I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 408 407 Please respect the subject of divination

Chapter 408 407. Please respect the discipline of divination

Valdes was very cautious and did not ask about the 'white soldiers'. Instead, he asked instead:

"So...what do you think happened to the seminar? Did something happen to Jenkins?"

Lloyd shook his head, indicating that he had no clue, and then asked:

"Ever tried divination?"

"I tried, but I'm not very good at divination... Moreover, Jenkins is a fifth-level powerhouse and an excellent prophet. My divination failed to produce any results."

Valdez answered truthfully, then saw Lloyd take out a box of matches from his arms and said confidently:

"Let me try."

"Huh? Here? Don't need to change to a quiet room?"

"No need, it won't have much impact."

As Lloyd spoke, he began to reveal the nature of human beings:

"Where is Jenkins? Where is Jenkins? Where is Jenkins?"

Then he threw the matchstick in his hand.

A few matches were scattered randomly on the table. There were no changes or any regular and directional patterns. This meant that the divination failed and no results could be obtained.

This surprised Lloyd. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Shouldn't it? [Divination] is already level 7. Even if it is disturbed, it should respond. How come there is no result?

Lloyd was very confused about this, and Valdez on the side was even more confused.

Although he is not very good at divination, he still understands the basic common sense and knows many precautions and taboos.

He knew that divination was best done in a safe and quiet environment. It also required a lot of preparation in advance, such as arranging mirrors, candles and other things. It was also best to ask questions step by step and not to rush.

This is the first time I have seen a fortune teller like Lloyd holding a few ordinary matches, throwing them around, and then asking straight to the point?

You simply don’t respect the subject of divination. You’ll be damned if you can succeed...

Valdes complained in his heart, but he didn't say it directly, he just suggested implicitly:

"It seems that your divination has also failed. How about moving to another place? Make more preparations?"

But Lloyd still stubbornly shook his head.

"No, I'll try to change the question."

After that, he took a few more matchsticks and began to mutter again:

"Where do I look for Jenkins? Where do I look for Jenkins? Where do I look for Jenkins?"

Valdez heard that Lloyd was actually asking such a 'taboo' question, and was about to stop him, but he was half a beat too late, and Lloyd had already thrown out the matchstick in his hand.

This time, it worked. I saw a few matches standing strangely upright on the table, forming a circle, surrounding the one in the middle.

Then the match in the middle started to spontaneously ignite inexplicably. The fire kept swaying and seemed to be extinguished at any time. There were also wisps of sawdust scattered around. It felt like someone was being skinned and cramped, and was being tortured inhumanely. Same.

Until finally, the entire matchstick was completely peeled off like a cocoon, and the weak flame disappeared unwillingly.

The remaining matches surrounding him also fell on the table, and strangely, they all fell to the north.


When Valdes saw this scene, he hesitated to speak.

Although this is a divination performed by someone else and it is not convenient for him to interpret it, the results presented are very bad no matter how you look at it, right?

What's more, the question raised by Lloyd earlier left Valdez speechless.

Following the basic safety rules of divination, something like ‘What should I do? ’ ‘Where should I go? ’ For such questions that involve yourself, you must be cautious and proceed step by step. You need to test them through a few questions that will not implicate yourself before you can ask such dangerous questions.

For someone like Lloyd who asks direct questions and involves himself, let alone the accuracy of the conclusion, it is hard to say whether it will cause him all kinds of trouble...

It turned out that I thought my divination skills were good enough, but I didn’t expect that he was even more outrageous than me?

Valdes complained again in his heart, and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"How about... let's forget it?"

"Don't worry, let me think about how to interpret it..."

Lloyd replied casually, and then reached out to rub his chin, as if he was carefully analyzing the results of the divination.

After about two or three minutes, he spoke again:

"The conclusion is...inclined to be optimistic!"


Valdez was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't see any sign of optimism.

Although one of the principles of divination is that there is no right or wrong interpretation, the only difference lies in the angle, but Valdez felt that no matter how he changed the angle, he would not come to such an outrageous judgment as "optimistic".

