I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 392 391 Witch, not allowed here.

Chapter 392 391. Witch, not allowed here.

Medical team? Okay, okay!

Lloyd was originally a little disdainful of the so-called medical team's reinforcements, but now he was exhausted, his spiritual power was exhausted, and there were waves of twitching pain in his head, which made him, who had always been afraid of seeing a doctor, eager for the doctor's arrival.

However, he immediately heard the steady and heavy male voice in his ear continue to say:

"The air raid is about to arrive, please be careful to avoid it."

Professor Toledo also heard it, and hurriedly took out a toy-like small house with a clockwork behind it, then quickly twisted the clockwork a few times, and then threw the toy house to the ground.

A golden energy barrier emerged from the air, like an upside-down bowl, protecting the four people in it.

Lloyd couldn't help but turn his head and look at him with difficulty, his eyes full of confusion.

He really wanted to know what the connection between the medical team and the air raid was?

But Professor Toledo misunderstood and quickly explained:

"This barrier can only resist the shock wave generated by the explosion. It is ineffective against physical attacks and mental pollution. Therefore, I didn't use it before. I didn't take it out."

It seems that the professor mistakenly thought that Lloyd was asking him why he didn't use this equipment earlier?

But I don't care about this...

Lloyd was speechless. He wanted to complain, but he didn't even have the mental strength to speak.

He didn't have time to ask more. A sharp whistle broke through the air.

Then, there was a continuous and violent explosion.


Accompanied by a series of sky-high flames and violent explosions, the whole earth was shaking slightly, as if a giant beast was roaring angrily, which could make people's ears buzz.

The flying mud and dust seemed to cover the sky and the sun, drowning the monsters that were rushing towards Lloyd and his friends. From time to time, a few screams and some crisp sounds of breaking were heard from inside.

When the smoke and dust cleared, all the monsters that were surging towards him disappeared, leaving only a few huge charred holes and monster debris in front of Lloyd.

This almost cleared the space near Lloyd in an instant...

Compared with such power, the shells that Lloyd had played with before were just like small firecrackers.

Lloyd was stunned, and in his ears that should have been "buzzing", he magically heard the calm male voice continue to say:

"The area is cleared, the medical team is about to land, and the next battle will be commanded by Professor Latio."

As soon as he finished speaking, bursts of piercing screams rang out in the air again.

Then he saw dozens of huge shells, pulling out sonic boom clouds and breaking through the air.


With another tremor of the earth, nearly a hundred giant shells taller and wider than adult men fell one by one around Lloyd and the other four, and were inserted diagonally into the soil.

Lloyd thought that these shells would continue to explode and crush him to ashes.

However, it didn't happen. Instead, the hatch of the shell was kicked open from the inside, and armored warriors jumped out one by one.

They were all wearing the kind of full-body armor that was both sci-fi and fantasy, like the kind of power armor with a slightly classical charm. The whole body was white, with simple and smooth lines. There were light blue lines drawn on the surface, and there was a stream of light flashing and flowing along the lines.

Their faces were uniformly covered with a smooth mirror-like metal, leaving only a 'V'-shaped groove at the eye position, filled with some kind of crystal-like blue crystals, like a pair of 'V'-shaped eyes, emitting a flickering blue light with breathing.

The outfit looks very handsome and cool, blending science fiction and classicism very well.

However, the only element related to "medical" on the body is probably the red cross decoration on the shoulder armor, right?

When these armored warriors jumped out of the shells one by one, the leader of them, who had a unicorn decoration on his helmet that symbolized his identity, was significantly different from the others, and was saying:

"Maintain the formation."

So the armored warriors quickly ran to the front of Lloyd and others and lined up in a neat straight line.

"Start the arming."

The leader continued.

The white armor surface suddenly showed traces of liquid flow and change, and a handle like a sword handle was deformed on their shoulders.

As the warriors grabbed the handle and pulled it out, the back of the whole armor was extending and changing, and finally fixed into a strange long-handled circular saw in the hands of the warriors, which they carried on their shoulders like a big knife or a big hammer.

At this time, Lloyd followed the gap in their team and saw more monsters rushing towards them from a distance.

There were tens of thousands of monsters that bypassed the defense line. Although some of them had been eliminated, the remaining ones were still like streams, gathering continuously.

But they seemed to have given up the raid on the hinterland of the City of Joy. They wanted to eliminate the small obstacles that blocked the way of Lloyd and his team first, so they no longer dispersed and rushed towards Lloyd frantically.

What's going on? Why did the monsters suddenly become stupid again?

Lloyd was a little confused.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the City of Joy.

