I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 397 Was 396 solved in this way?

Chapter 397 396. Was it originally solved this way?

Lloyd ran to find Elolo and found that she was screaming and busy, holding a lot of forms in her hands, and her eyes were filled with mosquito coils.


"Ugh...why are there so many? I don't even have time to play with Lord Uther..."

Seeing this, Lloyd didn't feel comfortable teasing others, so he quietly withdrew, and snickered in his heart and blessed:

Even if the Order is broken, please strive to become a saint in the city, Miss Airolo.

Then he thought about walking on the streets outside to feel the joy of the city.

As a result, everything outside was in a mess, and there was a feeling of "everything is waiting for something to be done". There was really nothing to go around.

So Lloyd was embarrassed to find that everyone seemed to be busy, but he was alone and free?

That won't work!

So he returned to his temporary residence, found an academic project for himself, took out the ten steel needles given by 0-006, and planned to practice and become familiar with them, especially since this thing was attached to other items and functions to be controlled.

Then I saw all kinds of utensils, furniture, and decorations all over the house, as long as they were not too heavy, flying all over the sky like crazy, like a carnival.

Lloyd came up with another idea and took out the ever-changing fire stick. He first transformed it into the robot models that he remembered that he couldn't afford back then, and then attached a steel needle to it to see if he could make the robot models fly. stand up.

But it failed?

Can attach, but can't control it?

Lloyd was a little confused, thought about it again, and asked in his mind:

"Have you seen this?"

After waiting for two or three seconds, a line of subtitles appeared in front of me:

"Evaluate design solutions that are novel and beautiful, but fancy and impractical."

"Uh...I didn't mean that..."

Lloyd quickly restored the robot model to look like a fire stick, and then continued to ask:

"I'm referring to this body."

"Query the database, please wait..."

This time, Lloyd waited a little longer. After several minutes, the subtitles reappeared:

"No corresponding record was found in the database, but after preliminary scanning and analysis, it was determined that it was a great creation that transcended the times. It was not magic technology or modern craftsmanship, but was made in an unknown way that was not recorded in the database...

According to the assessment, this object is likely to be in a highly damaged state, and the possibility of repair is infinitely close to 0. "

Lloyd already knew this, so he continued to ask:

"I know this can't be fixed, so I just want to know why you can't control it with these little gifts you gave me?"

"Because its composition completely exceeds the records of the database, the products of this array cannot form a resonance connection with it, which is to say that you cannot control it.

It is recommended to repair more modules of this array to provide further analysis and find the possibility of repair and resonance. "

Why are you going around and around just to trick people into repairing it?

Lloyd secretly cursed, and then said normally in his heart:

"Then you should count on my companions, I really can't help... But then again, you are so damaged, but you still have the ability to process it?"

"Yes, although the modules involved in the processing and manufacturing of this array have been severely damaged, they still maintain some functions. However, they lack efficiency and scale and can only perform some simple and basic processing."

When Lloyd saw the subtitles in front of him, he couldn't help but recall the 'hallucination' that appeared in front of him before. That huge, advanced, and comprehensive industrial area should be the complete form of 0-006 in this regard, right?

If such an ideal state can be achieved, then combined with Mizkatok's cutting-edge technology and its own ancient technology, it will definitely greatly promote social development and improve the current situation of all mankind.

Is it even possible to make the giant robot you want?

Lloyd briefly thought about it and then asked:

"Looking at it this way, it should be quite important to find a way to fix you?"

"Assessment, with reference to your relationship with Ms. Elolo, is that our interests are aligned on this issue."

"That's true... Then I'll go back and see if I can get more people."

"Wise judgment, but please remember your lunch date with Ms. Airolo."

So just like that, Lloyd hurried back to the academy, of course remembering to come back for lunch.

I just vaguely felt that I seemed to have forgotten something today?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, it shouldn't be important.

He ran to the dean's office and reported his ideas and suggestions to him.

The dean obviously also knows the importance and value of 0-006, and agrees to add more manpower to this project, and also agrees to increase more funds and credits, but it is different from assigning more professors to take charge of the project...

And asked Lloyd to take on the recruitment, coordination, operation and maintenance tasks other than research.

To put it simply, the dean insisted that Lloyd be the person in charge of the project and monopolize the relevant powers. Others, even if they join at the professor level, can only carry out research-related work.

Lloyd understood the dean's attitude and thoughts, but he still scratched his head and asked:

"Uh... Isn't this a bit bad? After all, I'm just a freshman. Although I was forced to be a lecturer, I ended up leading a project alone. Isn't this a bit against the rules?"

"Huh? Which rule?"

The dean asked back.

Well... it seems that there really is no such rule?

The dean continued to say confidently:

"There's nothing wrong with this. When this project is finally completed, you will be the youngest professor in Mizkatok... Okay, go recruit people quickly. If you need help, you might as well ask Professor Tiltus how he is recovering.

Do a good job! I'm really looking forward to the day when 0-006 can be repaired, and I believe this will be a key link in our fight against fate and the future!

Come on, if it can really be realized, I can give you..."

As the dean spoke, he looked like he wanted to paint a pie for Lloyd, but he seemed to be hesitant to speak. He didn't know what kind of pie he should paint?

He hesitated for several seconds before proposing a strange condition:

"If you can fix 0-006, I can help you convince Hiltina."


Lloyd was stunned, not quite understanding what the dean meant.

"Convince Hiltina what?"

"What do you think?"

The dean's invisible body cast a playful look at him, with a sense of self-evident.

