I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 405 404 Other People's Children

Chapter 405 404. Other people’s children

In a comfortable reception room, while enjoying the tea and pastries in front of him, Lloyd listened to the white-collar man introduce the club, or the long history and glorious past of this alumni association.

To put it simply, there are currently eight ‘regular’ alumni associations that are recognized by Mizkatok and maintain close ties with the college.

There are still some small-scale, more private alumni associations, or associations and fraternities organized by graduates themselves, which are scattered and not fully counted.

Among these eight formal alumni associations, the one in front of us is the largest, most influential, has the largest number of people, and has made the most contributions. We can indeed be proud of it.

But Lloyd once saw a saying in the student handbook, which is called 'Really excellent students will not graduate. ’

This may seem strange in other colleges, but in Mizkatok, it is completely normal. Truly outstanding talents will never choose to graduate easily.

After all, the various advantages of the college are too outstanding. Putting aside the academic level and so on, the ten times speed difference alone can make people reluctant to leave.

This is why those low-rated and poor students would rather take out debts and sell themselves to become rich, and try their best to stay in college for a while longer.

After all, the quality of talents that the alumni association can recruit cannot be too high, and it is certainly not comparable to the college.

According to what Lloyd saw in the student handbook, the main members of the alumni association are some D-level and C-level students, and there are also lower ones, but almost none higher.

The number of completed subjects, which is about 1-2, is not enough to apply for the space department.

That's why this white-collar worker reacted so strongly to Royd, an honors student from the space department, and even became overly enthusiastic. He just wished he could take Royd out to eat, drink, have fun and build friendship right away.

As for his extravagant boasts, of course Lloyd didn't believe them all, and he still wanted to laugh.

But it’s not that he is superior or looks down upon others. On the contrary, he believes that these C-level and D-level graduates are the precious wealth that the academy provides to the world. They are also an important backbone in the mysterious and extraordinary system and have made a significant contribution to the world. I have passed a few top students.

It's just that we all know each other quite well, so there's no need to brag so much, right?

It’s okay to talk about ‘leading the times’, ‘saving the city’, and ‘turning the tide’. Why do you even dare to boast about such things as ‘opening up the wasteland’ and ‘fighting the evil god’?

Then I also ‘recovered the miracle’ and ‘sealed the mistress’. Have you seen anyone I told about it?

Lloyd couldn't help but curse in his heart.

It can only be said that the alumni association is more or less a kind of class reunion, and the inherent attributes of the classmate association are probably 'bragging', 'complaining', 'showing off wealth' and 'flaming up old feelings', right?

After the three of them chatted for a while, Lloyd wanted to get to the point, but before he could speak, another upper-class man with extraordinary temperament and luxurious clothes walked into the reception room. When he saw the bald Bartolo, the two of them They hugged each other passionately.

"Haha, long time no see!"

"You kid, are you doing well outside?"

It seems that the two of them should be familiar classmates.

With that said, Bartolo brought the man to Lloyd again and continued:

"Come on, let me introduce to you. This old boy was my roommate back then and the owner of the 'Original Craftsmanship' workshop. Just call him Linde."

The words Bartolo used to introduce his old classmate were quite simple, but when he introduced Lloyd, he was particularly formal:

"And this is Lloyd from the Department of Space. He is the leading top student, the youngest lecturer, and the youngest professor in the future. He is also the recipient of the 'Outstanding Contribution' medal. The real pride of Mizkatok!"

When the craftsman named Linde heard the previous descriptions, he acted quite calmly. He only showed undisguised appreciation and approval in his eyes, unlike the previous one who was shocked.

But when he heard the word 'Outstanding Contribution' medal, he couldn't hold back any longer. There was obvious shock on his face, and his eyes were so wide that his monocle fell off.

"Oh my god... a big shot who can win the Medal for Outstanding Contribution would actually come in person? This is so... so unbelievable! Oh! No, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to express that I never imagined that this would happen. What a great honor! ”

As he spoke, he grabbed Lloyd's hand enthusiastically and continued:

"Please be sure to stay in the Quiet City for a while and let me fulfill my duty as a landlord."