But our own situation is not good...

Can this so-called "medical team" stop them?

He was worrying about this, and heard the leading armored warrior issued a new order:

"Hold steady."

So the armored warriors stood still, facing the surging monsters, like a solid wall, fearless.

Until the monsters rushed closer and closer, and the fastest ones were almost about to hit the defense line, the leading warrior said in a deep voice:

"Kill the enemy when you see it!"

The long-handled circular saws in the hands of the warriors suddenly burst into roars and roars, as if the engine was started, the saw blades rotated rapidly, rubbing out wisps of metal sparks in the air.

Then, with uniform movements, they took a step forward together, and the circular saw on their shoulders chopped down, directly splitting the monster in the front into two, and then took advantage of the momentum to slash up and smash the second monster into pieces.

The fastest monsters were all turned into corpses and debris in two breaths.

The armored warriors did not stop there, and did not need anyone to command them. They immediately knelt on one knee and transformed a small-caliber mortar that Lloyd had seen before from the other shoulder, aiming at the monsters behind that were out of sync.


With another round of violent explosions, the second batch of monsters that had just gathered were blown to pieces again, leaving only a few still resisting. The armored warriors took the initiative to chase them and killed them on the spot.

Lloyd was stunned watching from behind, and he could not help but cheer up and asked Professor Toledo:

"You call this a medical team?"

The other party nodded seriously and answered seriously:

"Of course, our Mizkatok has been an academic institution since ancient times, and we certainly cannot have violent weapons, so they are of course a medical team."

A medical team that uses circular saws and mortars to treat patients?

And did you hear their orders just now? It's not about saving the dying and healing the wounded, but shouting to kill the enemy when you see them!

Does it mean that there is no need for treatment after killing all the enemies?

Who will take care of me? I have a splitting headache!

Lloyd complained wildly in his heart.

Then, he saw an "acquaintance" coming out of nowhere and crawling towards him.

It was his tentacle monster neighbor!

It...seems to be from the medical department? Or a lecturer?

The tentacle monster was moving very fast, like a doctor rushing to save lives. Each of its tentacles held various injections and medicines, which were waved quickly as it moved, looking very scary.

And one of the tentacles held the thing that Lloyd feared the most -

a bright flashlight!

You... don't come over!

Lloyd wanted to refuse, but he didn't have the strength to make a sound. He wanted to escape, but his hands and feet didn't obey.

Professor Toledo beside him not only did not stop him, but also urged him:

"Lecturer Mao Mao, please hurry up, I feel that Lloyd can't hold on any longer."

No, I...


Lloyd felt a sharp pain in his arm, and a tube of injection had been inserted...

Then another tube of medicine was poured into his mouth, and then his eyelids were forcibly turned open, and then the flashlight made him see stars.

Woo... I'm sorry, Xildina; I'm sorry, Ai Luoluo; I'm sorry, Wei Ya...

Lloyd apologized one by one in his heart.

After finishing the first aid and examination, the tentacle monster retracted the extra tentacles, leaving only the two thickest ones, and then rubbed them back and forth like a fly rubbing its hands, making a series of gurgling noises, as if it was satisfied with the effect of its treatment.

However, objectively speaking, its medical skills are much more reliable than those doctors who were carrying circular saws and fighting in the monster pile. With one injection and one medicine, Lloyd felt that his headache and fatigue began to ease immediately, and the effect was very fast.

Professor Toledo also noticed that his face gradually regained color, and he praised repeatedly:

"Fortunately, it is Lecturer Mao Mao you are here, you are worthy of being the most reliable lecturer in the medical department!"

The tentacle monster waved one of its tentacles, as if to express politeness, and then began to examine the two top students.

Compared to Lloyd's resistance, the two of them seemed very relaxed and happily accepted the examination.

At this time, the armored warrior wearing a unicorn helmet, the captain of the medical team, walked up to the crowd and said:

"It's an honor to meet you, the holder of the Outstanding Contribution Medal. I am Latio from the Medical Department. I hope our medical department's support will come in time."

Although Lloyd wanted to complain in his heart, he nodded first, then turned his head and looked at the battlefield in the distance.

The remaining armored warriors, relying on their equipment advantages, wantonly slaughtered the scattered monsters that gathered together. A circular saw was swung into a ball of flowers by them, and the metal sparks bursting out with friction actually created the atmosphere of a busy construction site.

Although the monsters were also trying to fight back, the claws and saw teeth they relied on collided with the seemingly thin armor and broke into powder?

The surface of the entire set of armor seemed to be attached with invisible blades, which could automatically cut everything approaching into pieces.