Lloyd spoke to him in detail about his interpretation:

"Look, the match kept burning and didn't go out until the end, which means that Lao Zhan is still alive, in good condition, and very active, so the flame keeps moving..."

"Then he was surrounded by other matches, indicating that he was probably imprisoned, but the other party did not want to kill him directly, but instead asked for him, and may have offered him very tempting conditions?

Although Lao Zhan is trying hard to fight, these prices are too tempting, and he is constantly wavering. "

"If you want to save him, you have to hurry up and look for him in the north, and you have to hurry up, otherwise Lao Zhan will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation, and his perseverance is being weakened like a cocoon."

After listening to Lloyd's interpretation, Valdes opened his mouth several times to complain, but in the end he restrained himself and just asked:

“So where is the optimism in this?”

"Huh? Lao Zhan is still alive and actively resisting. Isn't this optimistic enough?"

"...Okay...in such a large area in the north, where should we look for him?"

"Don't worry, let's look at the map."

Lloyd took out a large-scale map from his storage bag, then found his location first, and then slid his finger upwards in the direction indicated by the matchstick.

"Is this...the Eternal City? It seems that Lao Zhan is already in the city."

After hearing what Lloyd said, Valdes finally found a little bit of optimism.

As long as the person is alive and still in the city instead of running away to the dangerous wilderness, it is indeed a relatively optimistic outcome.

Valdes couldn't help but believe in Lloyd's previous interpretation.

Could it be that his understanding and mastery of divination has reached a level that is difficult for me to understand? Are these seemingly unreasonable actions and interpretations actually a better use of divination?

While he was thinking about it in his mind, he heard Lloyd continue to ask:

"But the scope of the Eternal City is still too big. Let me try to see if I can narrow it down a little."

After that, he spread the map on the table, performed divination three more times, and threw out matchsticks three times.

The landing points of the three matchsticks all fell within the scope of the Eternal City, which further confirmed Lloyd's previous interpretation.

But the specific points are different, one from the east to the other, and there is no accurate conclusion.

But fortunately, the matchsticks no longer showed any strange phenomena, indicating that the results were extremely vague and inaccurate.

"It seems that this is my level. I have to find another way to find him..."

Lloyd shrugged, said helplessly, and then suggested:

"Shall we go to the Eternal City tomorrow?"

"This...can we ask that guy Lindsay to book the fastest airship for us later?"

"No, no, the airship is too slow. Let's go through the portal."


Valdez's eyes widened suddenly, as if he heard something incredible.

It's not that he is unfamiliar with the concept of 'portal'. In fact, through Lindsay, an inferior student in Mizkatok, he has long known that there is an unattainable space system there, which contains things that are unimaginable to this world. Space ability.

If he had the chance to enter Mizkatok, he would definitely apply for the space department and strive to master those magical space powers.

If I can succeed, I won’t need to take too many risks with my next plan, and I’ll have to find other people to help…

So Valdez was so excited that he almost said what he wanted to do.

But just at this moment, Lindsay's head suddenly appeared at the door and asked furtively:

"Have the two great geniuses finished talking? The manager is asking me when the food will be served?"

"Just now, I happen to be a little hungry."

Lloyd replied casually.

Valdes had no choice but to nod his head, suppress what he wanted to say, and comfort himself in his heart:

It doesn't matter, there's no need to rush for a while, it's not too late to wait until you see Lloyd's space ability with your own eyes.

Soon, an expensive but unsatisfactory dinner came to an end.

In fact, it was quite pleasant for everyone to chat about their romantic affairs during the dinner, but the taste of this dish made Lloyd frown.

It has no flavor, as if there is no seasoning.

The ingredients are fresh and expensive, such as large lobsters, rare mushrooms, and small pieces of internal organs of rare animals. They are simply cooked and served on the table, making Lloyd wonder if the cook here is a relative who is dawdling around?

Is this simply a waste of natural resources? The more high-end ingredients are, the more complex cooking and wonderful seasoning are required to highlight the value of the ingredients.

So after dinner, Lloyd decisively rejected Lindsay's proposal to listen to the opera and go to the bar. Instead, he went to visit Valdez's ancestral workshop to see what fun there was.

As a result... I can only continue to be disappointed...

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