But seeing that Lloyd was still scratching his head, he could only say it more clearly in a bad mood:

"Hiltina has always been a very stingy child, not generous enough, and doesn't like to share things with others, especially those she likes."

After saying this, Lloyd understood and nodded vigorously.

"I know, I will try my best to fix 0-006!"


After returning to his luxurious dormitory from the dean's office, Lloyd quickly returned to the [Thinking Field]

Just now, the dean suddenly mentioned Hiltina, which reminded him of what he had forgotten today -

I didn't help Hiltina share the mental pollution...

When he just woke up in the morning, he saw a beautiful and lovely Ai Luoluo in front of him, and he naturally forgot about it...

This shouldn't be done quickly?

So Lloyd hurriedly ran to the giant flower bud and hugged it gently, and then a continuous reminder sound rang in his ears.

But Hiltina did not show up...

Although this flower bud is pretty, of course, I still hope to hug Hiltina's delicate body more than hugging the flower.

Unfortunately, Hiltina ignored him, and only mental pollution came to her face, with a few sad mutterings from time to time:

"Wuwuwu... My lover was deceived by the cunning little goblin..."

"Wuwuwu... My lover doesn't want me anymore..."

"Wuwuwu... My lover has forgotten me..."

Ah this...

Lloyd quickly recalled the scumbag's quotes in his mind, and then tried to comfort him:

"No, no, listen to my explanation. I have experienced a lot of things over there and I am too busy for a while."

As soon as the voice fell, the giant flower bud cracked a little, revealing half of Hiltina's beautiful face. A pair of small hands pulled the edge of the flower bud, staring at Lloyd angrily, wanting to see how he wanted to explain.

Although Hiltina looked fierce at this time, she was unexpectedly cute, like a childhood sweetheart hiding in the quilt and fighting with her lover.

So Lloyd followed the instructions of the scumbag quotes and said:

"You are particularly cute today."

According to the experience of the scumbag quotes, at this time, you must not really explain the cause and effect. It is useless and meaningless, and the other party will not listen.

The correct approach should be to use other scumbag words to comfort and coax, so that the other party can calm down, and it is possible to resolve the crisis.

Lloyd said a lot of sweet words as if reading from the script, but as he was talking, he saw that Xildina was about to cry?

Is this a tear of emotion and relief?

He thought his strategy was successful, but Xildina, who was hiding in the flower bud, suddenly stretched out her hands and pushed him hard.

Lloyd was pushed out of the [Thinking Field] and returned to the big sofa in the dormitory.

Then, his [Projection] ran out again, changed into Xildina's appearance, and then pounced on him and bit his shoulder.


Lloyd cried out in pain.

This...why didn't the words in the magazine work?

After biting fiercely for a while, Hiltina glared at him fiercely and said unhappily:

"It seems that you are very happy with that little goblin? You even learned these sweet words? Why haven't I heard you say them before?"

"Uh...if you like, I will tell you every day in the future?"

"Hmph! Don't give me that! Or say it to your Eloro!"

Oh no...it seems that the words in the magazine are still too low-level, and they don't work for the saint level?

Lloyd was also a little anxious. He couldn't think of a better way for a while, so he could only remain silent for the time being.

But when Hiltina saw that he stopped talking, she suddenly became even angrier for some reason, and pounced on him again, ready to bite a few more times.

Lloyd was really scared, and he quickly and subconsciously took the initiative, hugged her delicate body, and blocked her murder weapon with his mouth.


Hiltina's eyes widened in anger at first, but she only lasted less than two seconds. Her beautiful eyes gradually softened, and her delicate body slumped limply in Lloyd's arms.

Was it originally solved this way?

Lloyd secretly breathed a sigh of relief and waited a little longer before slowly raising his head.

"Hmph! You're such a playboy, you've already deceived three girls using this method, right?"

Although Hiltina was cursing, a lovely blush appeared on her face, which made Lloyd couldn't help but take another bite.

Then he opened his mouth and answered truthfully:

"No, no, I just lied to you this time."

This is really the truth. Wei Ya is not as domineering as her, and Eloro is even more easy to coax. It was she who took the initiative to deceive herself...

But Hiltina didn't notice the loopholes and details in his words. She still took the initiative to get into his arms, rubbed his chest like a clingy kitten, and then whispered softly. said:

"Okay, you can tell me what you went through there, but don't lie to me!"

"Don't dare."

Lloyd quickly told her in detail about the crisis in the City of Joy, the subsequent resolution process, and his vision for the future.

Of course, for safety reasons, he tried not to mention Elolo as much as possible, let alone describe the intimacy between the two.

Hiltina listened attentively, and gradually returned to the state that a saint should have. Then she sat up from Lloyd's arms, changed into a duck sitting position, and hid her crystal clear jade feet. To prevent Lloyd from being distracted, he then said:

"I didn't expect that the situation at that time was so dangerous? But why didn't I receive any contact or help? Astra didn't give me any reminder?"

"Is it because of the interference of the witch mistress? And that weird rain, which made it impossible to send calls for help?"

Lloyd replied tentatively.

Hiltina shook her head, imitated Lloyd's behavior when thinking about a problem, stretched out her hand to rub her chin, and said:

"It is indeed possible that I will be disturbed due to these reasons, but there is something wrong with Astra. As the most superstitious of [prophecy] and [destiny] among us, he often acts like a weather forecaster, Give us all kinds of reminders.”

"Huh? But didn't you say before that the Redeemer Saint is very pessimistic about the future of mankind?"

"It is indeed pessimistic, but he has not given up completely. He is also looking for his own path, but he has great differences with us...

But in the City of Joy, he pays more attention than us, so there is no reason to abandon it..."

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