This made Lloyd's heart surge, and he wanted to get one for himself.

But let's talk business first.

"Are you going to kill all these tens of thousands of monsters?"

Lloyd raised his arm, which was gradually regaining consciousness, and pointed to the battlefield in the distance.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart, these doctors must have suffered heavy mental pollution after killing so many monsters? How can I give them "Aho-Ma" to help share the burden?

"Of course not, as long as a certain number of them are killed, they will be afraid and no longer gather in groups, and then they will flee in panic."

The captain explained briefly, shook hands with Professor Toledo beside him, and continued:

"Professor Toledo, the performance, power consumption and comfort of the deformable armor optimized and adjusted by you have improved by at least 30% compared with the previous version. It is very easy to use. We like it very much. Thank you for your outstanding contribution to human progress."

"You are too polite, Professor Latio, I should thank you."

Professor Toledo replied quickly.

After a brief greeting, the captain looked at Lloyd again, with a little more appreciation and smile in his tone, and said:

"Of course, more gratitude and respect should be reserved for Lecturer Lloyd. In my opinion, everything you have done just now is worthy of the second medal of outstanding contribution."

After that, he looked back at the battlefield behind him. All the monsters were wiped out by this group of doctors who "kill the enemy when they see it", and no more monsters could be seen gathering for the time being.

"It's all right, retreat!"

He took out a space crystal ball from under his armor, and Lloyd didn't need to do anything. A space channel was already prepared. It should be a response from the academy, like the work of Professor Lawrence.

Everyone entered in a line and disappeared in the space crack.


When the battlefield returned to peace, the head of a cockroach-shaped monster on the ground suddenly shook slightly, and then made a human voice:

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

After a lot of cursing, it tried to move a little, as if it wanted to escape.

However, even for the witch, it was too difficult after losing all four limbs.

"How come these damn scholars have become more brutal and powerful than before?"

"I clearly have the overall situation under control, and I was only one step away from a complete victory, but in the end I failed..."

"My little cuties are all dead, and they killed them like ants..."

"Why is this happening? Why did the great power from the mistress suddenly fail? Why don't the little cuties listen to my command anymore?"

"Is it because the rain has stopped?"

The witch's mental state is obviously a little abnormal, as if she has experienced ups and downs and is difficult to calm down.

It kept muttering for a long time, and then gradually changed to a more desperate tone, and continued:

"My mistress, where are you? Why can't I feel your presence?"

Obviously, it didn't know what happened specifically, but only knew that there was a weird guy on the human side who launched some kind of power that it couldn't understand, and then the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

The power from the mistress instantly lost its effect, and the monster instantly lost control and turned into a mindless beast.

"But I didn't feel that I was sealed or suppressed, as if nothing happened, so why was the connection with the mistress forcibly cut off?"

As the witch spoke, she suddenly realized a very scary possibility, so scary that she dared not associate it.

Could it be... that the mistress was sealed or suppressed?

"No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Nothing will happen to the mistress!"

"How noble and majestic is He, how could He be affected by a mere human?"

"Yes! Impossible! If it were the humans of the past era, there might be a chance that they could do this, but for today's humans, this is far beyond their understanding and reach!"

"Yes, that's right, so I'm just injured and can't feel the mistress..."

"I need to hide and burrow into the soil like a worm for the time being. When I recover, I will take revenge on those humans!"

The witch kept talking to herself like a mad human, until a disgusting leech broke out of the monster's head, and the nagging stopped temporarily.

Then, it struggled to crawl, landed on the soil that was completely soaked with the monster's blood, and began to drill in.

It planned to drill very deep, so deep that it would not be disturbed or discovered by humans.

However, as it drilled, it suddenly noticed that the soil around it had changed a little.

It seemed to be mixed with some mysterious power, flowing everywhere, and it seemed very active.

Oh? Is it the spirituality emitted by some kind of seal?

Very good! I may be able to use it to recover quickly.

The witch was excited and immediately took the initiative to drill in the direction where the power was coming from.

When it got close, the power seemed to have discovered it and rushed over very actively, as if throwing itself into its arms.

Very good! It's a good and well-behaved child!

The witch was immediately happy again.

But when it was covered and enveloped by the power, it suddenly instinctively felt a sense of crisis.

At the same time, there was a burst of auditory hallucinations in the ears, as if someone was whispering in a low and hoarse voice:

"Witch, you are not allowed here."

Before the witch understood the meaning of this sentence, she felt that the power became hot and heavy, like a strong acid, corroding her body.

The next second, before she even had time to feel the pain, her body was twisted into countless tiny spirals by the power, becoming finer than powder.

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