On the contrary, the white-collar people who received Lloyd before were more calm. They just scratched their heads and then secretly asked the craftsman Linde using the characteristics of the Silent City:

"Father...oh no...Senior, what is this 'Outstanding Contribution' medal? Why haven't I heard of it in the academy before?"

On the surface, the other party was still being warm and polite to Lloyd, but at the same time he was distracted and responded angrily to his son's question:

"You haven't even heard of the academy's highest honor? Did you only learn how to pick up women?"

"Of course not. I successfully graduated from the Department of Materials after all!"

"But in the end, you only got an E- rating and only completed one subject. How dare you call this graduation? It's obvious that the college didn't expel you directly for the sake of our family!"

"Father, you can't criticize me like this. It's not objective. I worked hard enough, but the subject of materials science was too difficult... If you were willing to believe me, let me go to the art department for a few years. The ending will definitely not be so bad.”

"Nonsense! Let you go to the art department? Is it convenient for you to pick up girls there? Can you see how good other people's children are? You are already a lecturer at a young age, and you are still in a space that is out of reach even for me. Department Lecturer!”

Of course, Lloyd couldn't hear the exchange between the father and son, and he didn't even notice that the other party was distracted. It was obviously the first time he met such a master of scheming who could do two things at once.

So after being polite to the other party, he sat down on the sofa again, and then took out the letter of introduction written by Hiltina, but did not hand it over in a hurry, but first explained the purpose of his visit.

"Oh? Want to participate in the production process of transcendent materials? Of course, there is no problem. You are very welcome. I just want to ask Professor Lloyd to help check whether there are any omissions in our current process."

Craftsman Lind agreed readily, but saw Lloyd shaking his head and explaining humbly:

"Don't dare. Although I am excellent in many aspects, I have no understanding of materials science. I am a true layman."


Linde was stunned for a moment and hesitated to speak.

I probably want to ask how you dare to come here and interfere?

Of course, he couldn't really ask that. Instead, he patiently explained to Lloyd the unreasonableness and risks involved. His rhetoric was basically the same as that of the second-year student and Professor Lawrence before.

So Lloyd explained further:

"I understand all of this, so I won't be involved in the whole process. I will only be involved in the final environment, and then add some of my personal elements to the materials that are about to be completed to make them unique and unique."

"I can understand your thinking, but this is really... It's not that I feel bad about the cost of second- and third-order materials. I'm just worried that it will bring danger to you."

Linde explained with an embarrassed look on his face, and his son's question came to his ears:

"What is he trying to do? Why did he do such an outrageous thing?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some kind of wild idea?"

Linde secretly replied in a puzzled tone.

Lloyd noticed the other party's embarrassment and felt that he could take out the recommendation letter.

"Please take a look at this first."

The other party took the letter without hot paint and read it with a puzzled look on his face.

But as I read, my facial expression became unbearable again, and even the hand holding the letter started to tremble slightly.

After finally reading it word for word, Linde quickly asked:

"Excuse me...is this letter for me? Can I keep it?"

"Of course, if you need it."

Lloyd said nonchalantly.

So Linde used his craftsmanship, and with a respectful attitude, carefully folded the letter bit by bit, put it back into the envelope, making sure not to leave any edges or corners, and finally took the letter back solemnly. In my arms.

Although his son had a calm smile on his face and was chatting with Bartolo about the affairs of the city, in Linde's ears, he asked anxiously:

"Senior, what's going on with this letter? Why are you so formal?"

Linde forcibly controlled the excitement in his heart and replied in a serious tone:

"This letter comes from Professor Hiltina of the college. She hopes that we can meet all of Lecturer Lloyd's requirements, whether they are common sense or not; she also hopes that we will not care about the losses caused by Lecturer Royd. If it occurs, she will Make compensation.”

But his son didn't quite understand his father's formality, and still said in a slightly disdainful tone:

"Professor Hiltina? I haven't heard of it... I think she is a bit domineering and rude, right? Our workshop and the college are equal cooperative relationships, not subordinate superiors and subordinates.

So what is the background of Professor Hiltina? Which department? What level of powerhouse are there in what system? "

"[Veto] system, ninth level."

"Ha~ This is not a dazzling city. It's just nine...wait! Dad, how many did you just say?"

The young son couldn't hold himself any longer and jumped up suddenly.

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