feeling... is a bit like...

Lloyd rubbed his chin while carefully controlling the power, twisted twice again, and then savored the changes carefully.

Based on the effect of [Microscopic Analysis], he found that the two twists he had made before were at the microscopic level and did not have strong power, so they did not involve the original structure of the array, nor its integrity.

The reason why there were some reactions was that his own twisting interfered with a kind of power, or an effect, on the array?

But he couldn't understand this power, didn't know the source, didn't know the effect, and couldn't even really touch it. He just vaguely felt that it might exist.

Lloyd pondered and pondered, and remembered a sentence said by the third-year student in front of him:

"The glorious magic technology in the past has really left us completely..."

This sentence is actually not right.

The relevant design drawings are obviously complete, and the theoretical principles involved are still there, which shows that magic technology has not really disappeared.

The new device made by this can't work?

But those devices that didn't break in the past can still continue to work?

These weirdness and unreasonableness made Lloyd think of the various "divine beasts" imagined by the physicists on Earth when they encountered various inexplicable problems.

Then, could the incomprehensible power that was previously perceived be a kind of "divine beast"? Or did it come from a certain "divine beast"?

And this power... No, to be more precise, it should be a layer of shackles, a layer of prohibition, which is hindering the normal effectiveness of magic technology!

If the physics 'divine beasts' on Earth were imagined by the sages and did not really exist, there are gods in this world!

They blocked the magic technology that humans are proud of by some means?

This is probably due to some kind of interference from a higher level, so I can't understand it and can't touch it?

If I hadn't recently mastered [Microscopic Analysis], which would make it easier to understand the essence of the world and touch the truth of the world, I'm afraid I wouldn't have noticed it at all?

Lloyd wanted to continue to associate with this line of thought, but in the end he had to shake his head helplessly, put down this line of thought, and then stretched out his hand and kept rubbing his eyebrows.

He felt that his brain was very noisy, very messy, and a little painful.

It was very noisy because when he just thought of the conjecture of 'divine beasts', inspiration and weird intuition began to beat gongs and drums and blow suona.

But Lloyd gritted his teeth and took the risk to continue associating.

Then even the "Book of Truth" began to join in the fun, flipping constantly, as if asking himself which table to sit at?

In such a riot, his mind inevitably became very chaotic. All kinds of messy thoughts, ideas, and even knowledge and memories began to emerge everywhere in his mind, running around, as if notifying everyone that the feast was about to start.

Although Lloyd insisted that his mental state was very good and normal, and he could not understand the brain circuits of mental patients, if this messy brain continued, he might really have to be admitted to a mental hospital...

Confused thinking should be considered a unified symptom of various mental illnesses, right?

But this is not a confused thinking caused by mental pollution, and the panel can only say that it can't help.

In such a chaotic state, I don't know if it is an illusion or something else, which makes Lloyd vaguely feel that there seems to be a pair of eyes searching and looking for him.

He doesn't know whose eyes it is, nor where they come from, and even doesn't know if it is his own hallucination.

He only knows that it is extremely dangerous, and the consequences of being discovered by it are probably unimaginable...

So Lloyd had to interrupt his previous thoughts and rest for a long time in the same place before letting the overloaded brain gradually cool down.

Then he opened the panel with lingering fear and looked at his mental state.

Phew~ Fortunately, it was still normal. It seemed that he had stopped in time.

He continued to glance down and found a value that suddenly soared-

[Read books: "The Book of Truth·Volume 1", current reading progress 365%]


Lloyd remembered that this progress had just exceeded 200 before, and it was because of a few more pages of records during this period that some progress was made.

As a result, it suddenly soared so much this time?

He quickly turned to the latest page of "The Book of Truth".

It recorded the conjectures he had made before, starting from that layer of untouchable power, to the interference and blockade from the higher level later, basically recorded intact.

This is different from the previous clear records. These are obviously just Lloyd's personal speculations and ideas, but they are still recorded in the "Book of Truth", which is a bit like a research note.

Hmm? There seems to be a new function here?

Lloyd noticed that there was a vertical dotted line on the latest page, like a binding line that is easy to tear off.

Is this a new function that is enabled as the reading progress increases?

He tried it and gently tore along the dotted line.

A translucent knowledge crystal appeared in his hand, just like the design drawing given to him by 0-006 before, which contained the recorded conjectures.

But the records on the "Book of Truth" did not become blank because of this. Those conjectures were still recorded, but the reading progress regressed by 2%, leaving only 363%.

It seems that this should be some kind of "copying" function? The "paper" used is the reading progress?

Lloyd tried to put this piece of knowledge crystal "back" to the "Book of Truth" again, and found that the reading progress returned to 365%.

Interesting, can it be recycled? After sharing knowledge with others, can I get it back?

No, it is highly likely that I can't get it back...

Lloyd tore off another page, turned it into a knowledge crystal, and looked at it carefully in his palm.

Although it looks no different from an ordinary knowledge crystal, and although Lloyd himself knows what is written inside, he can still sense the danger and power of this knowledge crystal.

If other people read the speculation recorded in it, it may lead to various unpredictable consequences.

At the least, like what I did just now, I fell into confusion due to inappropriate curiosity. If my mental state is a little worse, I may fall into madness directly.

At the worst, it may lead to a more dangerous cognitive collapse...

And the previous search for sight...

In short, it seems that the new function of "The Book of Truth" is not used to share knowledge with friends, but a powerful "poison" used to harm people, which is more powerful than the legendary paraquat.

Its power and danger lies in that it is not taboo knowledge, nor does it pollute the mind. Instead, it uses human curiosity to trigger dangerous thoughts.

Therefore, some common methods of dealing with taboo knowledge are unlikely to work on this kind of knowledge "poison".

And the more knowledge and the higher the rank of a person, the more dangerous it is.

Lloyd did not expect that the "Book of Truth" could be used as a weapon one day, and it was very aggressive and deadly...

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